SPE-29588-PA Fracture Height From Temperature Logs

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Interpretation of Fracture Height From

Temperature LogsĊThe Effect of

Wellbore/Fracture Separation
E.R. Davis, SPE, Conoco Inc., Ding Zhu, SPE, and A.D. Hill, SPE, The U. of Texas at Austin

Summary convective currents through the fracture to the wellbore, causing it to

Temperature logs commonly have been used to evaluate fracture be flushed with warm formation fluid. While, theoretically, it is pos-
height by locating cool anomalies that indicate the locations where sible for natural convection to occur in a fracture, it does not seem
cool fracture fluids were injected. Instead of cool anomalies, how- probable that fluid could move hundreds to possibly a thousand feet
ever, warm anomalies (called “warm noses”) often occur on temper- by natural convection to influence the temperature of the wellbore in
ature logs run after fracture treatments. When interpreting fracture just a few hours. The other explanation mentioned in the literature is
height from a temperature log, warm anomalies make it difficult to that heterogeneity in the formation could create varying thermal dif-
identify the top and bottom of the fracture. We believe that a plausi- fusivity with depth. This could cause certain portions of the near-
ble reason for warm anomalies is that the wellbore and the fracture wellbore formation to return to formation temperature faster than oth-
are not coincident over the entire extent of the fracture; instead, ers. Therefore, areas with high thermal diffusivity would exhibit a
away from the perforations, the fracture and the wellbore may be higher temperature on the temperature log than those areas with lower
separated a finite distance that varies with depth. This paper investi- diffusivity. Thus, a warm nose could be produced.1,3 While the warm
gates the effect of the existence and magnitude of the displacement noses could be created as a result of thermal diffusivity differences,
between the wellbore and the fracture on wellbore temperature be- these differences would tend to be small in magnitude. Prefracture in-
havior after fracturing. The results obtained explain the “warm spection of gamma ray, spontaneous potential, and resistivity logs
noses” on shut-in temperature logs run after a fracture treatment have been used along with temperature logs to help factor out hetero-
and, more generally, illustrate how fracture-wellbore separation can geneity-dependent temperature fluctuations to better define created
result in a variety of characteristic temperature log responses. fracture height.1,4 If a reservoir’s heterogeneity can cause a 10°F
A mathematical model has been developed to simulate the well- warm nose through different thermal diffusivities, significant varia-
bore temperature after fracturing for cases where the wellbore and the tions in other formation properties should be evident.
fracture are not coincident for the entire extent of the fracture. The While these explanations for the warm noses possibly could ac-
study shows that the temperature behavior strongly depends on the count for small temperature fluctuations, they do not seem plausible
as explanations for the large warm noses that are often observed.
pattern and the magnitude of the displacement. When the fracture is
Instead, a more justifiable explanation centers around the fact that
perfectly connected with the wellbore, the cool region on the log indi-
the fracture and the wellbore can become noncoincident as a result
cates the top and bottom of the fracture clearly. However, the cool re-
of wellbore drift. Because of variations in the hardness, the natural
gion is much smaller than the fracture height if the wellbore deviates
trend of an area, and the high torque imposed on the flexible drill
from the fracture at a constant angle away from the perforations—a
string, wells often drift from vertical. In some instances, they tend
situation that may occur in a well that is deviated slightly from verti-
to corkscrew with depth. If the wellbore not only drifts by a degree
cal, for example. Furthermore, “warm noses” appear on the log if the
or two but also corkscrews, then it is possible that the fracture could
well spirals in a helical trajectory because the spacing between the
be vertically propagating in and out of the wellbore’s helical path,
wellbore and the fracture will vary with depth for this geometry.
thus causing multiple warm noses. A section of such a wellbore-
Therefore, when evaluating a postfracture temperature log, the possi-
fracture configuration is depicted in Fig. 3.
bility of a deviated wellbore-fracture system must be considered to
To understand the warm-nose phenomenon caused by the well-
avoid misinterpreting the fracture height. Longer shut-in times are
bore deviation, a mathematical model based on an idealized geo-
shown to improve the fracture-height interpretation.
metric system that consists of a wellbore and a fracture has been de-
veloped to simulate closely the wellbore temperature behavior after
Introduction shut-in following a fracturing job. Three wellbore-fracture configu-
Currently, a widely used method for determining the height of a hy- rations, perfectly coincident, constant-angle deviated wellbore, and
draulic fracture is to run a temperature log on the shut-in well shortly helically spiraling wellbore, have been considered in this study. The
after the fracturing treatment. The temperature profile along the response of temperature logs to the displacement pattern and dis-
wellbore theoretically should show a cool anomaly adjacent to the tance between the fracture and the wellbore has been studied based
location where the fracturing fluid has been injected and, from this on the results of the mathematical model.
cool anomaly, the fracture height can be estimated. Fig. 1 shows an
ideal temperature log that locates the created fracture height. Unfor- Mathematical Model and Its Solution
tunately, the temperature log does not always record a perfect cool The geometric system used to develop the model, shown in Fig. 4,
anomaly that clearly indicates the fracture height. On the contrary, includes a well with a radius of rw and a fracture in the domain. The
many times warm anomalies appear in the cool region. These warm displacement between the wellbore and fracture, defined as A, can
anomalies have been referred to as “warm noses” in the literature vary from zero (the wellbore and the fracture are coincidentally con-
(Dobkins1 and Wages2). A typical example of a warm nose can be nected) to a finite number. The main assumptions for the model de-
seen in Fig. 2. velopment are the following:
Previously, two explanations have been proposed for areas of 1. The system is symmetric about the x-axis. Thus, only half of the
warm fluid in the wellbore and in the fracture following a fracture temperature field is simulated.
stimulation. One explanation presented by Dobkins1 supposes that 2. Heat transfer is only considered in the x- and y-directions.
warm reservoir fluids from deep in the fracture wings flow in massive 3. The wellbore and the fracture temperature are constant during
Copyright 1997 Society of Petroleum Engineers
4. Forced and free convection radiation and heat convection be-
Original SPE manuscript received for review 20 March 1995. Revised manuscript received cause of the fluid loss from the fracture to the formation are negligi-
26 November 1996. Paper peer approved 10 February 1997. Paper (SPE 29588) first pre-
sented at the 1995 SPE Rocky Mountain Region/Low-Permeability Reservoirs Symposium
ble compared with heat conduction.
held in Denver, Colorado, 20–22 March. 5. The formation properties are considered to be homogenous.

SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1997 119

Fig. 1—An ideal temperature log.

The equation to describe the temperature behavior in the system

derived from an elemental energy balance and Fourier’s law of heat
conduction is

ēt r ǒ
ēT + a ē 2T ) ē 2T .
ēx 2 ēy 2
Ǔ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
Fig. 2—An example of a warm nose on a temperature log (from
In Eq. 1, ar is the thermal diffusivity of the formation, defined as Dobkins1).

lr is the formation temperature. Eq. 1 was solved in the following di-

ar + , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
ò rC pr mensionless form:5
where lr is the thermal conductivity, ò r is the density, and Cpr is the
heat capacity of the formation. The boundary conditions for Eq. 1 are
T + T I at 0 v t v t si for the wellbore,
ēT d
ēt d
+ ad ǒ
ē 2T d ē 2T d
ēx 2d
) 2 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
ēy d
T + T I at 0 v t v t si for the fracture,
T + T R at t w t si at the outer boundary, with the dimensionless variables defined as
and the initial condition is T + T R at t + 0, where tsi is the time t si a r T * TI
at which injection is stopped, TI is the injection temperature, and TR ad + ; Td + ; t + tt ;
A2 TR * TI d si

x ; and y + y
xd + .
A ) rw d
A ) rw
The boundary conditions for the dimensionless temperature
equation, Eq. 3, are
rw rw
T d + 0 at x d v , y v ,
A ) rw d A ) rw

Fig. 3—Vertical fracture intersecting a portion of a spiralling

wellbore. Fig. 4—The geometric system for the model.

