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<Project Name>

Prototype Design

Version No: dd-mm-yyyy

Document Acceptance and Release Notice

This document is authorised for release once all signatures have been obtained.

PREPARED: Date: / /
(for acceptance) <Name>
< Position>, <Business Unit>

ACCEPTED: Date: / /
(for release) <Name>
<Position>, <Business Unit>
List of Figures

1. List of Tasks..............................................................................................................................5

2. Dependency diagrams..............................................................................................................6

3. Task Layer maps......................................................................................................................7

1. YList of Tasks

Figure 1- Task flow diagram source: Authors

This figure describes about list of tasks of project. It describes about the overall flow of project,
how its work. First of all, customer login into the web application. After that, his/her login
information will be checked, if the login details are correct then he/she can proceed to further steps
else he will login again with a valid email id and password. After login, he/she can order the food
items then his order will be processed and give receipt will be generated and send to the customer.
After order processing, his order information will send to kitchen staff then they will deliver order
to delivery boy and finally order will be delivered to customer.

2. Dependency diagrams

Figure 2- Dependency diagram source: Authors

This figure shows the dependency diagram of project and describes about the dependency of
various task. This dependency diagram shows dependency of online food ordering system. System
will receive order from the customer then take brief details of order; these details depend upon the
verification process of order. If all the details are valid then order availability will be checked after
those available items details are processed and stored into the system. Finally order of customer is
accepted by the system.

3. Task Layer maps

Figure 3: Task layer map source: Authors

This diagram describes about the task layer map of the project. It shows the various layers of tasks
like layer 0, layer 1, layer 2, layer 3, layer 4, and layer 5. These layers are dependent on each other.
Layer 1 depends upon layer 0, layer 2 depends upon layer 1 and further all layers are depending
upon the previous layers of task. In above figure, layer1 that is login depend upon the layer 0.
Before login customer must have to open the website. Search item layer depend upon the login
layer, after login customer can search various food items and beverage items. Order layer depend
upon the search items, after search items customer can place order. Last layer is receipt layer that
depends upon the order layer, after placing order it will generate receipt.


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