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Experiment 5: Capacitors & Inductors

Name _______________________________________

This lab allows students to get familiar with capacitors and inductors

The current through a capacitor is directly proportional to the time rate of change of the voltage across

The current through a capacitor is zero unless the voltage is changing. Thus, a capacitor acts like an open
circuit to a dc source.

The voltage across a capacitor is directly proportional to the time integral of the current through it.

Capacitors in series and in parallel are combined in the same way as conductances.
The voltage across an inductor is directly proportional to the time rate of change of the current through

The voltage across the inductor is zero unless the current is changing. Thus, an inductor acts like a short
circuit to a dc source. The current through an inductor is directly proportional to the time integral of the
voltage across it.

The current through an inductor cannot change instantly.

Inductors in series and in parallel are combined in the same way resistors in series and in parallel are


 Knowledge in Capacitors & Inductor

 Determine the voltage and current through a capacitor and inductor
Assignment 1: (7points)

1) Given the circuit shown in Figure 1, under dc conditions, determine i, vc, iL and the
energy stored in the capacitor and inductor. (3 points)

Figure 1

1) Use a MULTISIM simulation to determine i, vc, iL and the energy stored in the capacitor
and inductor. (Figure 1) (3 points)
2) Compare your results in part 1 with your results in part 2.(1 point)

Assignment 2: (7points)

1) Given the circuit shown in Figure 2, under dc conditions, determine vc, iL and the energy
stored in the capacitor and inductor (Figure 2) (3 points)

Figure 2

3) Use a MULTISIM simulation to determine vc, iL and the energy stored in the capacitor
and inductor (Figure 2). (3 points)
4) Compare your results in part 1 with your results in part 2. (1 point)

Assignment 3 (7 points)
1) Given the circuit shown in Figure 3, determine the voltage across the capacitors in the circuit
under dc conditions (3 points)

Figure 3

2) Use a MULTISIM simulation to determine the voltage across the capacitors in the circuit under
dc conditions (Figure 3). (3 points)
3) Compare your results in part 1 with your results in part 2.(1 point)

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