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Jose Rizal University & Medical Center

Nurse’s Note Form

Patient Name: Hospital Case No.:

Date of Birth: Attending Physician/Consultant:

Admitting Diagnosis: Ward/Room/Bed No.:

Date/Shift Nurse’s Notes

 Hypertension; non-compliance to therapeutic regimen

 Patient is diagnosed with hypertension
 Has stopped taking maintenance medication
 High BP
 Occasional headache
 Mild chest pain
 Does not adhere to healthy diet (like to eat fatty foods)

 Educate the patient on the importance of complying with the therapeutic
 Refer to a nutritionist to develop healthy meal plan for hypertensive patient.
 Encourage active lifestyle such as engaging in exercise activities.

 Patient has verbalized that she understood the importance of complying with the
therapeutic regimen and has committed to follow the therapeutic regimen
prescribed by the doctor such as maintenance medications.
 Patient has agreed to consult with a nutritionist and has set an appointment for
planning healthy meal plan.
 Patient committed to engaging healthy lifestyle by expressing desire in enrolling in
Zumba class.
A. Sample of Narrative Charting
B. Focus Charting


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