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(Fill in the blank with ONE word only)

No Words Examples Notes
1 Act Child: Aw, come on! Let me see your book! Mary: Be quiet and act your (……….). Age
2 Age "No, no. Please, you take the next available seat," smiled Tom. "Age before Beauty
3 All (……….) in all, it was a bad year for farmers, who were hit by low prices and bad weather. All
4 Another (……….) way or another, I'm going to finish this job by next week. One
5 Attempt They are designing a new program (……….) an attempt to promote employment growth. With
6 Balance They felt sure that, (……….) balance, they had made the right choice. On
7 Body Sally: Alice says she'll join the circus. Father: Over my (……….) body! Dead
8 Chin Fred: I can't take much more of this. Jane: (……….) your chin up. Things will get better Keep
9 Circumstance "Under (……….) circumstances you would return to work in a week," explained the doctor. Norma
10 Clear Approval of the financing helped clear the way (……….)the new construction. For
11 Consider Actually, Fitch thinks his family is doing fine right now, all (……….) considered. Things
12 Control It was wrong of you not to keep those trouble-makers(……….) control. Under
13 Devil Well, (……….) of the devil, here's Patrick now. Speaki
14 Drop He dropped (……….)the hospital sometime to visit his aunt. By
15 Fight Sue: Stick by your principles, Fred. Fred: Don't worry, I won't give up(…….)a fight. Witho
16 Head Think!; Think it through! You know the answer. (……….) your head/ noggin/ noodle! Use
17 Heart If Anne (……….) a heart, she'd volunteer to help us on the charity drive. Had
18 Humble (……….) my humble opinion, we will mind our own business. In
19 Interest In the interest of saving (……….), I'd like to save questions for the end of my talk Time
20 Late I'm sorry I'm late to the party. Better late than (……….), right? Never
21 Lead Come on, guys. If you're going to sell cars, you have to (……….) the lead out. Get/sh
22 Leave Bill: I want eggs for breakfast. Mother: There's only cornflakes. (……….) it or leave it. Take
23 Like John: I don't like this room. It's small. Bill: Like it or (……….) it. That's all we've got. Lump
24 Lips Mary: I hope you don't tell anyone about this. Alice: Don't worry. My lips are(……….) Sealed
25 Look Look me (……….) when you are in town, right? Up
26 Lord Alice: Why don't you get Bill to fix this fence? Mary: Lord(……….) I've tried. Knows
27 Love I won't do it for love nor(……….). Never! Money
28 Luck Bill: That does it! I can't run any farther. Hose! Bob: Too bad. Better luck next(……). Time
29 Main Major crime seems to be, (……….) the main, caused by drugs and poverty. In
30 May We are close to our goals, but be that (……….) it may, we still have problems. As
31 Mouth Hey, don’t talk that way! (……….) your mouth/ tongue! Watch
32 Name Bill: How do you like this weather? Bob: It's OK. By the way, I didn't (……)your name. Catch
33 Once I'm fed up with arguing about this - let's just settle this argument once and for(….). All
34 Other (……….)way or the other, this project must be finished by March first. One
35 Party When the office staff learned about Jones's promotion, they (……….) her a party Threw
36 Precaution We have to (……….) precaution when sharing information on the Internet. Take
37 Put Please put (……….) your cigarette. I am allergic to smoke Out
38 Research More women have become scientists and (……….) research on many fields as men do. Do
39 Rest The Beatles toured the US, made records, had zillions of groupies, and the rest is(……….). Histor
40 Ship I know you're frustrated, but don't give (……….) the ship now. Up
41 Shirt Just wait a minute! I'll be right with you. (……….) your shirt/pants on! You're next. Keep
42 Speed The little boy got injured at a (……….) of speed while he was riding his bike. Burst
43 Spell Tom: I hope I'm not intruding. Bill: Not at all. Come in and (……….) a spell. Sit/set
44 Strike It strikes me (……….) you are losing a little weight. That
45 String We should have kept those naughty boys (……….) a string. What a mess here! On
46 Sudden (……….) of a sudden, the power was cut, and the audience felt panicked. All
47 Tail (……….) off my tail! I can manage without you. Get
48 Talk Mary’s just talking (……….) her hat that she is going to marry a millionaire. Throu
49 Think Mary: Thank you so much for driving me home. John: Think (……….) of it. Nothin
50 Thought Sam: I hope not to hurt you. Bill: Don't give it a (……….) thought. Secon
51 Token The planes were delayed, but (……….) the same token we still had a good time. By
52 Tongue Mary: I'm afraid that we've missed the plane already. Jane: (……….) your tongue! Bite
53 Waste Don't waste your (……….) complaining to the supervisor-it won't help. Time
54 Way Mary: Hi, Anything new (……….) your way? Sally: No, what's new with you? Down
55 Weather Bill: Hi, Bob. How do you like this weather? Bob (……….)weather for ducks. Lovely
56 While Fred: I'll pick you up about nine. See you in a (……….) while. Sally: See you. A
57 Win Tom: Well, I lost out on that Wilson contract. Sally: That's life. Win a few, (…….) a few. Lose
58 Word (……….) my word for it. These are the best power tools you can buy. Take/
59 Word If you (……….) a word of this to anyone, the whole deal will fall apart. Breath
60 Work Don't worry. Everything will work (……….) for the best. Out
61 Yesterday Alice: When am I supposed to have this finished? Sue: Yesterday wouldn't be too (…….). Soon
62 Zip Be quiet!; Zip up your (……….)! Shhhh! Zip it up and keep it zipped. Mouth


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