Amelioration of Aluminium Toxicity in Wheat by Fluoride

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New Phytol.

(1992), 121, 81-88

Amelioration of aluminium toxicity in

wheat by fluoride

Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853,
{Received 10 July 1991; accepted 12 December 1991)


The deleterious effects of aluminiutn in the rhizosphere on growth, root morphology, ion uptake, and stomatal
conductance in wheat {Triticum aestivum L.) were prevented or attenuated hy the inclusion of fluoride in the
growth medium; the more fluoride present relative to the concentration of aluminium, the greater the alleviation.
Results support the conclusion that the ameliorative effects of fluoride were due to reductions in the concentration
of the rhizotoxic trivalent cation (Al^^) through the formation of aluminium-fluoride complexes that are neither
phytotoxic nor readily translocated from roots to shoots.

Key words: Aluminium, fluoride, rhizotoxicity, wheat {Triticum aestivum).

are not well understood. For these reasons, wheat

seedlings were grown in nutrient solutions amended
Several factors prompted investigations on the joint with fluoride, aluminium or both to determine effects
effects on plants of fluoride and aluminium in the on growth and ion uptake.
rhizosphere. First, aluminium is a major constituent
of most soils and under acidic conditions it becomes
mobilized into rhizotoxic forms that limit plant
growth (Foy, 1974; Moore, 1974). Indeed, alu-
minium toxicity is probably the most limiting factor Seeds of winter wheat {Triticum aestivum L, cv. Abe)
for plant productivity in acid soils (Foy, 1984). One were placed on seed germination paper moistened
current concern is the progressive increase in soil with deionized water. After 48 h the coleoptile, the
acidity from wet and dry deposition of air pollutants primary root, and two lateral (seminal) roots had
which exacerbates aluminium toxicity, possibly emerged from the caryopsis. Uniform seedlings were
contributing to forest declines in North America and selected and transferred to individual cells of a
Europe (Ulrich, 1983; McLaughlin, 1985). Second, recirculating nutrient culture system located in a
fluoride is also highly phytotoxic, widely distributed controlled-environment chamber that provided
in soils, and becomes more available for plant uptake day/night temperatures of 22/20 °C, relative humid-
as soils become more acidic (Weinstein, 1977). ities of 60/65%, and a 14-h photoperiod from an
Natural concentrations of fluoride in the upper equal mixture of sodium vapour and metal halide
horizons of soils may be increased in areas where lamps (PPFD of 670-730 //mol m - s^>).
industrial emissions of gaseous or particulate forms The recirculating nutrient culture system con-
occur from direct deposition or indirectly from the sisted of four 1-8 m long vinyl troughs that were
decomposition of fluoride-containing litter (Polom- slightly inclined (one end was elevated 4 cm).
ski, Fluhler & Blaser, 1982). Third, changes in the Separate nutrient/treating solutions for each trough
concentration or form of soilborne aluminium or were pumped from reservoirs to the elevated end at
fluoride may affect plants indirectly by altering the 1-2 dm^ min^\ drained by gravity to the lower end,
uptake of nutrients essential for plant growth and and collected in the same reservoir completing the
development. A fourth factor is that fluoride and circuit. In each trough there were 34 cells, each
aluminium readily react with each other to form containing one seedling. The depth of each cell was
complexes (Lindsay, 1979), and in the complexed adjusted to permit the roots to contact the surface of
form the toxicity of each would be altered. Finally, the solution in the trough below. The system was
the joint action on plants of aluminium and fluoride designed such that the recirculating nutrient/
ANP 121
82 D. C. MacLean, K. S. Hansen and R. E. Schneider

