Privacy of Student Records Student Information System

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University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

Student Records
Privacy of Student Records Student Information System
The University of Louisville hereby The Student Administration System
notifies students concerning the is the electronic system which is
Family Educational Rights and used to register students and
Privacy Act of 1974. This Act, with record their grades. It is from this
which the institution intends to system that transcripts are
comply fully, was designed to produced for students completing
protect the privacy of educational coursework at the University
records, to establish the right of beginning with the 1982 fall
students to inspect and review semester.
their education records, and to
provide guidelines for the Change of Address
correction of inaccurate or Students requiring address
misleading information. Students changes during and between terms
also have the right to file can make the adjustments on the
complaints with the Family address change form in the
Educational Rights and Privacy Act Registration Information
Office, Department of Education, newspaper and submitting the
concerning alleged failures by the form to the Registrar's Office or via
institution to comply with the Act. the web through ULink at Under
The University has adopted a policy heading “Personal Information,
which explains in detail the select ”home and mailing
procedures to be used by the addresses”, then select "edit".
University for compliance with the Students may also go directly to
provisions of the Act and the the Registrar’s Office, Room 31,
regulations adopted pursuant Houchens Building, and submit
thereto. Copies of the policy and their new address in person.
other FERPA information can be Address changes will also be
obtained from the University accepted by calling the Registrar’s
Archives and Records Center, Office at (502) 852–6522.
Ekstrom Library, and at Verification of student personal identification number will be
priv.htm required.

Questions concerning the Family

Educational Rights and Privacy Act
may be referred to the Director,
University Archives and Records

Drug-Free Schools and Campuses

The Drug-Free Schools and receiving any federal funding must
Campuses Regulations (commonly notify each student and employee
called Part 86 of EDGAR) require annually of its program to prevent
that higher education institutions the illicit use of drugs and the

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

abuse of alcohol by students and In addition to imposition of

employees. disciplinary sanctions under
University procedures including
The following is the University of suspension or separation from the
Louisville’s Drug-Free Schools University for such acts, students
Notice: or employees may face prosecution
and imprisonment under Federal
We, at the University of Louisville, and Kentucky laws which make
have begun programs in the past such acts felony and misdemeanor
few years to combat the misuse crimes.
and abuse of alcohol and other
chemical substances. We realize, The Code of Student Conduct lists
however, that only through a details of offenses and disciplines
concerted effort by all, can we for students. Staff may be
make any major strides in disciplined under Section 1 1.1 of
preventing substance abuse. the Staff Handbook. Faculty may
be disciplined by Deans per
Drug-Free Schools Notice Redbook Sections 4.5.3 or 3.2.2
As required by the Federal Drug with review per 4.4 for sanctions
Free Schools and Communities Act less than dismissal or suspension
Amendments of 1989, you are for one year.
hereby notified by the University of
Louisville that on University The health risks associated with
premises or at University the misuse and abuse of mind
sponsored activities, the following altering drugs, including controlled
acts are prohibited: substances and alcohol, include but
are not limited to: physical and
(i) distribution, possession, or use psychological dependence;
of any illegal drug or controlled damage to the brain, pancreas,
substance without legal kidneys and lungs; high blood
authorization; pressure, heart attacks, and
strokes; ulcers; birth defects; a
(ii) providing alcoholic beverages to diminished immune system; and
individuals under 21 years of age, death. The Counseling Center and
or possession of alcoholic Student Health Services provide
beverages by individuals under 21 assessment and referral services to
years of age; or University students, as well as
serving as an alcohol and other
(iii) illegal possession of an open drug information/education
container of an alcoholic beverage, resources center. For further
public intoxication, driving while information, call 852-6585.
intoxicated, and drinking alcoholic Services for faculty and staff are
beverages in an unlicensed public available through the Faculty/Staff
place. Assistance Program. For further
information, call (502) 852-6543.

