Circuit 1-Experiment 4 - 2021

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Experiment 4: Norton’s Theorem

Name _______________________________________

This lab focuses on Norton theorem to calculate circuit characteristics. 

Norton’s theorem states that a linear two-terminal circuit can be replaced by an equivalent circuit
consisting of a current source IN in parallel with a resistor RN, where IN is the short-circuit current
through the terminals and RN is the input or equivalent resistance at the terminals
when the independent sources are turned off.
To find the Norton current we determine the short-circuit current flowing from terminal a to b in both


 Knowledge in Norton theorem

Assignment 1: (7points)

1) Given the circuit shown in Figure 1, determine the Norton equivalent circuit of the
circuit at terminals a-b (Figure 1). (3 points)

Figure 1

1) Use a MULTISIM simulation to determine the Norton equivalent circuit of the circuit at
terminals a-b (Figure 1) (3 points)
2) Compare your results in part 1 with your results in part 2.(1 point)

Assignment 2: (7points)

1) Using Norton’s theorem, find RN and IN of the circuit at terminals a-b. (Figure 2) (3

Figure 2
3) Use a MULTISIM simulation to find RN and IN of the circuit at terminals a-b. (Figure 1). (3

4) Compare your results in part 1 with your results in part 2. (1 point)

Assignment 3 (7 points)
1) Given the circuit shown in Figure 3, determine the Norton equivalent circuit of the circuit at
terminals a-b (3 points)

Figure 3
2) Use a MULTISIM simulation to determine the Norton equivalent circuit of the circuit at terminals
a-b (Figure 3). (3 points)

3) Compare your results in part 1 with your results in part 2.(1 point)

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