treating solutions were aerated, but not exposed to Stomatal conductance of leaf 3 of four plants per
light. treatment was measured with a steady state poro-
The basic nutrient solution used was a 0 25 x meter (Ll-1600, LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska,
modified Johnson's solution (Johnson, et al., 1957). USA) at the end of the treatment period.
Concentrations of macronutrients were (in mM): Formation of aluminium-fluoride complexes in
NO3-N, 2-0; NH4-N, 2-0; K, 16; Ca, 10; P, 0 1 ; treating solutions was characterized by measuring
Mg, 0-25; and SO^, 2-0. The concentrations of fluoride ion activity with a specific ion electrode
micronutrients were (in /iM): Cl, 25; B, 6-25; Zn, (Orion Research Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts,
1-0; Mn, 0-5; Cu, 0-25; Mo, 0-25; and Fe (as USA) in the presence and absence of TISAB IV, a
FeHEDTA), 10-0. total ionic strength metal-complexing buffer
Seedlings in the system were first grown for 3 d in (Cameron, Ritchie & Robson, 1986). This buffer,
0-5 mM CaSO^, followed by 3 d in a pretreatment which is routinely used to remove interfering metals
dilute nutrient solution (0-125 x ) adjusted to pH 4-2. in fluoride analysis, will complex ^lOOmgT^
The experimental treatments were started 8 d from aluminium in the presence of 1 mg T^ fiuoride
seed imbibition and continued for 8 d with re- (Orion, 1983). Measurements of fiuoride activity
placement of the nutrient/treating solutions after 4 were made of nutrient solutions amended with 50 or
d. During the period of treatment, the nutrient 100/iM fluoride and concentrations of aluminium
solutions were amended with fluoride (as NH^F), from 0 to 100/^M. All solutions were adjusted to
aluminium (as Al2[SO^]3), or both. The pH of the pH 4-2 ±0-05 with 0-05 M-HNO3.
treating solutions was measured daily and, if necess-
ary, adjusted to pH 4-20 ±0-05 with H^SO^ or KOH.
Changes in pH were slight except during the last 2
d for treatments that permitted active root growth Growth
(e.g. Huoride alone or with aluminium where the Concentrations of fiuoride in the nutrient medium of
concentration of fluoride was the same as or greater from 50 to 200 /<M did not affect growth, whereas
than that of aluminium). At those times the pH treatment with aluminium had deleterious effects
could decrease from 42 to 3-9 over 24 h. on roots (Table 1). Root growth was significantly
Plants were harvested at 16 d of age, separated into reduced by aluminium at 25 fiyi, and even greater
roots and shoots (entire tops), and dried in a force- inhibitions occurred at 50 and 100/<M aluminium.
draft oven (80 °C) to a constant weight. After Indeed, there was no significant increase in root dry
measurements of dry mass, the tissues were ground mass at the highest concentration of aluminium
to pass a 40-mesh sieve and aliquots of roots and during the 8 d period of treatment. The deleterious
shoots were analysed for fluoride by the semi- effects of aluminium on root growth were amelior-
automated method (AOAC, 1980) and for other ated when aluminium and fluoride were supplied
elements, inductively coupled argon plasma atomic together, and the degree of attenuation was a function
emission spectroscopy (IPC analysis) was used of the relative concentrations of fiuoride and alu-
(Thornton, Schaedle & Raynal, 1985). To clarify the minium. Fluoride at 50 and 100/iM prevented the
analytical results, values are presented (Tables 2—4) aluminium-induced inhibitions of root growth until
as amount (/^g or mg) per plant rather than in terms the concentration of aluminium reached 100//M. At
of concentration, because the latter (% or ppm on that concentration, 50/iM fluoride had no effect, 100
dry matter basis) can be misleading, especially when [iM fluoride partially prevented aluminium toxicity,
comparing plants with severely inhibited growth to and the highest fluoride treatment (200 fiM) com-
those in which growth was not affected. pletely reversed the inhibitory effects of 100/tM
The recirculating system permitted a maximum of aluminium (Table 1).
four treatments per experiment (one per trough). The inhibitory effects of aluminium on growth
Therefore, 16 experiments were carried out in which were greater for roots than for shoots. For example,
treatments overlapped and replications were achi- 25 fiM aluminium reduced root growth by 50%, but
eved over time. The mean of 32 plants was used for shoot growth was reduced by only 15%. Quali-
each replicate for growth; seedlings at the ends of the tatively, however, the responses of roots and shoots
trough were not included. For analyses of alu- to treatment were similar; statistically significant
minium, fluoride, and other ions the number of differences tended to occur between the same
seedlings per determination was variable; in treat- treatments for both shoots and roots. Plots of the
ments where growth (dry mass) was inhibited, plants data from Table 1 for shoot and root growth (not
were pooled to provide enough tissue for analysis; n shown) resulted in curves that were very similar in
= 4 for mean values given in Tables 1-4. Data for appearance to each other and to those shown in
growth and aluminium and Huoride uptake were Figure 1 for total plant growth. Similarities between
analysed using multivariate regression with the root and shoot responses to treatment are illustrated
concentrations of aluminium and of fluoride as by the relationship between values for root and shoot
independent variables. mass over all treatments (Fig. 2). These significant
Amelioration of aluminium toxicity by fluoride 83
Table 1. Mean values {n = 4) for growth (mg dry
mass) of roots and shoots of wheat fTriticum
aestivum) as affected by the concentrations of
aluminium and fluoride, alone and in combination, in
the nutrient medium

