Political Science 1 3

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Political Science 2015-B.A. 3rd Semister.

Unit 1
Comparative Government and Politics.

Nature Scope and methods of Comparative political analysis:

Q1. What is Comparative Politics?

Ans; Comparative Politics involves the systematic study and comparison of the world's political
systems. It seeks to explain differences between as well as similarities among countries.
It is particularly interested in exploring patterns, processes, and regularities among political
systems. It looks for trends, for changes in patterns; and it tries to develop general propositions
or hypotheses that describe and explain these trends.

Q2. Why we study Comparative Politics?

Ans; There are a number of reasons for studying Comparative Politics.
1. First, it's fun and interesting, and one learns a lot about other countries, regions, and the world.
2. Second, studying Comparative Politics will help a person overcome ethnocentrism. All
peoples and countries are ethnocentric, but Americans seem to be particularly afflicted.
3. Third, we study Comparative Politics because that enables us to understand how nations
change and the patterns that exist.
4. A fourth reason for studying Comparative Politics is that it is intellectually stimulating.
Consider these questions: Why do some countries modernize and others not? Why are some
countries democratic and others not?
5. Fifth, Comparative Politics has a rigorous and effective methodology. The comparative
method is sophisticated tool of analysis and one that is always open to new approaches.
6. Finally, Comparative politics is necessary for a proper understanding of both international
relations and foreign policy.
Without an intimate knowledge of the other countries with whom we conduct foreign relations,
we cannot have an informed, successful foreign policy.

Q3. Discuss the history of Comparative Politics?

Ans; Comparative politics has a long and very distinguished history dating back to the very
origins of systematic political studies in ancient Greece and Rome. Comparative Politics is about
2,500 years to humankind's first recorded history. Even the most ancient of peoples, organized as
clans, tribes, or extended families, compared their situations with those of other peoples with old
-- and maybe older. One could argue that the study of Comparative Politics goes all the way back
whom they came in contact. The Bible is perhaps one of the first written statements of
Comparative Politics. Particularly in the Old Testament the prophets are constantly comparing
the people of Israel with other peoples: Egyptians, Persians, etc. The earliest systematic
comparisons of a more modern, secular sort -- with almost all the ingredients of today's
Comparative Politics -- were carried out by the ancient Greeks.
The two foremost political scientists in ancient Greece were Plato and Aristotle.
Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics, are really the beginning of political science as we know
it today -- and among the great books of all time. In these two books the authors cover almost all
the key issues of politics: the nature of power and leadership, the different forms of government,
public policy, and so on. For our purposes, what is important about Aristotle and Plato is their
analysis of Comparative Politics. Aristotle -- more a "scientist" -- collected approximately 150
constitutions of his time, mainly from the Greek city-states but from other areas as well. He
studied these constitutions extensively. He wanted to know which form of government was most
stable, so he began looking at the causes of instability. Both he and Plato arrived at a system or
scheme for classifying the then known world's political systems. A modified form of this
classification of systems is still used today. Montesquieu, the 18th century French philosopher, is
the next great comparativist. Unlike Hobbes and Locke who focused on one country, but
assumed it had universal validity, Montesquieu was a true comparativist. In his book The Spirit
of the Laws Montesquieu attempted to move beyond the constitutional procedures of a country to
examine its true culture and "spirit."His greatest contribution to the field was his model for the
separation of powers that influenced the U.S. system.

Q4.Distinguish between comparative government and politics?

Ans; Although the two terms ‘Comparative Politics’ and ‘Comparative government’ are used
loosely and interchangeably. There is a point of distinction between the two. Which are as
1. Comparative government consists of institutions responsible for making collective
decisions for society. More narrowly, government refers to the top political level within such
institutions (Hague & Harrop 2001: p5). Whereas, comparative politics defines as a process
whose opinions or interests are initially divergent, reach collective decisions which are generally
accepted as binding on the group, and enforced as common policy (Miller 1991: p.390 cited in
Hague & Harrop 2001: p4). For Miller, the political process typically involves elements of
persuasion and bargaining together with a mechanism for reaching a final decision.
2. Comparative government covers a comparative study of different political systems with
special emphasis on their institutions and functions. While as comparative politics lays emphasis
on all that comes within the purview of the State as well as non-State activities.
3. Comparative government covers only in rule making, execution and adjudication while
comparative politics not only deal with political activities but also take help from Anthropology,
sociology and Psychology.
4. Comparative government is concerned with significant activities of political institutions
only while as comparative politics is concerned with significant regularities, similarities, and
differences in the working of political institutions and political behavior.
5. Edward freeman makes an attempt to bring out a distinction between the two in these
words. “By Comparative government means that the study of political institutions and forms of
government. While comparative politics deals with micro as well as macro aspects of political

Nature of Comparative politics:

Nature and scope of comparative politics is fathomable only when one understands the main
characteristics and significance of comparative government. Although the two terms
'Comparative Politics' and 'Comparative Governments' are used lightly and interchangeably,
there is distinction between them. Conventionally, the comparative study of politics stands
entitled as 'comparative government'. Comparative government includes the study of features
and legal powers of political institutions existing in various states. It is the study of state and
other political institutions in terms of their legal powers, functions, and positions on a
comparative basis.
Key characteristics of comparative government are mentioned below:
1. - Stress upon the study of political institutions of various countries.
2. - Focus on the study of major constitutions of the world.
3. - Emphasis upon the study of powers and functions of various political institutions
working in different countries.
4. - Formal study of the organisation and powers, description of the features of the
constitutions and political institutions, and legal powers of political institutions form the
basic contents of comparative government study.
5. - To devise a theory of ideal political institutions has been the objective.
These traits make comparative government popular area of study during the beginning of 20th
century. Subsequently, Majority of political scientists greatly displeased with its narrow scope,
intuitive methodology, and formal legalistic-institutional and normative approach. These
researchers then adopt comprehensiveness, realism, precision and scientific study of the
processes of politics as their new goal. Their efforts came to be labelled as comparative politics.
Basically, the study of comparative politics involves mindful comparisons in studying; political
experiences, institutions, behaviour and processes of major systems of government. It comprises
of the study of even extra constitutional agencies along with the study of formal governmental
organs. It is concerned with important regularities, similarities and differences in the working of
political behaviour. Consequently, comparative Politics can be defined as the subject that
compare the political systems in various parts of the globe, with a view to comprehend and
define the nature of politics and to devise a scientific theory of politics.

