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Nama Putri LiloconN

NPM : 2/ go o 13 oA*

Jemerter 5

1).vont af the Por every rorning

She doa n' prePore erorythrg e
organi sfudre rgi every
They don.f belhero in you

raran eorter hoy everydoy

Muhomad Aw Peare be pon hisn

muhonad * h e Lar Prophet. he war born und ho

gears So a qura yeh famty. hr fathor war a b u h bi

Abdul mufholb who dod bOrore hie wo born he mother wor

.Si amnah who died when ho war born 6 ueor old

Thon he wos ared by m 9rondpaher the cief A the
Haryim fribe offer hi 9ren Falhon ale d he wor apon

y h uncle abu rholb from hero he ar Toughtto Jharard

Aravend fhe gear go muhowwacmet a rch mercor nd

noned ah kodjoh and monted her. a Bhort marriage

hod who one who ad nof u r niye ond four dougther

Ther af ho ag o Aony he Propef muhoMm an
hegan fo
mei fote in tora tafe where oredag. r l e he uar st#king n ho

Caye he head tho oIche of fhe onge abro/ who order ad

hn o read 9 r o s 3x n he name of yeor ged who ordercd

hummans Prom sloke oP blood. +heree trm muhamwna bes99od

becase of hs meome fentec er many fimet the angel
the muhamad read
g dond repeaded Analy Prothe ond

The loder a alo9 -

A reahan recorved aro he quron. hot erery one can recerve

the reve latrcns con ueredl by Alah troght the propeth muhommod but her-
conhnues ot people that Klam n the reioion or Altah anc the

trve religIon

3)-Tony Forbided to hold he n the rrye by this unele
The flowuers are heing watered.
- w i l have ben take it f asked.
A wspaper Is ad
by my fother
The Book s recd by her n the er
4-you shoulad stay Ot ome
Arn wos
sleRp he nght have een Fråocl
1 con run fast
Woud you lke me to a
copony you to 4he

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