Fluoride Aluminium concentration (/tM)

0 25 50 100

0 144 121 108 105
50 154 152 145 106
100 142 151 151 113
25 50 200 144 153 148 151
75 100
Al concentration Roots
Figure 1. Total plant dry weight as affected by the 0 63 31 22 19
concentrations of aluminium and fluoride, alone and in 50 73 69 56 20
combination, in the nutrient medium. Fluoride concen- 100 72 76 72 38
trations, (in /<M): • , 0; A, 50; D, 100; O, 200. 200 74 77 71 63

Regression equations:
Dry mass (plant) = 193-75-O-642[A1]+O-3O8[F];
180 0-667; P < 0-001.
Dry mass (shoots) = 137-71-O-282[A1]-I-O-131[F];
0-509; P < 0-001.
160 Dry mass (roots) = 56-04-0-360[Al]-hO-177[F];
D 0-741; P < 0-001.

« 140
CO ment: morphological changes were moderate at 25
>• fjt,M aluminium and severe at 50 and 100/^M alu-
^ 120 minium. When aluminium and fluoride were sup-
plied together, there were no obvious effects on root
morphology if the concentration of fluoride was
greater than that of aluminium. If the fluoride
concentration was the same or less than the alu-
80 minium concentration, the aluminium-induced
0 20 40 60 80 100 morphological changes occurred, but were less
Root dry mass (mg) severe than when aluminium was supplied alone.
Figure 2. Regressions of dry mass of shoots on dry mass
of roots and of dry mass of roots on dry mass of shoots {W^
= 91-1 +0-816PF,; R^ = 0-761 and W^ = -7\-l Eluoride uptake
R^ = 0-761, respectively).
After 8 d of treatment the amount {/ig plant"^) of
fluoride in shoots was greater than that in roots. For
(P < 0-001) linear regressions for dry mass of shoots all treatments in which some fluoride was provided,
on root mass {W^ = 9M +0-816PF,; R^ = 0-761) and from 57 to 87% of the total amount of fluoride
for root mass on shoot mass {W^ = —71-7-1-O-933I^s; absorbed from the treating solutions was trans-
R^ = 0-761) indicated that the overall growth effects located to the shoots (Table 2). Where fluoride was
were on the 'size' rather than the 'shape' of plants. supplied alone, the only effect on the amount of
fluoride in roots was an increase at the highest
treatment concentration (200 /^M). If aluminium was
Morphological effects also present in the treating solutions, signiflcant
There were no apparent effects of treatment on the increases in the amount of fluoride in roots occurred
morphology of shoots due to aluminium or fluoride. at lower fluoride concentrations. The magnitude of
In roots, however, deleterious aluminium-induced this effect was related to the relative concentrations
alterations in morphology were observed. Flongation of aluminium and fluoride; at 100 and 200/iM
of primary roots was distorted, the size and number fluoride the presence of ^ 50 //M aluminium in-
of flbrous roots were markedly reduced, and lateral creased the amount of fluoride recovered in roots
root development was arrested resulting in short, (Table 2). For shoots the interacting effects of
thickened, peg-like laterals about 1-2 mm long. The fluoride and aluminium were the opposite. Fluoride
intensity of these aberrations was related to treat- in shoots increased with the concentration in the
84 D. C. MacLean, K. S. Hansen and R. E. Schneider

