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What can you say about the controversial Manila Bay Beach Nourishment Project? 
I have doubts in the first place since our government has a lot of corrupted officials. As I search for
updates of the Manila Bay, I came across to most recent video blog which wash uploaded on
February 4, 2021. I can say that the Manila Bay is beautiful, and it is more pleasing to the eyes,
especially the surrounding area was developed too. Trees and plants were planted, and the
sidewalks were clean and green. While the shoreline was still under develop by the DENR and loads
of white sand or the dolomites can be seen in the area.
These are the things that the media do not focus on, which is the progress, it is important for the
Filipino citizens as taxpayer to see the project and its progress. The only thing that I have a lot of
questions with, is the project just almost reach P400 Million. That is the only question that we, as
Filipino always ask to government but did not get enough answers and evidence. The intention of
the project was good, and its goal for boosting the Tourism is a great step, it shows that Philippines
Tourism was in fact a priority too for economic development.
As a Filipino, we need transparency. I consider Manila Bay as Beautiful, but I do not see the beauty
that worth P400 Million. On September 7, 2020, Malacañang just defended the P389 Million budget
on PhilStar, saying it is for Beach nourishment, and it was approved by the president prior to the
pandemic. Personally, this is an insensitive move. The government prioritize this while many people
lost their jobs and business due to the Global Covid-19 Pandemic. The welfare of the citizens was
being ignored and I understand why the Manila Bay Beautification Project was not appreciated by

If you are the members of the DENR, what would be your proposal for the rehabilitation of Manila
Bay and help boost local and international tourism? Discuss in detail. 
As a member of DENR, I will propose a project that does not require a hundred-millions, I will
propose a project that is natural and will improved in time with proper maintenance. Manila Bay
Vegetation Planting Project is the natural and easiest way to develop the Manila Bay, it is a project
that focus on planting different species of plants and trees that grow from the high waterline of the
beach through the dunes or sands. Vegetation is vital for the Manila Bays' stability; it will create
resilience and a whole new coastal ecosystem. Vegetation will not just focus on planting in sand but
also on planting new corals reefs came from other rich and stable costal region.
To maintain the vegetation, there will be restrictions in Manila Bay. Fences must be built between
the sidewalks and the beach, then Accessways must be built too for the protection of the
vegetations, fences and accessways helps restrict people on walking and destroying plants. Through
the Manila Bay Vegetation Planting Projects, the climate and environmental conditions around
Manila Bay will improve, it will also give positive impact to different species growing in different
regions, because Manila Bay can be a sanctuary for different bird species and turtles. This is the true
beautification that protect and preserve nature, and it boost Philippine Tourism at the same time.
Below is a sample picture for visualization.

Manila Bay Vegetation Planting Project also act as a tsunami disaster mitigation. Because the
vegetation is a natural barrier against natural disasters, it protects the infrastructure and human
lives. Establishment of hard infrastructure for tsunami protection is not practical in Philippines
because obviously it is cost intensive. Manila Bay Vegetation Planting Project is a feasible alternative
for tsunami and general coastal protection in Manila Bay.

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