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CHAPTER 1 Culminating
What do you already know?
IDENTIFICATION: Supply the missing word and group of word to complete the Table.
5S Good housekeeping summary

Japanese MEANING English Equivalent Meaning in Japanese

Term Context

Throw away all rubbish

Tidiness and unrelated materials
in the workplace

Set everything in proper

SEITON place for quick retrieval
and storage

Clean the workplace

SHINE everyone should be a
Standardize the way of
maintaining cleanliness
STANDARDIZE Standardization

Practice “5s daily”- make it

a way of life; this also
SUSTAIN means” commitment”
SHITSUKE Discipline

Self Check 3 5S Good Housekeeping

What you have

MULTIPLE CHOOCE: Select the best answer and write your answer on the space provided
before the number. (1point each)

_____ 1. This involves the principle of waste elimination through workplace organization.
A. 5S b. 6S c.7S d. 8S
_____ 2. The technique of good housekeeping in Japan was popularized in year?
a.1965 b. 1970 c.1975 D. 1980
_____ 3. Who is the person started good housekeeping as a tool in the United States as the
CANDO programmed year 1972.
A. HENRY FORD b. Henry Floyd c. James Ford d. none
_____ 4. Japan 5S it is also called?
A. ‘WORKPLACE MANAGEMENT’. b. safe workplace
c. workplace venue d. none
_____ 5. The 5S in Japan has a translated word in English word?
A. YES b. no
_____ 6. Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary items. Remove the latter.
A. SEIRI b. seiton c. seisod. seiketsu
_____ 7. Enforce the dictum ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’.
a. seiri B. SEITON c. seisod. seiketsu
_____ 8. Clean up the workplace and look for ways to keep it clean.
a. seiketsu b. seiton C. SEISO d. seiri.
______ 9. Follow the rule to keep the workplace 5S-right. Hold the gain.
a. seiton b. seiton c. seiri d. D. SHITSUKE
_____ 10. Maintain and monitor adherence to the first three Ss.
a. shitsuke b. seiton c. seiso D. SEIKETSU

Task Activity No.3 5S Good Housekeeping

Let’s work on
In your home find an area which you would like to apply the 5S good housekeeping.
Make a picture (size of 3 inches x 5 inches) of the area before and after applying the 5S good
housekeeping and paste it on a legal bond paper and write a short explanation on how do you
apply the 5S and how importance s 5S in our daily activity.

A. Picture before the 5S

B. Picture after the 5S

How do apply 5S in my room. First Seiri I throw away all the things that I didn't use. Second Seiton I set
all my things in proper place. Third Seiso I clean my study table like a janitor. Forth Seiketsu I maintain
the cleanliness of my place to prevent accident. Fifth I apply Shitsuke every day of my life and
commitment for my self.

Why 5s Important to our daily life. Because 5s helps me and other to eliminate waste, streamline,
production and optimize efficiencies. When you use 5s in every day of your daily life. You make a
commitment to put safety organization and effectiveness on your workplace. Improved self-discipline
the 5S system, especially its visual nature, makes abnormal conditions noticeable and makes ignoring
standards more difficult. Improved culture when 5S is applied systematically, it fosters better teamwork
and enthusiasm. People like to work in a well-organized and clean environment.

CHAPTER 1 Safety in Electricity

MULTIPLE CHOOCE: Select the best answer and write your answer on the space provided
before the number. (1point each)
_____ 1. When removing a wire with cord, pull on the ________not on the cord.
a. wire b. cord C. PLUG d. outlet
_____ 2. This involves the principle of waste elimination through workplace organization.
A. 5S b. 6S c.7S d. 8S
_____ 3. It is a sign of caution, risk of danger and hazard ahead.
A. WARNING b Mandatory c. Information d. b & c
_____ 4. Do not _________________extension cord?
a. use B. OVERLOAD c. work d. buy
_____ 5. The technique of good housekeeping in Japan was popularized in year?
a.1965 b. 1970 c.1975 D. 1980
_____ 6. It is a sign prescribing a specific behavior.
A. PROHIBITION b. Warning c. Mandatory d. a&b
_____ 7. When replacing a fuse correct _________ and size is observe?
a. resistance b. power C. CURRENT d. none
_____ 8. Clean up the workplace and look for ways to keep it clean.
a. seiketsu b. seiton C. SEISO d. seiri.97. The color
_____9. The assigned color for Information sign is?
a. blue b. red c. green D. BLACK
_____10. When measuring uncertain qualities start with the range switch on the
_______________ setting.
a. lowest b. medium C. HIGHEST d. none
_____ 11. Enforce the dictum ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’.
a. seiri B. SEITON c. seisod. seiketsu
_____ 12. What color assigned to Safe Condition Signs (The safe way)
a. yellow b. red C. GREEN d. blue
_____ 13. Always consider the wire is___________.
A. LIVE b. off c. cold d. none
_____ 14. Prohibition sign means?
a. do not do b. must do C. THE SAFE WAY d. none
_____ 15. Follow the rule to keep the workplace 5S-right. Hold the gain.
a. seiton b. seiton c. seiri d. D. SHITSUKE

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