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1. Choose a word (A, B, C, D) that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.(0.5 pt)
1. A. interactive B. limitation C. stage D. communicate
2. A. information B. violent C. opinion D. informative
3. A. sleeveless B. internet C. media D. viable
4. A. primary B. ring C. time-consuming D. viable
5. A. newspapers B. magazines C. controls D. adults
2. Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. (0.5 pt)
6. A. access B. crier C. wander D. deny
7. A. costly B. explore C. forum D. limit
8. A. media B. pity C. inform D. purpose
9. A. remote B. wander C. website D. widely
10. A. crier B. respond C. costly D. order
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
11. She had to hand in her notice _______advance when she decided to leave the job.
A. with B. from C. in D. to
12. “Mum, I’ve got 600 on the TOEFL test.” – “_______”
A. Good job! B. Oh, hard luck! C. Good way. D. You are right.
13. Only when you grow up _______the truth.
A. do you know B. will you know C. you know D. you will know
14. He’s even worse than his sister _______math.
A. at B. in C. with D. for
15. I asked two people the way to the station, but _______of them knew.
A. none B. either C. both D. neither
16. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage _______the other car.
A. to B. of C. for D. at
17. _______, the results couldn’t be better.
A. No matter what he tried hard B. No matter how hard he tried hard
C. Although very hard he tried D. Despite how hard he tried
18. _______the storm, the ship couldn’t reach its destination on time.
A. In case of B. In spite of C. Because of D. But for
19. I have bought a present for my mother, and now I need some _______.
A. paper wrapper B. wrap paper C. wrapped paper D. wrapping paper
20. The equipment in our office needs _______.
A. moderner B. modernizing C. modernized D. modernization
21. _______opening her eyes, she saw everyone standing around her bed.
A. At B. Over C. As D. On
22. Computer is one of the most important _______ of the 20th century.
A. inventings B. inventories C. inventions D. inventors
23. Some drivers seem to expect everyone else to get _______ their way.
A. away from B. out of C. off D. after
24.Hair color is one of _______ characteristics to be used in identifying people.
A. the most obviously B. most obvious C. obviously the most D. the most obvious
25. I finished my homework a few days ahead _______ the deadline.
A. of B. to C. by D. at
26. He hurried _______he wouldn’t be late for class.
A. since B. as if C. unless D. so that
27. He felt _______ when he failed the exams the second time.
A. discouraged B. annoyed C. undecided D. determined
28. There will _______ a shortage of electricity.
A. be B. do C. have D. get
29. I haven’t seen you _______ ages.
A. in B. to C. since D. for
30. The washing machine was expensive, _______ we couldn’t afford to buy it.
A. because B. but C. however D. so
31. If she continues to use electricity that way, she _______ to pay a large bill.
A. have B. has C. will have D. would have
32. They are discussing the celebration that is going to _______ this month.
A. be held B. held C. be hold D. hold
33. Tom works as a shop _______ in a big store.
A. attendant B. brother C. assistant D. instructor
34. There is too much traffic. _______, the air is polluted.
A. Since B. Therefore C. However D. But
35. My friend Alan, _______ works in the City Bank, earns much more than I do.
A. whose B. that C. who D. which
36. _______ talk loudly, Jack. No one _______ noise in the reading room.
A. Not / is allowed to make B. Not / is allowed making
C. Don’t / is allowed to make D. Don’t / allows to make
37. It _______ so hot that we could hardly sleep at night.
A. got B. changed C. made D. had
38. We decided_______ out because of the bad weather.
A. didn’t go B. not go C. not to go D. not going
39. Maria: “Town Hall is the tallest building in the city.” - Rachel: “Really? _______ from here?”
A. Can it see B. Can it be seen C. Can see it D. Can be seen it
40. Jane: “Can I have two toys, Mum?”
Jane’s mother: “I’m afraid you can’t. I’ll just buy you _______ a train _______ plane.”
A. neither/nor B. neither/or C. both/and D. either/or
41. I haven’t decided _______. I may go to New York.
A. to spend my holidays where B. where spend my holidays
C. where to spend my holidays D. to spend where my holidays
42. The teacher gave us five minutes to_______ the math problem.
A. work out B. look out C. find out D. take out
43. Thuy’s grandmother turned the television _______ to see the weather forecast.
A. off B. up C. on D. down
Tim: “Sure. Here you are.”
