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It is the official inquiry made by the police on the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of the person which
is expected to be criminal or unlawful. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION

2. He is the well-known private investigator and founder of criminal investigation in America. ALLEN PINKERTON

3. He was known to be the creator of the "bow street runners", a group of police officers attached Bow Street Court, and
not in uniform, performing criminal investigative functions. HENRY FIELDING

4. He was founder and chief organizer of the London Metropolitan Police at the Scotland Yard, which became famous
police organization in the world. ROBERT PEEL

5. As a rule, do not touch. alter or remove anything at the crime scene until the evidence has been processed through
notes, sketches and photographs and proper measurements. This refers to GOLDEN RULE IN INVESTIGATION

6. An Englishman who published a handbook for Examining Magistrates in Munich, Germany and advocated the use of
scientific methods in criminal investigation process. HANS GROSS

7. In England, he was a buckle maker then a brothel operator; a master criminal who became London’s most effective
criminal investigator. He was the famous thief-catcher in 1720s JONATHAN WILD

8. The lawful act of restraining a person believed to have committed a crime and placing him under custody is termed

9. Mario is working with the Police by giving confidential information concerning criminal activities in his community.
However, Mario is cooperative with the Police because he wanted to be associated with authorities. How will you
categorize Mario? INFORMANT

10. This can be understood to include all areas in which the criminal, any possible victim and nay eyewitness moved
during the time the crime was committed. CRIME SCENE

11. Whose responsibility is the security and protection of the crime scene? FIRST RESPONDER

12. This type of investigation is usually considered as some form of inquiry concerning a criminal activity. In effect,
formal investigation is typically done by law enforcement agencies to discover facts concerning a civil and criminal case.

13. It is an effort to research the basic cause of incident such as the commission of crime. INQUEST

14. Similar to formal investigation, it is an extensive searching inquiry conducted by the government agencies. It is often
associated with the committees, usually in form of legislative inquires. PROBE

15. This type of investigation can be also assigned to private investigator CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION

16. This type of investigation that is initiated on the basis of complaint filed by a victim or any concern citizen REACTIVE

17. The initial inquiry into a reported crime and is generally conducted by uniformed patrol officer must prepare first the
written report of the crime, which is generally called an incident or complaint report. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION

18. It is assigned to trained police detectives an is usually involve processing of physical evidence, interviewing witness,
interrogation suspect, conducting record search, surveillance operation and following other investigation process.

19. A public officers acting on behalf of a government agency that is responsible for conducting post-factum inquiry on
matters relating to public welfare and safety. GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATOR

20. Are hired people who conduct investigations either directly or indirectly, such as those employed by government and
private attorneys, to collect information or evidences? PRIVATE DETECTIVES
21. Criminal investigation as an art deals with the identification and location of criminal offenders and then proving their
guilt through criminal proceeding. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR AS AN ART

22. Investigators primarily apply scientific knowledge, principles, and methodologies in order to discover, identify,
collect, and process facts and evidence to promote justice. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR AS SCIENCE

23. The sequence of investigation must follow a scientific operating framework that requires imagination, innovation,
and creativeness on the part of the investigator.

24. Criminal investigation involves the systematic process of identifying, collecting, preserving, and evaluating data or
raw facts to produce valuable information to prosecute a criminal offender. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AS A PROCESS

25. He reformed criminal, became London’s most effective criminal investigator. He became the most famous thief
catcher in 1720s. JONATHAN WILD

26. An English magistrate who wrote a novel entitled “Tom Jones”, was appointed as magistrate sheriff for the areas of
Westminster and Middlesex London. HENRY FIELDING

27. The youngest brother of Henry Fielding took control of the Bow Street Court. JOHN FIELDING

28. A prominent London resident, proposed the idea of creating a sizeable uniformed police force to secure the city of
London as answer to the alarming increase of criminality. His proposal was considered too radical; it was dismissed by
the royal court. PATRICK COLQUHOUN

29. This tool of investigation which includes the skillful asking of question to the witness and the suspect.

30. This is the ruling which requires that the suspects must be informed of their right to remain silent, and to have
attorney present during questioning process MIRANDA RIGHTS

31. This investigation focused in identifying the perpetrator and the witness of the crime committed. CRIMINAL

32. The first line of defense, manned by uniformed policemen, performing patrol work on foot, motor vehicles, motor
boats, bicycles or aircraft on a 24-hour duty basis to prevent criminal element from having an opportunity to commit

33. The second line of defense wherein in the event a crime is committed and criminal escapes from the first line (crime
prevention). The second line of defense is composed of investigators who will take over by the following-up the case,
detecting and arresting the perpetrators. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION

34. It addresses the crime that has already occurred, such as murder, robbery, and burglary. In this case, investigator
typically responds to a crime, collect evidence and interview witnesses, and identify and arrest a suspected perpetrator.

