Endayuliana Environmental Issues

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Nama : Enda Yuliana

Nim : 15034059
Bahasa ingris untuk fisika

Environmental Issues
The world health organization and heal commission identified air polution
in urban areas as a major environmental health problem that must be a prority for
threatment. If pollution continuous, it will cause chain losses. That doesn’t only
affect the health of city recidents, but also the cost factor.
Report of the transportation department, DKI Jakarta environtmental
health profile shows around 46 percent of resiporatory disorder and 32 percent of
death are estimated to be related to air pollution. One of the biggest contribution is
the transportation sector.
Motorcycle contribute 70 percent of exhaust gas a source of air pollution
in Jakarta as the centre of Indonesian country. Urban areas with various activity
such as residential areas, transportation areas, comemercial, industrial, and other
supporting are activities that have the potential to change urban air quality. The
phisycal development of the city and the estabilishment of industrial countries
which followed the surge in motorcycle production resulted in an increase in
traffic density. That is an a source of air pollution. So also areas such as the field
of Medan, Padang, Palembang, and etc.

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