Major approaches of comparative politics:

Political investigators use different approaches tools to arrive at greater political understanding.
Approaches support in defining the kinds of facts which are relevant. The diversity of
approaches are used by political scientists to attack the complexity of political systems and
Conventionally, the study of comparative politics is termed as 'comparative government'. It
includes the study of political institutions existing in various states .The features, advantages,
demerits, similarities and dissimilarities of political institutions were compared. It was an attempt
to ascertain the best of political institutions. The focus (Traditional view), continued to remain
popular up to the end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, the study of political government
underwent revolutionary changes. The traditional focus of the study of politics got substituted by
new scope, methodology, concepts, techniques which was known as contemporary view of the
study of politics. Political researchers made great attempts to develop a new science of
'comparative politics'. They espoused comprehensiveness, realism, precision and use of scientific
methods as the new goals for the study of comparative politics. This new endeavour is nowadays
promoted as 'modern' comparative politics. In the modern assessment, the scope of comparative
politics is much wider. It includes the analysis and comparison of the actual behaviour of
political structures, formal as well as informal. Researchers believe that these political structures,
governmental or non- governmental, directly or indirectly affect the process of politics in all
political systems.
Both traditional and modern comparative politics adopt different approaches to its study.
Traditional scientists follow narrow and normative approach. It involves descriptive studies with
a legal institutional framework and normative prescriptive focus. Whereas modern political
scientists follow empirical, analytical studies with a process orientated or behavioural focus and
they adopt scientific methodology. It seeks to analyse and compare empirically the actual
behaviour of political structures.
Traditional approaches:
The traditional approaches to Political Science was broadly predominant till the occurrence of
the Second World War. These approaches were mainly associated with the traditional outlook of
politics which underlined the study of the state and government. Consequently, traditional
approaches are principally concerned with the study of the organization and activities of the state
and principles and the ideas which motivate political organizations and activities. These
approaches were normative and principled. The political philosophers supporting these
approaches and raised questions such 'what should be an ideal state?' According to them, the
study of Political Science should be limited to the formal structures of the government, laws,
rules and regulations. Therefore, the supporters of the traditional approaches stress various norms
such as what 'ought to be' or 'should be' rather than 'what is'.
Characteristics of Traditional approaches:
1. Traditional approaches are mostly normative and stresses on the values of politics.
2. Prominence is on the study of different political structures.
3. Traditional approaches made very little attempt to relate theory and research.
4. These approaches consider that since facts and values are closely interlinked, studies in
Political Science can never be scientific.
There are many types of traditional approaches.
1. Philosophical approach:
Philosophical approach is conventional approach to study politics. Customarily, the study of
politics was subjugated by philosophical reflections on universal political values that were
regarded as essential to the just state and the good state. The oldest approach to the study of
politics is philosophical. Philosophy "is the study or science of truths or principles underlying all
knowledge and being." It entails that philosophy or philosophical approach tries to explore the
truth of political incidents or events. It discovers the objective of political writings or the purpose
of political writer.
Main aim of philosophical approach is to evaluate the consequences of events in a logical and
scientific manner. Van Dyke opined that "philosophy denotes thought about thought. Somewhat
more broadly it denotes general conceptions of ends and means, purposes and methods." The
purpose of philosophical approach is to explain the words and terms used by the political
theorists. The enquiry started by the philosophical approach removes confusion about the
Several Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle were the creators of this approach. The
main subject of Plato's writings was to define the nature of an ideal society. This approach states
that values are inseparable from facts. It is mainly an ethical and normative study of politics,
hence is concerned with what 'should be' or 'ought to be'. This approach seeks to understand our
fundamental nature and aim as human beings, recognizing principles and standards of right
conduct in political life. It is normative in character and believes in developing norms or certain
standards. It followed the logical method where investigator has his own values and determined
Benefit of philosophical approach is that it enters into the depth of every aspect of political
phenomena and examines them without any partiality. Its interpretation of political activities
conjures interest in the minds of students of politics. Words and phrases used by philosophers
highlight point on the subject. Philosophical approach enhances linguistic clarity. That is why it
is said that this approach aims at thought about thought.
Philosophical approach use procedure of logical analysis. It uses reason to explore the truth. The
truth which this approach establishes may be of various kinds-normative, descriptive or
prescriptive. But the philosophical approach is indifferent to the nature or category of truth.
This approach also tries to establish standards of good, right and just. Many critics observed that
this approach determines what is in the interest of the public and he identifies interest more with
ends that with means.
In the huge arena of political science, there are a number of great or outstanding books.
Philosophical approach explores the meaning and central theme of these books as well as the
exact purpose of the authors. In the contemporary Greek city-states of Plato morality, moral
values and idealism ruined to such an extent that he received a great shock and seriously thought
to recuperate these and this urge encouraged him to write The Republic. He wanted to establish
that politics and morality are not an etheric concepts. Rather, an ideal and moral body politic can
be made a real one through the selfless administration by a philosopher-king. John Locke
composed his Second Treatise to rationalize the interests and objectives of the new middle class
and he struggle of people for liberty.
Other political philosopher such as Machiavelli and Hobbes wrote to support royal absolutism.
Some critics may not agree with the views of these philosophers or the arguments of these books,
but it must not be forgotten that the books were written at particular and critical moment of
It is well established that Philosophical approach helps people to understand the contemporary
history and the nature of politics suggested by philosophers. In other words, the philosophical
approach aid to comprehend the political ideologies of past centuries. In this sense, the
philosophical approach is very important for researchers and people.
Application of the philosophical approach in political science focuses on the great ideas, values
and doctrines of politics. The normative-philosophical approach is the ancient and the least
scientific approach to the study of politics and it has been taken over although not completely
displaced by contemporary approaches.
Criticism of the Philosophical Approach:
Though philosophical approach is highly important for scholars and other people to the study of
politics, critics have raised several problems about its worth. It is documented in literature that