Codes of Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

Student Advocate modify the Code of Student

The student advocate maintains Conduct.
confidential contacts with students,
institutional officers, faculty and The Code is set forth in writing in
staff to offer informal, alternative order to give students general
means to resolve student notice of non-academic prohibited
complaints; to provide a "one-stop" conduct. This Code is on the web
contact for students who need at
advice and support in navigating and-procedures/code-of-student-
through institutional policies, conduct.html or contact the Dean
procedures and bureaucracy; and of Students Office, SAC W301.
to negotiate institutional barriers
so that students can be successful Code of Student Rights and
in school. The student advocate
investigates and takes action for a Section 1. Purpose
timely resolution of complaints The Code of Student Rights and
brought by students. The student Responsibilities is set forth in
advocate familiarizes students with writing in order to give students
unit policies and procedures in general notice of certain of their
compliance with FERPA in order to rights and responsibilities at the
improve student retention. University of Louisville. Further
rights and responsibilities are set
The student advocate works closely forth in other University rules and
and cooperatively with student policies, including the Code of
affairs offices, academic units, staff Student Conduct, Residence Hall
and faculty to maintain open lines contracts, and academic unit
of communication to promote bulletins. It is the students’
available student services to responsibility to be aware of all
students. University rules and policies;
students should check with the
Questions and concern may be Dean of Students Office and with
addressed by e-mail to their academic units if they have or by any questions about the purposes
phone to (502) 852-8113. or intent of these policies.
Code of Student Conduct The University is a public
The University's Code of Student educational institution for adults
Conduct is the University's policy rather than a custodial institution.
regarding non-academic discipline Consistent with the role of the
of students. Academic misconduct University to educate its students
is not covered by this Code, but and to stimulate student autonomy
rather falls within the jurisdiction of and independence, University
the individual academic units of the regulation and supervision of
University. The primary purpose student life on and off campus is
for the imposition of non-academic limited. The University does not
discipline in the university setting assume responsibility or liability for
is to protect and preserve a quality the conduct of its students;
educational environment in the responsibility and liability for
campus community. The Board of student conduct rests with the
Trustees has the authority to student as inherent attributes of

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

his or her adult status, concurrently means oral material published on a

with the student’s freedom of student operated radio or
choice regarding his or her television station.
presence at the University and his
or her own conduct and G. The term “student press” means
associations. either a student publication or a
student broadcast.
Section 2. Definitions
When used in this Code: H. The term “student publication”
means written material published
A. The term “academic dishonesty” by a student organization.
means obtaining or seeking to
obtain an unfair academic I. The term “teacher” means any
advantage for oneself or for any person hired by the University to
other student; it includes lying, conduct classroom activities. In
cheating, stealing, or engaging in certain situations, a person may be
otherwise dishonest conduct in the both “student” and “teacher.”
course of or related to any Determination of the person’s
academic exercise. status in a particular situation shall
be determined by the surrounding
B. The term “academic exercise” circumstances.
means a test, quiz, examination,
speech, presentation, paper, field J. The term “University” means the
or laboratory work, or any other University of Louisville and,
academic activity on which a collectively, those responsible for
student is evaluated. its control and operation.

C. The term “group” means a Section 3. Admission and

number of persons who are Financial Aid
associated with each other and All applicants for admission and
who have not complied with the financial aid to the University shall
University requirements for be considered without regard for
recognition as an organization. race, color, national origin, religion,
sex, handicap not affecting
D. The term “organization” means qualification, or political beliefs.
a number of persons who are
associated with each other and
who have complied with the
University requirements for

E. The term “student” means any

person taking courses at the
University, either full time or part
time, pursuing undergraduate,
graduate or extension studies on a
regular quarter, semester, or
summer term basis.