35. This anticipates criminal activity, as with many vice and organized crime investigators. Here, the investigation
conducted before the crime is committed (rather than after), and the suspect is identified before he or she committed a

36. How many National Bureau of Investigation offices in Region 1? 4

37. Who is the present Director of National Bureau of Investigation? ERIC B. DISTOR

38. What is the highest rank of NBI? DIRECTOR

39. Who is an American law enforcement officer, known as the first female detective in 1856 in the Pinkerton Detective
Agency and the United States? KATE WARNE
40. He was a Scottish-American detective and spy, best known for creating the Pinkerton National Detective Agency

41. An English novelist and dramatist known for his earthly humor and satire, and as the author of the comic novel Tom
Jones. He also holds a place in the history of law enforcement, having used his authority as a magistrate to found the
Bow Street Runners, which some have called London’s first police force. HENRY FIELDING

42. He was a London underworld figure, notable for operating on both sides of the law, posing as a public-spirited crime
fighter, nicknamed the ‘Thief-Taker General’, as well as establishing a significant criminal empire JONATHAN WILD

43. He was appointed magistrate at Bow Street in his place, becoming renowned as the Blind Beak and allegedly being
able to recognize three thousand criminals by the sounds of their voices. He also continued to develop his ideas on crime
prevention and youth employment, helping to found the Asylum for Orphan Girls in Lambeth in 1758. JOHN FIELDING

44. He was an Irish born American police officer who served as head of the New York City Police Department detective
department from 1880 until 1895, who popularized the terms “rogues gallery” and “third degree” THOMAS F. BYRNES

45. He was an Austrian criminal jurist and criminologist, the Founding Father of criminal profiling. HANS GROSS

46. He was the Commissioner of police of the metropolis (head of the metropolitan police of London) from 1903 to
1918. His commission saw the introduction of police dogs to the force, but he is best remembered today for his
championship of the method of fingerprinting to identify criminals EDWARD HENRY

47. He was a French police officer and biometrics researcher who applied the anthropological technique of
anthropometry to law enforcement creating an identification system based on physical measurements. ALPHONSE

48. He is a French criminologist, the pioneer in forensic science who became known as the Sherlock Holmes in France.
He formulated the basic principle of forensic science: every contact leaves trace. EDMOND LOCARD

49. Investigation deals with the identity and location of the offender and prove his guilt in a criminal proceeding

50. Investigation is not governed by rigid rules or fixed legal procedure but most often based from the intuition, felicity
of inspiration and by chance. CRIMINAL INVESTIGTION AS AN ART

51. An information valuable in criminal investigation is actually composed of data or raw facts which were gathered and
then processed or put together to form more distinctive information that can be recognized by a sensible person as
proof of a certain case, situation, or occurrence. CRIMINAL INVESTIGTION AS PROCESS

52. Criminal investigators primarily apply scientific knowledge, principles, and methodologies in order to discover,
identify, collect, and process facts and evidence to promote justice. CRIMINAL INVESTIGTION AS SCIENCE

53. It is an art and science of identifying, collecting, preserving, and evaluating information for the purpose of bringing a
criminal offender to justice without which relevant highly significant evidence may be overlooked and improperly or
inefficiency gathered, and incorrect conclusions may be drawn INVESTIGATION

54. The heart of criminal investigative process. RULE OF LAW

55. This concept of due process wherein can be defined as the essential elements of fairness under the law

56. This concept of due process which determines whether the statue is fair reasonable. SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS

57. It is the branch of municipal or substantive law that defines crime threats of their nature and provides for their
punishment. CRIMINAL LAW

58. This pertains to the act or omission punishable by a public law commanding or forbidding it. CRIME
59. This is the first line of defense, manned by uniformed policeman, performing work on foot, motor vehicles, motor
boat, bicycle or aircrafts on a 24 hour duty basis to prevent criminal elements from having an opportunity to commit it.

60. This is the second line of defense wherein in the event a crime is committed and the criminal escapes from first line,
the second line of defense is composed of investigators who will take over by following-up the case, identifying,
detecting and arresting the perpetrators. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION

61. This type of investigation is usually considered as some form of inquiry concerning criminal activity. In effect, formal
investigation is typically done by law enforcement agencies to discover facts concerning a civil of criminal case. FORMAL

62. This type of investigation which has an effort to search the basic cause of incident such as the commission of a crime

63. The general principles of criminal investigation is the collection of facts by accomplishing the identity of the suspect,
location of the suspect and provide evidence of guilt INVESTIGATION

64. A person in authority who is charged with the duty of carrying out the objectives of criminal investigation CRIMINAL

65. Under the protocols of investigation state that all crime incidents must be recorded as a general rule OFFICIAL

66. This aspect of investigation addresses crimes that have already occurred. REACTIVE RESPONSE

67. This aspect of investigation wherein the investigation is conducted before the crime is committed and the suspect is
identified before he/she commits a crime PROACTIVE RESPONSE

68. This is the type of investigation on a case wherein the suspect is easily determined and located and detectives must
only observed legal guidelines to reach a solution. WALK THROUGH

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