A. Must B. Can C. May D. Do
45. My grandparents have lived there _______ 1975.
A. in B. on C. since D. for
46. I’m afraid I’m not very good _______ English.
A. in B. with C. at D. about
47. The air is polluted _______ there is too much traffic.
A. because B. but C. however D. therefore
48. Linh didn’t come to the party because she had to look _______ her younger sister.
A. at B. after C. for D. up
49. They made their living by _______ fish in the ocean every day.
A. to catch B. catch C. catching D. caught
50. They felt _______ when Tet was coming near.
A. excitement B. excited C. excitedly D. exciting
51. The teacher told the students to read the questions and _______ anything.
A. not to write B. not write C. don’t write D. not writing
52. Woman: “Can you tell me _______ to the station? - Man: “About five miles.”
A. how far is ist B. it is how far C. how far it is D. is it how far
53. A new _______ without a library has recently opened in the USA.
A. center B. town C. plaza D. university
54. Normally you can_______ information in the library.
A. find B. take C. put D. reach
55. Users can send _______ without leaving their computers.
A. letters B. notes C. massages D. messages
56. Without computers students can’t work or study_______.
A. effect B. effective C. effectively D. effectiveness
57. She won’t go out alone after dark. She is afraid of _______.
A. being attacked B. attacking C. attacked D. to attack
58. Where’s my bike? It’s gone! It _______ _.
A. has been stolen B. is stolen C. is being stolen D. was stolen
59. I was worried when I saw a stranger _______ me.
A. followed B. following C. follows D. was following
60. The teacher speaks loudly _______ we can hear him clearly.
A. so as to B. in order to C. so that D. not to
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
61. –“_______________?” – “I have got a terrible headache.”
A. What’s the matter with you B. What’s the wrong with you
C. What’s happened with you D. What’s problem with you
62. –“Have a nice weekend!” –“Thank you. ________________.”
A. Me too B. same to you C. The same to you D. The same with you
63. –“You have got a beautiful dress!” –“________________.”
A. I do B. Thank you C. You, too D. Okay
64. –“Is it going to rain tonight?” –“___________________.”
A. I don’t hope so B. I hope not C. I think not D. Yes, I am
65. –“________________ eating out tonight?” – “That’s a good idea.”
A. Would you like B. How about C. Can we D. Shall we
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The expression on your face can actually dramatically alter your feelings and perceptions, and it has
been proved that (66) _______ smiling or frowning can create corresponding emotional responses. The idea
was first put forward by a French physiologist, Israel Waynbaum, in 1906. He believed that different facial
(67) ________ affected the flow of blood to the brain, and that this could create positive or negative
feelings. A happy smile or irrepressible (68) _________ increased the blood flow and contributed to joyful
feelings. However, sad, angry expressions decreased the flow of oxygen-carrying blood, and created a
vicious circle of gloom and depression by effectively starving the brain of essential fuel.
Psychologist Robert Zajonc rediscovered this early research, and (69) ________ that the temperature
of the brain could affect the production and synthesis of neurotransmitters — which definitely influence our
moods and energy levels. He argues that an impaired blood flow could not (70) ________ deprive the brain
of oxygen, but create further chemical imbalance (71)________ inhibiting these vital hormonal messages.
Zajonc goes on to propose that our brains remember that smiling is associated with being happy, and that by
deliberately smiling through your tears you can (72)_________ your brain to release uplifting
neurotransmitters — replacing a depressed condition (73) ________ a happier one. People suffering from
psychosomatic (74)_______, depression and anxiety states could (75) _______ from simply exercising their
zygomatic muscles which pull the corners of the mouth up and back to form a smile — several times an
66. A. desperately B. determinedly C. deliberately D. decidedly
67. A. aspects B. looks C. expressions D. appearances
68. A. laughter B. sadness C. humour D. depression
69. A. advises B. wants C. demands D. suggests
70. A. even B. only C. ever D. always
71. A. by B. without C. when D. from
72. A. make B. persuade C. let D. decide
73. A. through B. by C. after D. with
74. A. disease B. illness C. infection D. ailment
75. A. recover B. improve C. benefit D. progress
Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.
Today our knowledge of food and what it does for our bodies is far more advanced than that of the
ancient. Now we know about vitamins and how each kind of vitamin helps in the growth of a particular part
of our bodies. There are on the market all kinds of vitamin pills which one can take to make up for one’s
lack of certain important things which are needed for normal health. Of course, if we eat well and properly,
the food that we eat will take care of our bodies without these pills and so there is no need to take any kinds
of vitamin pills unless our doctor tells us that our bodies are short of something which can be supplied by
Generally speaking, everything we eat does some good to our bodies, but if we eat too much of one kind
of food and pay no attention to others, we may have too much of one kind of chemical substance and not
enough of others. Then, we may be in trouble.
We are often told that we must eat some meat at each meal in order to get the necessary protein. That is
only partly true, for proteins are not found only in meat. We can also get them from some vegetables.
The best advice about what to eat is that we should eat all kinds of food but never too much of any.
76. According to the passage, we now know ____________.
A. more and more about food and health B. food and health
C. how to keep fit and stay healthy D. health is not important
77. People take certain vitamin pills when they ____________.
A. want to develop their muscle. B. find their bodies are short of something
C. want to prevent their diseases D. are strong enough to work everything
78. The writer thinks we should ____________.
A. have balanced food B. be careful in choosing food
C. eat simple food D. go on a diet
79. According to the passage, to get proteins we must eat ____________.
A. food and vitamin pills B. only fruit
C. meat and vegetables D. more vegetables
80. The main topic of the passage is ____________.
A. proteins and food B. vitamins and proteins
C. food and health D. health and vitamin pills
I. VERB FORMS. (1.5 pts)
Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
Can you imagine the world without colors? The world around us ( _____________ very colorful .
