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Assignment Booklet

B. Tech.
Aerospace Engineering Programme

Seven Semester
Course Code Course Title

BAS – 021 Environmental Science

BAS – 022 Composite Materials

BME – 006 Mechatronics

BME - 007 Quality Engineering

School of Engineering and Technology

Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
July 2013
B. Tech in Aerospace Engineering
Dear Student,
As we explained in the Programme Guide for B. Tech in Aerospace Engineering, you will have to do
one Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) for each course.
You will find that the questions in the Assignments are analytical and descriptive so that you can
better understand and comprehend the concepts.
Before you attempt the Assignments, please read the instructions carefully provided in the
Programme Guide. It is important that you write the answer to all the TMA questions in your own
words. Your answers should be in brief and to the point. Remember, writing answers to assignment
questions will improve your writing skills and prepare you for the term-end examination.
You are to submit the assignments to the Coordinator of your Centre. You must obtain a receipt
from the Centre for the Assignments submitted and retain it with you. It is desirable to keep a
photocopy of the assignments submitted by you.
Once evaluated, the Centre will return the assignments to you. Please insist on this. The Centre will
send the marks to the SR&E Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.
You need to submit the Assignments within the stipulated date for being eligible to appear in the
term-end examination.
All Assignments are to be submitted by 30 th October, 2013 to the Coordinator of the Centre allotted
to you.


We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful
to keep the following points in mind :
Read the assignment carefully; go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points
regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.
Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give
adequate attention to question’s introduction and conclusion.
Make sure that
(a) The answer is logical and coherent.
(b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs.
(c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.
Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission.
It is mandatory to write the assignment neatly in your own handwriting. If you so desire, you
March underline the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the
stipulated word limit.

(Ms. Shweta Tripathi)



Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code: BAS-021
Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission: October 30, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

(Programme Coordinator)

Q1. Discuss different treatments given to hazardous waste before final disposal. Why are such treatments
necessary? Give names of such disposal methods which do not require pre-treatments.

Q2. Describe the salient benefits of management review in ISO-14001 of Environment Management
System for a sustainable development of the organiation.

Q3. What is environment? Discuss its components.

Q4. Discuss global nuclear energy scenario. Explain their environmental impact.

Q5. (a) What are the major causes of biodiversity depletion?

(b) What do you understand by productivity of the ecosystem? Discuss its types.

Q6. What is biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)? How is it related to water quality?

Q7. Discuss the role of information technology in environmental management and health.

Q8. What is the Greenhouse effect? What is its importance to global climate?

Q9. (a) What are the natural air pollutants? Explain the properties of Nox, PAN and CO.
(b) Explain the effects of air pollution on human being.

Q10. (a) Explain the economic and social aspects of air pollution.
(b) What do you understand by sources and sinks of air pollution? Explain with an example.
Q11. (a) What are the major air pollutants present in urban ambient air? Explain in detail the procedure
of sampling and analysing of SOx.
(b) Explain the legal provisions of air pollution control.



Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code: BAS-022
Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission: October 30, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q1 A unidirectional Kevlar 49 fiber-epoxy composite contains 60 percent by volume of Kevlar

49 fibers and 40 percent epoxy resin. The density of the Kevlar 49 fibers is 1.48 Mg/m3 and
that of the epoxy resin is 1.20 Mg/m3. (a) What are the weight percentages of Kevlar 49 and
epoxy resin in the composite material, and (b) what is the average density of the composite?

Q2 Calculate (a) the modulus of elasticity, (b) the tensile strength, and (c ) the fraction of the load
carried by the fiber for the following composite material stressed under isostrain conditions.
The composite consists of a continuous glass-fiber-reinforced-epoxy resin produced by using
60 percent by volume of E-glass fibers having a modulus of elasticity of Ef = 72 GPa and a
tensile strength of 2400 MPa and a hardened epoxy resin with a modulus of Em = 3 GPa and a
tensile strength of 62 MPa.