one of the central ideas of political philosophy is idealism and it is conspicuous in Plato's The
Republic. Critics argued that idealism itself is quite good but when its practical application arises
it appears to be a myth.
Plato emphasized Idealism in his theory, but it had not practical importance and be fully realised
that idealism would never be translated into reality. It is a subject of absolute imagination.
Machiavelli and Hobbes wrote with the only purpose of supporting the status quo.
The philosophical intellectuals of the earlier periods were impractical philosophers. They had no
intention to promulgate ideas which can change society. They were apathetic to people's liking
and disliking, their love for liberty, their sorrows and sufferings and they failed to provide
prophylactic devices. As an academic discipline, philosophical approach is appropriate, but in
practical guide for action, it has barely any importance.
2. Historical approach:
This approach states that political theory can be only understood when the historical factors are
taken into consideration. It highlights on the study of history of every political reality to analyse
any situation. Political theorists like Machiavelli, Sabine and Dunning believed that politics and
history are strongly inter-related, and therefore, the study of politics always should have a
historical viewpoint. Sabine considered that Political Science should include all those subjects
which have been discussed in the writings of different political thinkers since Plato. History
defines about the past as well as links it with the present events. Without studying the past
political events, institutions and political environment, the analysis of the present would remain
largely imperfect.
Main attribute of historical approach is that history as a written or recorded subject and focuses
on the past events. From history, researchers come to know how man was in the past and what he
is now. History is the store-house of events. From the profiles, autobiographies, descriptions by
authors and journalists investigators know what event occurred in the past.
It is to be prominent that the events must have political revealing or they must be politically
significant. These events provide the best materials upon which theory and principles of political
science are built. History communicates researchers how government, political parties and many
other institutions worked, their successes and failures and from these, they receive lessons which
guide them in determining the future course of action.
Evaluation of Historical Approach: The historical approach to the study of politics has numerous
challenges from several quarters. One of the main fulcrums of the challenges is that history has
two faces. One is documentation of facts which is quite naive and the other is construal of facts
and phenomena. The accretion of evidences is to be judged from a proper perspective.
The implication is that adequate care should be taken while evaluating evidence and facts and
such a caution is not always strictly followed and, as a result, the historical facts do not serve the
purpose of those who use it. This is the main complaint against the historical approach to the
study of politics.
Alan Ball has also criticized the historical approach. He debated that "past evidence does leave-
alarming gaps, and political history is often simply a record of great men and great events, rather
than a comprehensive account of total political activity." Very few historians interpret historical
events and evidences broadly and freely.
3. Institutional approach:
There is a strong belief that philosophy, history and law have bestowed to the study of politics
and it is in the field of institutional approaches. Institutional approaches are ancient and
important approach to the study of Political Science. These approaches mainly deals with the
formal aspects of government and politics. Institutional approach is concerned with the study of
the formal political structures like legislature, executive, and judiciary. It focused on the rules of
the political system, the powers of the various institutions, the legislative bodies, and how the
constitution worked. Main drawback of this approach was its narrow focus on formal structures
and arrangements. In far-reaching terms, an institution can be described as 'any persistent system
of activities in any pattern of group behaviour. More concretely, an institution has been regarded
as 'offices and agencies arranged in a hierarchy, each agency having certain functions and
The study of institutions has been dominant not only to the arena of comparative politics, but to
the political science field as a whole. Many writers have argued that institutions have shaped
political behaviour and social change. These authors have taken an "institutionalist" approach
which treat institutions as independent variables. In the last twenty-five years, the field of
comparative politics has experienced the advent of the "new institutionalism," which developed
in reaction to the behavioural perspectives that exercise a significant influence on the field during
the 1960s and 1970s.
The new institutionalism body can be divided into three analytical approaches:
i. Historical institutionalism
ii. Rational choice institutionalism
iii. Sociological institutionalism
These three theoretical approaches developed autonomously from each other.
The institutional approach to political analysis emphasises on the formal structures and agencies
of government. It originally concentrated on the development and operation of legislatures,
executives and judiciaries. As the approach developed however, the list is extended to include
political parties, constitutions, bureaucracies, interest groups and other institutions which are
more or less enduringly engaged in politics.
In the descriptive-institutional approach, the stress is on facts rather than values. In other words,
the approach provide factual and historical answers to such questions as;
1. - What are the historical sources of parliamentary supremacy over the kingdom?
2. - What are the procedures followed when a bill becomes law?
3. - By what electoral arrangement are values or representatives chosen?
4. - What are the relative merits and demerits of rigid and flexible constitutions?
Though, descriptive-institutional approach is slightly old, political experts still concentrate
chiefly on scrutinising the major political institutions of the state such as the executive,
legislature, the civil service, the judiciary and local government, and from these examinations,
valuable insights as to their organisation can be drawn, proposals for reform conversed and
general conclusions obtainable. The approach has been critiqued for the disregard of the
informed aspects of politics, norms, beliefs, values, attitudes, personality and the processes.
Institutional approach is also criticized for being too narrow. It ignores the role of individuals
who constitute and operate the formal as well as informal structures and substructures of a
political system. Another problem is that the meaning and the range of an institutional system
vary with the view of the scholars. Researchers of this approach ignored the international politics
(J. C. Johari, 1982).
4. Legal approach:
In the realm of traditional approaches, there is a legal or juridical approach. This approach
considers the state as the central organization for the creation and enforcement of laws.
Therefore, this approach is associated with the legal process, legal bodies or institutions, and
judiciary. In this approach, the study of politics is mixed with legal processes and institutions.
Theme of law and justice are treated as not mere affairs of jurisprudence rather politics scientists
look at state as the maintainer of an effective and equitable system of law and order. Matters
relating to the organizations, jurisdiction and independence of judicial institutions become and
essential concern of political scientists. This approach treats the state primarily as an
organization for creation and enforcement of law (J. C. Johari, 1982).
The supporters of this approach are Cicero, Bodin, Hobbes, John Austin, Dicey and Henry
