Gibra Specification (BRIDGE SIMULATOR)

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Gibra Database Specification

Gibra Database
Visual and Radar Specification
Database Development Project

Gibra Database Specification

Table of Contents

REVISION HISTORY ....................................................................................................3

1. DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................4
1.1 Area of Coverage ....................................................................................................4
1.2 Chart Data ............................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Classification of Navigation Routes .......................................................................5

2. DESIGNATED BERTHING JETTIES ............................................................... 5

2.1 Jetties Not Designated for Berthing........................................................................6

3. RADAR COASTLINE AND DEPTH CONTOURS ..........................................6

4. BUOYS ................................................................................................................. 6

APPENDIX 1 – AREA OF COVERAGE .....................................................................7

ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE ................................................................................... 9

Gibra Database Specification

Revision History

Rev Date/Year Description of Change

1.0 1SEP2012 Gibra Database

1.1 10MAY2013 LANTEC QA

1.2 4MAY2015 C-Map 93-3 Database Update

1.3 3AUG2016 C-Map 93-3 Prof+771 Database Update

The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice.
Kongsberg Maritime AS shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental
or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this
© 2016 Kongsberg Maritime AS. All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by
the copyright hereon may be reproduced or otherwise copied without prior permission
from Kongsberg Maritime AS

Gibra Database Specification


The Gibra Database Specification is the blueprint for the compilation of the K-Sim
Polaris/Seaview Visual System database for Gibra. It defines the database’s geographic
limits and its levels of detail and development. The specified levels of detail,
landmark/coastline development, the prioritization of navigation routes, and the
stipulations for berthing jetties will be parallel in both the radar and visual segments of
the database.

The list of landmarks can be used to validate items that must be in the database and are
not necessarily charted. All Navigational Aids inside of the area of coverage will be
built to the highest level possible.

1.1 Area of Coverage

The Gibra database will cover navigable waters and adjacent shorelines within a latitude
and longitude aligned rectangle with a lower left coordinate of 35°22'0.00"N
6°41'0.00"W and an upper right coordinate of 36°58'0.00"N 4°11'0.00"W. See
Appendix 1.
Resolution is defined in terms of Level of Detail (LOD). Shoreline segments requiring
LEVEL I resolution (LOD1) are lined with red. Shoreline segments requiring LEVEL
II resolution (LOD2) are lined with blue. Shoreline segments requiring LEVEL III
resolution (LOD3) are all other areas within the database bounds and are lined with
All positions in the database shall be referred to the WGS 84 / S-57 datum to ensure the
compatibility of the database with GPS positioning and Electronic Chart Display and
Information Systems.

1.2 Chart Data

Coastlines and waterways in this database were generated from C-MAP 93/3 Prof+711,
released 11th July 2016.

Gibra Database Specification

1.3 Classification of Navigation Routes

To ensure that the database’s utility as a navigational tool is maximized, while
facilitating the prioritization of scene content, and minimizing degradation of
visual update rate, intended navigation routes are stipulated and classified as

Primary Navigation Route

The primary navigation route for the Gibra Database will be followed by the
Ownships (with a lateral offset of less than 250m) for the conduct of the majority of
training exercises. The database will be sufficiently detailed, (in accordance with the
stipulated LOD’s for the area), to ensure that Ownships following the Primary
Navigation route can conduct any type of representative maneuver or navigation
procedure/practice without placing restrictions on the student or instructor. Within
the scope of the stipulated LOD, visual details will be developed to an extent that
will allow them to be displayed in a realistic fashion from the distance, which they
are viewed along the Primary Navigation Route.
The Primary Navigation Route for the Gibra Database is illustrated in Appendix 1
with a line.

Secondary Navigation Routes

Secondary Navigation Routes will only occasionally be used for training, usually as
an alternate segment to a Primary Navigation Route. As such, Secondary Navigation
Routes will receive a lower priority in the development of the overall visual scene
content and will be constructed with enough detail to support basic maneuvers and
navigation procedures/practices. The radar and depth sounding resolution will be
consistent with that of the Primary Navigation Route. There are no Secondary
Navigation Routes in the Gibra Database.

Unintended Navigation Areas

The scene content of the Gibra database will be optimized for viewing along the
stipulated Primary Route. Although navigation outside of these areas is possible,
deterioration in the presentation quality of the visual scene should be expected when
an Ownship enters an Unintended Navigation Area.


Jetties designated for berthing shall be highly detailed with any adjacent buildings,
cranes or fittings representative of the actual dock. All jetties along the navigation route
will be made ready for berthing.

Gibra Database Specification

2.1 Jetties Not Designated for Berthing

Jetties and piers not designated for berthing purposes will be in the correct position but
display minimum detail, shading and contrast. If a jetty is designated as a landmark, it
will stand out from the background landscape in order ensure its usefulness as a fixing


The Radar coastline will be generated to replicate the coastline derived from the best
available scale of navigation chart and the corresponding C-MAP electronic chart. To
allow for the accurate representation of negative tidal areas, the radar coastline (and the
corresponding visual low water mark) will be generated from the difference between the
extreme low water level and the mean higher high water versus the chart datum zero

All buoys visible on radar from the limits of the specified Primary and Secondary
Navigation Routes shall be included in the Buoy file for the Gibra Database. Buoy
descriptions shall be in accordance with the nautical charts. The IALA Buoyage system
“A” is in use in this region.

Gibra Database Specification


Gibra Area

Gibra Database Specification

Gibra Harbor

Gibra Database Specification

Specification for

Gibra Database

K-Sim Polaris/Seaview Database

This document certifies that the Database Specification has been reviewed and accepted
by the customer ____________________________ to be in accordance with the
contract and acceptable for use as the formal and correct specification.

For For Kongsberg Maritime Simulation

Date Date

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