Kelompok Sistem Informasi Inventaris (UTS)

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Information System of Inventory Faculty

Of Science And Technology.

Team Member :
Aldi (1811102441104)
Arif Rahman Hakim (1811102441105)
Ayu Pujiastuti (1811102441106)
Muhammad Rizqi Ilhami (1811102441113)
Ricky Arun Saxena (1811102441118)

Teknik Informatika
Fakultas Sains & Teknologi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
Samarinda, 2019
Content ........................................................................................................................................ i
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
Information System ................................................................................................................ 1
Information System of Inventory ........................................................................................... 2
Part 1: Planning .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Project Identification & Selection ............................................................................... 3
1.2. Project Initiation & Planning....................................................................................... 3
1.2.1. Project Scope Statement ...................................................................................... 3
1.2.2. Project Schedule................................................................................................... 4
Part 2: Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Process Modeling ........................................................................................................ 5
2.1.1. Data Flow Diagram .............................................................................................. 6
2.1.2. Context Diagram .................................................................................................. 7
Part 3: Design ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.1. Database ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1. Design of Unit Tables .......................................................................................... 8
3.1.2. Design of Item Tables .......................................................................................... 8
3.1.3. Draft Inventory Table .......................................................................................... 9
3.1.4. Design of User Tables .......................................................................................... 9
3.2. Reports & Form ......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.1. Reports ............................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2. Form ................................................................................................................... 11
Part 4: Implementation ............................................................................................................. 12
4.1. Coding ....................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1. Pemrograman language ...................................................................................... 12
4.2. Testing ....................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.1. Walktrough ........................................................................................................ 12
4.2.1. Test Case Result Form ....................................................................................... 12
4.3. Installation ................................................................................................................. 12

4.3.1. Installation Guide ............................................................................................... 12
Part 5: Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 13
5.1. System Service Request form ................................................................................... 13
5.2. Sheduling maintenance ............................................................................................. 13

| ii
The Faculty of Science & Technology (FST) is one of the faculties of Information
Technology (IT) at the Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan (UMKT). Established
since 2017 by having one of the study programs, namely Informatics Engineering. Although
the Faculty of IT, FST is also inseparable from administrative problems that have not been
computerized, resulting in a lack of efficiency in the process. Administrative issues such as
recording the facilities and infrastructure items that are still in the data manually. Recording
that is still done manually can complicate the data collection and data search process for a
particular item. This causes the existing data archive to be inaccurate, and because of the
limitations of the media used, a lot of data is not recorded up to date. This inventory planning
plays an important role in the managerial activities of an agency, as well as FST who really
need this system to record office items that have been purchased, received, shared and used
during lectures and campus administration activities. Based on the description above, we are
interested in building an inventory system entitled "Web-based Inventory Information System
at the Faculty of Science & Technology".

Information System
Information System (SI) is a combination of information technology and activities of
people who use that technology to support operations and management. In a very broad sense,
the term information system that is often used refers to interactions between people,
algorithmic processes, data, and technology. In this sense, this term is used to refer not only to
the use of information and communication technology (ICT) organizations, but also to the ways
in which people interact with this technology in supporting business processes.

Information System of Inventory
Inventory is inventaris in Indonesian. Inventory, related to the logistics activities of a
company, is an activity that provides raw material stocks or semi-finished goods for finished
goods for the smooth production process and / or fulfillment of customer requests, in general,
inventory is a list that contains all the items owned by the office used in carrying out the task.
In the context of the SME business, inventory is assets owned in the form of products either
finished goods or raw goods which are then processed and sold to customers to make a profit.

In a simple sentence, this inventory almost resembles the inventory system in your
family to meet household consumption needs.

For example, in the monthly expenditure of household needs, we often buy some
consumer goods, not just 1 (one) fruit but can be several fruits, such as bath soap, laundry soap,
toothbrush, and so on.