Maine. In the system of Hobbes, the head of the state is highest legal authority and his command
is law that must be obeyed either to avoid punishment following its infraction or to keep the
dreadful state of nature away. Other scientists described that the study of politics is bound with
legal process of country and the existence of harmonious state of liberty and equality is
earmarked by the rule of law (J. C. Johari, 1982). The legal approach is applied to national as
well as international politics. It stands on assumptions that law prescribes action to be taken in
given contingency and also forbids the same in certain other situations. It also emphasizes the
fact that where the citizens are law abiding, the knowledge of the law offers an important basis
for predictions relating to political behaviour of people. Though it is effective approach but not
free from criticism. This approach is narrow. Law include only one aspect of people's life. It
cannot cover entire behaviour of political actions (J. C. Johari, 1982).
Criticism of traditional approaches:
The traditional approaches have gloomily unsuccessful to identify the role of the individuals who
are important in moulding and remoulding the shape and nature of politics. In fact, individuals
are important players of both national and international politics. The focus is directed to the
It is astounding that in all the institutions, there are individuals who control the structure,
functions and other aspects. Singling out institutions and neglecting individuals cannot be
pronounced as proper methods to study politics. The definition politics as the study of institution
is nothing but an overstatement or a travesty of truth.
Other political researchers argued that traditional approach is mainly descriptive. Politics does
not rule out description, but it is also analytical. Sheer description of facts does not inevitably
establish the subject matter of political science. Its purpose is study the depth of every incident.
Investigators want to know not only occurrence, but also why a particular incident occurs at a
particular time.
The standpoint of the traditionalists is limited within the institutions. Political researchers in
modern world are not motivated to limit their analysis of politics within institutions. They have
explored the role of environment into which is included international politics multinational
corporations, non-governmental organisations or trans-national bodies.
The decision-making process of the nation state is influenced by international events and the
political activity of other nation states. When the traditionalists were writing the nature of
politics, the interdependence of national and international politics was not unknown to them and
it is their failure not to recognise it. In this perspective, it can be said that traditional approach is
prejudiced and incomplete. It has not the ability to meet the needs which are intensifying in the
present age. Attention is to be paid to another inadequacy. The traditional approach as a method
of analysing politics is lacking for the analysis of political institutions of the Third World
countries, particularly the countries which do not follow the Western political system. In these
countries, if researchers try to find out Western system or institutions that will be an utter failure.
It is assumed that traditional analysis is inappropriate for all types of political systems both
Western and non-Western. To recompense this deficiency, the political scientists of the post-
Second World War period have developed a general system approach which is quite
comprehensive. The outstanding feature of traditional approaches is that there is value laden
Modern approaches:
The political philosophers later on realized the need to study politics from a new viewpoint.
Thus, to overcome the paucities of the traditional approaches, various new approaches have been
promoted by the new political intellectuals. These new approaches are considered as the "modern
approaches" to the study of Political Science. Many theorists regard these approaches as a
reaction against the traditional approaches. These approaches are mainly concerned with
scientific study of politics. The first innovation in this regard comes with the advent of the
behavioural revolution in Political Science.
Characteristics of Modern Approaches:
1. These approaches draw conclusion from empirical data.
2. These approaches go beyond the study of political structures and its historical analysis.
3. Modern Approaches believe in inter-disciplinary study.
They stress scientific methods of study and attempt to draw scientific conclusions in Political
1. Sociological approach:
Political science and sociology both are social sciences and in several places they overlay. The
fields of sociological studies are human behaviour including the political behaviour, group
behaviour and attitude of group, culture, society. All these fall within the study area of political
science. Sociological approach of politics is very popular. Most famous thinkers are Maclver,
Easton. Almond recognized the important fact in this approach that ample date is available in the
field of sociology so as to lay down certain empirical rules of political behaviour. Many thinkers
realized that state is more of social than political institution. It means social contest is important
to understand the political behaviours of individual (J. C. Johari, 1982). Another term that
belongs to this approach is culture. "Culture refers to the totality of what is learned by
individuals as members of society, it is a way of life a mode of thinking, acting and feeling."
Culture in various ways influences the political behaviour of individuals which is the arena of
investigation of political scientists.
Scholars of politics are fully aware of political culture which is composed of the attitudes,
beliefs, emotions and values of society that relate to the political system and its political issues.
So far as culture is concerned, it is the subject matter of both sociology and political science.
Society is another important theme of sociology and the sociologists devote a substantial part of
their analysis to the exploration of various aspects of society. Students of politics also treat
society with considerable emphasis. Society is composed of human beings who form intimate
relationship among themselves.
The relationship is pigeonholed by both conflict and cooperation and sequentially, these give rise
to politics. Individuals form institutions which are also parts of society. These institutions play
vital role in moulding the character, attitudes and behaviour of individuals. Thus, both sociology
and politics deal with society in its broadest standpoint. Any sociological analysis of society
without its political orientation is bound to be incomplete.
Human beings constitute not only society but also group based on a network of social
relationships. There are numerous sociological studies about these social relationships. Politics
also studies these relationships. Politics studies only the political aspects. There are various
associations or groups within every society and they are normally formed on the basis of
Sociologists investigate them in a bigger perspective. The sociologist explores the relationship
between behaviour pattern and social conditions. The studies of sociologists and political
scientists are interdependent. A recent specialist has observed that:
"Political behaviour, political relationships and political institutions are within the realm of
sociology along with other kinds of behaviour, relationships and institutions. Political science
thus overlaps with sociology just as it overlaps with history and economics. Those who take a
sociological approach to the study of politics give attention to the kinds of questions and the
kinds of data political movements of all sorts can be studied on the basis of a sociological
approach to politics".
Policy creations and legislations depend upon the sociological studies. Sociologist's studies on on
crime, divorce, juvenile delinquency, conditions of slum and urbanisation give inputs to the
government and legislators. Modern states are welfare states and the authorities of such states