T a b l e 2. Mean values {n = 4) for fluoride (/ig F affect the total amount of fluoride accumulated
plant'^) in roots and shoots of wheat (Triticum because the aluminium-induced increases in fluoride
aestivum) as affected by the concentrations of in roots were offset by the aluminium-induced
aluminium and fluoride, alone and in combination, in decreases in the amount of fluoride in shoots.
the nutrient medium

Aluminium concentration Aluminium uptake

Fluoride {/IM)
concentration Most of the aluminium removed from the treating
(JMM) 0 25 50 100
solutions tended to remain in the roots. For all
Shoots treatments that included aluminium, only 8-13 % of
0 0-32 0-29 0-31 0-33 the total uptake was translocated to shoots (Table 3).
50 1-25 0-76 0-85 0-86 T h e amount of aluminium in roots increased with
100 1-96 1-51 1-41 1-68 increasing concentrations of aluminium in the rhizo-
200 3-16 2-47 2-24 2-43 sphere, but the increase was inhibited if fluoride was
Roots also included in the treatment. T h e degree of
0 0-34 0-31 0-26 0-29 inhibition became greater as the concentration of
50 0-37 0-39 0-45 0-65 fluoride increased (Table 3). T h e amount of alu-
100 0-29 0-41 0-63 1-25
minium in shoots also increased as the concentration
200 0-65 0-62 0-72 0-90
of aluminium in the treating solutions increased, but
Regression equations: there was no consistent effect of fluoride on the
Fluoride (shoots) = 0-489-O-OO3[A1]-f-0-011 [F]; amount of aluminium translocated to shoots.
0-906; P < 0-001.
Fluoride (roots) = 0-187-0-004[Al] + 0-002[F];
0-540; P < 0-001. Uptake of other ions

T h e effects of treatments on total uptake and

T a b l e 3. Mean values {n = 4) for aluminium (fig Al partitioning between roots and shoots were quali-
plant"^) in roots and shoots of wheat TTriticum tati^'ely the same for P, Ca, Mg and M n ; aluminium
aestivum) as affected by the concentrations of by itself reduced total uptake and the amounts
aluminium and fluoride, alone and in combination, in detected in both roots and shoots were less than in
the nutrient medium control plants (Table 4). T h e inhibitory effects of
aluminium on uptake of Ca and Mg were partially
Aluminium prevented by fluoride if the aluminium: fluoride
Fluoride concentration (//M) ratio was 1:2. For P, K and M g the aluminium-
concentration induced inhibition of uptake was completely over-
(//M) 0 50 100
come at a ratio of 1:1 (50 fiM of each). Tissue
Shoots analyses showed somewhat different effects for Fe.
0 1-0 3-4 5-1 Total uptake of Fe was not affected by any of the
50 1-1 5-0 6-8 treatments, but 50 /tM aluminium reduced the
100 1-1 3-2 6-2 amount of Fe recovered in shoots. This reduction
200 1-1 1-4 5-9 did not occur if fluoride ( ^ 50 ^,M) was also provided
Roots (Table 4). Fluoride by itself at concentrations of up
0 1-6 21-0 62-0 to 200 //M did not alter the uptake or partitioning
50 0-8 13-6 30-6 between roots and shoots of P, K, Ca, Mg, M n or Fe
100 1-2 6-5 24-4 (data not shown).
200 0-9 2-1 9-2