Life ( _____________ very dull and grey if there were no color . People like to be surrounded with
colorful things . Many years ago, people (83.want) _____________ to make themselves as colorful as the
things they (84.see) _____________. They did this by (85.make) _____________ patterns on their bodies
and (86.paint) _____________ themselves . When they learned to make cloth to cover their bodies, they
(87.try) _____________ to find ways and means of coloring it brightly . In time, they discovered the
method of (88.dye) _____________ their clothes. People (89.know) _____________ how to dye their
clothes even before they knew how to read or write . During that time , men did not know how to make dye ,
so they (90.get ) _____________ their colors from what they could find around them
II. WORD FORMS. (1.5 pts)
Water pollution, (91) _____________ (contaminate) of streams, lakes, (92) _____________
(ground) water, bays, or oceans by substances, is harmful to living things.
Water is necessary to life on earth. All organisms contain it; some live in it; some drink it. Plants and
animals require water that is (93) _____________ (moderate) pure, and they cannot survive if their water is
loaded with toxic chemicals or harmful micro-organisms. If serve, water pollution can kill large numbers of
fish, birds, and other animals. In some cases it may kill all members of a species in an (94) _____________
(affect) area.
Pollution makes streams, lakes, and (95) _____________ (coast) waters (96) _____________
(please) to look at, to smell, and to swim in. Fish and shellfish harvested from polluted waters may be (97)
_____________ (safe) to eat. People who ingest polluted water can become ill, and, with prolonged (98)
_____________ (expose), may develop cancers or get children with birth defects. The major water (99)
_____________ (pollute) are chemical, biological, or physical materials that (100) _____________ (grade)
water quality.
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer: True (T), False (F).
Would you like a robot in your house? It is now generally accepted that in the future robots will take
over many of our tasks especially jobs of a repetitive nature. But it’s doubtful if robots will ever be able to
do any of the more creative types of work - or indeed if people would want them to. In the home, robots
would probably be used to do the cleaning, table-laying, scrubbing and washing up, but it’s considered
unlikely so far that they’ll be used to do the cooking - at least not in the near future. Robots in the home
might not be creative enough to do the cooking, plan the meals, and so on. They would be used as slaves,
thereby freeing people to do more of the things they want.

101. It is thought that robots will be able to do the same jobs every day.
102. It is certain that robots will be able to help us with creative tasks.
103. In the near future, robots will be used to do things such as cooking.
104. Robots will help us carry out some of the housework such as washing dishes.
105. Robots would be able to do more than people want.
Supply each space with a suitable preposition to complete each sentence.
106. She always borrows money _______ me.
107. I like the idea_______setting up a new email account.
108. Who will look _______the children while you go out to work?
109. It’s cold outside. Put _______your coat.
110. Does this jacket go _______my trousers?
111. It’s only two degrees _______freezing point.
112. Tara was sitting _______ Ram and Ati.
113. There were two people in addition_______me. So that made three of us.
114. The fall _______ temperature was great.
115. I came _______ my wife because she is working.
V. Read the passage below carefully. One word is missing from each line. Put an ablique stroke (/)
where the word has been omitted and write the missing word on the answer sheet. The first is done for
you as an example.
Although the world’s energy resources taken many _________have___________
milions of years to produce, we quickly beginning 71._____________________
to exhaust these supplies. Recently United Nations committee 72._____________________
reported that worlds’s oil and gas supplies 73._____________________
would about 100 years if used carefully. The report 74._____________________
stated that there be enough oil and gas for a century 75._____________________
only if the present demand could / controlled. If the 76._____________________
demand continued grow, the report said that fuel 77._____________________
supplies last for less than forty years. According 78._____________________
to the report, governments now take steps to 79._____________________
control the amounts of fossil fuels are used. 80._____________________
126. I’m sorry that I didn’t remember his name.
=> If only ..........................................................................................................................................
127. A locksmith makes and repairs locks.
=> A locksmith .................................................................................................................................
128. Thanks to her mother’s encouragement, she entered the beauty contest.
=> Had it............................................................................................................................................
129. Jane eats and watches TV all the time.
=> Jane does ......................................................................................................................................
130. You have done really well to pass your driving test so quickly.
=> She congratulated.........................................................................................................................
131. This is the first time that I have seen an eclipse of the sun.
=> Never ...........................................................................................................................................
132. I’m not much interested in sports.
=> I don’t really go ...........................................................................................................................
133. Mary was last heard of a week ago.
=> Nobody ........................................................................................................................................
134. We’d prefer you not to smoke.
=> We’d rather ..................................................................................................................................
135. It is English pronunciation that puzzles me most.
=> What’s puzzling ...........................................................................................................................
VII. WRITING (2 pts)
Write a paragraph on the following topic ( about 150 - 200 words ).
A traffic accident is becoming more and more serious . What should we do to lessen it ?





















______________THE END___________


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