Aman Srivastava

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t a v a

i v a s
n Sr
t a v a
i v a s
n Sr
t a v a
i v a s
n Sr
Q.1) Which Ministry has issued an

advisory to all States on 'Mandatory

t a v
action by police in crime against
women'? / कस मंत्रालय ने ‘म हलाओं
ri a
के खलाफ अपराध में पु लस द्वारा

अ नवायर्रा कारर्रा वाई’ पर सभी राज्यों को एक

a n S सलाह जारी की है ?
(a) Ministry of Law

Am (b) Ministry of Social Justice

(c) Ministry of Home Affairs
(d) Ministry of Women and Child
(a) MHA

t a v a
i v a s
As per the order, FIR is

n Sr to be registered ,
evidence to be collected

Ama for forensic

completion of
ivestigation in sexual
assault cases in two
months etc.
Q.2) Which State has proposed for a

plantation drive in Uttar Pradesh, to

t a v
clear its backlog for compensatory
afforestation?/उत्तर प्रदे श में वृक्षारोपण
ri a
अ भयान के लए, कस राज्य ने

क्ष तपूरक वनीकरण के लए अपना

a n S बैकलॉग प्रस्ता वत कया है ?

(a) Madhya Pradesh

Am (b) Uttar Pradesh

(c) Rajasthan
(d) Uttarakhand
(d) Uttarakhand

t a v a
i a s
Uttarakhand Forest

Department is mulling a

plantation drive in Uttar

Pradesh’s Bundelkhand

Ama region and parts of

Rajasthan. Compensatory
afforestation is done against
the transfer of forest land
for non-forestry purposes
like the development of
dams etc.
Q.3) Which State/UT is to set up the

country’s first Electric Vehicle

t v
park?/दे श का पहला इलेिक्ट्रक वाहन

पाकर्रा कस राज्य / केंद्रशा सत प्रदे श में
ri a
स्था पत कया गया है ?

[a] Maharashtra

a n S [b] Karnataka
[c] Telangana

Am [d] Tamil Nadu

[d] Tamil Nadu

t a v a
i v s
Country’s first electric

vehicle park is being set up

n Sr in Tamil Nadu. The state is

targeting around Rs.
50000 investment in the

Ama EV segment and

announced many
initiatives to attract
Q.4) India has signed MoU with

which country to store strategic

t v
reserves of petroleum?/भारत ने कस

दे श के साथ पेट्रो लयम के रणनी तक
ri a
भंडार को रखने के लए समझौता ज्ञापन

पर हस्ताक्षर कए हैं?

a n S [a] France
[b] Russia

Am [c] United States

[d] Argentina
[c] United States

t a v a
i v s
MOU has been signed to

set up a petroleum

n Sr reserve in America to
increase India’s strategic
oil stockpile considering

Ama the decline in global

crude oil process
Q.5) The E Way Bill is implemented
under the aegis of which body?/ई वे

कया गया है ?
t a v a
बल कस नकाय के तत्वावधान में लागू

i v a s
(a) Central Board of Direct Taxes

n Sr (b) Central Board of Indirect Taxes

and Customs

Ama (c) Enforcement Directorate

(d) Finance Commission
(b) Central Board of Indirect Taxes and


s t a v
ri v a
E-way Bill is a document

a n S required for movement of

vehicles carrying goods and it

Am contains the details such as

name of consignor, consignee,
transporter, point of origin of
the goods and its destination.
Q.6) Bank of India has launched

"Signature Visa Debit Card" on

t v
its..............Foundation Day./बैंक ऑफ

इं डया ने अपने .............. स्थापना दवस
ri a
पर " सग्नेचर वीजा डे बट काडर्रा" लॉन्च

vकया है ।

a n S (a) 115th
(b) 125th

Am (c) 150th
(d) 120th
(a) 115th

t a v a
i v a s
The card is for the high net
worth individuals maintaining

n Sr quarterly balance of Rs. 10

Lakh and above. Features of

Ama the card includes spending limit

of Rs.5 Lakhs on Point of Sale
machines and Rs. 1 lakh on
e-commerce shopping. There
are offers and insurance against
fraudulent transactions.
Q.7) Which automobile

manufacturer has developed

t a v technology
named HAMS?/ कस ऑटोमोबाइल
ri v a
नमार्राता ने HAMS नाम से स्माटर्रा फोन
आधा रत तकनीक वक सत की है ?

