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1. A group of students want to study whether the air movement affects the rate of transpiration.

They have set up apparatus as shown in the diagram.


(a) State the variables for this experiment. (3 marks)

Manipulated variable
Responding variable
Constant variable

(b) State the observation obtained from this experiment. (1 mark)

(c) State the relationship between the factor you study and the rate of transpiration.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (1 mark)
(d) Besides the factor above, air humidity also affects transpiration. State how this factor influences
transpiration. (3 marks)


2. Diagram below shows the set up of apparatus to investigate the factors which affect the rate of
transpiration. The potometer is placed under a moving fan for an hour and the experiment is
repeated for different fan speeds.

a) Table below shows the positions of the air bubble for different fan speeds.
Speed of fan Position of the air bubble (cm)
1 6.6
2 6.8
i. Complete table above by prediction the position of the air bubble. (1 mark)
ii. What is the relationship between the speed of fan and the rate of transpiration.
(1 mark)
b) Diagram below shows the bubble map about the factors which affect the rate of
Complete the bubble map. (2 marks)

of air

which affect
the rate of


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