Lesson.06.Chapter4 ManipulatingCellData

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Ton Duc Thang University

Center for Applied Information Technology

Course Lecture

Website: cait.tdtu.edu.vn
Facebook: https://facebook.com/trungtamtinhoc
Course Materials

• Textbooks:
– Joan Lambert, MOS 2016 Study Guide for Microsoft Excel,

• References:
– Joan Lambert, MOS 2016 Study Guide for Microsoft
PowerPoint, 2017.
– John Wiley, Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft
Word core 2016, 2016.

11/13/2018 Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells 2

Ton Duc Thang university
Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells

4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

4.2 Reuse data (copy/cut – paste)

4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

4.4 Apply Auto Fill

4.5 Find and replace data

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Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells

4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

4.2 Reuse data (copy/cut – paste)

4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

4.4 Apply Auto Fill

4.5 Find and replace data

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4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

1. Enter data in cells/ranges

2. Import data from the text file
3. Enter special characters

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4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

1. Enter data in cells/ranges

2. Import data from the text file
3. Enter special characters

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1- Enter data in cells/ranges

- Numeric data:
• Enter numeric data as a general number. It may be formatted as a
scientific number (Ex: 4.356E+24) if the value is large or is
showed as number signs (###... ) if the length is longer than the
column width.

• Enter numeric data as a date format number: mm/dd/yyyy or

dd/mm/yyyy depending on the date format of computer.

• Enter numeric data as a time format number: hh:mm:ss.

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1- Enter data in cells/ranges

- Logical data:
• There are 2 values: TRUE or FALSE.
• We rarely enter logical data but get them from the formulas in cells.

- String data:
• Containing any text characters or beginning with the prime character (′).
 Notice: by default
• Numeric data is right aligned in cells
• Logical data is center aligned in cells
• String data is left aligned in cells

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4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

1. Enter data in cells/ranges

2. Import data from the text file
3. Enter special characters

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2- Import data from the text file
- Steps: Select the beginning cell (1)→ tab Data (2) → Get External Data
(3) → From Text (4) → in the Import Text File box, select the file.
3 2

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2- Import data from the text file
- Steps (cont): → select the text file (5) → Import (6) → the Text
Import Wizard dialog box is popped up.

5 6
Select the file

Select the folder containing the file

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2- Import data from the text file
- Steps (cont): → click the Delimited check box (7) →
select/unselect the My data has headers option (8) → Next (9)

7 Check this button to select

separator character.

Check or uncheck if the file has
header or not

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2- Import data from the text file

- Steps (cont): → Select the delimiter (10) → Next (11)

Use the comma as separator


Data is separated on worksheet


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2- Import data from the text file
- Steps (cont): → Select the format in the Column data format area
(12) → click Finish (13) → OK (14)

The beginning cell of the range

- The result: All data from the selected file is inserted in the existing worksheet
from the selected cell or in new worksheet if you check the New worksheet

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4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

1. Enter data in cells/ranges

2. Import data from the text file
3. Enter special characters

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3- Enter special characters
- Steps: Tab Insert (1) → Group Symbols (2) → Symbol (3) → tab Symbols or
Special Characters (4) → select Font (5) → select the character (6) → Insert (7).
1 2



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Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells

4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

4.2 Reuse data (copy/cut – paste)

4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

4.4 Apply Auto Fill

4.5 Find and replace data

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4.2 Reuse data (copy/cut – paste)

1. Copy data
2. Move data

11/13/2018 Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells 19

1- Copy data

- To copy data as usual:

• Select the original cells/ranges → tab Home → Copy (or CTRL+C) →

select the destination cells/ranges → tab Home → Paste (or CTRL+V).

- Excel offers additional advanced techniques for pasting beside

pasting all as usual to make it more useful for data manipulation
through the Paste list, the Paste Options list or Paste Special

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1- Copy data
- To paste only the formatting: select the original cells/ranges → tab
Home → Copy (CTRL+C) (1) → select the destination cells/ranges → Right
click (2) → Paste options: Formatting (3)

Select the destination cells then right click

Select the original cells then CTRL+C

1 2

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1- Copy data
- To paste values, formulas…: select the original cells/ranges (1) → tab
Home → Copy (or CTRL+C) (2) → select the destination cells/ranges (3) →
tab Home → click the Paste list (or Right click) (4) → select the option in the
paste list (5)

Right click 4

1 5
The paste The paste
list list

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1- Copy data

- The paste list:

‾ All
‾ Formulas only.
‾ Formulas & Number formatting.
‾ All without borders.
‾ All with the column widths.
‾ Transpose.
‾ All with conditional formatting.
‾ Values only.
‾ Values & Number formatting.
‾ Values & Source formatting
‾ More paste special options.