a n S (a) Maruti Suzuki

(b) Hyundai Motors

Am (c) Kia Motors

(d) General Motors
(a) Maruti Suzuki

t a v a
HAMS (Harnessing Automobile

i v s
For Safety) Technology is to test

applicants appearing for a

n Sr driving license test. It takes 10

minutes to complete the test and
monitors the driver as well as

Ama the road in front through

Artificial Intelligence.
Q.8) Which bank has launched the

'e-Kisaan Dhan' app for farmers all

t v
over India?/पूरे भारत में कस बैंक ने

कसानों के लए 'ई- कशन धन' ऐप लॉन्च
ri v a
कया है ?
(a) Bandhan Bank

a n S (b) ICICI Bank

(c) HDFC Bank

Am (d) IndusInd Bank

(c) HDFC Bank

t a v a
i v a s
E-kisan dhan will provide

a n S services like mandi prices,

weather forecast, e-pashuhaat,
Kisan TV etc. Also, banking

Am services like procuring loans,

opening of bank accounts,
availing insurance etc.
Q.9) Where was Coastal security

exercise “Sagar Kavach" held?

आयोिजत कया गया था?
s v
तटीय सुरक्षा अभ्यास "सागर कवच" कहाँ

ri v a
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Andhra Pradesh

a n S (c) Kerala
(d) Odisha


t a v a
i v a s
A two day joint coastal exercise

n Sr held on the Odisha coast in

November, 2020. More than 10

Ama such departments participated

such as Indian Navy, The
Indian coast Guard, local
fishermen, Odisha Police, the
forest department and the port
marine department etc.
Q.10) INS Kavaratti, an

Anti-Submarine Warfare stealth

s t v
corvette was commissioned into the

Indian Navy at a ceremony held at

ri a
which Naval Dockyard?

INS कवारत्ती, एक एंटी-सबमरीन वारफेयर

a n S स्टील्थ कावर्वेट एक नौसेना नौसेना डॉकयाडर्रा

में आयोिजत समारोह में भारतीय नौसेना में
कमीशन कया गया था?

Am (a) Kochi
(b) Mumbai
(c) Visakhapatnam
(d) Chennai
(c) Visakhapatnam

t a v a
i v a s
INS Kavaratti is an indigenously
built Kamorta class anti-submarine

n Sr warfare stealth Corvette built by

the Garden Reach Shipbuilders

and Engineers Limited. Named
after the capital of Lakshadweep.

Am Its stealth feature makes it less

susceptible to enemy’s radar. It has
the capability to fight in nuclear,
biological or chemical warfare
Q.11) By which year does the

Government aim to make India
Trans Fat Free?

t a v
सरकार कस वषर्रा तक भारत को ट्रांस फैट
ri a
फ्री बनाने का लक्ष्य रखती है ?

(a) 2021

a n S (b) 2022
(c) 2025

Am (d) 2030
(b) 2022

t a v a
India has set the target as

i v a s
2022 whereas WHO has
set the target by 2023.

n Sr Trans-fat is food toxin

found in partially

hydrogenated vegetable

oils, baked and fried

A foods which eventually

leads to cardiovascular
Q.12) What is the name of the

scheme launched by the Agriculture

s a
Ministry, to assist cooperatives in

t healthcare

ri v a
स्वास्थ्य सेवा के बु नयादी ढांचे के नमार्राण

a n S में सहकारी स म तयों की सहायता के लए

कृ ष मंत्रालय द्वारा शुरू की गई योजना

Am का नाम क्या है ?

t a v a
i v a s
This scheme is to assist

n Sr cooperatives play an important

part in creation of health care

infrastructure in rural areas.

