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In our given case study, we are supposed to discuss Mukesh Ambani vs

Anil Ambani’s Success and failure and relate them with 2 Mintzberg roles

In recent years, the world has seen significant changes in strategic management. A
business management researcher named Henry Mintzberg played an important role
in this significant change. He published a research paper in which he identified 10
roles of a manager played in an organization which falls into 3 basic categories
which are Interpersonal roles, Informational roles and Decisional roles.
Interpersonal role is to cover the relationship that a manager must have with others.
Figurehead, leader and liaison fall under the category of interpersonal roles. The
informational role involves collecting, receiving and then passing on the
information to others. Monitor, disseminator and spokesperson fall under the
informational role. Lastly, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator
and negotiator fall under the category of decisional role which mainly require
making decisions and choices for the company.

Dhirubhai Ambani an Indian tycoon who was the founder of Reliance Industries.
Reliance industries had so many subbranches like petrochemicals, IPCL,
infrastructures, Reliance Communication, Reliance Capital and energy. Dhirubhai
Ambani's two sons Mukesh Ambani and Anil Ambani were chairman and
managing director of the company when his father was alive. However, his father
did not split up his business among his sons. After his death in 2002, Mukesh
Ambani got the old economy of Reliance Industries which were petrochemical,
IPCL and infrastructures. On the other hand, Anil Ambani got all the new economy
businesses which were Reliance Capital, energy, natural resources and
broadcasting. His brother Mukesh Ambani got the petrochemicals under his field
since he had vast experience working on the Patalganga Plant. Reliance
Communications was also the brainchild of Mukesh Ambani, but his brother
started a dispute for getting the telecommunication sector and ended up obtaining
that. After the separation, both had the same number of resources, and both had
almost the same amount of net worth. However, things did not end up good for one
of the brothers.

Anil Ambani who is the younger brother of Mukesh Ambani had control on all the
sunrise sectors of the industries. So, everyone assumed he would be in a better
position than Mukesh Ambani in just a few years, but the assumption didn't turn
out as it was expected. Anil Ambani also bought Adlab Films and named it Big
Cinema Multiplex which had his ventures all over India. Anil Ambani had
Reliance Communications on his hand which he got from his brother, and which
was one of the biggest telecommunication brands in India. Reliance
Communications had a net worth of 1.65 lakh crores and was supposed to lead the
Indian telecommunication market. When every other communication brand in
India like Airtel, Vodafone were adapting for GSM technology which was good for
4G and 5G technology, Reliance did not adopt the new technology and was trying
to strengthen their existing CDMA technology which would only cover 2G and 3G
communication. Reliance Communications failed to understand the new world and
adapt with it which eventually brought downfall for his company. He lost over
98% percent of its market value and eventually went into insolvency in May 2018.
This was a big setback for his company, and it worked as a domino effect for his
other companies. To pay his debt he sold his Big Cinema Multimedia to Carnival
and two years later sold his part of the TV and FM business to Zee Cinema
Company. Furthermore, he sold his Reliance Power company to Adani group to
pay up his debts. After the separation Anil Ambani did not stick to his core
business. Rather he ventured to open new more business by taking huge loans and
when these businesses eventually failed, he sold off his assets to pay off his loans
and eventually his net worth became very low. From being India's 6th richest
person in 2005 with having $42 billion to having $1.7 billion as of now. For this
big downfall of his wealth, we can blame Anil Ambanis poor strategy, over
ambition and mismanagement of his roles.

Here, we can relate with Mintzberg's two roles for this downfall of Anil Ambani
which are Monitor and Resource Allocator. Monitor seeks internal and external
issues that can affect the organization. Monitorial duties include assessing internal
operations, a department's success and problems that may arise in the organization.
Here, he failed to monitor the issues in his companies, and he lacked vision about
his companies. When everyone was going for new world technologies, he didn't go
for adopting the new technology. He didn't understand the problems that may arise
in the future and his lack of this monitoring capability was responsible for his
biggest downfall for him and his companies. Resource allocator distributes all
kinds of resources including time, money, assets and human resources. The
allocator capitalizes on the resources he has. Here, he failed to manage his
resources he gained from his father. He ended up selling most of his assets just to
pay up his loans because of his mismanaged resources. These two important
Mintzberg managerial roles were lacking from Anil Ambani, and he could not
utilize his managerial roles over his companies and thus he ended up failing in the
long run.

Mukesh Ambani, elder son of Dhirubhai Ambani, had all the old economy sectors
of Reliance Company after the separation between two brothers. He got Reliance
Industries, IPCL, patrol and infrastructure. These were the core business of
Mukesh Ambani and for the first few years after the separation unlike his brother
he gave his full attention to his core business and made those businesses the cash
cows for his other new businesses. Mukesh and Anil Ambani had a non-Compete
pact between them which lasted till 2010. After the pact ended Mukesh ventured a
new telecommunication company of his own which was named Jio. Jio brought a
revolution in the Indian telecommunication scene. He funded $37 billion in Jio
communications. He believes that in this modern-day data is the new oil and
intelligent data is the new patrol. Unlike Anil Ambani, because he stuck to his core
business like refining, explorations, petrochemicals etc. and made them a reliable
source of funding for his other businesses. He is now leading Reliance Jio
Communications and Reliance retail. Recently, he made a deal with one of the
world's biggest convenience stores named 7-11 and is planning to bring them up in
India. Which will give Reliance Jio an huge advantage with their competitor
Amazon Inc. This visionary of him and venturing new profitable deals makes him
Asia's richest man.

We can relate Mukesh Ambani to Mintzberg's roles of Leader and

Entrepreneur. Leadership is one of the qualities that will lead a leader to his
highest peak. His great leadership was not by birth rather he earned it by his
perseverance. His one of the biggest leadership qualities is his impatience for
finding solutions. His adaptability with the changing new world and leading his
companies in this constant improvising world is also his one the biggest leadership
qualities. He is also an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur acts as an interior designer
and encourages change and innovation in his companies. Mukesh has all these
qualities in him because he understands what changes needed in his companies and
also what new he could bring in the market and grab the business sector. He
always tries to make it big when he first comes to any new business. These abilities
make him a successful businessman in this whole world making him world's 8th
richest person and he topped the Forbes 2021 list of the wealthiest Indians with a
net worth of $92.7 billion.
Thus, having these proper managerial roles Mukesh Ambani has become
successful and Anil Ambani has gone bankrupt and ended up being a failure in the
long run for not having them in him.

Case study by,

Md. Habibullah Rahat 2132579630

Anika Rahman 2131157630

Efty: Md Ishtiak Ahmed 2031209630

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