Q3 Calculate the modulus of elasticity for a composite material consisting of 60 percent by

volume of continuous E-glass fiber and 40 percent epoxy resin for the matrix when stressed
under isostress conditions (i.e., the material is stressed perpendicular to the continuous fiber).
The modulus of elasticity of the E glass is 72 GPa and that of the epoxy resin is 3 GPa.

Q4 A metal matrix composite is made with 80 percent by volume of aluminum alloy 2124 –T6
and 20 percent by volume of SiC whiskers. The density of the 2124-T6 alloy is 2.77 g/cm3
and that of the whiskers is 3.10 g/cm3. Calculate the average density of the composite

Q5 (a) Define a composite material with respect to a materials system.

(b) What are the three main types of synthetic fibers used to produce fiber-reinforced
plastic composite materials?

Q6. (a) What are some of the advantages of glass-fiber-reinforced plastics?

(b) What are the differences in the compositions of E and S glasses? Which is the
strongest and the most costly?

Q7. (a) How are glass fibers produced? What is a glass-fiber roving?
(b) What properties make carbon fibers important for reinforced plastics?

Q8. (a) What are two of the most important matrix plastics for fiber-reinforced plastics? What
are some advantages of each type?
(b) What are the main property contributions of the carbon fibers in carbon-fiber-
reinforced plastics? What are the main property contributions of the matrix plastics?

Q9. (a) What is meant by the term compounding of plastics? What are the functions of
ingredients used in compounding of plastics?
(b) What do you understand by polymerization? State the characteristics of long chain
polymers. Describe briefly the deformation behaviour of plastics.

Q10. (a) Define monomer and polymer. Write typical polymeric repeat unit structure for both
addition and condensation polymerization which of the methods is expected to result in
branched structure? Explain.
(b) Explain chain polymerization reaction. What is the degree of polymerization? If a
particular type of polyethylene has a molecular mass of 140,000 g/mol, what is its
degree of polymerization?



Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code: BME-006
Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission: October 30, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q1. (a) Identify the sensor, signal conditioner and display elements in the measurement
systems of (i) a mercury-in-glass thermometer, (ii) a bourdon pressure gauge.
(b) Explain the difference between open- and closed- loop control,
Q2. (a) The automatic control system for the temperature of a bath of liquid consists of a
reference voltage fed into a differential amplifier. This is connected to a relay, which
then switches on or off the electrical power to heater in the liquid. Negative feedback
is provided by a measurement system, which feeds a voltage into the differential
amplifier. Sketch a block diagram of the system and explain how the error signal is
(b) Explain what is meant by sequential control and illustrate your answer by an example.
Q3. (a) State steps that might be present in the sequential control of a dishwasher.
(b) Compare and contrast the control system for the domestic central heating system
involving a bimetallic thermostat and that involving a microprocessor.
Q4. Explain the significance of the following information given in the specification of
(a) A piezoelectric accelerometer.
Non-linearity: ±0.5% of full range.
(b) A capacitive linear displacement transducer.
Non-linearity and hysteresis: ±0.01% of full range.
(c) A capacitance fluid pressure transducer.
Accuracy: ±1% of displayed reading.
(d) Gyroscope for angular velocity measurement.
Repeatability: ±0.01% of full range.
Q5. Suggest a sensor that could be used, as part of a control system, to determine the difference in
levels between liquids in two containers. The output is to provide an electrical signal for the
control system.
Q6. Suggest the elements that might be considered for the measurement systems to be used to:
(a) Monitor the pressure in an air pressure line and present the result on a dial, no great
accuracy being required.
(b) Monitor the weight of lorries passing over a weighing platform.
Q7. (a) Describe the basic details of (i) a poppet vale, (ii) a shuttle valve.
(b) Explain how a sequential valve can be used to initiate an operation only when another
operation has been completed.

