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CBSE (2020-2021)




pg. 1

Primarily I would like to thank god for being able to complete this
project with success, then I would like to thank my mathematics
teacher Mr. Felix Ferdinand whose valuable guidance has been the
ones that helped patch this project and make it full success. His
suggestions and his instructions has served as the major contributor
towards the completion of the project .

I would like to show my gratitude to Principal Madam and Vice-

Principal Madam for providing their support and guidance for the
successful completion of my project.

Then I would like to thank my parents and friends who have helped
me with their valuable suggestions.

pg. 2








pg. 3

 Conic sections are curves obtained by cutting a cone with a plane which
does not pass through the vertex of the cone. The principal conic sections
are the parabola, the hyperbola, and ellipse. The circle can also be
obtained as a conic section, but, in Greek mathematics, the circle is
usually defined by simpler means. Conic sections were studied intensely
throughout the Hellenistic period, but particularly by Apollonios of
Perge, whose work Conics stands as one of the great works of all Greek

 A parabola is the set of all points (x,y)(x,y) in a plane that are the
same distance from a fixed line, called the directrix, and a fixed
point (the focus) not on the directrix.

 Real-world situations can be modeled using the standard
equations of parabolas. For instance, given the diameter and focus
of a cross-section of a parabolic reflector, we can find an equation
that models its sides.
 An ellipse is the locus of all those points in a plane such that the sum of
their distances from two fixed points in the plane, is constant. The fixed
points are known as the foci (singular focus), which are surrounded by
the curve. The fixed line is directrix and the constant ratio is eccentricity
of ellipse. Eccentricity is a factor of the ellipse, which demonstrates the
elongation of it and is denoted by ‘e’.
 The shape of the ellipse is in an oval shape and the area of an ellipse is
defined by its major axis and minor axis. Area of ellipse = πab, where a
and b are the length of semi-major and semi-minor axis of an ellipse.
Ellipse is similar to other parts of the conic section such as parabola and
hyperbola, which are open in shape and unbounded.
 We will be discussing about 2 common parts of conic section, i.e.
parabola and ellipse.
 We will also be discussing experimental setup of CONIC SECTION.
 Uses of parabola in our daily life and also the uses of ellipse in our day to
day life.

pg. 4


A conic section (or simply conic) is a curve obtained as the

intersection of the surface of a cone with a plane. The three types of
conic sections are the hyperbola, the parabola, and the ellipse. The
circle is type of ellipse, and is sometimes considered to be a fourth type
of conic section.

Conic sections can be generated by intersecting a plane with a cone. A

cone has two identically shaped parts called nappes. One nappe is what
most people mean by “cone,” and has the shape of a party hat.

Conic sections are generated by the intersection of a plane with a cone.

If the plane is parallel to the axis of revolution (the yy-axis), then the
conic section is a hyperbola. If the plane is parallel to the generating line,
the conic section is a parabola. If the plane is perpendicular to the axis
of revolution, the conic section is a circle. If the plane intersects one
nappe at an angle to the axis (other than 90∘90∘), then the conic section
is an ellipse.

pg. 5

While each type of conic section looks very different, they have some
features in common. For example, each type has at least one focus and

A focus is a point about which the conic section is constructed. In other

words, it is a point about which rays reflected from the curve converge. A
parabola has one focus about which the shape is constructed; an ellipse
and hyperbola have two.

A directrix is a line used to construct and define a conic section. The

distance of a directrix from a point on the conic section has a constant
ratio to the distance from that point to the focus. As with the focus, a
parabola has one directrix, while ellipses and hyperbolas have two.

These properties that the conic sections share are often presented as
the following definition, which will be developed further in the following
section. A conic section is the locus of points PP whose distance to
the focus is a constant multiple of thedistance from PP to the directrix of
the conic. These distances are displayed as orange lines for each conic
section in the following diagram.

pg. 6
A parabola is the set of all points whose distance from a fixed point, called the focus,
is equal to the distance from a fixed line, called the directrix. The point halfway between the
focus and the directrix is called the vertex of the parabola.

Parabola is locus of all points which are equally spaced from a fixed line and a
fixed point.
The fixed point is called, focus of the parabola. Fixed line is called, directrix of
the parabola.Conic Sections – Parabola. In the above figure, F is the focus and
line with points A, B and C is the directrix.
According to definition of parabola,
Axis of parabola is a line which is perpendicular to the directrix and passes
through the focus of parabola. Vertex of a parabola is the point of intersection
of axis and the parabola. Point O is the vertex of the parabola, as shown in the
figure below.
Conic Sections - Parabola
Standard Equation
Conic Sections - Parabola
Consider parabola in the given figure,
The simplest form of the equation of a parabola is found when the vertex is at
the origin in the coordinate plane.
Let point F(a,0) be focus and O(0,0) be the vertex of the parabola. A and B are
two points on the directrix and point P(x,y) is any point on the parabola.
By definition of parabola, O is the midpoint of AF and O is a vertex of the
That is, AO = OF and coordinates of A will be (-a,0).
Therefore, the equation of the directrix is x+a=0.
Also, FP = AB, (by the definition of parabola)
Since,PB is perpendicular to directrix, coordinates of B is (-a,y)
Using distance formula we get,