Funding will be provided by

the National Cooperative
Development Corporation to
those cooperatives having
bye-laws related to healthcare.
Q.13) Which State government

launched YSR Bima' scheme to

s t v
provide financial assistance through

insurance cover to the beneficiary in

ri a
case of death or accident of their

family members?/ कस राज्य सरकार ने

a n S अपने प रवार के सदस्यों की मृत्यु या

दुघटर्रा ना के मामले में लाभाथर्ती को बीमा कवर
के माध्यम से वत्तीय सहायता प्रदान करने

Am के लए वाईएसआर बीमा योजना शुरू की?

(a) Telangana
(b) West Bengal
(c) Karnataka
(d) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Andhra Pradesh

t a v a
i v a s
All families having white ration

n Sr cards are eligible for the

scheme. The amount will be
transferred to the account of

Ama the beneficiary within 15 days

and also, immediate assistance
of Rs.10000 to families through
village and ward secretariats.
There are insurance amounts
for accidental or disablity
depending on the age group.
Q.14) Who has virtually launched

the campaign 'KAPILA' campaign?

s t v
वस्तुतः 'क पला' अ भयान कसने

ri v a
(a) Amit Shah
(b) Narendra Modi

a n S (c) Ram Nath Kovind

(d) Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank

(d) Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank

t a v a
i v a s
Kalam Programme for

Intellectual Property

a n S Literacy and Awareness

Campaign launched on

Am 15th October, 2020. This

is to spread awareness on
the importance of
patenting an innovation.
Q.15) Union Youth Affairs and

Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju has

s t a v
laid foundation stones for various
sports facilities at the cost of over 12

ri v a
crore rupees in which city?
केंद्रीय युवा मामलों और खेल मंत्री करे न

a n S रिजजू ने कस शहर में 12 करोड़ रुपये से

अ धक की लागत से व भन्न खेल

Am सु वधाओं के लए आधार शला रखी है ?

(a) Leh
(b) Shimla
(c) Guwahati
(d) New Delhi
(a) Leh

t a v a
i v a s
The minister laid
foundation for a synthetic

n Sr track & Astroturf football in

Leh at open stadium which

Ama cost around rs. 10.68 crore.

A gymnasium hall in indoor
stadium costing around Rs.
1.52 crore to be completed
by March, 2021.
Q.16) Who has won the Formula

One Tuscan Grand Prix 2020 held at

s t a v
Mugello Circuit, Italy?
मुगेलो स कर्राट, इटली में आयोिजत फॉमूल
र्रा ा

ri a
वन टस्कन ग्रांड प्रक्स 2020 कसने जीता

है ?

a n S (a) Lewis Hamilton

(b) Jenson Button

Am (c) Sebastian
(d) Nico Erik Rosberg
t a v a
i v a s
(a) Lewis Hamilton

a n S Lewis Hamilton woh his 90th career win

in Tuscan Grand Prix, 2020. Valtteri

Am Bottas came second.

Q.17) Who has been conferred with

the Global Water Award?

कया गया है ?
s t v
ग्लोबल वाटर अवाडर्रा से कसे सम्मा नत

ri v a
[a] Va Tech Wabag
[b] Blue Star Ltd

a n S [c] Eureka Forbes

[d] Kent RO

[a] Va Tech Wabag

t a a
v a s
The company has been awarded

n S r
for setting up the Tertiary
Treatment Reverse Osmosis

Plant at Chennai. This has been

given under the category

A “Wastewater Project of the year”.

With this project, Chennai
became the first Indian city to
reuse more than 20% of
Q.18) Louise Gluck, who has won

the 2020 Nobel Prize for Literature,

t a v
belongs to which country?
सा हत्य के लए 2020 का नोबेल पुरस्कार
ri a
जीतने वाले लुईस ग्लक कस दे श के हैं?

[a] Russia

a n S [b] Japan
[c] Romania

Am [d] U.S.A.
t a v a
i v a s
[d] U.S.A.

n S r
She won for “her unmistakable

Ama poetic voice that with austere

beauty makes individual existence
Q.19) Legendary poet and Jnanpith

laureate, Mahakavi Akkitham

s t a v
Achuthan Namboothiri has passed
away, he was associated with which

ri a
language?/महान क व और ज्ञानपीठ

पुरस्कार वजेता, महाक व अिक्खतम

a n S अच्युतन नंबो तरी का नधन हो गया है ,

वह कस भाषा से जुड़े थे?