Part 1: Planning
1.1. Project Identification & Selection

Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan (UMKT) is a university that has B

accreditation, agreeing that of course this does not escape the infrastructure needed by UMKT
complete and its maintenance is very good than that by using an Inventory Information System
What is in an institution, UMKT, because this project produces a much-needed information
system in order to overcome problems and difficulties in collecting data on the provision of
existing infrastructure on campus, which of course will be questioned. this project is very clear
to be approved the method of recording which previously was a manual that was very time
dependent in the calculation process, therefore the reason for the Inventory Information System
was made and did not escape also from the very easy use of this system or can be accessed by
employees related to this Inventory Information System The web.

1.2. Project Initiation & Planning

1.2.1. Project Scope Statement Prepared by: Roy Kiyoshi

Project Scope Statement Date: May 21, 2019

General Project Information

Project Name : Information System of Inventory

Sponsor : Jack Ma, Alibaba

Project Manager : Roy Kiyoshi

Problem/Opportunity Statement:
• Behind the excellent infrastructure, of course there is an employee who runs the
recording and maintenance process. Then the need for a system that must be
developed by the company or agency in improving efficiency and achieving the
company's goals

Project Objectives:
• To enable employees of the UMKT equipment to improve performance,
efficiency, as well as facilitate the recording of infrastructure facilities in UMKT.
This will also reduce the level of risk of errors in the recording process.

Project Description:

• The information system that will be built serves to record all the facilities of a
company easily and quickly, the appearance of the system Informasi ini berbasis
The web can be accessed anywhere by all employees and can only be changed or
edited by employees who have responsibility in the equipment section.

Business Benefits:
• Improve performance efficiency in the process of collecting equipment data
Makes it easy while accelerating employee performance
Reducing the risk of errors
Equipment data that is transparent and up to date
Can be accessed anywhere from internet connection

Project Deliverables:
• Analysis and design of equipment data recording systems
Equipment data calculation program
Documentation of results of equipment data
Training procedure

Estimated Project Duration:

• 5 Months

1.2.2. Project Schedule

Feb-19 Mar-19 May-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Oct-19 Dec-19 Jan-20

Preparatory Phase

Phase 1 Processing

Phase 2 Processing

Phase 3 Processing

Testing Phase

Delivery Phase

Information :
• Analysis and design of equipment data recording systems is done in May to June.
• The equipment data calculation program was carried out in June to August.
• Documentation of the results of equipment data is carried out during the project
processing process.
• Training procedures are carried out in September to October

Part 2: Analysis
Based on the description above, then arises arising in the execution of this final project
Based on the description above, then arises arising in the execution of this final project is
developing a Tool / Item Inventory Information System at East Kaliamantan Muhammadiyah
University that can provide information about tools and items .

From the results of testing the application, the information obtained in the form of items
can be detected in the storage location, condition of the goods items can be detected in case of
damage per item. In addition, the results of testing that has been done can be seen that overall
web applications can run well on software and hardware. Applications that are built are web-
based applications and tomcat, Mysql, and JSP software can work well in visualizing data. On
the search page can display the query results as follows search by item name, search by location

2.1. Process Modeling

According to Rifky Nur Triyanto (2001: 67) waterfall is a software development
methodology that proposes an approach to systematic and sequential software that starts at the
level of system progress in all analysis, design, code, testing and maintenance.

This method is also called the waterfall method which explains the method of the
system from the earliest to the last groove with the shape from top to bottom following the
shape of the waterfall structure. With this waterfall method the author easily designs
applications that must be made by sorting the process from the first to the last.

Figure 2.0.1 Metode Waterfall

2.1.1. Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) are graphical representations of a system. DFD describes
the components of a system, the data streams where the components are, and the origin,
destination, and storage of the data. Following is the display of DFD from the Design of Goods
Inventory Information System at Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan:

Figure 2.0.2 Data Flow Diagrm Level 1 (login)

Figure 2.0.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Proses 2 (Unit)

Figure 2.0.4 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Proses 3 (Item)

Figure 2.0.5 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 untuk Proses 4 (Inventaris)

Figure 2.0.6 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 untuk Proses 5 (User)

2.1.2. Context Diagram

Context diagram is an event from a flow / data flow. Where one circle presents the
entire system and is the highest level in the data flow diagram and only contains one process
and shows the system as a whole.