can neglect the sociological studies on the above issues only on their own threat.
2. Psychological approach:
There is a strong link between politics and psychology. Psychologists usually study the political
behaviour of individuals and factors leading to such behaviour. They also study why certain
individuals behave in a certain way. In simple form, psychology studies the behaviour, attitude
of the voter and after studying various aspects, the researchers draw conclusions which very
often serve the purpose of political leaders. It is not an overstatement to hold that the foundation
of behaviouralism is psychology of the individuals. Presently, political scientists are eager to
know how motives and emotions work in the field of political activity. Sometimes, the
psychologists focus upon the group behaviour.
There are many examples available if review the history of political thought as to how
psychology and politics are associated. Aristotle stated that man is by nature a social animal and
his sociability is the prime reason of the emergence of political organisation which is called state.
Psychology of man is that man wants to live with others.
Another influential political philosopher, Hobbes articulated that every individuals wants
security and to get it, he desires to accumulate power. It is a general feeling that power only can
provide security. Hobbes' political philosophy is based, to a considerable extent, upon
psychological factors. He has portrayed the nature of men who lived in the state of nature. Men
of the state of nature were power hungry, argumentative and envied each other.
According to Locke, people strongly desired to have freedom and right and to that end they build
up a civil society. Utilitarian philosopher, Bentham studied well the psychology of the middle
class people who sought to maximise their happiness. Bentham proposed their psychology
through the tendency of avoiding pain and welcoming pleasure. Marx's theory of class struggle is
also based on psychology.
The proletarians desire to end the exploitation let loose by the capitalists. Individuals in any
society follow conflicting desires and this is the path-finder of politics. There are motives, likes
and dislikes behind every type of political activity. So politics cannot be isolated from
Even in international politics, the influence of psychology is visible. The big or super-powers are
involved in power politics to establish their power and enhance their image in international
society. This is absolutely a psychological issue.
The idea to launch a war originates from the mind and for that reason, it has been suggested that
attempts are to be made to remove that wicked idea from the mind. Statesmen of international
repute are of opinion that for peace and security, it is indispensable that all sorts of fear are to be
detached from the mind.
3. Economic approach:
Economics and politics are vital arenas of social science and in several respects they are closely
related. In the prospectus of universities of India and many other countries a few decades ago,
economics and political science established a single subject which suggests the close relationship
between the two. This signifies that in the study of politics, economics has great importance.
When evaluating the economic approaches, it is established that the policy formulations of
economic nature and determination of the principles of planning which has recently become a
part of the governmental activity are done by the government. In majority of the countries, public
issues are economic issues and sometimes the only actors are the personnel of the government
such as the prime minister, president and other ministers. This obvious relationship between the
two subjects has placed the economic approach in a suitable position.
Fiscal policies, industrial policy, agricultural policy, labour policy are all economic issues, but
the foremost actors are the members of the government. The executive branch takes the final
decision. There are many specialists and advisers. The implementation is approved by the
government. Policy regarding production and distribution, though within the jurisdiction of
economics, is always decided by the government. It is well recognized that the impact of success
and failure of the economic policies depend upon the government. So discussion of politics
cannot be successful without economics.
The greatest attribution of the economic approach to the study of politics emanates from the
writings of Marx and Engels. The principle of class struggle, increasing impoverishment and
capitalism's exploitation are based on economic factors. Marx and Engels have highlighted the
heterogeneity of interests between the classes. Classes are formed on the basis of economic
interests. Capitalist's profit making motive leads to exploitation of workers. To liberate from
exploitation, the workers are enforced to struggle. The idea of emancipation is associated with
economic terms. Marx stated that politics is controlled by the persons who own sources of
production and manage the process of distribution. Outside economic influence, politics has no
independent authority.
Marx's theory of base and superstructure is a matter of relationship between economics and
politics. Possibly, Marx is the only philosopher who has vehemently argued the relationship
between the two important subjects of social science. The interest group approach to the study of
politics is popular in some liberal democratic countries and this conception is related with
economic approach. Interest groups or pressure groups create pressure to achieve economic
objectives. Therefore, interest group politics and economic approach are mutually dependent.
4. Quantitative approach:
This approach is also known as statistical approach. It is described as the use of numerical data
so as to impart exactitude to the process of describing and analysing political phenomenon. Mere
descriptive or prescriptive analysis is not enough. The subscribers to this approach demonstrate
that there is a safety in numbers and researchers have to prove scientifically the validity of a
proposition by making use of graph, table, and charts. Many writers use this approach in
comparative politics such as Gallup, Charls Merriam, Harold Gosnell, and Lubell. They have
developed sophisticated way to study electoral behaviour of people. It is said that this approach
does not require any especial thematic expertise. It requires the habit of exposing in numerical
terms every generalization to simple test relating to the number of people and their way of doing
in some political activity (J. C. Johari, 1982).
5. System approach:
This approach falls in the category of modern approach. The notion of Systems Theory was
emerged from ancient time, dates back to 1920s. Ludwig Von Bertallanfy is considered as the
earliest advocate of the general systems theory. He utilized this theory for the study of Biology.
It is only after the Second World War, the social scientists claimed for the amalgamation of
sciences for which they took the help of the systems theory. However, when the general systems
theory in its abstract form traced back to natural sciences like Biology, in its operational form,
they are found in Anthropology. Then it was embraced in Sociology and Psychology. In the
decade of sixties, the systems theory became an important tool to evaluate and investigate key
factors in Political Science. Among political scientists, David Easton has been the first to apply
this theory to political analysis.
This approach describes the relationship of political life with other aspects of social life. The idea
of a system was initially borrowed from biology by Talcott Parsons who first promoted the
concept of social system. Later on David Easton further developed the concept of a political
system. This approach signified that a political system operates within the social environment.
Consequently, it is not possible to analyse political events in isolation from other aspects of the
society. To put in other way, influences from the society, be it economic, religious or otherwise,
do shape the political process.
Figure: System approach