Am (a) Kannada
(b) Tamil
(c) Telugu
(d) Malayalam
t a
(d) Malayalam
v a
v a s
He has penned more than 46 literary
n S r
works including essays, short stories,
poems, plays etc. He is a Padma Shri

Ama winner in 2017. He won Kerala Sahitya

Academy Award for Balidarshanam.
Some of his works are Bhagwatham,
Sparshamanikal etc.
Q.20) Who is the author of the book

“The Battle of Belonging”?

कौन हैं?
s t v
"बेलं गंग की लड़ाई" पुस्तक के लेखक

ri v a
[a] Vikram Seth
[b] Chetan Bhagat

a n S [c] Amish Tripathi

[d] Shashi Tharoor

t a v a
i v a s
[d] Shashi Tharoor

n S r
Politician Shashi Tharoor has
detailed the theory, evolution and

Ama practice of nationalism across the

globe and especially in India. He
explained what it means to be
patriotic in 21st century.
Q.21) Department of Science and

Technology organised VAIBHAV
Summit, along

t a v with which
organisation?/ वज्ञान और प्रौद्यो गकी
ri v a
वभाग ने कस संगठन के साथ
VAIBHAV स मट का आयोजन कया?

a n S (a) ISRO
(b) BARC

Am (c) BHEL
(d) DRDO
(d) DRDO
t a v a
i v a s
n S r
Vaishvik Bharatiya Vaigyanik
inaugurated on 2nd october 2020 by PM

Ama is a global virtual summit of overseas

and resident Indian Researchers and
academics to discuss great and
innovative ideas.
Q.22) Which country hosted the

Ministerial Roundtable Dialogue on

t a v
Biodiversity in September 2020?
सतंबर 2020 में कस दे श ने जैव
ri v a
व वधता पर मं त्रस्तरीय गोलमेज वातार्रा
की मेजबानी की?

a n S (a) India
(b) China

Am (c) United States

(d) Germany
t a v a
(b) China

i v s
n S r
The meeting was held to exchange views on

Ama biodiversity conservation and sustainable

development. The theme was “Biodiversity
Beyond 2020- building a shared future for all
on earth”.
Q.23) India has retained its position

as 3rd-largest economy on PPP basis

t a v
for 2017. Which country is at the
top?/भारत ने 2017 के लए पीपीपी
ri a
आधार पर तीसरी सबसे बड़ी अथर्राव्यवस्था

के रूप में अपनी िस्थ त बरकरार रखी है ।

a n S कौन सा दे श शीषर्रा पर है ?
(a) Russia

Am (b) Japan
(c) Germany
(d) China
t a v a
i v a
(d) China
n S r
The first and second position is secured by
China and USA. Purchasing Power Parity is

Ama the rate at which currency of one country

would have to be converted to another
currency to buy the same amount of goods
and services in each country.
Q.24) 'Ease of doing business' report

is released by which organisation?

t v
‘ईज ऑफ डू इंग बजनेस' का रपोटर्रा कस

संस्था द्वारा जारी की जाती है ?
ri v a
(a) World Economic Forum
(b) World Bank

a n S (c) International Monetary Fund

(d) NITI Aayog

(b) World Bank

t a v a
i v s
India ranked 63rd in Ease of Doing Business

2020 ranking. It sets some parameters to define

n S r
ease of dong any business in a country. There
are 10 such parameters. Some of them are -

Ama construction permits, electricity, registering

property, starting a business, getting credit,
paying taxes, trading across boundaries,
resolving insolvency, registration etc.
Q.25) Every year World Mental