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1- Copy data
- Other paste special options: Paste Special dialog box

 Paste Options (1): paste option list to choose

which one you need.
 Operation (2): To add, subtract, multiply, or
1 divide values in two data ranges
- Add: The copied cells/range will be
added to the cells/range you paste.
- Subtract: The copied cells/range will be
2 subtracted to the cells/range you paste.
- Multiply: The copied cells/range will be
multiplied to the cells/range you paste.
- Divide: The copied cells/range will be
divided to the cells/range you paste..

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2- Move data

- To move data from cells/range to another:

• Move to the empty cells/range: Select the original cells/ranges → tab

Home → Cut (or CTRL+X) → select the destination cells/ranges →

tab Home → Paste (or CTRL+V).

• Move to the none empty cells/range: : Select the original cells/ranges

→ tab Home → Cut (or CTRL+X) → select the destination

cells/ranges → tab Home → Insert → Insert Cut Cells.

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Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells

4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

4.2 Reuse data (copy/cut – paste)

4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

4.4 Apply Auto Fill

4.5 Find and replace data

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4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

1. Insert empty cells/rows/columns

2. Delete cells/rows/columns
3. Insert the cut cells/range
4. Insert the copied cells/range

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4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

1. Insert empty cells/rows/columns

2. Delete cells/rows/columns
3. Insert the cut cells/range
4. Insert the copied cells/range

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1- Insert empty cells/rows/columns
- To insert a row on a worksheet: Select the row → Right click
→ Insert
- Example: Insert a row at row 6 → Select row 6

A new row is inserted above

Select row 6,
Right click

Select the format of

new row

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1- Insert empty cells/rows/columns
- To insert a column on a worksheet : Select the column → Right
click → Insert
Example: Insert a column at column C → Select column C
Select column C,
Right click
A new column is
inserted to the left

Select the format of

new row

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1- Insert empty cells/rows/columns
- To insert cells on a worksheet: Select the cells → Right click →
Insert → select Insert Options
- Example: Insert cells B4:C4 → Select cell B4:C4
Select cells B4:C4,
2 cells are inserted above
Right click

Select the format of

new cells

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1- Insert empty cells/rows/columns
- To insert a row on a table : Select a cell in the table → Right click
(1) → Insert (2) → Select Table rows above (3).
- Example: Insert a table row above the fourth row in the table →
Select cell B6.

2 A new table row is inserted above


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1- Insert empty cells/rows/columns
- To insert a column on a table : Select a cell in the table → Right
click (1) → Insert (2) → Select Table columns to the Left (3).
- Example: Insert a table column to the left the first one in the table
→ Select cell B6.

2 A new table column is
inserted to the left

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1- Insert empty cells/rows/columns
- To insert a column/a row on a table: If the selected cell is on the
last row or last column, there are more options when you click the
Insert command.
- Example: Select the last cell on the table.

More options

The last cell

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4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

1. Insert empty cells/rows/columns

2. Delete cells/rows/columns
3. Insert the cut cells/range
4. Insert the copied cells/range

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2- Delete cells/rows/columns
- To delete a row on the worksheet: Select the row → Right
click (1) → Delete (2)
- Example: Delete row 6: Select row 6 → Delete

Right click in the selected row

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2- Delete cells/rows/columns
- To delete a column on the worksheet: Select the column
→ Right click (1) → Delete (2)
- Example: Delete column F → Select column F → Delete

Right click in the column F

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2- Delete cells/rows/columns

- To delete cells/range on the worksheet: Select cells/range →

Right click (1) → Delete (2) → select the delete options (3): Shift
cells left (a) or the Shift cells up (b) check box

The result

11/13/2018 Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells 38

2- Delete cells/rows/columns
- To delete a row on a table: Select the row in the table → Right
click (1) → Delete (2) → Table Rows (3).
- Example: Delete the row on row 5 → Select the row.

Right click in the row

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2- Delete cells/rows/columns
- To delete a column on a table: Select the column in the table
→ Right click (1) → Delete (2) → Table Columns (3).
- Example: Delete the Tên KH column→ Select the Tên KH

Right click in the column

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4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

1. Insert empty cells/rows/columns

2. Delete cells/rows/columns
3. Insert the cut cells/range
4. Insert the copied cells/range

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3- Insert the cut cells/range

- Steps: Select the original cells/ranges(1)→ tab Home(2) →

Cut(3) (or CTRL+X) → select the destination cells/ranges (4) →
tab Home → Insert (5) → Insert Cut Cells (6).

1 4

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The result 42
4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

1. Insert empty cells/rows/columns

2. Delete cells/rows/columns
3. Insert the cut cells/range
4. Insert the copied cells/range

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3- Insert the copied cells/range

- Steps: Select the original cells/ranges(1)→ tab Home(2) →

Copy(3) (or CTRL+C) → select the destination cells/ranges (4)
→ tab Home → Insert (5) → Insert Copied Cells (6).