The political system operates within an environment. The environment produces demands from
different parts of the society such as demand for reservation in the matter of employment for
certain groups, demand for soothing working conditions or minimum wages, demand for better
transportation facilities, demand for better health facilities. Different demands have different
levels of support. Easton said that both 'demands' and 'supports' establish 'inputs.' The political
system receives theses inputs from the environment. After considering various factors, the
government decides to take action on some of these demands while others are not acted upon.
Through, the conversion process, the inputs are converted into 'outputs' by the decision makers in
the form of policies, decisions, rules, regulations and laws. The 'outputs' flow back into the
environment through a 'feedback' mechanism, giving rise to fresh 'demands.' Accordingly, it is a
recurring process.
Presently, the term 'political system' has been chosen to the term state or government because it
includes both formal informal political instructions and processes those continue to exist in a
society. Systems approach to political institutions by the behavioural school has evolved new
concept. David Easton, G. A. Almond and Morton A. Kaplan are credited for applying this
approach in Political Science. According to this theory, political behaviour is conceived as a
system and the political system is well-defined as "Authoritative allocation of values with threat
or actual use of deprivations to make them binding on all". It is the system of interactions to be
found in independent societies which performs the functions of integration and adaptation both
internally and externally by means of employment of legitimate physical compulsion. A political
system has three important characteristics, specifically, comprehensiveness, interdependence and
existence of boundaries. However, the features of a political system are openness, adaptiveness,
comprehensiveness, self-regulating, ongoing. It is composed of a number of structures which
have specific functions. These functions are pigeonholed as input and output functions. A
political system performs these in order to maintain itself.
6. Simulation approach:
The facts of this approaches are borrowed by political scientists from natural science as well as
from cybernetics and mathematics. Simulation means the study with help of image construction
or model building. Such facts are used in political communication, decision making and game
theory. The political communication approach formulated by Karl Deutsch lays emphasis on
how one part of the system affects another by sending messages or transmitting information.
According to this approach, politics and government appear in essence as processes of steering
and coordinating human efforts towards the attainment of some goals (J. C. Johari, 1982).
Decision Making Approach is another example of simulation approach. Decision making
approach explores the attributes of decision makers as well as the type of influence the
individuals have on the decision makers. Scholars like Richard Synder and Charles Lindblom
have developed this approach. A political decision which is taken by a few political players
influences a bigger society and such a decision is generally shaped by a specific situation.
Therefore, it takes into account psychological and social aspects of decision makers also.
7. Behavioural approach:
Behaviouralism is considered as contemporary approach to the study of political science. But this
approach was emerged during 20th century. An important consideration of Behaviouralism has
been the study of political behaviour, as an area of study within Political Science. It concentrates
is on the individual as voter, leader, revolutionary, party member and the influences of the group
or the political system on the individual's political behaviour.
Behviouralism stresses scientific, objective and value-free study of the political occurrences as
conditioned by the environment, firmly the behaviour of the individuals involved in that
phenomena. As such, it focuses on the role of the behaviour of the individual at various levels
and the scientific analysis. Behaviouralism is the development of method against traditional
political science which did not take into account if human behaviour as an actor in politics.
Behaviouralism is quite different from behaviourism. Behaviourism is narrow in its application.
It refers to the response of an organism as aroused by some stimulus. It does not consider role of
the feelings, ideas, prejudices that determine the response of that individual. Behaviouralism
does take into account the role of the feelings, ideas and prejudices. David Easton differentiates
between behaviourism and behaviouralism through an example. The paradigm adopted by
behaviourists, according to him is S- R (Stimulus-Response). But the behavioural lists have
improved it by making it as S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response). David Easton regards
behavioural revolution is an intellectual tendency on the part of the political scientists to study
empirically the political behaviour of persons.
Striking Features of Behaviouralism:
David Easton has described certain key features of behaviouralism which are regarded as its
intellectual foundations. These are:
1. Regularities: This approach believes that there are certain consistencies in political
behaviour which can be expressed in generalizations or theories in order to elucidate and
predict political phenomena. In a particular situation, the Political behaviour of
individuals may be more or less similar. Such regularities of behaviour may help the
researcher to analyse a political situation as well as to predict the future political
phenomena. Study of such regularities makes Political Science more scientific with some
predictive value.
2. Verification: The behaviouralists do not want to accept everything as established.
Therefore, they stress testing and verifying everything. According to them, if
phenomenon is not verified then it will not be scientific.
3. Techniques: The behaviouralists stress on the use of those research tools and methods
which generate valid, reliable and comparative data. A researcher must make use of
refined tools like sample surveys, mathematical models, simulation.
4. Quantification: After collecting data, the researcher should measure and quantify those
5. Values: The behaviouralists have emphasised on separation of facts from values. They
believe that to do objective research, one has to be value free. It means that the researcher
should not have any pre-conceived idea or a prejudiced view.
6. Systematization: According to the behaviouralists, research in Political Science must be
systematic. Theory and research should go together.
7. Pure Science: Another feature of behaviouralism has been its aim to make Political
Science a "pure science". It believes that the study of Political Science should be verified
by evidence.
8. Integration: behaviouralists stated that political Science should not be detached from
various other social sciences such as history, sociology and economics. This approach
denotes that political events are formed by various other factors in the society and
therefore, it would be incorrect to separate Political Science from other disciplines.
Consequently, with the development of behaviouralism, novel thinking and new method of study
were evolved in the field of Political Science.
Advantages of behavioural approach are as follows:
1. - This approach attempts to make Political Science as a scientific method and brings it
closer to the day to day life of the individuals.
2. - Behaviouralism has bought human behaviour into the arena of Political Science and
thereby makes the study more relevant to the society.
3. - This approach helps in predicting future political events.
The behavioural approach has been supported by different political philosophers. However, the
Behavioural approach also gripped under various criticisms for its scienticism also. The main
criticisms of this approach are mentioned below:
1. This approach has been criticized for its dependence on techniques and methods and
ignoring the subject matter.
2. The supporters of this approach were mistaken when they thought that human beings
behave in similar ways in similar circumstances.
3. Moreover, it is a difficult task to study human behaviour and to get a certain result.
4. Most of the political phenomena are immeasurable. Therefore, it is always difficult to use
scientific method in the study of Political Science.
- Furthermore, the researcher being a human being is not always value neutral as believed by the
Other criticisms by political thinkers are as under:
1. Behaviouralism over emphasizes on techniques.
2. It is criticized as Pseudo-politics as it aims at upholding only American institutions as the
best in the world.
3. It stresses behavioural effect at the cost of institutional effect.
4. It emphasizes static rather than current situations.
5. It is a value free research, as its debate is not possible.