Health Day is observed on ………

मनाया जाता है ………
s v
हर साल वश्व मान सक स्वास्थ्य दवस

ri v a
[a] 8th November
[b] 10th October

a n S [c] 11th October

[d] 9th November

t a v a
i v a s
[b] 10th October

n S r
The theme was “Greater

Ama investment- Greater Access.” The

day is celebrated to spread
awareness on mental health.
Q.26) Uttar Pradesh government

has signed agreement with Zurich

s t a v
Airport for Jewar Airport. Where is
Jewar Airport situated?

ri a
उत्तर प्रदे श सरकार ने जेवर हवाई अड्डे के

vलए ज्यू रख हवाई अड्डे के साथ समझौते

a n S पर हस्ताक्षर कए हैं। जेवर हवाई अड्डा

कहाँ िस्थत है ?

Am (a) Agra
(b) Ghaziabad
(c) Aligarh
(d) Noida
(d) Noida

t a v a
The agreement is signed for 40

i a s
years. The airport is being built in

n Sr Public Private Partnership mode.
It will be operational by 2024.

Q.27) The United Nations World

Food Programme (WFP) has

s t a v
partnered with which State to set up
supplementary nutrition production

ri v a
संयुक्त राष्ट्र वश्व खाद्य कायर्राक्रम

a n S (ड ल्यूएफपी) ने कस राज्य के साथ पूरक

पोषण उत्पादन इकाइयों की स्थापना के

Am लए भागीदारी की है ?
(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Chhattisgarh
(c) Uttarakhand
(d) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Uttar Pradesh

t a v a
The United Nations World Food

i v s
Programme and the State Rural

Livelihood Mission of Uttar Pradesh

n Sr
are setting up more than 200
supplementary nutrition production

Ama units to support distribution under the

Integrated Child Development Scheme
under which children below the age of
6 years are provided nutrition. The
products will be distributed to
communities as take-home rations.
Q.28) Which country received the

lowest votes among all nations that

t a v
got elected to UNHRC?
कस दे श को UNHRC के लए चुने गए
ri a
सभी दे शों में सबसे कम वोट मले?

[a] Pakistan

a n S [b] China
[c] Russia

Am [d] Cuba
[b] China

t a v a
v s
Securing just 139 votes, it lost support of

41 member states since the last election.

n S r
The support is declining for China due to
its crackdown on Uighur Muslims in

Ama Xinjiang, China and also, Hong Kong.

Q.29) What is the name of the

World War II bomb that was

t a v
detonated underwater in Poland?
द् वतीय वश्व युद्ध के बम का क्या नाम
ri a
है िजसे पोलैंड में पानी के नीचे वस्फोट

vकया गया था?

a n S [a] Fat Man

[b] Tall Boy

Am [c] Small Boy

[d] Big Boy
[b] Tall Boy

t a v a
A British World War II bomb got

i v a s
exploded while being made safe under
water by navy demolition experts in

n Sr
Northwestern Poland. “Tall Boy”
weighing 5.4 Ton was found in

Ama September 2019 beneath a waterway.

Q.30) Which company has launched

chatbot service named 'LiGo'?

t v
कस कंपनी ने 'LiGo' नाम से चैटबॉट

सेवा लॉन्च की है ?
ri v a
(a) HDFC Ergo
(b) ICICI Prudential

a n S (c) Life Insurance Corporation

(d) Canara-HSBC OBC

(b) ICICI Prudential

t a v a
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance has

i v a s
launched a chatbot service called Ligo
on the google assistant platform. The

n S r
chat box leveraged AI to make the
process convenient for customers. Now,

Ama customers can talk to google to access

information on their policies.
Q.31) Which State/UT topped the

chart among all Indian States and

s t a v
Union Territories in the Business
Reform Action Plan (BRAP) 2019

ri v a
बजनेस रफॉमर्रा एक्शन प्लान (BRAP)

a n S 2019 रैं कं ग में सभी भारतीय राज्यों और

केंद्र शा सत प्रदे शों में कौन सा राज्य / केंद्र

Am शा सत प्रदे श सबसे ऊपर है ?

