Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering Tutorials (Water Resources Part)

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Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering

Tutorials (Water Resources part)

Dr. K.N. Dulal

Finite Difference Method (FDM): Numericals

1. Consider a rectangular channel, 30m wide, with bed slope of 0.015 and Manning’s n = 0.035. The
following flow rates are given: =30 m3/s, =22 m3/s and =20 m3/s. Taking = 1500m and
= 10 min, determine using finite difference scheme for a linear kinematic wave model. Assume
lateral flow to be zero. The equation for linear kinematic wave model with no lateral flow is

( )
. Take wetted perimeter is approximately equal to width of
( ( ) )


2. Solve exercise 1 by using non-linear kinematic wave model using the equation
( ) ( )
Take value of computed in exercise 1 as initial value and solve by Newton-Raphson iteration.

3. Consider a rectangular channel, 90m wide and 5km long with bed slope of 0.015 and Manning’s n =
0.02. The inflow hydrograph for the channel is given below:
Time (min) 0 5 10 15 20
Flow (m3/s) 14 19 28 32 40
The initial condition is a uniform flow of 14 m /s and there is no lateral flow.
Use the linear kinematic wave model to route the inflow hydrograph through the channel taking =
1000m and = 5 min . The equation for routing is

( )
. Take wetted perimeter is approximately equal to width of
( ( ) )


4. The values of flow rate at four points in the space-time gird are given below:
=15 m3/s, =15.8 m3/s, =13.9 m3/s and =14.7 m3/. Taking = 500m, = 1 hr and =
0.55, calculate the values of and using implicit four-point method.
Method of characteristics (MOC): Numerical

1. A pipe conveys water from a reservoir as shown in the figure.

C- C+

L= 600m, D = 400mm


Take f = 0.02, c = 1200m/s. The hydraulic grade line (HGL) at the reservoir is given as
( ). The discharge at the downstream end is zero at all times. By using only one reach, compute
discharge from A and elevation of hydraulic grade line at B at 3Sec using discretized equation of the
Method of characteristics in the form of HGL and discharge .

Theoretical and derivation type questions

Chapter 5
1. Explain the concept of Finite Difference method (FDM) with illustrations. What are the steps involved
in the implementation of FDM?
2. Define the following terms.
a. Consistency
b. Convergence
c. Stability
d. Order of accuracy
e. Diffusion and dispersion of solution
3. Differentiate between explicit and implicit schemes with examples.
4. Develop the Finite Difference equation for kinematic wave model in the linear form. Write down the
algorithm for channel routing using the linear scheme.
5. Develop the Finite Difference equation for kinematic wave model in the non-linear form. Write down
the algorithm for channel routing using the non-linear scheme.
6. Develop the Finite Difference equations for the Saint Venant equations using explicit central
difference approach.
7. Develop the Finite Difference equations for the Saint Venant equations using implicit four point
method and explain briefly the solution procedure of the resulting algebraic equations.
Chapter 6
1. Define characteristic curve with figures.
2. Convert the partial differential form of the unsteady pipe flow equations the characteristic form.
3. Develop the Finite Difference solution of the characteristic form of unsteady pipe flow equations to
obtain solution in terms of velocity and pressure.
4. Convert the Finite Difference solution obtained in question no. 3 in terms of discharge and head.
5. Prepare an algorithm to compute discharge and head based on the following form of Finite difference
equations for unsteady pipe flow problem using rectangular grid.
( ) | |
( ) | |
Where H = head, Q = discharge, Hpi and Qpi= head and discharge at point of intersection of two
characteristics, B and R = coefficients.

Chapter 7
1. Derive the Finite Difference equation for 2D groundwater flow simulation for isotropic aquifer.
2. The continuity equation in Finite Difference form for 2D groundwater flow simulation is given by
where A, B, C, D, E = coefficients, =
velocity potential and S = storage coefficient, qF =groundwater withdrawal rate per unit area.
Considering steady state condition with no withdrawal, write an algorithm to compute potential at each
grid and seepage rate under a dam.
3. Derive the Finite Difference equation for simulating river stage-water table interactions considering
one dimensional flow.

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