3 5

The result

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Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells

4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

4.2 Reuse data (copy/cut – paste)

4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

4.4 Apply Auto Fill

4.5 Find and replace data

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4.4 Apply Auto Fill

1. Automatically fill normal data

2. Automatically fill a series of numbers
3. Automatically fill a series of dates
4. Automatically fill a built-in custom list
5. Automatically fill a user custom list

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4.4 Apply Auto Fill

1. Automatically fill normal data

2. Automatically fill a series of numbers
3. Automatically fill a series of dates
4. Automatically fill a built-in custom list
5. Automatically fill a user custom list

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1- Automatically fill normal data
- Steps: Select the beginning data cell (1) → drag the Fill
Handle down or to the right (2) (place mouse at the lower-right
corner of the cell) → select Auto Fill Options (3)
 Auto Fill Options (3):
- Copy Cells: The value aned
format are copied
- Fill formatting only: Only the
format is copied.
Auto Fill - Fill without formatting: Only
Options the value is copied
- Flash Fill: automatically fill
3 the data when it senses a

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4.4 Apply Auto Fill

1. Automatically fill normal data

2. Automatically fill a series of numbers
3. Automatically fill a series of dates
4. Automatically fill a built-in custom list
5. Automatically fill a user custom list

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3- Automatically fill a series of numbers

- Steps: Select the beginning number cell (1) → drag the Fill Handle
down or to the right (2) (place mouse at the lower-right corner of the
cell) → select Auto Fill Options(3).
The result
 Auto Fill Options (3):
• Copy Cells: The value and
format are copied
• Fill Series: Create an
increasing series of number
Fill handle
• Fill formatting only: Only the
format is copied.
• Fill without formatting: Only
the value is copied
3 • Flash Fill: automatically fill the
data when it senses a pattern

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4.4 Apply Auto Fill

1. Automatically fill normal data

2. Automatically fill a series of numbers
3. Automatically fill a series of dates
4. Automatically fill a built-in custom list
5. Automatically fill a user custom list

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5- Automatically fill a series of dates
- Steps: Select the beginning date cell (1) → drag the Fill Handle
down or to the right (2) (place mouse at the lower-right corner of the
cell) → select Auto Fill Options(3).  Auto Fill Options (3):
• The four first options and the
Drag the fill last option are the same with the
handle down options of filling numeric data
• Fill Days: Create a day
Fill handle increasing series of dates
• Fill Weekdays: Create a day
increasing series of dates
without Saturday and Sunday.
• Fill Months: Create a month
3 increasing series of dates
• Fill Years: Create a year
increasing series of dates

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4.4 Apply Auto Fill

1. Automatically fill normal data

2. Automatically fill a series of numbers
3. Automatically fill a series of dates
4. Automatically fill a built-in custom list
5. Automatically fill a user custom list

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4- Automatically fill a built-in custom list

- Automatically fill a series of days: Select the beginning day cell (1)
→ drag the Fill Handle down or to the right (2) (place mouse at the lower-
right corner of the cell) → select Auto Fill Options(3).

Filling range

Fill handle

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4- Automatically fill a built-in custom list

- Automatically fill a series of months: Select the beginning month cell

(1) → drag the Fill Handle down or to the right (2) (place mouse at the
lower-right corner of the cell) → select Auto Fill Options(3).

Filling range

1 2

Fill handle

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4.4 Apply Auto Fill

1. Automatically fill normal data

2. Automatically fill a series of numbers
3. Automatically fill a series of dates
4. Automatically fill a built-in custom list
5. Automatically fill a user custom list

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5- Automatically fill a user custom list

- To create a user custom list: Tab File (1)→ Options (2) → Excel
Options is popped up (3) → Advanced (4) → Edit Custom Lists
(5) → Custom Lists dialog box is displayed.

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5- Automatically fill a user custom list

- To create a user custom list (cont): New List (6) → Enter the list in
the List entries pane (7) → Add (8) → OK (9).

List entries are separated by entering

6 8

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5- Automatically fill a user custom list
- To create a user custom list from a range: Select the range (1)→ tab File (2) →
Options (3) → Advanced (4) → Edit Custom Lists (5) → Import (6) → OK (7).


3 7

11/13/2018 Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells 59

5- Automatically fill a user custom list

- To apply the new custom list:

Drag the fill handle to fill range

Fill handle

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Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells

4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

4.2 Reuse data (copy/cut – paste)

4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

4.4 Apply Auto Fill

4.5 Find and replace data

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4.5 Find and replace data
- To find data:
2 3

5 6

Select the range to find

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4.5 Find and replace data
- To replace data:


Select the range to find and replace

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Chapter 4. Manipulating data cells

4.1 Insert data in cells/ranges

4.2 Reuse data (copy/cut – paste)

4.3 Construct cells (insert/delete)

4.4 Apply Auto Fill

4.5 Find and replace data

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