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Discuss and cite examples as to how media / social media influences the youth of

today specially the Filipino youth and you in particular. Cite as well the pros and cons
that media has on you and the Filipino youth culture in general.

As we have entered into the twenty-first century, modern technologies and media have
evolved. Media evolved into social media which Filipino Youth had been using nowadays.
However, since its development, the impacts of media on the Filipino youth have been
unpredictable. The media has had a huge impact on our culture. Since the development of
media, a lot has changed, and society has experienced many new changes. For today's youth,
social media has become an important tool, but at the same time, it has negative effects. Social
media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have both positive and negative
effects on youth.
Social media helps in the strengthening of youth interactions. These social media
platforms provide a method for us to reconnect. We can communicate with our friends no matter
how far apart they are. It has reduced distances. Just by one click and there you go. Social
media have helped us in connecting with those who live too far away and with whom we would
be unable to meet in person, as well as keeping them informed about our lives and activities.
People all across the world are connected through social media. While social media is good,
there are concerns that it may lead to negative behavior among Filipino youth. We are
frequently tricked by social media into believing that what we see online is what happens in real
life. This virtual representation of reality frequently becomes the new reality. Relationships can
begin or end on social media. Filipinos are recognized for having deep family relationships, yet
addiction to social media may damage this intimacy. Because media content may spread in a
matter of seconds not just across the country but also across the world, it can have a significant
impact on Filipino youths, whether positive or negative. There are numerous advocacies in
social media that teach self-love. Social media has also become a platform for us—Filipino
Youths—to express ourselves and show the real us. It is also a place where we find acceptance
and love. But, at the same time, social media fosters envy in us. We are often envious of the
people we see on social media, particularly celebrities. I, too, am envious of the sexiness and
beauty of the women I see on social media. I have a habit of comparing my life to theirs. And I'm
envious of what they've accomplished in life. The reality is also obscured by social media.
People tend to post glamorous and luxurious lifestyles on social media when, in reality, they do
not have that kind of lifestyle. Many people are easily deceived because they easily believe
what they see on social media. Another point to consider is what is currently happening in our
society. The election is just around the corner. Although we should use social media to inform
and educate our fellow citizens, it has become a venue for hatred and criticism. Parties
supporting various candidates are exchanging harsh words and accusations. Another issue is
that fake news is widely circulated on our social media platforms. Instead of properly reading
and researching what happened in our history, and instead of basing their political choices on
facts, many of our fellow citizens simply believed the fake news that has been spreading on our
social media platforms. Social media has a significant impact on the mindset of our country's
youth. Although it helps to strengthen our youths' points of view, it can also distort their beliefs
and way of seeing things.
Taking all of these statements into account, it can be stated that social media has had
both positive and harmful effects on Filipino youths. It has enabled peer-to-peer communication,
improved team collaboration, created a venue for art and inspiration, and effortlessly conveyed
knowledge. On the other side, when social media is misused or not used critically, it has a
negative impact on us. It endangers one's self-concept and identity, as well as one's
relationships, morality, and even Intellectual ability. As a result, it is critical to educate the
Filipino youth on the necessary skills for effective social media engagement. Filipino youth
should be properly educated on media literacy.

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