(a) Telangana
(b) Delhi
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Goa
(c) Andhra Pradesh

t a v a
The Business Reform Action Plan, 2019

i a s
ranks were given by the Department of

Industrial Promotion and Internal Trade.

a n S Uttar Pradesh and Telangana secured

second and third rank respectively. These

ranking represent the ease of doing

A business in the state with increased

efficiency, transparency and effectiveness
of the government regulatory functions
vis-a-vis the business enterprises.
Q.32) With which IIT National

Highways Authority of India has

decision making?
t a v
signed MoU to strength data-driven

ri v a
कस भारतीय आईआईटी राष्ट्रीय
राजमागर्रा प्रा धकरण ने डेटा-चा लत नणर्राय

a n S लेने को मजबूत करने के लए समझौता

ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर कए हैं?

Am (a) IIT Guwahati

(b) IIT Madras
(c) IIT Delhi
(d) IIT Bombay
(c) IIT Delhi

t a v a
They will work on project management

a s
and data management, Highway traffic

i v
Demand and Incident management,

a n S
Highway Safety, Highway work zone
management etc. IIT Delhi will provide

Am infrastructural facilities, scientific and

technical expertise.
Q.33) Which company has launched

'Kormo Jobs' app in India?

ऐप लॉन्च कया है ?
s v
कस कंपनी ने भारत में ‘कोरमो जॉ स’

ri v a
(a) Microsoft
(b) Amazon

a n S (c) IBM
(d) Google

(d) Google

t a v a
Google has launched an app “Kormo
Jobs” to provide entry-level jobs for

i a s
jobseekers at one place. This is for

n Sr those who lost their jobs due to

Q.34) Which country has decided to

send the first ever ‘asteroid mining’
into space?

t a v
कस दे श ने ‘क्षुद्रग्रह खनन’ को अंत रक्ष
ri a
में भेजने का नणर्राय लया है ?

[a] U.S.A.

a n S [b] India
[c] China

Am [d] South Korea

[c] China

a v a
The Beijing Private Company “Origin

i v s
Space” to launch the world’s first

mining robot into space termed as

n S r
“Asteroid Mining robot” by November,

Q.35) Which country has

successfully test-fired a Tsirkon

s t a v
hypersonic cruise missile in the

ri v a
कस दे श ने आकर्रा टक में एक Tsirkon
हाइपरसो नक क्रूज मसाइल का

a n S सफलतापूवक
[a] U.S.A.
र्रा परीक्षण कया है ?

Am [b] Russia
[c] Japan
[d] Australia
[b] Russia

v a
Russia test fired a Tsirkon

t a
Hypersonic cruise missile, hitting a

ri v a
naval target 450 kms away in
Barents sea at a speed of over Mach

a n S 8.

Q.36) A drug named ‘Inmazeb’ has

been approved as the first drug for

t a v
treating which disease?
'इनमाज़ेब' नामक दवा को कस बीमारी
ri a
के इलाज के लए पहली दवा के रूप में

अनुमो दत कया गया है ?

a n S [a] Ebola
[b] Covid-19

Am [c] Dengue
[d] Measles
[a] Ebola

a v a
The US regulatory body Food and

i v s
Drug Administration has approved the

first drug for the treatment of Ebola

n Sr
named “Inmazeb” which has
increased survival rate than any other

Ama treatment.
Q.37) Which country has approved

its second coronavirus vaccine

t a v
named ‘EpiVacCorona’?
कस दे श ने 'एपीवैककोरोना' नाम के
ri a
अपने दूसरे कोरोनावायरस वैक्सीन को

मंजूरी दी है ?

a n S [a] Russia
[b] Israel

Am [c] China
[d] Germany
[a] Russia

t a v a
Russia became the first country to

i a s
launch a vaccine for coronavirus

termed as “Sputnik”. Now, it has

a n S launched its second vaccine.

Q.38) On the occasion of the 151st

Birth Anniversary of Mahatma

s t a v
Gandhi, who launched the coffee
table book titled "Bapu-The

ri v a
Unforgettable" over the virtual
event?/महात्मा गांधी की 151 वीं जयंती

a n S के अवसर पर, िजसने आभासी घटना पर

"बापू - द अनफॉरगेटेबल" शीषर्राक से

Am कॉफी टे बल बुक लॉन्च की?

