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Daily Accomplishment Report

Student Trainee: Rc S. Rodolfo

Company: Public Information Office – Dagupan
No. of Working
Day Date Daily Accomplishment
Monday August 02  Online Flag Raising
 Regular Meeting for the plan for entire week 8 hours
 Set-up Email and Twitter
Tuesday August 03  Infographics about Voters' registration
 Present the plan to Sir Cardinoza, and agreed
about the infos. 8 hours
 Did the 1-minute infomercial
Wednesday August 04  Continuation of Infomercial Editing
 Planning and conceptualizing/drafting question
for National Paralympic Qualifier Ms. Achelle
Guion 8 hours
 Meeting briefing Maam Achelle for the Sunday
interview setup
 Plus if some posting and fb updates
Thursday August 05  Part 2 continuation of planning, drafting
infographics, caption and layout for the City
Talk first episode.
 Monitoring Facebook for some updates
 Answer messages regarding the Hiring of
Nurses for City Health Office. 8 hours
 Prepare poster for celebrating 200 followers on
 Prepare the publicity materials for the dry run
and interview proper.

Friday August 06  Dry Run of the City Talks Hosts

 Posting Infographics of the upcoming events
 Share news 8 hours
 Edit videos for the Monday Live.
 3rd Weekly Trivia Friday
Name of Trainor
Day Specific Activity/ Assigned Task
Today, we are invited by Sir Cardinoza for another flag-raising ceremony and talk with

Mayor Lim in Dagupan City’s City Museum. But unfortunately, I am not able to travel

due to weather circumstances. I just attended the live coverage on Facebook and catch-up
some details of the event. After the ceremony, we set a meeting for our weekly planning
and preparation for the whole week. I also started making an email and Twitter accounts
DAY 11
for the page right after the meeting. Sir Cardinoza suggested that we have different

platforms, including the Twitter account, to have a wider channel and broader sources of

information for news.

My day started with a new task. I am to do the weekly countdown, which is every

Tuesday, of the Voter’s Registration period by COMELEC and posted at 11 AM. We also
03-August-2021 submitted to Sir our presented ideas for the week, and He approved our plans. Jeanie and

Czarina’s infomercial idea was also supported by Sir Cardinoza and is ready for radio
DAY 12 airing as soon as possible. Afternoon, I did the infomercial for posting on our Facebook

and Twitter accounts. I wasn’t able to finish it today, so I will continue it tomorrow and

prepare it for posting.

04-August-2021 As I continue to another day, I continue working with the infomercial video about the

misinformation of COVID-19 vaccines. After I edited it, I posted, including Jeanie’s

DAY 13 edited caption. Today’s also our planning day for our upcoming “City Talk,” which we

will promote on Sunday. We formulate questions, edited the flow of the talk, and discuss

the promotional materials needed. Maybe tomorrow’s another day to continue the plan

since we are not yet complete with it. I was assigned to do a teaser as a promotional ad for

our guest, Ms. Achelle “Jinky” Guion, who will be joining the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics


Aside from the infographics and infomercial did today, I also checked the inbox. I

helped Mary joy and others reply to some of the queries regarding our post about the City

Health Office’s hiring of Registered Nurses. That’s for today, hoping for a more
productive tomorrow.
Just like yesterday, messages regarding the City’s hiring were increasing. I first checked

the inbox, read the messages, and help them be directed in the email needed. Today’s also

a preparation day for us, conceptualizing, building ideas, and research for our interview
05-August-2021 for Ms. Jinky Guion in her competition for Tokyo 2020 Paralympics. I also prepared the

publicity material for our 200 followers for posting because we are about to reach 200
DAY 14 followers on Facebook. During my time researching and scrolling, I also shared news and

information for the page. Later that night, I started making the teaser video needed for the

interview and posting. It’s a hectic day today, and I hope there’s a lot of time for me to

sleep! Good night.

06-August-2021 Thank God It’s Friday! Today’s a busy Friday because we need to polish and finalize

things for our upcoming interview. We arrange the flow of the script, the teaser videos,
DAY 15 and publicity materials, and practice and familiarize scripts. Mykhael Tyrone and Alain

will be our hosts for the event, and the remaining people in the team will work on the

technical and researches. And since it is Friday, and Fridays are our trivia day, I scheduled

a post made by Jeanie. I also aired some ideas regarding our postings to be more engaging

and take it out of the conventional. My opinion was to develop different trivia not just in

Dagupan but also in the entire Pangasinan. Mary Joy added that it would also be good if

we present it in a video form and ask questions to engage people as well.

At night, I finished two videos needed on our Facebook live telecast on Monday.

Everything is going well, we also asked Sir Cardinoza for his opinion regarding our

scripts and the flow of the program, and he agreed on everything. I know that all of what

we are doing now is never in vain, for it will be rewarded soon by the Lord. Thanks to my

very responsible and talented team.

2 Chronicles 15:7 GNT

But you must be strong and not be discouraged. The work that you do will be rewarded.”

This message I received from the Lord encouraged me to continue and not to give up my
dreams despite every encumbrance I face daily. It also helps me anchor my faith deeply

and believe in God’s promises.

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