120 SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1997

Fig. 5—Temperature field for a coincident wellbore-fracture sys- Fig. 6—Temperature field for a 6-in. displacement between the
tem at td +1. wellbore and the fracture at td +1.

and 0 v t d v 1.

A ) rw
T d + 0 at x d v , 0 v yd v L ,
A ) rw A ) rw

and 0 v t d v 1.

T d + 1 at x d ³ R, y d ³ R ,
and the initial condition is
T d + 1 at t d + 0,
where rw is the wellbore radius and L is the fracture length.
Because there are two sources in the system (the well and the frac-
ture) and the well has a finite diameter (not a point source), solving
Eq. 3 analytically by integral transforms or the law of superposition
is impossible. The temperature equation was solved numerically
with an explicit finite-difference method. The simulation results Fig. 7—Temperature field for a 6-in. displacement between the
were verified by energy balance and were comparable with the re- wellbore and the fracture at td +2.
sults presented by Zhu.6
a small portion of the reservoir to model wellbore temperature be-
Model Results havior during and after fracturing.
The simulation results of the model can be used to generate a tempera-
ture field at any shut-in time, an averaged wellbore-temperature histo- Temperature History. To examine the effect of the displacement
ry as a function of shut-in time for various displacements between the on temperature logs, the averaged wellbore temperature as a func-
fracture and the wellbore, and pseudotemperature logs. The fractur- tion of dimensionless time for various displacements, A, is dis-
ing time for the examples shown in this paper was 4 hours. played in Fig. 8. As the displacement increases, Fig. 8 shows that
the rate of temperature recovery also increases. The top curve, rep-
Temperature Field. To understand how the temperature in the en- resenting the nonfracture scenario, shows that the wellbore temper-
tire system varies because of the existence of a fracture, the tempera- ature returns to the reservoir temperature the quickest. At early
ture field around the wellbore and the fracture was generated from times after shut-in, the temperature curve with a large value of A is
the simulator for the defined system. Fig. 5 shows the temperature close to the nonfracture temperature curve, and the existence of the
field for an idealized case where the wellbore and the fracture are fracture does not affect the wellbore temperature.
perfectly connected at a dimensionless time of 2 (after a shut-in time It should be noticed that the A+0 curve, which corresponds to a
equal to the fracturing time). Because there is no displacement be- fully connected fracture-wellbore case, is not the lowest of the family
tween the wellbore and the fracture, the temperature field is sym- of curves. Fig. 9, an enlargement of the temperature history between
metric about the wellbore and the fracture. The lowest temperature td +5 and td +6, shows this feature more clearly. When the wellbore
is always located at the wellbore. and the fracture become deviated a small distance, the area between
Fig. 6 shows the temperature field at the time of shut-in (td +1) the wellbore and the fracture is cooled more by the two cool sources
for a displacement of 6 in. between the wellbore and the fracture, (the well and the fracture) bounding it than if only one cool region (the
and Fig. 7 shows the temperature field for the same wellbore-frac- well with a connected fracture) affects that area. Thus, this cooler area
ture configuration at a later time (td +2). At the time of shut-in, the slows down the wellbore temperature recovery after shut-in,
temperature in the wellbore and the fracture are the injection tem- compared with a fully connected fracture-wellbore case, resulting in
perature (Td +0) and both rise after shut-in. a lower wellbore temperature for the case of a small deviation.
In both the coincident case (Fig. 5) and the case with a 6-in. dis- The family of curves shown in Fig. 8 can be used to generate
placement between the wellbore and the fracture (Fig. 7), the region pseudotemperature logs, which can be used to compare with a field
affected by the cool fracture fluid is small, extending less than 2 ft temperature log to understand any abnormal temperature behavior
beyond the wellbore and fracture. This allows us to simulate only in field records.

SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1997 121

Fig. 8—Temperature history for different displacements. Fig. 9—Temperature histories for td between 5 and 6.