F. The term “student broadcast”

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

Section 4. Classroom Rights regarding the student’s personal or

and Responsibilities political beliefs. Disclosures of a
A. A student shall be evaluated on student’s personal or political
demonstrated knowledge and beliefs, expressed in writing or in
academic performance, and not on private conversation, shall not be
the basis of personal or political made public without explicit
beliefs or on the basis of race, permission of the student. Charges
color, national origin, religion, sex, of violations of these classroom
age, or handicap not affecting rights and responsibilities shall be
academic performance. handled through the appropriate
academic unit level procedures.
B. A student has freedom of
inquiry, of legitimate classroom Section 5. Academic
discussion, and of free expression Dishonesty
of his or her opinion, subject to the Academic dishonesty is prohibited
teacher’s responsibilities to at the University of Louisville. It is a
maintain order and to complete the serious offense because it
course requirements. diminishes the quality of
scholarship, makes accurate
C. A student is responsible for evaluation of student progress
fulfilling the stated requirements of impossible, and defrauds those in
all courses in which he or she is society who must ultimately
enrolled. depend upon the knowledge and
integrity of the institution and its
D. A student has the right: 1. to be students and faculty. Academic
informed in reasonable detail at dishonesty includes, but is not
the first or second class meeting limited to, the following:
about the nature of the course and
to expect the course to correspond A. Cheating:
generally to its description in the
appropriate University catalog or 1 . Using or attempting to use
bulletin; 2. to be informed in books, notes, study aids,
writing and in reasonable detail at calculators, or any other
the first or second class meeting of documents, devices, or information
course requirements and in any academic exercise without
assignments; 3. to be informed in prior authorization by the teacher.
writing and in reasonable detail at
the first or second class meeting of 2. Copying or attempting to copy
standards and methods used in from another person’s paper,
evaluating the student’s academic report, laboratory work, computer
performance; 4. to be informed in program, or other work material in
writing Of any necessary changes any academic exercise.
in assignments, requirements, or
methods of grading during the 3. Procuring or using tests or
semester with the reasons for such examinations, or any other
changes. information regarding the content
of a test or examination, before
E. A student has the right to the scheduled exercise without
confidentiality in the prior authorization by the teacher.
student/teacher relationship

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

4. Unauthorized communication
during any academic exercise. 2. Altering the record of
experimental procedures, data,
5. Discussing the contents of tests
or examinations with students who or results.
have not yet taken the tests or
examinations if the instructor has 3. Altering the record of or
forbidden such discussion. reporting false information about
internship, clinical, or practicum
6. Sending a substitute to take experiences.
one’s examination, test, or quiz, or
to perform one’s field or laboratory 4. Forging someone’s signature or
work; acting as a substitute for identification on an academic
another student at any record.
examination, test, or quiz, or at a
field or laboratory work 5. Altering a returned examination
assignment. paper in order to claim that the
examination was graded
7. Conducting research or erroneously.
preparing work for another student,
or allowing others to conduct one’s 6. Falsely citing a source of
research or prepare one’s work, information.
without prior authorization by the
teacher. Except when otherwise D. Multiple Submission:
explicitly stated by the teacher,
examination questions shall The submission of substantial
become public after they have portions of the same academic
been given. work, including oral reports, for
credit more than once without prior
B. Fabrication: authorization by the teacher
Inventing or making up data,
research results, information, or E. Plagiarism:
procedures, such as:
Representing the words or ideas of
1. Inventing or making up data, someone else as one’s own in any
research results, information, or academic exercise, such as:
1. Submitting as one’s own a paper
2. Inventing a record of any portion written by another person or by a
thereof regarding internship, commercial “ghost writing” service,
clinical, or practicum experience.
2. Exactly reproducing someone
C. Falsification: else’s words without identifying the
words with quotation marks or by
Altering or falsifying information, appropriate indentation, or without
such as: properly citing the quotation in a
footnote or reference.
1 .Changing grade reports or other
academic records. 3. Paraphrasing or summarizing

