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CORE PRINCIPLE OF BUSINESS Different Kind of Justice

OPERATIONS 1.Distributive Justice 一 the extent to

● Fairness which society’s institutions ensure that
● Accountability benefits and burdens are distributed
● Transparency among society’s members in ways that
● Stewardship are unfair and just.
2.Retributive Justice 一 the extent to
Fairness which punishments are fair and just
➔ The level of even-handedness in 3.Compensatory Justice 一 the extent
dispensing justice whereby to which the people are fairly
claims are recognized in the compensated for their injuries by those
order of their legal and who have injured them; just
contractual priority compensation is proportional to the loss
● Justice 一giving each person inflicted on a person
what he or she deserves or, in
more traditional terms, giving Accountability
each person his or her due ➔ The obligation of an individual or
organization to account for its
JUSTICE FAIRNESS activities, accept responsibility for
them, and to disclose the results
一reference to a 一 ability to judge in a transparent manner
standard of without reference ➔ Includes the responsibility for
rightness to one’s feelings money or other entrusted
or interest company
➔ In organizations, a management
一 ability to make control process in which
judgements that responses (positive or negative)
are concrete and are given for a person’s actions
specific to ➔ In leadership roles, the
particular case acknowledgement and
assumptions of responsibility for
actions products, decisions, and
Principles of Justice policies including the
“Equal should be treated equally and
administration, governance and
unequals unequally” 一Aristotle
implementation within the scope
“Individuals should be treated the of the role of employee position
same unless they differ in ways that ➔ Encompasses the obligation to
are relevant to the situation in which report, explain and answer for
they are involved” resulting consequences
➔ Strong connection to Stewardship
expectations:crucial to ensuring ➔ An ethic that embodies the
high performance within the responsible planning and
management or resources
➔ Can be applied to the
environment and nature,
● Corporate Accountability 一 economics health, property,
the act of being accountable to information, theology
the stakeholders of an ➔ New generally recognized as the
organization一shareholders, acceptance or assignment of the
employees, suppliers, customers, responsibility to shepherd and
safeguard the valuables of others
the local community
Commercial Stewardship 一 tends to
the domestic and service requirements
Transparency of passengers on ships, trains, airplanes
➔ The lack of hidden agendas and or guests in restaurants
conditions, accompanied by the Product Stewardship 一 the
availability of full information understanding, controlling, and
required for communicating a product’s
environmental, health, and safety
collaboration,cooperation, and
related effects throughout its life cycle,
collective decision making from production (or extraction) to final
➔ The minimum degree of disposal or reuse
disclosure to which agreements,
dealings, practices, and
transactions are open to all for COMMON PRACTICES IN BUSINESS
➔ The essential condition for a free A.DECORUM
and open exchange whereby he ● BUSINESS PRACTICE
rules and reasons behind 一 method, procedure, process,
regulatory measures are fair and rule, employed or followed by a
clear to all participants company in the pursuits of its objective.
一 Business compete with one
another as part of the capitalist
● Corporate Transparency
economic system, yet at the same time
一 the extent to which a share many common characteristics.
corporation's action are observable by They need to follow compatible
outsiders: a consequence of regulation, economic practices in order to be part of
local norms, and the set of information, the same system.
privacy, and business policies
concerning corporate decision-making ● BUSINESS ETIQUETTE
and operations openness to employees, 一 ot just knowing what to
stakeholders, shareholders and the discuss during a business dinner or how
general public. to address colleagues
一 it is a way of presenting
oneself in such a way that he will be pen on the table, audible noises
taken seriously with your mouth, rustling papers,
一 demonstrating that he has fidgeting)
self-control necessary to be good at the 6.On Basic Courtesy and Respect
job, expressing a knowledge of business ➢ Consider the feeling of others
situations, and having the ability to and address conflicts in a
make other comfortable around him straightforward and impersonal
1.On Time and Promptness ➢ People who are disrespectful
➢ Punctual in reporting work may find themselves losing
➢ Prompt when meeting others credibility and respect of their
➢ Call ahead to confirm business peers
appointments ➢ Good etiquette involves showing
➢ Arrive at least 15 minutes early respect not only to your superiors
but also to your peers and
2. On Preparation subordinate一everyone
➢ have all the necessary resources, ➢ Consistently respectful attitude
materials and data prior the will build your credibility
appointment 7.On Greetings
3.On Agenda ➢ in formal situation, the oldest or
