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Model of communication

explain the model of communication that I created humans communicate in different ways every single
day and no one has the same exact definition for communication as we have recently learned in our past
module everyone defines it differently but I hope my model gives a different twist to it and that you can
understand it maybe a little bit easier the different types of models that we learned about in our discussion
was the first one is transmission and transmission is a one-way linear process between the sender and
receiver who who developed the messages and the receiver decodes the message to comprehend the
message the next one is interaction which is a two-way process where the sender and receiver are they
are both senders and receivers in this process the next one is a little bit more complex and that is the
transaction model of communication and that is where they communicate Jen and they the
communicators generate social realities and now I'm going to talk about my model of communication and
my model communication is called the transition model and I drew a diagram to kind of help better show
what I'm trying to discuss and what I'm trying to show you all um as you can see I have I still have the
communicators just like in the transaction model the communicators will be communicating through this
channel right there and the channel is going through the phone because I'm going to be discussing
snapchat and how we can use that as a as a model of communication snapchat is a social media and it is
an app on your phone that you will download you can send pictures and even videos but it is mostly used
for pictures my type of communication model is mainly using interpersonal communication because the
communicators will be developing the ideas that they want to send to the other communicator and they
use their interpersonal communication to come up with these Thoughts and be able to create these
whenever they send this the phone is kind of barrier between the face-to-face interaction and people
might say stuff through snapchat that they wouldn't say on in a face-to-face interaction with one another
because also on snapchat it will only last for a certain amount of seconds and is maximal of 10 seconds
so whenever someone is sending that and I also have on my diagram the noise which is demonstrated in
this model because you only have a certain time to look at the snapchat and so it could be psychological
where you're thinking about something else or physical distractions such as dogs animals anything that
could distract you from understanding what the other communicator is saying snapchat has been is
recently used social media and technology just rapidly increases so in the future more communication
models such as this could arise but this was my communication model and thank you for watching

communication the process of generating meetings symbolic use that are influenced by multiple
contexts I wanted to keep this definition in mind but I was creating my own own model of
communication because I wanted to make sure that it was simple enough for my audience to
fully understand and grasp the meaning but I also wanted to make sure it was unique enough for
them to find it interesting my communication model is called the musical communication model
the musical communication model uses music as its main form of communication there's a two-
way channel and the only person that can send feedback is the person that is not singing or
playing an instrument while most communication models use hand gestures body language or
verbal spoken words as its main form of communication musical communication model uses
music one person singer plays an instrument while the other listens this can be used in group
communication which occurs when three or more people communicate to achieve a shared goal a
good example of this would be in church you have your people at the front of the church who
sing and play their instruments all the congregation also have the same goal as them which is to
worship this could also be used with public communication which
is sender focused and typically occurs when one person conveys information to an audience a
good take with this would be if I were to put on a concert it would be me in my guitar
performing to a whole audience there's also mass communication a good example of this would
be if I too had a song that was on the radio my song I was on the radio would be mass
communication it occurs when messages are sent in large audiences using print or electronic
device if you wanted to go as far to say that the person that can give feedback they can also give
their feedback using mass communication if they wanted to send a tweet saying how much they
liked it or post them they on it so you can say how Much didn't like it unlike the interaction
model that has a one-way channel but both people can give feedback the musical communication
model has a two-way Channel but only one person can get feedback let's say that the person
singing is sandy and the person listening is Brad it has a two-way channel because even though
sandy is themain person singing Brad can also make facial expressions showing if they didn't or
didn't like it they would most likely be using interpersonal communication if they sort of be
happening I'm personally one of those people that whatever I'm thinking shows up on my face
Brad could be listening to sandy and thinking how he really relates to this message he
understands what she's saying he might smile or if he were to think the opposite he might frown
he could also be using physical communication so even though the musician is the person doing
this main form of communication the other person giving feedback is the listener and they could
also you use other forms of communication other than singing so for example I previously said
physical communication Brad could clap giving feedback he could also give facial expressions
giving feedback feedback is something that tells the singer or the instrument person usually I
think of it as how they were doing what they think what did you think of something oh well I
thought it was wonderful I thought you presented yourself well I really understood your message
overall a musical communication model I think is something that's very personal and everybody
has experience whether they're in this case sandy or Brad mystical communication has a one
person singing or playing an instrument as the main form of communication a two-way channel
and one person can give feedback and that only person is the person who's not singing or playing
the instrument thank you very much for your time and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your
day English