Post behaviourism: The progress of behavioural movement in Political Science is one of the
important breakthroughs in the history of Political Science. The growth of behaviouralism
clearly presented a scientific dynamism in the study of political phenomena. Nevertheless, after
sometime, it began to be realized that unlike natural sciences, generalizations could not be made
in the field of social sciences, as the study of man in the societal framework was a far more
complex pursuit than the study of objects in the natural sciences. Therefore, a new thinking
emerged among the behaviouralists for transforming behaviouralism.
David Easton who was a faithful supporter of behaviouralism later became a strong opponent of
behaviouralism. In his presidential address to the Annual Convention of the American Political
Science Association held in 1969, David Easton avowed that he felt unhappy with the political
research and teaching made under the impact of behaviouralism. He further said that because of
excessive use of mathematics, Political Science looked more of mathematics instead of social
science and that it does not study the current and contemporary world.
Behaviouralism also disappointed people as it is unsuccessful in providing solutions to many
social and political problems. Such dissatisfaction has led to the emergence of post-
behaviouralism. This new approach believed that mere use of refined techniques and research
tools would not solve the social and political problems of the world. Therefore, post-
behaviouralists criticized the idea of behaviouralists to make Political Science a value-free
science like other natural sciences. Post-behaviouralists attempted to make Political Science
pertinent to the society. However, it must be recalled that post-behaviouralism cannot be
separated from behviouralism as it has arose from behaviouralism. Through, using different
techniques and methods, post-behaviouralists try to overcome the disadvantages of
behaviouralism and make the study of Political Science more applicable to the society.
According to post-behaviouralism, the use of scientific tools is valuable if it can solve the
various problems of the society. Behaviouralists gave too much emphasis on methods and
techniques and believed that it was better to be wrong than ambiguous. On the contrary, Post-
behaviouralists believe that it is better to be vague than non-relevantly precise. The post-
behaviouralists disapproved behaviouralism on the basis that the latter had lost touch with the
realities of the society because of over emphasis on techniques. Thus, post-behaviouralists may
be regarded as the reform movement within behaviouralism. This new approach stresses
identifying and solving the major issues of political and social life. According to post-
behaviouralism, the political scientists should find out different alternatives and means to solve
the social problems. Consequently, the main drive of post-behaviouralism has been to make
Political Science significant to the society. However, it is noted that it is only a perpetuation of
behaviouralism. It does not overall reject the ideas of behaviouralism. It recognizes the
achievement of behaviouralism and escalates its effort to do objective research in Political
Science. It only attempts to bring research in Political Science closer to reality to make the
subject more relevant to the society. Accordingly, the post-behaviouralists opposed the efforts of
the behaviouralists to make Political Science a value-free science. It was debated by the post-
behaviouralists that Political Science must consider basic issues of society such as justice,
liberty, equality, democracy to make research relevant to the society. The post-behaviouralists
have described behaviouralism as a 'mad craze for scienticism'. Thus, the post-behaviouralism is
an improvement of behaviouralism as it changes its focus strictly from empirical research to
resolving problems confronting the society.
8. Marxian approach:
Marxian approach to politics is not limited to the writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin but all
those of a congregation of later writers such as Luxemburg, Trotsky, Gramsci and many others.
Further, an explicitly 'political' treatise cannot be found in the whole range of classical Marxist
texts. Miliband indicated that "a Marxist politics had to be constructed or reconstructed from the
mass of variegated and fragmented material which forms the corpus of Marxism."
Marx views on Individual:
Marx stated that the individual is individual-in-society. Individual has no identity without the
society. Marx described that "society does not consist of individuals, but expresses the sum of
inter-relations, the relations within which these individuals stand." As such, Marx is different
from the liberal view which conceives individual as atomized, insular and self-contained.
Views of Marx on Society:
Marxists specified that all societies in history have been class societies. The contending classes
from 'freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman to
bourgeoisie and proletariat in the period of capitalism have stood in constant opposition to one
another. All class societies are characterized by supremacy and conflict which are based on
specific, concrete features of their mode of production. Class domination has been a historical
process suggesting a constant attempt on the part of the dominant classes to maintain and extend
their power on the society.
Marx on Politics:
Marxist opined that politics can be understood only with reference to the nature of prevailing
societal conflict and domination. Politics, as such, conceived in terms of the 'specific articulation
of class struggles.' In general, in Marxian view politics has a derivative and epiphenomenal
character. The political life processes are considered as part of 'superstructure' standing on the
economic structure of society. The subsidiary and derivative character of politics can be well
inferred from the following quotation from the 'Preface' to a contribution to the criticism of
Political Economy:
"In the social production of their existence, men enter into definite, necessary relations, which
are independent of their will, namely, relations of production corresponding to a determinate
stage of development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of
production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation on which arises a
legal and political superstructure and to which there correspond definite forms of social
consciousness. The mode of production of social consciousness. The mode of production of
material life conditions the social, political and intellectual life-process in general."
According to Marx, Politics, economics, culture and ideology are all inseparably interweaved.
The 'forces of production' at a particular stage of historical development, are harmonized by
definite 'relations of production' that characterize the society. The relations of production taken
together constitute the economic foundation of the society. The legal and political institutions
stand on this "real foundation" of economic structure.
From the Marxist perspective, the real nature of politics, has to be assumed from "the hidden
basis of the entire social structure." Ralph Miliband stated that politics is 'a very determined and
conditioned activity indeed so determined' and 'conditioned' in fact, as to give politics a mostly
derivative, subsidiary, and 'epiphenomenal' character."
It is well recognized that Marx put more emphasis on the materialistic or economic interpretation
of history. He stated that the capitalists by controlling the means of production and distribution
also controlled not only the political but social and economic structure of the society as well. He
stressed economic aspect of life. According to him, every other activity in the society revolved
round economics. All social and political activities are based on economic activity.
9. Structural functional approach:
According to this approach, the society is a single inter-related system where each part of the
system has a definite and distinct role to play. The structural-functional approach may be
considered as an offshoot of the system analysis. These approaches accentuate the structures and
functions. Gabriel Almond was an advocate of this approach. He described political systems as a
special system of interaction that exists in all societies performing certain functions. According
to him, the main attributes of a political system are comprehensiveness, inter-dependence and
existence of boundaries. Like Easton, Almond also believes that all political systems perform
input and output functions. The Input functions of political systems are political socialization and
recruitment, interest-articulation, interest-aggression and political communication. Almond
makes three-fold classifications of governmental output functions relating to policy making and
implementation. These output functions are rule making, rule application and rule adjudication.
Therefore, Almond believes that a stable and efficient political system converts inputs into

