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The extent and severity of sexual and gender-based violence around the world is truly shocking. Sexual
and gender-based violence is a global threat to the life and dignity of women and girls, men and boys. It also
poses a challenge to social and economic development. However, it remains largely hidden as an issue.

One in three women worldwide will suffer from some form of violence in her lifetime. Of these, one in
five will become a survivor of rape or attempted rape. Men may also be survivors of sexual violence especially
during conflict.

The church has a very significant role in speaking out against sexual violence and challenging the
silence that too often surrounds issues of sex and gender inequality. It can help to change attitudes through
biblical teaching and interpretation. The Bible teaches that women and men are created equal in the eyes of God
and that all persons should be treated with love and respect.

We can also respond to the needs of survivors, creating a safe and supportive environment where people
can trust and support each other and regain their dignity.

Opening Prayer

Father in heaven we praise you that so many people love us.

Thank you most of all for your own great and wonderful love.
Make us loving too grant that we may show our love by helping other people, for the sake of Jesus.
Today we pray for all those women who despite suffering from violence, continue to care for family and
children, to grow and prepare food, carry water, earn a living and offer support to others.
We pray for women who are trafficked as domestic or sex workers; for women who are raped and do not know
how to find words to name their pain or a way into the future.
We pray for transformation of our societies which often find it easier to judge the victims of violence than to
solve the problems of injustice
We pray that women’s voices may be heard and taken into account in all peace and reconciliation work.
We pray for right and just relations between women and men that together we may transform and overcome
violence in all its forms and learn to celebrate our diversity and interdependence
God, our loving father, thank you that you never change
Thank you that nothing can ever happen that will make you alter
You are the one true god and maker of all
In Jesus name


A reading from the 1st letter of John…

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of
God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed
his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.  This is love: not
that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.  Dear friends, since

VAWC Prayer Service

God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God
lives in us and his love is made complete in us.


1. What is your own definition of love?

2. When do you experience God’s love?
3. How do you show your love to other people?

As of this moment let us have a minute of silence and reflect in the readings. Let us also remember those
people, a family member, a friend, an acquaintance who have been a victim of violence.


Lord, we ask that you knit our hearts, our vision & our actions together across our community that we may all be
totally free to live life abundantly in your love.

We look forward to the age of peace, when violence is banished and we are able to love and to be loved, and
when the work and wealth of our world is justly shared. For every prayer, let our response be: Lord in your
mercy, hear our prayer.

1. For women and men who are victims of domestic violence, may God help them free themselves from
abuse and live safely in the peace of Christ. We pray…Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
2. For children traumatized by violence in their own homes, may God protect them from the violence, free
them from the abuse and heal their wounds. We pray… Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
3. For our youth, may they experience healthy relationships, free from abuse and controlling behaviors. We
pray… Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
4. For our families, may they know God's love and may they share this love with kindness and
consideration for one another, free from abuse and controlling behaviors. We pray… Lord in your
mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord in this International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children, we promise that…

GIRL: I know my rights and I will not allow anyone to violate this. I won’t allow myself to become victim of

BOY: I respect women and girls and I won’t be an instrument in committing violence against women and
children. I will be a positive influence to other men and boys in building a community that is respectful of
everyone’s right to be free from abuse and violence.

ACADEME: We foster an environment that nurtures minds and intellects of our students, faculty and staff, and
ensure their safety from abusers.


As we observe the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence against Women or VAW from November 25 to December
12, we ask You Lord to look with kindness upon all of us who are gathered here. Fill our hearts and minds with
love, wisdom and courage as we face our daily lives.

We pray for all women and girls who suffer from domestic violence, rape, incest, sexual harassment, trafficking,
prostitution and other forms of violence; may they have the courage to break their silence, find protection,
healing and justice.

We pray for the perpetrators of VAW; that they may learn to respect women and girls and stop the violence.

Oh loving Father and Mother, send us Your Spirit, so that everything that we do will be done with love and
respect for our fellow humans, regardless of age, gender, class, ethnicity and ability.

VAWC Prayer Service

Oh powerful God, develop in us a high regard for the thoughts, feelings and experiences of everyone, and
bestow on us the capacity to promote, protect and fulfill the rights of women and girls.

Almighty Creator, grant us the strength to stand up against all forms of violence happening to women and girls,
the sharpness to recognize a silenced victim of VAW,

the courage to speak up against VAW,

the resourcefulness to help a victim of VAW,

and the resolve to never commit any form of VAW.

For all of these, we implore Your guidance Amen.

VAWC Prayer Service

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