Regression equations: Stomatal conductance

Aluminium (shoots) = 1-301 +0-049[Al]-()-003[F]; R- =
0-845; P < 0-001. Measurements of stomatal conductance also revealed
Aluminium (roots) = 9-060 + 0-340[Al]-0-111[FJ; R'= the combined influences of aluminium and fluoride.
0-710; P < 0-001.
With increasing concentrations of aluminium, the
gas exchange capacity of leaves progressively de-
treating solutions, but at ^ 100//M fluoride, the co- creased (Table 5). If fluoride was provided with
occurrence of aluminium reduced the amount of aluminium in the treating solutions, however, the
fluoride in shoots relative to that in plants provided effects of aluminium were partially or completely
fluoride by itself. prevented, and the degree of attenuation was affected
Total fluoride uptake per plant (roots plus shoots) by the relative concentrations of aluminium and
increased significantly as the concentration of fluoride. When the concentration of fluoride was
fluoride in the growth medium increased, but the greater than that of aluminium, the effects of
presence of aluminium in the rhizosphere did not aluminium on stomatal conductance were prevented.
Amelioration of aluminium toxicity by fluoride 85

Table 4. Uptake of P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn and Ee by wheat (Triticum aestivum) roots and transport to shoots as
affected by the relative concentrations of aluminium and fluoride in the treating solutions

Aluminium/fluoride concentrations (//.M)

Element fraction 0/0 50/0 50/50 50/100

mg plant '
P Shoot 1-13(0-029) 0-53(0-018) 1-25(0-028) 1-21(0-041)
Root 0-34(0-028) 0-12(0-011) 0-26(0-013) 0-31(0-017)
K Shoot 7-53(0-278) 3-78(0-196) 7-51(0-305) 8-12(0-563)
Root 3-39(0-164) 0-39(0-044) 2-92(0-161) 3-59(0-290)
fii g plant '
Ca Shoot 409 (32-1) 281 (8-0) 384 (24-5) 334 (25-8)
Root 53 (5-2) 23 (4-7) 44 (3-5) 46 (3-7)
Mg Shoot 213 (14-1) 68 (8-1) 102 (2-3) 172 (14-9)
Root 71 (10-0) 10 (2-6) 29 (4-0) 57 (11-6)
Mn Shoot 2-09(0-14) 1-00(0-09) 2-31(0-10) 2-32(0-34)
Root 0-97(0-13) 0-28(0-03) 0-96(0-05) 0-86(0-14)
Fe Shoot 19-2 (0-67) 7-6 (0-36) 14-6(0-38) 20-7(1-92)
Root 26-6 (2-75) 33-3 (6-86) 18-8(2-83) 22-7(4-41)

Values presented are means with standard errors in parentheses of 4 determinations; for one treatment, [A1]/[F] =
50/0 {n = 3).

120 r
Table 5. Stomatal conductance (mmol m '^ s ^) of leaf
3 of wheat (^Triticum aestivum) as affected by the o 100
concentrations of aluminium and fluoride in the 3

nutrient medium. Values are means {n = 4) with o

standard errors in parentheses

Fluoride Aluminium concentrations (/^M) c

concn o
0 25 50 100 0)

0 222 (8-3) 125(10-6) 49(16-0) 31 (3-2) o

50 213(10-2) 224(11-4) 155(10-5) 55(11-0) 0) 20 -
100 243(12-0) 239 (8-5) 242(12-0) 82 (7-8)
200 215(18-6) — 217(12-0) 200(13-9)
25 50 75 100
Aluminium concentration
Complexing reactions Figure 3. Percentage of total fluoride as free fluoride ion in
nutrient solutions as affected by the concentration of
The various interacting effects of aluminium and aluminium and the presence of a metal-complexing buffer
fluoride presented above suggested that aluminium (TISAB IV). Fluoride concentrations were 100 (triangles)
and fluoride were reacting to form complexes in the and 50 //M (circles) with (open symbols) and without
nutrient solutions. Evidence to confirm this in- (solid symbols) buffer. Each point is the mean of three
ference was obtained by measuring the activity of
fluoride in nutrient solutions containing 50 or 100
//M fluoride and various concentrations of aluminium
in the presence and absence of a metal-complexing
buffer (TISAB-IV). The data in Figure 3 show that Under the acidic (pH 4-2) experimental conditions
if aluminium was complexed (by adding TISAB-IV) employed, aluminium existed mainly as the mono-
and prevented from reacting with fluoride, there was meric, highly charged cation, Al^^ (Wagatsuma &
no effect of increasing aluminium concentrations on Ezoe, 1985). In that form, aluminium was extremely
fluoride activity. Conversely, in the absence of the rhizotoxic and directly or indirectly responsible for
metal-complexing buffer, the percentage of total all of the deleterious effects of aluminium that were
fluoride as free fluoride ion decreased with increasing observed (e.g., inhibited growth, altered root mor-
concentrations of aluminium as aluminium-fluoride phology, reduced uptake of P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn and
complexes were formed. Complexation was essen- Fe, and reductions in the gas exchange capacity of
tially complete at equimolar concentrations of alu- leaves). The results clearly reveal that these harmful
minium and fluoride. effects were ameliorated or prevented if fluoride was
86 D. C. MacLean, K. S. Hansen and R. E. Schneider