Application in Temperature Log Analysis Coincident. In this case, there is no displacement between the well-
To apply the mathematical model to temperature log interpretation bore and the fracture. In this perfectly connected wellbore-fracture
for fracture height, the two-dimensional temperature simulator has geometry, a cool region will be seen clearly corresponding to the
been used to generate pseudotemperature log curves for specified fracture location, as shown in Fig. 10; further, the created height of
wellbore-fracture deviation patterns and treatment conditions. The the fracture can be identified easily from the length of the cool zone.
procedure to generate a pseudolog curve follows:
1. Calculate the wellbore temperature history to generate the fam- Constant Deviation. The fracture and the wellbore are coincident
ily of curves for different displacements, as shown in Fig. 8, for a throughout the perforated region; the fracture then deviates from the
given fracturing job. wellbore at a constant angle, starting at the top and the bottom of the
2. Estimate the displacement as a function of depth for an as- perforations (see Fig. 11). When the fracture is deviated from the
sumed wellbore-fracture deviation pattern. wellbore with a constant angle, the displacement constantly in-
3. Assign the wellbore temperature from the temperature history creases with distance from the top and the bottom of the perfora-
family curves to a depth according to the calculated displacement tions. As a result, a cool anomaly will be seen only around the perfo-
at that depth at a given shut-in time. rated region with a smaller height than the actual fracture height;
Three patterns for the wellbore-fracture configuration, coinci- therefore, the fracture height could be interpreted as being much
dent, constant deviation, and helical, have been studied to see the smaller than the actual height, as shown in Fig. 12. Running an addi-
temperature response to the displacement and to determine the fea- tional temperature log after a longer shut-in period may be a useful
tures of temperature logs for each deviation pattern. A frac-fluid method of determining if the fracture and wellbore are separated
temperature of 100°F and a reservoir temperature of 200°F have away from the perforations. For the constant deviation case, the cool
been used in the following examples of pseudo-temperature logs. anomaly will extend up and down farther from the perforated re-
gions at longer shut-in times, while in a fully coincident case, the
length of the cool anomaly is essentially unchanged with time. If

Fig. 10—Simulated temperature log for a coincident wellbore Fig. 11—Geometry for a constant angle deviated wellbore-frac-
and fracture. ture system.

122 SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1997

Fig. 12—Simulated temperature log for a constant deviation

Fig. 13—Geometry for a helical wellbore-fracture system, top

wellbore deviation is leading to significant displacement between view.
the wellbore and the fracture, it is likely that the full fracture height
cannot be determined with a temperature log.

Helical. The fracture and the wellbore are coincident throughout the Conclusions
perforated region; the wellbore moves away from/toward the frac- From this study, we have concluded the following:
ture in a helical pattern, above and below the perforations, with a de- 1. A mathematical model of the temperature field in and around
fined helix diameter and length for one revolution (Fig. 13). When a wellbore/fracture system shows that temperature recovery in the
the pattern is helical, the wellbore temperature will be lower in the wellbore after fracturing depends strongly on the spacing between
region where the fracture is connected to the wellbore but will be the wellbore and the fracture, when the two are not coincident over
higher where the wellbore and the fracture are separated. Therefore, the entire height of the fracture. If the fracture is approximately 2 ft
or farther from the wellbore, its presence does not affect the well-
warm noses will occur on the temperature log as the wellbore runs
bore temperature.
away and then back into the fracture, as shown in Fig. 14. Interpreta-
2. When a hydraulic fracture is coincident with the wellbore over
tion of fracture height from the temperature log becomes compli- the entire height of the fracture, the fracture height is easily meas-
cated because there may be more than one warm or cool region on ured as the location of the cool anomaly on a temperature log.
the log. It could be even more difficult if the wellbore runs into the 3. When the wellbore deviates away from the fracture at a
fracture several times with different helix diameters or revolution constant angle (except at the perforations), it is often not possible to
lengths. There will be more than one warm nose and the shape of the measure the entire fracture height from the cool anomaly on a tem-
warm noses could be different. In general, the presence of a warm perature log. In this instance, the cool anomaly indicates an apparent
nose indicates the fracture extends into the cooler region above or fracture height smaller than the true fracture height. With longer
below the warm nose. shut-in time, the cool anomaly will extend farther up and down.