ne of the first models of communication was developed in the mid-1950s and that model is the
transmission model the transmission model of communication is proven to be more linear and
technical than most models however it's definitely better the way us humans to communicate to
better understand mock communication models I develop sound and in this speech I will explain
to the audience my own model of communication my model of communication focuses on
interpersonal communication which is simply communication between two individuals the
source and man's the receiver when comparing my models to others I would say it is more like
the interactive models communication can merely be defined as two individuals exchanging
ideas amongst each other and not all communication is spoken communication can be written on
a piece of paper and held up for others to see it can be tasted on its own or type on a computer or
-ssssssssssssssssssssssssdit can be through sign language what is sign language sign language is
communicating using visual gestures and signs and most us people have to use this way of
communicating as they cannot speak and they cannot hear next I will discuss the encoding and
decoding process of my model o communication the sender converts the thoughts in their mind
and simply by using sign language conveys that thought to the receiver the thought is
communicated that way and there is how the receiver interprets the message is totally up to them
now when someone's speaking verbally it is easy to see the emotion conveyed behind the source
but with sign language is a little more trickier so with sign language you can see the emotion
through I movement you can see it through other body gestures and like I said it is more tricky
because when someone's speaking verbally if they're yelling you know they're mad or if they're
whispering you know they might be in trouble or they might be simply said next is the channel
and the noise of my communication models the type of channel and my model is obviously
visual because you have to see what the source is doing in order to communicate with them
because you to see their hand gestures what is the noise the noise is just simply everyday
distraction noise is everywhere around us it can be other people talking loudly in the next room it
can be cars going down the road causing a ruckus or it could be through text messaging and I
saw that text messaging is really a huge distraction …..o.nowadays however with sign language
you have to have your hands-free in order to communicate with one another so you have to put
down your phone and you really have to get in that conversation now that I'd explain to the
audience my model it is time to conclude sign line or communication is not just verbal which is
something we hardly ever remember so always remember it's not just verbal you can use other
interactions to communicate

my personal form of the communication model that I drew myself I'd remind a lot like the
interactive model because I'm really drawn to one-on-one interactions between people so that
one was the one that I really wanted to make my model look most like one of the major things
that I adjusted and it was that was I did not add the noise in there because communication does
not always have to avoid involve nice if you think about mass communication with the media
it's not always noise a lot of written articles a lot of Instagram captions and stuff that you read
but you don't hear it here is my model right here is all about give and take. It relies on an
exchange of communication from the sender to the receiver and from the receiver to the sender
and back again, and my own model of communication is also a two-way process type of
communication. The sender communicates something, sending it to another person. The
receiver receives and interprets it. They then become the sender, transmitting a response
message back to the original sender. Given this feedback the first person may now
communicate again and the process becomes a circular, reciprocating pattern of sending based
on what was received. Within this process interference can happen at any time, changing or
distorting the message, or distracting the people from the job of interpersonal communication.
This may happen in the medium between the two people. It can also happen in the heads of the
speaker or listener.
I have the two people one-on-one they're both the communicators because communicator communicating
is a two-way thing the message goes through this channel right here and it goes back and forth the
feedback loop goes all the way around in both directions because communicating is simultaneous notice
again I didn't put noise anywhere on here that was one of the big things that I wanted to change because
noise is not always involved so this is normally interpersonal communication with the feedback loops.

Peter Drucker once said the most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said
communication is a very complex and definition could go on and on and be added to years and years and
years it's also something that everyone participates in every day in their everyday life we're
communicating right now I argue though that we're only communicating on a small level what I mean by
this is you don't know anything about me I don't know anything about you therefore you don't know my
emotions you don't know when I'm happy or versus when I'm sad or upset or when I'm passionate about
what I'm talking about now communication with someone can be very different based on a relationship
and knowledge of personnel I believe that a strong relationship makes for better communication this is
what I would like to add all what our book defines communication as knowing the person can make a
difference and I argue that the better knowledge you have better communication now I've drawn a model
of communication to help explain what my definition is this is just like the ones in the book you can see
there's a sender and receiver and in the middle here there's words being transmitted between the two but
also you can see that there's a context of words what I mean by this is that words can mean different
things the way that they're being said now if two strangers were just talking they don't know when either
one of them is upset or sad or mad or happy and the context of their words could tell this if there's a
relationship and if there's knowledge of personnel if I was having a conversation with my mom I would
know when she's upset and when she's not a stranger woman now also you can see these arrows under
here knowledge personnel which I have these here one on bottom to show that knowledge of personnel
and physical contact is different with every conversation and you can even have communication without
words just physical contact if I can if I came up to someone I know I'd slapped them then obviously there's
not something going on but that is communication to say hey I'm pretty mad at you or if I came up to
someone and hug them that's someone that I knew and hugged them they would know hey I'm really
happy with you let's talk about this whereas if I just came up and hugged a stranger obviously that would
be very weird and creepy and over here I have arrows and it's this is representing that if the receiver
knows the sender then there's a more pull torsos mercy sender sorry which would let the receiver relate
to the sender more and then if the sender knows the receiver they're able to open up more and they're
able to have a better communication and a better conversation with this receiver so that is my model I'll
let you see here a bit closer that is my model of communication that helps display my definition of
communication so to wrap up just I believe that communication you can have communication on different
levels and to know to have a better communication and have stronger communication relationships and
knowledge of personnel helps with this thank you.

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