➢ ideally the chairperson of the the most important person is
meeting circulate a meeting greeted FIRST
agenda to the participants at ➢ Consider who, what, where,
least 2-3 days prior when一the person, his position,
➢ When the actual meeting, the the venue or event, the time
chairperson should run down the 8.On Handshakes
agenda ➢ Firm handshakes
4.On Attire and Appearance ➢ Filipino setting, little more contact
➢ dress appropriately according to ( a pat on the side of the arm as a
occasion, time, place, people gesture of hospitality or
➢ ask for the dress code friendship)
➢ thought it is a “Casual Friday”, it ➢ Clear status differential, it is best
is still important to practice good to let him or her offer the
grooming and appearance handshake first
➢ dressing well is a vital part of 9.On Body Language
earning respect. ➢ The “Be’s” yourself, confident,
5.On Decorum sincere, positive, composed
➢ Excessive use of slang, profanity 10.On Formal and Informal Address
(vulgarity), and other offensive ➢ Address a new business
language is an immediate sign of acquaintance by his or her family
unprofessionalism name一Mr./Ms./Mrs.
➢ The speaking of gossip and ➢ Formal status titles一
communication of private or Dr./Atty./Sec.
confidential information does not 11.On speaking in Meeting
win you any point ➢ Keep the meeting organized by
➢ Avoid nervous habits (tapping only speaking when you have the
floor ➢ When sending an email, use
➢ Ask questions during the specific subject line; keep the
designated period, and raise message business-like and not
hand to be recognized overly personal or casual
➢ Do not interrupt someone while ➢ When using an email, use
they are speaking or asking a greetings and salutations in
question standard correspondence一Dear,
➢ Raised voice, wrong intonation, sincerely, please, thank you
implication of incompetence, or ➢ Never type in all capital letters
excessive direct eye contact can 17.On Bargaining
do major damage一can be ➢ Part of the Filipino’s way of life;
regarded as terribly disrespectful became natural for the region’s
12.On Listening businessmen
➢ Listen attentively to the meeting ➢ Do not get angry and avoid
and take notes shouting or imposing
➢ You may find that many of the unreasonable deadlines for
questions you have about the decision-making
topic are answered by the 18.On Bringing in Guests
content of the meeting ➢ Do not bring unannounced
13.On Cell Phones and Laptops guests
➢ Turn off your mobile phone, or ➢ If you have someone you would
put it on silent or vibrate mode like to bring, then contact the
➢ Unless laptop computers have other party for permission
been approved, turn it off and 19.On Building Relationships
lower off the screen so that you ➢ Show other that you value their
do not obstruct anyone's view work; such as secretaries and
14.On Business or Visiting Cards janitorial staff
➢ Advisable to present your ➢ You will go extra mile if you treat
business or visiting card with both them with respect
hands 20.On Business Meals and
➢ Never slip the card into your Recreation
pocket, or your wallet; put it with ➢ Karaoke is popular and if your
the papers your are using during are invited, expect to be invited to
the negotiations sing
15.On Breaks ➢ In general, the person who issues
➢ Meetings should have a break the invitation is the one who pays
every two hours 21.On Gift-Giving
➢ Breaks should be 20 minutes ➢ Imported brandy and whiskey are
long; meal breaks 30 minutes regarded as prized gifts, even if
long the recipient does not drink
16. On Appropriate Communication alcohol
➢ Always return phone calls and ➢ Gifts are generally not opened
emails. when received
➢ When calling or receiving a call, ➢ Wrap gifts elegantly as the
you should always identify presentation is important
yourself and your department
B. PROTOCOL visit and remember: The Internet is your
一 the unwritten rules or friend.
guidelines that are peculiar to every Learn key phrases. It’s always a
culture or organization, and are smart move to learn several key
supposed to be observed by all parties phrases in the language of the country
in the conduct of business, entertaining, you’ll visit. It's a nice way to bridge the
negotiating, politics gap between culture 一 and natives will
appreciate the attempt.
Business Protocol 一 general term that Leave the attitude at home.
may define several aspects of a American sometimes assume superior
business; guidelines that are typically attitudes when interacting with foreign
defined for each employee upon being culture - for them it is “our way is the
hired best way.” Ditch this stance quickly - you
could be ignored or met with
1. The Basics of Protocol disapproval.
PURPOSE: to encourage all employees Blend in. In general, Americans
in a company to act in a uniform dress differently, speak loudly and have
manner; helps ensure that all distinct accents - so it’s best to try to
employees understand their role in the stand out more than you already will.
company, the tasks and the challenges
they face, and how to execute them as Jet Lag: Affecting Your Business?
quickly and accurately as possible Try to arrive a few days early to
give your body a chance to adjust