pg. 7
(x−a)2 + y2−−−−−−−−−−−−√ = (x + a)2−−−−−−−−√
(x − a)2 + y2 = (x + a)2
x2 − 2ax + a2 + y2 = x2 + 2ax + a2
y2 = 4ax —(1)
This is equation for a parabola whose focus is at (a,0)where a > 0.
Equation of Parabola
Equation of the parabola for the figure given below is,
y2=-4ax —(2)
Conic Sections - ParabolaEquation of the parabola for the figure given below is,
x2=4ay —(3)
Conic Sections - ParabolaEquation of the parabola for figure given below is,
x2=-4ay —(4)
Conic Sections - Parabola
The equations (1), (2), (3) and (4) are known as standard equations of a
Length of Latus rectum
Latus rectum of a parabola is the line segment perpendicular to the axis
through focus and its endpoints lie on the parabola.
Length of the latus rectum of the parabola y2 = 4ax is given by,
Conic Sections - Parabola
AB is the latus rectum of the above parabola with focus F(a,0).
ABis perpendicular to the X- axis.
Perpendicular distance between the directrix and the focus is,
NF = 2a =AM
By definition of parabola,
AM = AF = 2a
FB = 2a

pg. 8
length of latus rectum = 2a + 2a = 4a
2.3.1 EXAMPLE:

Find equation of directrix, coordinates of focus and length of latus rectum of

parabola y2=16x

Comparing given equation y2=16x with y2=4ax gives,
4a = 16,a = 4
Co-ordinate of Focus of the parabola is (4,0)
We know, the Equation of directrix is x + a = 0
Thus x = -4
Length of latus rectum is,
4a = 4 × 4 = 16 units

pg. 9
In the next figure,(fig.1),(fig.2),(fig.3),(fig.4) four parabolas are graphed as they
appear on the coordinate plane. They may open up, down, to the left, or to the right.

(fig.1) (fig.2)

(fig.3) (fig.4)

pg. 10
An ellipse if we speak in terms of locus, it is the set of all points on an XY-plane, whose distance
from two fixed points (known as foci) adds up to a constant value.
The ellipse is one of the conic sections, that is produced, when a plane cuts the cone at an angle
with the base. If the cone is intersected by the plane, parallel to the base, then it forms a circle.

2.4.1Ellipse Shape
In geometry, an ellipse is a two-dimensional shape, that is defined along its axes. An ellipse is
formed when a cone is intersected by a plane at an angle with respect to its base.
It has two focal points. The sum of the two distances to the focal point, for all the points in curve,
is always constant.
A circle is also an ellipse, where the foci are at the same point, which is the center of the circle.

2.4.2 Major and Minor Axis

Ellipse is defined by its two-axis along x and y-axis:

 Major axis
 Minor Axis

The major axis is the longest diameter of the ellipse (usually denoted by ‘a’), going through the
center from one end to the other, at the broad part of the ellipse. Whereas the minor axis is the
shortest diameter of ellipse (denoted by ‘b’), crossing through the center at the narrowest part.
Half of major axis is called semi-major axis and half of minor axis is called semi-minor axis.

pg. 11
2.4.3 Properties

 Ellipse has two focal points, also called foci.

 The fixed distance is called a directrix.
 The eccentricity of ellipse lies between 0 to 1. 0≤e<1
 The total sum of each distance from the locus of an ellipse to the two focal points is
 Ellipse has one major axis and one minor axis and a center

2.4.4 Eccentricity of the Ellipse

The ratio of distances from the center of the ellipse from either focus to the semi-major axis of
the ellipse is defined as the eccentricity of the ellipse.
The eccentricity of ellipse, e = c/a
Where c is the focal length and a is length of the semi-major axis.
Since c ≤ a the eccentricity is always greater than 1 in the case of an ellipse.
c2 = a2 – b2
Therefore, eccentricity becomes:
e = √(a2 – b2)/a
e = √[(a2 – b2)/a2] e = √[1-(b2/a2)]

2.4.5 Ellipse Equation

When the centre of the ellipse is at the origin (0,0) and the foci are on the x-axis and y-axis, then
we can easily derive the ellipse equation.
The equation of the ellipse is given by;
x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1

2.4.6Derivation of Ellipse Equation

Now, let us see how it is derived.

pg. 12
The above figure represents an ellipse such that P1F1 + P1F2 = P2F1 + P2F2 = P3F1 + P3F2 is a
constant. This constant is always greater than the distance between the two foci. When both the
foci are joined with the help of a line segment then the mid-point of this line segment joining the
foci is known as the center, O represents the center of the ellipse in the figure given below:

The line segment passing through the foci of the ellipse is the major axis and the line segment
perpendicular to the major axis and passing through the center of the ellipse is the minor axis.
The end points A and B as shown are known as the vertices which represent the intersection of
major axes with the ellipse. ‘2a’ denotes the length of the major axis and ‘a’ is the length of the
semi-major axis. ‘2b’ is the length of the minor axis and ‘b’ is the length of the semi-minor axis.
‘2c’ represents the distance between two foci.

