Orange Stripe # 57 English

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Health & Safety Safety Alert Orange Stripe: 57 /FY-22

Tata Steel, Engineering & Project - TSK

Incident : LTI of a contractor employee
Date of Incident : 05.10.2021 Time: 05:45 PM
Department : Planning & Budgeting
Section : IM section
Location : New logistic Hub
Injury : Fracture of left leg

What happened:
On 05th Oct 2021, the injured person (IP) was engaged in the unloading of pipe fittings materials. There was
a stack of 36 blind flanges along with other materials on the truck bed. Out of 36 blinds flanges, 24 blind
flanges were already unloaded. During making space to provide wooden dunnage below the last blind flange
stack, DN 1000 blind flange slid towards IP in the direction of flange stack during slinging and hit his left leg.
IP was immediately taken to the Dangadi Public Health Care for initial treatment and therefrom IP was taken
to the Nidan Nursing home, Cuttack for further treatment. In X-ray, a fracture was detected in the left leg
(Tibia & Fibula).

Risk Type : Blue Risk (C3, F3)

Name of the vendor : M/s TM International logistic ltd.
Current Star Rating of the vendor : NA
Last date of incident (LTI) of the vendor : NA
Contractor employee’s Competency : Rigger
Skill Certification : NA
Proficiency (Platinum/Gold/Silver) : NA
Last date of incident (LTI) of the department : 31.08.2021
Incident (LTI) free days of the department : 35 days
Under camera surveillance : No
Health & Safety Safety Alert Orange Stripe: 57 /FY-22
Photograph of the incident site:

Preliminary Findings:
1. Illumination at the incident site was found adequate.
2. SWP was available for the job.
3. Work permit was taken for the job.
4. The stack of blind flanges was kept in unstable condition on the vehicle.
5. The surface of the material was found greasy.
6. IP was using all required PPEs.
7. Weight of a single piece of the flange was approx. 242 Kg.

Immediate actions taken:

1. Incident was communicated to all concerned employees.
2. Incident was logged in ENSAFE (PIR - IN00125809) system for detailed investigation.

1. Proper packing and unitization for loose materials to be followed during supply and transportation.
2. Workers need to be more vigilant during loading and unloading activities.

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