Name: Trisha Caisip Subject: ICOM111 Year and Section: BSCS 1-YA-1

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Name: Trisha Caisip

Subject: ICOM111
Year and Section: BSCS 1-YA-1

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <conio.h> 
int main()  

    double tuitionfee, cash, twoinstall, threeinstall, discount, interest; 
    int Mode; 
    printf("\n1 for cash \n2 for Two installment  \n3 for Three installment
" ) ; 
      printf(" \n\nEnter tuition fee: "); 
      scanf("%lf" , &tuitionfee) ; 
      printf(" \n\nEnter Mode of payment: "); 
      scanf("%i" , &Mode) ; 
    if(Mode == 1){ 
        printf("cash: "); 
        discount = tuitionfee * .30; 
        cash = tuitionfee - discount; 
        printf("\nYour Total Tuition Fee is %2.f" , cash); 
    if (Mode == 2){ 
        printf("Two-Installment: "); 
        interest = discount * .05; 
        twoinstall = tuitionfee + twoinstall; 
         printf("\nYour Total Tuition Fee is %2.f" , twoinstall); 
    if (Mode == 3){ 
        printf("Three-Installment: "); 
        interest = tuitionfee * .05; 
        threeinstall = discount + twoinstall; 
         printf("\nYour Total Tuition Fee is %2.f" , threeinstall); 
    printf("This is a Tuition Fee Assesment Program\n") 
    return 0; 

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