Fig. 14—Simulated temperature log for a helical wellbore-fracture system.

SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1997 123

Thus, repeating a temperature log after a longer shut-in period is a 5. Davis, E.R.: “Interpretation of Fracture Height With Temperature Logs,”
means of determining if the fracture and wellbore depart from one MS thesis, The U. of Texas, Austin, Texas (1993).
another. Such behavior is expected when fracturing from a deviated 6. Zhu, D.: “Effect of Temperature on Minifrac Pressure Behavior,” PhD dis-
wellbore, even with small deviations of a few degrees. sertation, The U. of Texas, Austin, Texas (1992).
4. Warm noses will be observed on shut-in temperature logs after
a fracture treatment when the wellbore and fracture are alternately SI Metric Conversion Factors
coincident and separated. This can occur when the wellbore is ft 3.048* E*01 +m
spiraling in a helical trajectory and the fracture is vertical. The exis-
°F (°F–32)/1.8 +°C
tence of a warm nose indicates that the fracture extends into the cool
in. 2.54* E)00 +cm
region above/below the warm nose.
*Conversion factor is exact. SPEFE
A+ distance between wellbore and fracture
Eric R. Davis is an engineer with Conoco, currently based in the
Cpr + heat capacity of the formation Well Engineering and Operations Dept. in Houston. His responsiĆ
rw + wellbore radius bilities include completion design, sand control, formation failĆ
t+ time ure modeling, and productivity analysis. Davis holds a BS deĆ
tsi + shut-in time gree in petroleum engineering and an MS degree in
td + dimensionless time engineering, both from the U. of Texas at Austin. Ding Zhu is a reĆ
T+ temperature search associate in the Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
Td + dimensionless temperature Dept. at the U. of Texas at Austin. She holds a BS degree in meĆ
TI + injection temperature chanical engineering from Beijing U. of Science and TechnoloĆ
TR + initial reservoir temperature gy and MS and PhD degrees in petroleum engineering from the
xd ,yd + dimensionless distance U. of Texas at Austin. A. Daniel Hill is professor of petroleum and
ad + dimensionless thermal diffusivity geosystems engineering at the U. of Texas at Austin and holds
ar + thermal diffusivity of the formation the Halliburton Annual Professorship in Petroleum and GeosysĆ
tems Engineering. He holds a BS degree from Texas A&M U. and
ò r+ density of the formation
MS and PhD degrees from the U. of Texas at Austin, all in chemiĆ
lr + thermal conductivity of the formation cal engineering. Hill is currently Chairman of the Books CommitĆ
tee and a member of the Editorial Review Committee. He was
Acknowledgments also 1993-95 Chairman and a 1992-93 member of the Symbols
The authors thank the sponsors of the Stimulation, Logging, and and Metrication Committee, and a member of the Program
Formation Damage Research Program at the U. of Texas at Austin Committee in 1986 and the Career Guidance Committee durĆ
for support of this work. ing 1984-85. Hill was the founding chairman of the Austin section
in 1986-87 and U. of Texas student chapter faculty sponsor durĆ
ing 1983-84 and 1987-88. Hill also was a 1988-89 Distinguished
References Lecturer and is the author of the SPE monograph Production
1. Dobkins, T.A.: “Improved Methods to Determine Hydraulic Fracture Logging: Theoretical and Interpretive Elements.
Height,” JPT (April 1981) 719.
2. Wages, P.E.: “Interpretation of Postfracture Temperature Surveys,” paper
SPE 11189 presented at the 1982 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, New Orleans, 26–29 September.
3. Hill, A.D.: Production Logging-Theoretical and Interpretive Elements,
Monograph Series, SPE, Richardson (1990).
4. Bundy, T.E.: “Prefracture Injection Surveys: A Necessity for Successful
Fracture Treatments,” paper SPE 9883 presented at the 1982 SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 26–29 September. Davis Zhu Hill

124 SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1997

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