2. Training in Protocol before important meetings or
❖ A business may provide business conferences.
protocol and etiquette training for Get plenty of rest before your trip.
its employee Jet lag is worse if you start out
❖ may help bridge economic, sleep-deprived.
cultural, knowledge and language Dehydration doesn’t actually
gaps cause jet lag, but it does make
symptoms worse. Drink plenty of water
3. Benefits of Protocol before, during, and after your flight to
❖ helps present a uniform, counteract the dehydrating effects of dry
professional face to the public, to cabin air. Avoid caffeine and alcohol for
partners an to donors further dehydration.
❖ may unite employees under Sleep on the plane if it’s night
common goals and ensure that time at your destination. Resist the urge
the task are executed to the if it’s daytime there.
Set your watch to the new time
4. International Business Protocol before you leave. Once you reach your
Before You Go destination, try not to sleep until night
Prepare: do plenty of research time no matter how tired you are. If you
on the business and personal etiquette must sleep, just take a short, one-hour
of the particular country you are “cat-nap.”
planning to visit. Purchase a Travel
Book for the country you are going to
Gender Roles Gifts
Gender etiquette plays a A standard to keep in mind for
significant role not only in business, but any gift you select is quality. If you give
overall in foreign travel. In some gifts with your company logo, it’s better if
countries, where gender is rooted in the the logo is discreet. Never give
tenets of particular religion, faux pas are company logo gifts in Greece, Spain or
often considered unforgivable. Portugal. In general, be safe rather than
sorry and choose non-logo gifts.
Talking Business In China, it’s considered rude to
If you’re on business in open a gift in front of the person who
Germany, leave the trade talk at the gave it. In Africa, gifts are opened
boardroom door. Business matters are immediately upon receipt.
usually discussed before or after the
meal, never during. 5. Example of Protocols in Philippine
Conversely, in China, it’s ok to Business
discuss business as long as it’s not the
main topic of conversation. Personal a. Filipino Family-Modeled Business
exchanges about children, spouses or ● paternalistic in hierarchical
other personal information are management
encouraged and welcomed. ● boss and subordinate一parent and
Business Cards ● compadrazgo (dense network of
The business card exchange is godparents and quasi-relatives
extremely important in Japan - almost “seeming”)
ceremonial. Always give business cards ● Nepotism
with two hands and make looking at it
indicates the more respects you have b. Business is Personal
for the person. ● deal with business matters on a
In Italy, do not exchange face-to-face basis
business cards at social occasions, it is ● Knowing the right people, personal
the norm at business functions and relations and contact vs. economic
meetings. criteria
● establish relationship (personal
Alcohol at Meals introduction) through a friend or
In Australia, alcohol is business associate
discouraged at business luncheons.
Drinking moderately at business meals c. Status-Consciousness
is acceptable in Germany; in Russia, ● Filipinos are very status-conscious,
you are expected to drink to establish and the use of formal titles is an
closer relationships - though again, in important way of showing respect to
moderation. your business partners and
In France, avoid drinking hard colleagues
liquor before meals or smoking cigars
between courses - the French feel it d. Politeness and Ambiguity
compromises the taste of the meal. ● culture value of pakikisama and the
importance of maintaining social
harmony make disagreement or operation/application. This does not
interpersonal tension of any sort is imply that a policy should be altered
distasteful always, but it should be wide in scope
● Beating around the bust一”yes” so as to ensure that the line managers
means in different ways depending use them in repetitive/routine scenarios.
on subtle cues and nonverbal
● Unwillingness to say “no”

一 the scope or sphere within which
decisions can be taken by the
subordinates of the organization
一 permits lower level management to
deal with the problems and issues
without consulting top level
management every time for decisions
一 guidelines developed by an
organization to govern its actions

Features of Business Policy

SPECIFIC: Policy should be definite. If it
is uncertain, then the implementation
will become difficult.
CLEAR: Policy must be unambiguous. It
should avoid the use of jargons and
connotations. There should be no
misunderstandings in following the
RELIABLE/UNIFORM: Policy must be
uniform enough so that it can be
efficiently followed by the subordinates.
APPROPRIATE: Policy should be
appropriate to present organizational
SIMPLE: A policy should be simple and
easily understood by all in the
order to have a wide scope, a policy
must be complete.
STABLE: Policy should be stable else it
will lead to indecisiveness and
uncertainty in the minds of those who
look into it for guidance.
FLEXIBLE: Policy should be flexible in

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