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Explain and GIVE 1 or 2 examples on each item 5 points each (without examples

your answer will be invalid)

1. Explain how strategies are implemented in international business.
Answers: Some businesses expand thier company to reduce their dependency to the
local market, growth, innovation and many more. Also, you can expand your business
by developing a new product or service, increasing your market penetration, or entering
a new market. And entering a new international market provides your company with
new customers, which can increase revenue. To sell your product or service legally in a
new international market, you must develop an international strategy. When developing
your international expansion strategy, keep these eight steps in mind.
Here some step you can do for you to have successful international strategy
❖ Set Goals for Your International Strategy
❖ Identify Your Product/ Service
❖ Research New Markets
❖ Understand Your Competition
❖ Plan Your Marketing Strategy
❖ Plan Your International Organizational Structure
❖ Determine Your Distribution Strategy
❖ Assemble a Strategy Document

● Import or Export
● License existing product
● Multidomestic
● Global
● Transnational

2. Explain when and why a firm (or industry) may need to become more or less
global in nature to compete.

3. Explain what is diverse and multicultural work environments

Answer: The differences between people are defined as diversity. Multiculturalism
entails more than simply recognizing societal diversity or differences. Multiculturalism
emphasizes inclusivity, understanding, respect, and recognition of unequal power in

Diversity Multicultural
❖ ages
❖ experience levels

4. It is an exaggeration to say that in an industry that is global, the riskiest possible

posture is to remain a domestic competitor. Do you agree or disagree explain
and give examples

Answer: Do you agree, because the domestic competitor can have smaller overall
market shares but may hold significant positions in specific markets.

5. One of the dangers of remaining a local competitor is that more aggressive

companies will use their global growth to capture economies of scale and
6. The social, cultural, demographic, environmental, political, governmental, legal,
technological, and competitive opportunities and threats that face a multinational
corporation are almost limitless.
Answer: When a company operates on a global scale, it must overcome a number of
obstacles. Opportunities for growth exist, but so do threats.Production rises in tandem
with the expansion of operations in various geographical locations.

7. Compare and contrast business culture in the United States with many other
8. Describe how management style varies globally.

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