also present in the growth medium at concentrations Nevertheless, that small internal fraction of alu-
equal to or greater than those of aluminium. Fluoride minium was responsible for the most obvious effects
is a powerful ligand for aluminium (Lindsay, 1979) of aluminium in what seedlings: reduced root
and at pH 4-2 their reaction would reduce the growth, through inhibition of cell division in root
concentration of the highly toxic trivalent cation meristems and subsequent inhibition of elongation,
(Elrashidi & Lindsay, 1986 a, b). We conclude that and altered root morphology (Pan, Hopkins &
the amelioration of aluminium toxicity by fluoride in Jackson, 1988). These responses were similar to
wheat seedlings was due to reductions in the those described for wheat by Foy (1974). Roots were
concentration of Al ^^ in treating solutions through more susceptible to aluminium-induced changes in
the formation of aluminium-fluoride complexes (Fig. form than to growth inhibition (e.g. reduced dry
3). Cameron et al. (1986) arrived at a similar weight). Morphological aberrations were still ob-
conclusion. They found that growth of barley roots vious at aluminium: fluoride ratios that did not affect
was highly correlated with the concentration of Al*^, the dry mass of roots.
but not with the concentrations of total soluble Although roots are the primary sites of aluminium
aluminium or of aluminium complexed with toxicity (Bennet, Breen & Fey, 1985 ; Kinrade, 1988),
fluoride. the growth responses of shoots were qualitatively
The influence of fluoride on aluminium toxicity similar to those of roots (Fig. 2). The same concen-
has also been observed in other systems. For example, trations or combinations of fluoride and aluminium
the survival of fish in acidic (pH 4-4) water was that caused significant effects on root growth also
markedly increased by the addition of fluoride affected shoot growth (Table 1). Reductions in the
concentrations equal to those of aluminium (Driscoll number and size of flne absorbing roots provide the
et al, 1980). Similarly, aluminium-induced inhi- simplest explanation for these parallel effects, but
bition of tea pollen growth in vitro was prevented by the impact of limiting concentrations of essential
adding NaF to the growth medium (Konishi & nutrients or the accumulation of toxic levels of
Miyamoto, 1983). The formation of complexes aluminium in the aerial parts of plants cannot be
which reduce the toxicity of aluminium was used to ignored.
explain both of these examples. Thus the ameli- The indirect effects were most probably related to
oration of aluminium toxicity through the sequester- aluminium associated with root surfaces and free
ing of Al*"^ by fluoride appears to be a general space of roots. At pH values below 5-0, more than
phenomenon and, because it is consistent with the half of the cation exchange sites may be occupied by
observations from the present study, it can be aluminium, preventing the uptake of other ions
used to explain the experimental results. (Evans & Kamprath, 1970). The effective binding of
Fluoride was relatively mobile within plants. aluminium to negative charges of the root apoplastic
Increasing concentrations of fluoride in the rhizo- space displaces ions of lower affinity such as K"*^,
sphere resulted in corresponding increases in the Ca^^, Mg'+ and Mn^^ (Rengei & Robinson, 1989a-^;
uptake of fluoride, most of which (77-87%) was Clarkson & Sanderson, 1971). Indeed, aluminium
translocated to shoots (Table 2). Nevertheless, toxicity is frequently expressed as foliar symptoms of
fluoride by itself did not cause foliar symptoms or nutrient deficiencies (Foy, 1974; Rengel & Robinson,
affect the growth of roots or shoots. The presence of 1989 c), and it has been shown that differential
aluminium did not affect the total amount of fluoride resistance of cultivars to aluminium toxicity are
accumulated, but translocation of fluoride to shoots often related to the internal concentrations of macro-
was reduced when fluoride and aluminium were and micronutrients (Miyasaka et al, 1989; Ohki,
supplied together. The formation of relatively im- 1985 ; Rengel & Robinson, 19896). In addition to the
mobile aluminium-fluoride complexes would ac- effects of surface charges, altered uptake may result
count for the reduced translocation. In bean plants from the precipitation by aluminium of Ca and P in
provided with aluminium and fluoride as AIF3 at the soil solution (Foy, Chaney & White, 1978) or, in
pH 4-9, however, fluoride uptake and translocation the case of P, possibly within the root itself (Wright,
were enhanced relative to plants given the same 1948). The amelioration of aluminium-induced
concentration of fluoride (as NaF) by itself (Takmaz- inhibition of ion uptake by the inclusion of fluoride
Nisancioglu & Davison, 1988). in treating solutions (Table 4) is yet another
Analyses of wheat seedlings treated with alu- observation suggesting the formation of aluminium-
minium showed signiflcantly elevated concentrations fluoride complexes that reduce the concentration of
of aluminium in roots and relatively low concen- Al^""", thereby freeing negative charges in the free
trations in shoots (Table 1), confirming the low space for other cations. It is also possible that
mobility of aluminium that has been reported by aluminium-induced reductions in the size and num-
others (Foy, 1974; Ohki, 1985). Ohki (1985) has ber of absorbing roots contributed to the decreases in
shown that only a small fraction of the aluminium the uptake of ions by wheat seedlings (Rengel &
associated with roots occurred within the endo- Robinson, 1989«).
dermis; most was on surfaces and in cortical regions. The inhibitory effects of aluminium on the gas
Amelioration of aluminium toxicity by fluoride 87