2.4.7 Proof:
Let us consider the end points A and B on the major axis and points C and D at the end of the
minor axis.

pg. 13
The sum of distances of B from F1 is F1B + F2B = F1O + OB + F2B (From the above figure)
⇒ c + a + a – c = 2a
The sum of distances from point C to F1 is F1C + F2C
⇒ F1C + F2C = √(b2 + c2) + √(b2 + c2) = 2√(b2 + c2)
By definition of ellipse;
2√(b2 + c2) = 2a

a = √(b2 + c2)
⇒ a2 = b2 + c2

c2 = a2 – b2
Special Cases:

 If c = 0 then F1 and F2, i.e. both foci merge together with center of ellipse. Also
a2 becomes equal to b2, i.e. a = b so now we get a circle in this case.
 If c = a then b becomes 0 and we get a line segment F 1F2.

2.4.8 Standard Equation of Ellipse

The simplest method to determine the equation of an ellipse is to assume that centre of the
ellipse is at the origin (0, 0) and the foci lie either on x- axis or y-axis of the Cartesian plane as
shown below:

pg. 14
Both the foci lie on the x- axis and center O lies at the origin.
Let us consider the figure (a) to derive the equation of an ellipse. Let the coordinates of F 1 and
F2 be (-c, 0) and (c, 0) respectively as shown. Let us consider a point P(x, y) lying on the ellipse
such that P satisfies the definition i.e. the sum of distances of P from F 1 and F2 in the plane is a
constant 2a.
⇒ PF1 + PF2 = 2a – – – (1)
Using distance formula the distance can be written as:

Squaring and simplifying both sides we get;

Now since P lies on the ellipse it should satisfy equation 2 such that 0 < c < a.


On simplifying,
PF1 = a + (c/a)x
PF2 = a – (c/a)x
PF1 + PF2 = 2a
Therefore the equation of the ellipse with centre at origin and major axis along the x-axis is:

pg. 15
where –a ≤ x ≤ a.
Similarly, the equation of the ellipse with center at origin and major axis along the y-axis is:

where –b ≤ y ≤ b.

2.4.9 Ellipse Formula

As we know, an ellipse is a closed-shape structure in a two-dimensional plane. Hence, it covers
a region in a 2D plane. So, this bounded region of the ellipse is its area. The shape of the ellipse
is different from the circle, hence the formula for its area will also be different.

Area of Ellipse
Area of the circle is calculated based on its radius, but the area of the ellipse depends on the
length of the minor axis and major axis. Check more here: Area of an ellipse.
Area of the circle = πr2
Area of the ellipse = π x Semi-Major Axis x Semi-Minor Axis

Area of the ellipse = π.a.b

pg. 16
Perimeter of Ellipse:
The perimeter of an ellipse is the total distance run by its outer boundary. For a circle, it is easy
to find its circumference, since the distance from the center to any point of locus of circle is
same. This distance is called radius.
But in the case of an ellipse, we have two axis, major and minor, that crosses through the center
and intersects. Hence, we use an approximation formula to find the perimeter of an ellipse, given

Where a and b are the length of semi-major and semi-minor axes respectively.

Latus Rectum:
The line segments perpendicular to the major axis through any of the foci such that their
endpoints lie on the ellipse are defined as the latus rectum.

The length of the latus rectum is 2b2/a.

L = 2b2/a
where a and b are the length of the minor axis and major axis.

2.4.10 EXAMPLE:
If the length of the semi major axis is 7cm and the semi minor axis is 5cm of an ellipse.
Find its area.
Solution: Given, length of the semi-major axis of an ellipse, a = 7cm
length of the semi-minor axis of an ellipse, b = 5cm
By the formula of area of an ellipse, we know;
Area = π x a x b
Area = π x 7 x 5
Area = 35 π

pg. 17
Area = 35 x 22/7
Area = 110 cm2


 The paths of the planets around the sun are ellipses with the sun at one
focus parabolic mirrors are used to converge light beams at the focus of
the parabola parabolic microphones perform a similar function with
sound waves solar ovens use parabolic mirrors to converge light beams to
use for heating the parabola is used in the design of car headlights and in
spotlights because it aids in concentrating the light beam the trajectory of
objects thrown or shot near the earth's surface follow a parabolic path
 I believe the path some astronomical objects take around the sun are
hyperbolic (they do not revolve around the sun over and over, they
approach, get close then leave in a hyperbolic path)
 Hyperbolas are used in a navigation system known as LORAN (long
range navigation)
 Hyperbolic as well as parabolic mirrors and lenses are used in systems of


 Parabola is obtained by slicing a cone parallel to the edge of the

cone. It is of U – shape as a stretched geometric plane. This formula
is y=x2y=x2 on the x – y axis.
 Mathematician Menaechmus derived this formula.