Input Data unit

Input Data Barang Sistem Informasi
Input Data Inventaris
Barang pada

Laporan Data Barang INFORMASI
Laporan Data Barang Perunit
Laporan Rekapituslasi Aset

Figure 2.0.7 Diagram Context

Part 3: Design
In this sub-chapter, it discusses the implementation and display of programs that have
been made by the author. In this view there are several forms to make it easier for users to use
this application. With these forms, the display of this information system will be more

3.1. Database
As we know that PHP provides very complete facilities to build database applications.
A database application requires database files and their tables as data recorders. In this system
the author uses MySQL as a database because of the various advantages possessed by MySQL.

The tables that I use in the Item Inventory Information System at Muhammadiyah
University of East Kalimantan are as follows:

3.1.1. Design of Unit Tables

This table is used to record units at the Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan.
The table details are as follows below :

Table 3.1 Unit Table

No Field Name Type Size Keterangan
1 Kd_Unit varchar 8 Kode unit (PK)
2 Unit varchar 25 nama unit

3.1.2. Design of Item Tables

This table is used to record items at the Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan.
The table details are as follows below :

Table 3.2 Item Table
No Field Name Type Size Keterangan
1 Kd_Unit varchar 8 Kode Unit (FK)
2 Kd_Barang varchar 8 Kode Barang (PK)
3 NamaBarang varchar 25 Nama barang
4 Merk varchar 25 Merk Barang
5 NoSeri varchar 10 No Seri Barang
6 Ukuran varchar 10 Ukuran barang

3.1.3. Draft Inventory Table

This table is used to create an inventory code for each item that is valued as an asset in
each work unit. The table details are as follows below :

Table 3.3 Inventory table

No Field Name Type Size Keterangan
1 kodeInventaris varchar 10 kode inventaris (PK)
2 Kd_Barang varchar 8 Kode Barang (FK)
3 Kd_Unit varchar 8 Kode Unit (FK)
4 Tanggal date 8 Tgl inventaris
5 Harga Varchar 12 harga

3.1.4. Design of User Tables

In order to maintain data security in this system, it is necessary to create a user table to
limit the number of users who will use this system. The table details are as follows below :
Table 3.4 Data User
No Field Name Type Size Keterangan
1 Id_user varchar 8 Id User (PK)
2 UserName varchar 25 user name
3 Password varchar 25 password

3.2. Reports & Form

3.2.1. Reports

Inventory UMKT
Jl. Juanda
Of UMKT Telephone: 785-864-3441
Fax: 785-864-5025

Name: ..................................................................... Date: ......................................

Please use this form to report item data. Please use this item data report to report to
your supervisor.

Date of Take Description Of Item Date Of Return Item Code

I certify the above expenses are true and unpaid and have been incurred while
engaged in official Inventory activities.

_________________________________ _________________________________

| 10
3.2.2. Form

| 11
Part 4: Implementation
4.1. Coding

4.1.1. Pemrograman language Process & Interface Database

4.2. Testing

4.2.1. Walktrough

4.2.1. Test Case Result Form

4.3. Installation

4.3.1. Installation Guide Program Base Database Network

| 12
Part 5: Maintenance
5.1. System Service Request form
5.2. Sheduling maintenance

| 13
Figure 2.0.1 Metode Waterfall ................................................................................................ 5

Figure 2.0.2 Data Flow Diagrm Level 1 (login) ...................................................................... 6

Figure 2.0.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Proses 2 (Unit) ...................................................... 6

Figure 2.0.4 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Proses 3 (Item) .................................................... 6

Figure 2.0.5 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 untuk Proses 4 (Inventaris) .................................. 7

Figure 2.0.6 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 untuk Proses 5 (User) ........................................... 7

Figure 2.0.7 Diagram Context.................................................................................................. 7

Table 3.1 Tabel Unit ................................................................................................................ 8

Table 3.2 Tabel Barang ........................................................................................................... 9

Table 3.3 Tabel Inventaris ...................................................................................................... 9

Table 3.4 Data User.................................................................................................................. 9

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