exchange capacity of wheat leaves increased with aluminium might represent an inherent defence
concentration. As found for other effects of alu- mechanism to reduce aluminium toxicity in some
minium, the inhibition was at least partially allevi- plant species.
ated by all concentrations of fluoride, and completely
prevented if the concentration of fluoride exceeded
that of aluminium (Table 5). Reduced stomatal ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
conductance due to high concentrations (2000 juwi at We thank Dr J. A. Laurence for valuable help with
pH 4-0) of aluminium in the nutrient medium has statistical analyses.
also been reported for peach seedlings (Horton &
Edwards, 1976). The response in peach was not due
to changes in stomatal aperture or density, but was REFERENCES
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seedlings maintained in the various solution cultures 22, 837-851.
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ment. on Vegetation, Animals and Humans (Ed. by J. L. Shupe, H. B.
There were no deleterious effects of fluoride on Peterson & N. C. Leone), pp. 61-82. Paragon Press, Salt Lake
wheat at concentrations of up to 200 fiM. Even at 400 DHRUVA, N . R . & DHIRENDRA, P. (1978). Effect of fluoride
/iM (data not shown) there were no measurable pollution on the organic matter content of soil. Plant and Soil
effects on root morphology or the growth of roots 49, 653-656.
and shoots. The absence of direct effects, however, C. L. (1980). Effect of aluminium speciation on fish in dilute
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innocuous. In soils having elevated concentrations of ELRASHIDI, M . A. & LINDSAY, W . L . (1986a). Chemical equilibria
of fluorine in soils: a theoretical development. Soil Science 141,
fluoride, either from natural or anthropogenic 274-280.
sources, water soluble fluoride might perturb the soil ELRASHIDI, M . A. & LINDSAY, W . L . (19866). Solubility of
environment in other ways (Polomski et al., 1982). aluminium fluoride, fluorite, and fluorophogopite mineral soils.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 50, 594-598.
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decomposition (Dhruva & Dhirendra, 1978). Environmental Pollution 47, 123-133.
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