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Group :2

Members : Aileen, Angelo, Hikari, Sisilia

Z`XCVWorksheet on Energy and Respiration

Biology A Level Grade 12 Science

The equation shows some of the stages in the process of glycolysis.

1. Where in the cell does glycolysis occur?

Cell cytoplasm
2. Explain why ATP molecules are used in the first stage of glycolysis.
The splitting of glucose need ATP (energy) so it can break down into two phosphate
groups (pyruvate)
3. What type of chemical reaction is involved in the conversion of triose phosphate to
pyruvate? Oxidation and dephosphorylation
4. How is NADH reoxidised in anaerobic conditions in:
a. Animals = NADH gets converted back to NAD through anaerobic mechanisms, whether
homolactic or alcoholic fermentation.
b. Yeast = Anaerobic conditions in yeast convert pyruvate to carbon dioxide and ethanol.
5. Outline the process of oxidative phosphorylation.
Production of ATP through oxidation of hydrogen atoms, located in inner membrane of

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