 Parabola is found in nature and in works of man.

 Water from a fountain takes a path of parabola to fall on the earth.

pg. 18
 A ball thrown high, follows a parabolic path.
 A roller coaster takes the path of rise and fall of a parabolic track of
the sea.
 An architectural structure built and named The Parabola in London in
1962 has a copper roof with parabolic and hyperbolic linings.

 The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco in California is famous with

parabolic spans on both sides.

In light houses, parabolic bulbs are provided to have a good focus of

beam to be seen from distance by mariners.

pg. 19
 Automobile headlights are also with parabola type.

 The stretched arc of a rocket launch is parabolic.

 The satellite dish is a parabolic structure facilitating focus and

reflection of radio waves.

pg. 20

 Electrons in the atom move around the nucleus in an elliptical path of


 Property of Ellipse to reflect sound and light is used in pulverizing

kidney stones. The patient is laid in an elliptical tank of water. Kidney
stones being at the other focus are concentrated and pulverized.

 Paul’s Cathedral is an elliptical shaped structure to facilitate talking at
one end is heard at the other end using the property of ellipse.
 There is an ellipse shaped park in front of White House in

pg. 21
 When a tumbler of water is tilted, an elliptical surface of water is

 Food items carrot, cucumber cut at an angle to its main axis results in
elliptical shape and elegant look.

 Whispering galleries at US Statutory capital and St. Paul’s

Cathedral, London demonstrates the property of the ellipse that
one’s whisper from one focus can be heard at the other focus by
only a person to whom it is sent

pg. 22
 Elliptical training machines enable running or walking without
straining the heart.

pg. 23

To construct different types of conic sections.

Transparent sheet, scissors, hardboard, adhesive, white paper.

 Take a hardboard of convenient size and paste a white paper on it. 2.
 Cut a transparent sheet in the shape of sector of a circle and fold it to obtain a right
circular cone .
 Form 4 more such cones of the same size using transparent sheet. Put these cones on a
 Cut these cones with a transparent plane sheet in different positions

1. The transparent plane sheet cuts the cone in such a way that the sheet is parallel to the base
of the cone. The section so obtained is a circle.
2. The plane sheet is inclined slightly to the axes of the cone. The section so obtained is an

pg. 24
3. The plane sheet is parallel to a generator (slant height) of the cone. The section so obtained
is a parabola.
4. The plane is parallel to the axis of the cone. The sections so obtained is a part of a

1. The transparent plane sheet is ______ to the base of the cone. The section obtained is
2. The plane sheet is inclined to ______. The conic section obtained is _________.
3. The plane sheet is parallel to the _________. The conic section so obtained is ______.
4. The plane sheet is ________ to the axis. The conic section so obtained is a part of ______.

Therefore, we understood the concept by experiment and construction of parabola.

pg. 25

There are many applications of conic sections in both pure and applied
mathematics. Here we shall discuss a few of them. The orbits of planets and
satellites are ellipses. Ellipses are used in making machine gears.

Arches of bridges are sometimes elliptical or parabolic in shape. The path of a

projectile is a parabola if motion is considered to be in a plane and air
resistance is neglected. Parabolas are used in the design of parabolic mirrors,
searchlights, and automobile headlights.

Hyperbolas are used in combat in “sound ranging” to locate the position of

enemy guns by detecting the sound of gunfire. If a quantity varies inversely
as another quantity, such as pressure and volume of Boyle’s law for a perfect
gas at a constant temperature, the graph is a hyperbola.

pg. 26
Some astronomical bodies revolve around the sun in a hyperbolic path. One
interesting application is if a torch light is placed against the wall its shadow
on the wall forms a hyperbolic curve.









pg. 27



 OSWAAL Class 11 mathematics cbse

 OSWAAL class 12 mathematics cbse

 Class 11 mathematics text book state board

 RD Sharma class 11 mathematics cbse

 RD Sharma class 12 mathematics cbse

 RS Aggarwal class 11 mathematics cbse

 RS Aggarwal class 12 mathematics cbse

 C.NGAGE (JEE Byjus)

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 All in one mathematics cbse guide class 12

pg. 28

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