Poem Justice

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The following poem explores the

concept of justice and how it is

applied in Philippine Society.
Although it is about the Supreme
Court, in particular, it also reflects
other problems of the Philippine
Ralph Semino Galan
1 These are the accoutrements of her office:
2 the blindfold symbolizing impartiality;
3 a golden pair of scales measuring the validity
4 of evidence given, both pro and con;
5 the double-edged sword that pieces through
6 the thick fabric of lies; Thoth’s feather
7 of truth which ultimately determines whether
8 the defendant’s life is worth saving.
9 In J. Elizalde Navarro’s oil painting titled
10 Is this Philippine Justice? The figure
11 of the Roman goddess Justitia slowly fades
12 into thin air, swallowed by pigments
13 cloudy as doubts. In my uncertain country
14 where right and wrong are cards
15 that can be shuffled like a pile of money bills,
16 even the land’s Chief Magistrate
17 is not immune from culpability; found guilty
18 he has to face the music of derision.

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