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

someone else’s work without shall be handled through the

acknowledging the source with a appropriate academic unit level
footnote or reference. procedures. An academic unit that
determines that a student is guilty
4. Using facts, data, graphs, charts, of academic dishonesty may
or other information without impose any academic punishment
acknowledging the source with a on the student that it sees fit,
footnote or reference. Borrowed including suspension or expulsion
facts or information obtained in from the academic unit. A student
one’s research or reading must be has no right to appeal the final
acknowledged unless they are decision of an academic unit.
“common knowledge”. Clear However, a student who believes
examples of “common knowledge” that he or she has been treated
include the names of leaders of unfairly, has been discriminated
prominent nations, basic scientific against, or has had his or her rights
laws, and the meaning of abridged by the academic unit may
fundamental concepts and file a grievance with the Unit
principles in a discipline. The Academic Grievance Committee,
specific audience for which a paper pursuant to the provisions of the
is written may determine what can Student Academic Grievance
be viewed as “Common Procedure; the Unit Academic
knowledge”: for example, the facts Grievance Committee may not
commonly known by a group of substitute its judgment on the
chemists will differ radically from merits for the judgment of the
those known by a more general academic unit. An academic unit
audience. Students should check that suspends or expels a student
with their teachers regarding what from the academic unit because
can be viewed as “common the student has been found guilty
knowledge” within a specific field of academic dishonesty may
or assignment, but often the recommend to the University
student will have to make the final Provost in writing that the student
judgment. When in doubt, also be suspended or expelled from
footnotes or references should be all other programs and academic
used. units of the University. Within four
weeks of receiving such a
F. Complicity in Academic recommendation, the Provost shall
Dishonesty: Helping or attempting issue a written decision.
to commit an academically
dishonest act. The academic units Neither the student nor the
may have additional guidelines academic unit shall have the right
regarding academic dishonesty. It to appeal the Provost’s decision.
is the student’s responsibility to However, a student who believes
check with their teachers and that he or she has been treated
academic units to obtain those unfairly, has been discriminated
guidelines. against, or has had his or her rights
abridged by the issuance of a
Section 6. Discipline decision by the Provost may file a
Procedures for Academic grievance with the University
Dishonesty Student Grievance Committee,
Charges of academic dishonesty pursuant to the provisions of the

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

Student Academic Grievance importance to the academic

Procedure; the University Student community. There shall be no prior
Academic Grievance Committee approval of student press content
may not substitute its judgment on by the University.
the merits for the judgment of the
Provost. B. The student press is responsible
for adhering to the canons of
Section 7. Campus Expression responsible journalism and for
A. Students have the right of complying with the law. Student
freedom of expression to the publications and broadcasts shall
extent allowed by law. not publish libelous or slanderous
matter, or any other content that
B. Students may picket or violates the law.
demonstrate for a cause, subject to
the following conditions: C. All student publications and
broadcasts shall explicitly state
1. The students must act in an that the opinions expressed are not
orderly and peaceful manner. necessarily those of the University
or its student body.
2. The students must not in any
way interfere with the proper D. Students may not be disciplined
functioning of the University. by the University for their
participation with the student press
3. Where students demonstrate in except for violations of University
an area not traditionally used as an rules that are not inconsistent with
open public forum, the University the guarantees contained herein.
reserves the right to make
reasonable restrictions as to time, Section 9. University Facilities
place, and manner of the student Appropriate University facilities
demonstrations. shall be available to organizations
within the University community
C. Students may distribute written for regular business meetings, for
material on campus without prior social programs, and for programs
approval, providing such open to the public.
distribution does not disrupt the
operations of the University or A. Reasonable conditions may be
violate University rules. imposed to regulate the timeliness
of requests, to determine the
D. Students may invite to campus appropriateness of the space
and hear on campus speakers of assigned, to regulate time and use,
their choice on subjects of their and to insure proper maintenance.
choice; approval will not be B. Preference may be given to
withheld by any University official programs designed for audiences
for the purpose of censorship. consisting primarily of members of
the University community.
Section 8. The Student Press
A. The student press is free to deal C. Allocation of space shall be
openly, fearlessly, and responsibly made based on priority of requests
with issues of interest and and the demonstrated needs of the