(a) Manish Sisodia
(b) Narendra Modi
(c) Amit Shah
(d) Ramnath Kovid
(a) Manish Sisodia

a v a
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish

i v s
Sisodia has launched a coffee-table book

on the Mahatma Gandhi, highlighting his

n S r

Q.39) Which State has launched the

'Mukhya Mantri Saur Swarojgar

t v
Yojana'?/ कस राज्य ने 'मु खया सौर

स्वरोजगार योजना' शुरू की है ?
ri v a
(a) Uttarakhand
(b) Uttar Pradesh

a n S (c) Rajasthan
(d) Madhya Pradesh

(a) Uttarakhand

a v a
The aim of the scheme is to promote

i v s
green energy and to provide

self-employment opportunities to the

n S r
youth and returning migrants. Each
beneficiary will be provided Solar power

Ama plant of 25 kilowatts and around 10,000

will get self-employment.
Q.40) Who has become the first

Indian to win grand slam singles

t a v
main draw match in 7 years?
7 साल में ग्रैंड स्लैम एकल मु य ड्रा मैच
ri a
जीतने वाले पहले भारतीय कौन बन गए


a n S (a) Sania Mirza

(b) Sumit Nagal

Am (c) Mahesh Bhupathi

(d) Leander Paes
(b) Sumit Nagal

t a v a
Sumit Nagal won a Grand Slam in US

ri v a
open 2020 against american Bradley
Klahn. He became the first Indian to win a

a n S
grand slam in seven years.

Q.41) Ian Bell has announced that

he will retire from all forms of

s t a v
cricket at the end of the 2020
domestic season he is related to

ri v a
which country?
इयान बेल ने घोषणा की है क वह 2020 के

a n S घरे लू सत्र के अंत में क्रकेट के सभी रूपों से

संन्यास लेगा वह कस दे श से संबं धत है ?

Am (a) South Africa

(b) Australia
(c) England
(d) New Zealand
(c) England

t a v a
Ian Bell made a debut in 2004 in

i v a s
england Cricket team spanning 11
years during which he won five

n Sr Ashes series out of seven. He

remains third on the list of

Ama England’s most prolific run-scorers

in the fifty over format.
Q.42) Who has been conferred with

the first Prof. PC Mahalanobis

s t a v
Award in Official Statistics for
lifetime achievements?

ri v a
आजीवन उपलि धयों के लए
आ धका रक सांि यकी में प्रथम प्रो। पीसी

a n S महालनो बस पुरस्कार से कसे सम्मा नत

कया गया है ?

Am (a) Manmohan Singh

(b) Abhijit Banerjee
(c) D. Subbarao
(d) C. Rangarajan
(d) C. Rangarajan

t a v a
v s
Former RBI Governor has become the first

winner of P.C. Mahalanobis award. This

n S r
award has been instituted by the Ministry
of Statistics Programme and

Ama Implementation from 2020 and is given to

those who have given significant
contribution to development of Statistical
Q.43) Which economist has been

chosen by the German Book Trade

t a v
for its prestigious 2020 Peace Prize?
जमर्रान पुस्तक व्यापार ने अपने प्र तिष्ठत
ri a
2020 शां त पुरस्कार के लए कस

अथर्राशास्त्री को चुना है ?

a n S (a) Arvind Subramanian

(b) Amartya Sen

Am (c) Manmohan Singh

(d) Raghuram Rajan
(b) Amartya Sen

t a v a
This award is given by the association

i v a s
of german book publishers and
sellers, who run the renowned

n S r
frankfurt book fair. Amartya Sen is

the one who has contributed in the

Am development of “Human Development

Index”. He has also won Economics
Nobel Prize in 1998.
Q.44) CM Chang has passed away

due to COVID-19, he was the

t a v
environment minister of which
State?/COVID-19 के कारण सीएम चांग
ri a
का नधन हो गया, वह कस राज्य के

पयार्रावरण मंत्री थे?

a n S (a) Nagaland

Am (c) Odisha
(d) West Bengal
(a) Nagaland

t a v a
CM Chang was a retired IAS

i v a s
officer and a former Member
of Parliament, Lok Sabha

n Sr (2009-13).