Comparing Regimes Authoritative Regimes and Democracy:

Comparing Governments
No two governments, past or present, are exactly the same. However, it is possible to examine
the similarities and differences among political and economic systems and categorize different
forms of government. One simple way to categorize governments is to divide them into
democratic and authoritarian political systems.
Many countries today claim to be democracies, but if the citizens are not involved in government
and politics, they are democratic in name only. Some governments are more democratic than
others, but systems cannot be considered truly democratic unless the meet certain criteria:
 Freedom of speech, the press, and religion. Democracies in general respect these basic
individual liberties. No government allows absolute freedom, but democracies do not
heavily censor newspapers and public expression of opinions.
 Majority rule with minority rights. In democracies, people usually accept decisions made
by the majority of voters in a free election. However, democracies try to avoid the
"tyranny of the majority" by providing ways for minorities all kinds to have their voices
heard as well.
 Varied personal backgrounds of political leaders. Democracies usually leave room for
many different types of citizens to compete for leadership positions. In other words,
presidents and legislators do not all come from a few elite families, the same part of the
country, or the same social class.
 Free, competitive elections. The presence of elections alone is not enough to call a
country a democracy. The elections must be fair and competitive, and the government or
political leaders cannot control the results. Voters must have real choices among
candidates who run for public office.
 Rule by law. Democracies are not controlled by the whims of a leader, but they are
governed by laws that apply to leaders and citizens equally.
 Meaningful political participation by citizens. By itself, a citizen's right to vote is not a
good measure of democracy. The government must respond in some way to citizen
demands. If they vote, the candidate they choose must actually take office. If they contact
government in other ways — writing, protesting, phoning — officials must respond.
The degree to which a government fulfills these criteria is the degree to which it can be
considered democratic. Examples of such governments include Great Britain, France, Japan, and
the United States.

Authoritarian Regimes
One ruler or a small group of leaders have the real power in authoritarian political systems.
Authoritarian governments may hold elections and they may have contact with their citizens, but
citizens do not have any voice in how they are ruled. Their leaders do not give their subjects free
choice. Instead, they decide what the people can or cannot have. Citizens, then, are subjects who
must obey, and not participants in government decisions. Kings, military leaders, emperors, a
small group of aristocrats, dictators, and even presidents or prime ministers may rule
authoritarian governments. The leader's title does not automatically indicate a particular type of
Authoritarian systems do not allow freedoms of speech, press, and religion, and they do not
follow majority rule nor protect minority rights. Their leaders often come from one small group,
such as top military officials, or from a small group of aristocratic families. Examples of such
regimes include China, Myanmar, Cuba, and Iran.
No nation falls entirely into either category. It also dangerous to categorize a nation simply by
the moment in time during which they were examined. The Russia of 1992 was very different
from the Russia of 1990. Both democratic and authoritarian governments change over time,
rendering the global mosaic uncertain and complex.

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