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

to enter a student’s room in a

D. Charges may be imposed for residence hall or a student’s
any unusual costs for use of apartment in a campus residence:
1. in emergencies where imminent
E. Physical abuse of assigned danger to life, safety, health, or
facilities may result in reasonable property is reasonably feared;
limitations on future allocation of
space to offending parties and will 2. to make necessary repairs,
require restitution of damages. improvements, or alterations in the
F. The organization requesting
space must inform the University of 3. to provide necessary pest
the general purpose of any control services;
meeting open to persons other
than members and the names of 4. to inspect the facility as deemed
outside speakers. necessary by the University.

Section 10. Use of University Section 12. Student Records

Name and Insignia The privacy and confidentiality of
No individual, group, or all student records shall be
organization may use the preserved in accordance with
University name or insignia without applicable laws. The University
the express authorization of the shall establish and adhere to a
University except to identify the clear and definitive records policy.
University affiliation. University
approval or disapproval of any Section 13. Campus
policy or issue may not be stated Organizations
or implied by any individual, group, Organizations and groups may be
or organization. established within the University
for any legal purpose. Affiliation
with an extramural organization
shall not, in itself, disqualify the
Section 11. Campus Residence University branch or chapter from
Facilities University privileges. A group shall
Students have the right of privacy become a formally recognized
in campus residence facilities. organization through procedures
established by the Student
A. Nothing in the University Government Association, upon
relationship or residence hall approval of the Vice President for
contract may expressly or implicitly Student Affairs.
give the institution or residence
hall officials authority to consent to A. Groups of a continuing nature
search of a student’s room or must institute proceedings for
residence by police or other law formal recognition if they are to
enforcement officials unless they receive benefits from the
have obtained a search warrant. University.

B. The University reserves the right B. Recognition of an organization

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2011 – Spring 2012

by the University infers neither enforcement. Included in the

approval nor disapproval of the Student Handbook are the
aims, objectives, and policies of the following: Academic Grievance
organization, nor liability for the Procedure, Code of Student
actions of the organization. Conduct, Code of Student Rights
and Responsibilities, Policy on
C. Membership in all University Consumption of Alcoholic
related organizations shall be open Beverages for Recognized Student
to any member of the University Organizations, Hazing and Initiation
community who is willing to Activities Policy, Non-academic
subscribe to the stated aims and Grievance Policy and the Sexual
meet the stated obligations of the Harassment Policy. Copies of the
organization, provided such aims Student Handbook are available
and obligations are lawful. from the Dean of Students Office.

D. Membership lists are Plagiarism Prevention

confidential and solely for the use Instructors may use a range of
of the organization, except that strategies (including plagiarism-
names and addresses of current prevention software at the
organization officers shall be university) to compare student
reported to the University as a works with private and public
condition of continuing University information resources in order to
recognition. identify possible plagiarism and
academic dishonesty. Comparisons
E. Any organization that engages in of student works may require
activities either on or off campus submitting a copy of the original
that are illegal or contrary to any work to the plagiarism-prevention
University policy may have service. The service may retain
sanctions imposed against it, that copy in some circumstances.
including withdrawal of University Academic units or programs may
recognition. establish a more rigorous standard
of review or consent, which will be
Section 14. Promulgation of noted in the relevant guidelines.
University Rules Affecting
Students Student Handbook
Rules and Policies affecting the Other polices and information for
students shall be published in students can be found in the
Student Handbook, in the Student Handbook, on-line at
appropriate University bulletins, or
in any other appropriate cies/studenthandbook .
publication prior to their

University Policies Non-Academic Student Policies

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