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Explaining and Practice Nasal

This Paper was Created to Fulfill an Assignment in The Course

“Pronunciation Practice”

Supporting Lecture:

Mr. Aulia Rahman M, Pd.

Arranged By:
10 Group

1. Riztiqga Tanadia 126203213199

2. Muhammad Ilhan Mansiz 126203213202
3. Viona Figir Oktavia Riwahyudi 126203213214

English Education Department 1E Class

Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty
Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University

Thank and gratitude to Allah SWT, the writer finished writing the paper entitled "Nasal" right
in the calculated time. The purpose of this paper is to fulfil the assignment that given by Mr.
Aulia Rahman, M.P.d as lecturer in Pronunciation Practice. We also would like to say thank you
to all of our friends from English Education Department Class 1E and to those who have been
helped to complete this paper. May Allah SWT repay you and bless all of your helps.

The writer realized that this paper still far from perfect in arrangement and the content. Then,
the writer hope criticism from the readers can help the writer to improve for the next assignment
or paper. Last but not least, hopefully this paper can help the readers to understand and gain
more knowledge about nasal consonant.

Tulungagung, 11 November 2021



Prefaces 2

Table of Contents 3

Chapter 1: Preliminary 4

1. Background 4
2. Formulation of Problem 4
3. Purpose of Discussion 4

Chapter 2: Discussion 5

1. Nasal Consonant 5
2. Nasal Consonant Formed 5

Chapter 3: Closing 8

1. Conclusion 8
2. Suggestion 8

References 9



1. Background
Consonant are phonemes that are not vowels and in other words are realized by
obstruction. Nasal consonants are type of consonants that is produced with the lips
slightly or even tightly closed, it allows air to escape through the nose, while the air is
not allowed to pass through the mouth because it is blocked by the tongue. Nasal
congestion is also characterized by the vibrating part of the vocal cords when the
sound comes out. One of consonant in English is nasal. Most of nasal are voiced, in
fact, nasal consonant is the common consonant used in language in the world. Such as
nasal consonant in word is no, move, bring, etc. So, we should study nasal consonants
and practice them in daily life.

2. Problem Formulate
From the introduction above, we have arranged several problems, that is:
a.) What is nasal consonant?
b.) How are nasal consonant formed?

3. Purpose of Discussion
From the problem formulate above, purpose of this paper that is:
a.) To know about nasal consonant.
b.) To know about nasal consonant formed.



1. Nasal Consonant
Nasal consonant sound is made by blocking air in the mouth and releasing sound
through the nose, and that is a common feature of nasal for beginner. Nasal’s sound likes
a someone has flu. There part of nasal consonant, such as:
a. n
b. m
c. ŋ [ng]
All three nasal sounds are voiced, meaning that the vocal cords vibrate during the
creation of the sound. This can be checked by placing the thumb and forefinger on both
sides of the neck.

2. Nasal Consonant Formed

The following type of nasals:

a. n

This nasal includes an alveolar sound. Its mean lips blade closed again the
alveolar crest and tip of tongue touches behind teeth. Therefore, ‘n’ sound occurs when
the air escapes through the nose and vocal cords vibrate.
Example: Next, on, neck, no, know, knee, funny.

No one needs napping now.

b. m
This nasal includes a bilabial sound. Its mean lips a little open and tip of tongue
touches behind teeth. So, ‘m’ sound occurs when the air escapes through the nose and
vocal cords vibrate as same as ‘n.’

Example: Same, mode, mad, more, room, camera.
My mom makes me mime movie.

c. ŋ [ng]
This nasal includes a velar sound. Its mean formed at back of mouth back of
tongue comes up and makes contact with the soft palate. The sound appears
characteristic as same as ‘n’ and ‘m’ nasal.

Example: Think, song, sing, bring, going, thing.
Think about things, think about bank and gangs.



Nasal consonant sound is made by blocking air in the mouth and releasing sound
through the nose, and that is a common feature of nasal for beginner. Nasal sounds are
voiced, meaning that the vocal cords vibrate during the creation of the sound. Following
type of nasal, such as: n, m, ŋ.

The author hopes that readers can learn and understand the concept of nasal
thoroughly, so that they can use it very well in English conversation.


Pronuncian. Introduction to Nasal Sounds. Diakses pada 4 September 2021,

Scholar English. (7 Oktober 2020). Jenis, Contoh, dan Cara Mengucapkan Konsonan dalam
Pronunciation Bahasa Inggris. Diakses 4 September 2021, dari

Simple English Wikiepedia. (26 December 2019). Nasal Consonant. Diakses 5 September 2021,

The Sound of English. Nasal Consonant Sounds. Diakses pada 2 September 2021, dari

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