Q8. (a) What are the limitations of the two-step (on-off) control and in what situation is
Such a control system commonly used?
(b) A temperature probe having a first-order response with a time constant of 1 second is
giving a step input 50°C from 0°C. Calculate the temperature indicated 0.6 second
after the application of the input.
Q9. (a) A 6-bit D/A converter gives an output voltage of 8.625 volts for an input of 010111.
What is the step size, the full range voltage and the percentage resolution?
(b) A typical A/D converter has 12- bit resolution and a full range of 10 volts. What is the
percent resolution and voltage resolution of this device?
Q10. (a) A linear second-order, single-degree-of-freedom system has a mass of 8 gm and a
stiffness of 1000N/m. Calculate the natural frequency of the system. Determine the
damping constant necessary to just prevent overshoot in response to a step input of
(b) What is the main advantage of a capacitive proximity switch over the inductive
proximity switch?



Quality Engineering

Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BME-007

Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 30, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q.1 (a) Define the term quality control and explain its objectives.
(b) What is quality audit? An inspection revealed total defects in a sample. Product audit
found 2 additional defects. What is the inspection effectiveness?
Q.2 (a) Differentiate between KAIZEN and Innovation? Describe PDCA cycle with the help of
neat sketch.
(b) (b) What is the difference between price of conformance and price of non-
conformance? Explain with the help of suitable examples.

Q.3 (a) What are common points in Juran’s, Grossby’s and Feigenbamm’s philosophies? What
was Ishikawa’s attitude towards TQM?
(b) How did Japanese achieved high performance in industrial activities? Explain.
Q.4 (a) What is Design of experiment? What are the different factorial experimentation methods?
Explain in brief.
(b) What is bench marking? Briefly describe the steps to be followed in bench marking
Q.5 (a) What do you understand by quality function of QFD and house of quality in an industrial
(b) Briefly describe FMEA and FMECA methodologies. Also explain the applications and
benefits of FMEA/ FMECA.
Q.6 (a) What are essential elements of evaluation of the performance of a supplier during the
execution of a contract? In what way the supplier surveillance would benefit the
purchaser company?
(b) Explain the concept of cost of quality? Discuss the various types of quality costs. What
kind of costs should a firm be more concerned with?
Q.7 (a) The total number of failures is 112. The total number of maintenance house used to
correct the 112 failures is 672. Calculate maintainability for 3, 7, 10 and 12 hr.

(b) An equipment is required to meet an inherent availability of Ai= 0.65 and a mean time
between failures (MTBF) is 100 hr. What is permissible mean time to repair (MTTR).
Q.8 (a) Data for the test results of 18 samples of 300 items are shown below Draw P-chart.
Table :1
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Number of 30 36 33 27 33 39 24 24 12 39 18 27 24 33 21 30 06 10

(b) The following sample means and standard deviations are observed for samples of size 5.
Construct Process Control Charts for these data.
Table :2
Sample X S
1. 2.15 0.14
2. 2.07 0.10
3. 2.10 0.11

4. 2.14 0.12

5. 2.18 0.12

6. 2.11 0.12

7. 2.10 0.14
8. 2.11 0.10
9. 2.06 0.09
10. 2.15 0.08
11. 2.12 0.17
12. 2.19 0.13

13. 2.14 0.07

14. 2.13 0.11

15. 2.14 0.11

16. 2.12 0.14

17. 2.08 0.17
18. 2.18 0.10

19. 2.06 0.06

20. 2.13 0.14

Q. 9 (a) Discuss the role of analytical tools. Describe the cause-and-effect diagram with help of
suitable example.
(b) Define and discuss the relation between the following terms:
(i) Reliability

(ii) Maintainability
(iii) Availability
Q. 10 (a) A parallel system, having two components A and B is shown in figure: 1. The
reliability of the component A be 72% while the reliability of the component B be 28%.
What is the probability that the system will work?

Figure 1 : Parallel System.

(b) Find the system reliability of the following systems shown in figure. 2.
Figure : 2
If reliability of each unit is 0.45, find the system reliability.


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