Q.45) The first Indian to win the

Oscar award, Bhanu Athaiya has

which film?
s t a v
passed away, She won the Oscar for

ri a
ऑस्कर पुरस्कार जीतने वाले पहले

भारतीय, भानु अथैया का नधन हो गया,

a n S उन्होंने कस फल्म के लए ऑस्कर


Am (a) Mother Teresa

(b) Salaam Bombay
(c) Gandhi
(d) Madhumati
(c) Gandhi

v a
BHanu Athaiya was the

t a
first Indian to win a

ri v a
Oscar for her 1983 film
“Gandhi”. She won the

a n S award for best costume

designer. The lavish

Am biopic of Gandhi swept

Oscars for eight awards.
Q.46) The 36th edition of the

bi-annual ASEAN Summit 2020 was

s t a v
held via video conferencing in which

ri a
द् व-वा षर्राक आ सयान शखर सम्मेलन

2020 का 36 वां संस्करण कस दे श में

a n S वी डयो कॉन्फ्रें संग के माध्यम से

आयोिजत कया गया था?

Am (a) Thailand
(b) Laos
(c) Vietnam
(d) Cambodia
(c) Vietnam

a v a
The 36th edition of Asean was

held virtually and was chaired by

ri a
Vietnam. The theme was

“Cohesive and Responsive

a n S ASEAN”. The ASEAN was

established in 1967 in Thailand.

The ten members are Cambodia,

A Thailand, Laos, Brunei,

Indonesia, Philippines,
Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia
and Myanmar.
Q.47) Which country hosted fourth

World Conference on Women?

t v
कस दे श ने म हलाओं पर चौथा वश्व

सम्मेलन आयोिजत कया?
ri v a
(a) India
(b) China

a n S (c) United States

(d) New Zealand

(b) China

t a v a
i a s
The fourth world conference

on Women took place in

a n S 1995 in Beijing, China. 2020

marks the 25th anniversary

Am of the fourth world

conference on women. The
theme was “Action for
Equality, Development and
Q.48) Swachh Survekshan 2020

awards has been announced, which

t a v
city became India's cleanest city?
स्वच्छ सवर्वेक्षण 2020 के पुरस्कारों की
ri a
घोषणा की गई, कौन सा शहर भारत का

सबसे स्वच्छ शहर बन गया?

a n S (a) Varanasi
(b) Bhopal

Am (c) Jaipur
(d) Indore
(d) Indore

a v a
Indore has become the cleanest city

for the fourth year in a row in the

v a
category of population more than 1

a n S
Cleanest city with less than 1 lakh
population- Karad (M.H.)

Am Cleanest capital city- New Delhi

Cleanest state with more than 100
cities- Chhattisgarh
Cleanest state with less than 100
cities- Jharkhand
Q.49) Which organization has released

the report titled, "COVID-19 : Are

Children Able to Continue Learning

During School Closures'?/ कस संगठन ने

s t
"COVID-19: Are Children Able to

Sri v
Continue Learning For School Closures
'शीषर्राक से रपोटर्रा जारी की है ?

(a) World Health Organisation

Ama (b) United

Development Organization

(c) United Nations Children's Fund


(d) Food and Agriculture Organization

(c) United Nations Children's Fund

t a v a
At least one third of the world’s

ri v a
schoolchildren - 463 million
children globally- were unable

a n S
to access remote learning when
Covid-19 shut schools

Am worldwide according to this

report by UNICEF.
Q.50) Every year World Post Day is

observed on ……..

…… ..
s t v
हर साल वश्व डाक दवस मनाया जाता है

ri v a
[a] 7th March
[b] 9th October

a n S [c] 4th September

[d] 11th April

[b] 9th October

t a v a
i v s
9th October is the

anniversary of Universal

n Sr Postal Union which started

in 1874 in Switzerland.

Ama World Post Day is celebrated

on this day and this trend
started in 1969.

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