Entrepreneurship Overview

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Entrepreneurship : An Overview

Department of Startup & Entrepreneurship

Swarrnim Startup & Innovation University | Gandhinagar | India
Mobile No (+91) 9408991263 | Email sumit.kumar@swarrnim.edu.in

Note: Author’s Copyright; Compiled and designed from different sources for classroom discussion only.
What is entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the creation of new

organizations (Gartner, 1985).
Definitions of Entrepreneurship

• Entrepreneurship involves identifying

market opportunities and using
innovative approaches to exploit them.

J. Schumpeter (1934)

The field of entrepreneurship involves:

• the study of sources of opportunities
• the processes of discovery
• Evaluation, exploitation of opportunities
• and the set of individuals who discover,
evaluate, and exploit them.

Shane & Venkataraman (2000)

The Evolution of Entrepreneurship
According to Adam Smith (1860)…

“An Entrepreneur is an employer, master,

merchant but explicitly considered as a
Joseph Schumpeter (1965) point of view
for entrepreneurs ……

“An Entrepreneur is a person who creates and

exploit market opportunity through technical
and/or organizational innovation and carrying
out new combinations”.
Someone develops new ways of doing
things and identifies new opportunities
for business development.
Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
Characteristics of Entrepreneurs

Independent - They wish to be in charge and in complete control

Confidence – They believe in their ideas & have the confidence to carry
them through

Analytical – they collect all relevant information, analyse it, then make

Motivated – they have a high need for achievement & personal satisfaction

Ambitious – entrepreneurs do things differently; they come up with new

ways of doing/making things. They use their imagination to do this.

Ruthless – concerned with achieving their own aims at any consequence

Good communicator – being able to competently relate to suppliers,
customers, employees

Leader – get along well with people, able to accept criticism, they can get
people to work together on teams

Opportunistic – being on the look out for a gap in the market and seizing
the opportunity.

Realistic – they recognise they’re own limitations & seek advice when

Pro – active- they are actively looking for gaps & ready to seize the
initiative, a person who is reactive will wait until someone else takes action
& then they act.
Entrepreneurial Skills

Inner control – taking control of your own situation, not wanting

other to influence your life.

Planning & setting goals – setting both short & long-term goals.
Plans must be drawn up to achieve these goals, i.e. SWOT
analysis of a firm

Innovation – applying new ideas to situations where they have

not been applied before. E.g. Brainstorming

Decision-making – An entrepreneur must be a good decision

maker, choices must be considered, information must be
analysed and then a decision made.
Skills of an Enterprising Person

Human Relation – they must be able to manage people to achieve

individual behaviour that will enhance the effectiveness of the business.

Reality perception – seeing things as they really are and being aware of
employee’s and customers needs. There is little point in thinking that
customers are satisfied with the firm’s products if they are dissatisfied.

Networking – working with other people and establishing contacts in the

business community with people whose knowledge and expertise might
prove useful
Enterprising behaviors, attributes and skills
Importance of enterprise in the community

It brings about an increased standard of living for the community

Local businesses will thrive as workers will have more disposable


People will then live in the area

Other firms will spend more money on raw materials, services

that the area provides

It creates new business, with increased employment

It also bring about increased revenue for the govt from the
success of firms, e.g. tax revenue
Entrepreneurial Process :Different Phases
The Key Elements of Entrepreneurship
Role of Value Creation

Value Creation for Success of a
Customers Venture

Role of Resources

Tangible Competitive
Not easily replicable
Intangible Advantage
Non-availability of
Opportunity Identification Process
Why entrepreneurship
development is considered
to be the key priority area
for developed as well as
developing countries?
Employment Status in the Country

Year Number of Jobs created

2015 1.55 Lakh

2016 2.31 Lakh

By 2025 (By current rate)

Number of Jobs Created Number of Job Seekers

30 Million 80 Million
Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth
Entrepreneurial Mindset

“Describes the most common

characteristics and thought
processes associated with
successful entrepreneurs”.
How Entrepreneurs think
• Challenges are opportunities
• Perfection may hinder progress
• Analyze big things at the micro level
• Mistakes are healthy
• There is no magic to success, all things require effort
• Discipline is a pre-requisite
• Accept failures as a valuable life experience
• Challenge status-quo
Characteristics of the
Entrepreneurial Mind-Set
• Determination and • High energy level
• Creativity and
• Drive to achieve innovativeness
• Persistent problem • Vision
• Passion
• Seeking feedback
• Independence
• Internal locus of control
• Team building
• Tolerance for ambiguity
Systematic Planning Self-confidence
Persuasive & Influencing Problem Solver
Risk takers Concern for Quality
Persistent Information seeker
Commitment Opportunity seeker
Concern for Efficiency Effective Monitoring
Creativity & Innovativeness Assertiveness
Concern for Other’s Welfare
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Dealing with Failure: The Grief Recovery Process

• Loss • Restoration
Orientation Orientation
Involves focusing on the Involves both distracting
particular loss to construct oneself from thinking about
an account that explains the failure event and being
why the loss occurred. proactive towards
secondary causes of stress.
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Dealing with Risk & Stress

• Risk bearing • Stress bearing

– Financial risk – Need to achieve
– Career risk – Overstretched
– Family & Social risk – Immersion in business
– Psychic risk – Everyday business
Entrepreneurial Mindset

• Negative Characteristics

– Overbearing need for control

– Sense of distrust
– Overriding desire for success
– Unrealistic externalized optimism
What drives people to
become entrepreneurs?
Entrepreneurial Motivation
What Motivates People To Become
• Money
• Freedom of work
• Control
• Reputation & Recognition
• Do something new & path breaking
• Society
• Optimum use of your abilities
• Legacy
Or…..anything else?
Types of Entrepreneurial Motivation

There are two types of Entrepreneurial Motivation:

– Extrinsic Motivation
– Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic Motivation

Dhruv Lakra
Saloni Malhotra
Founder: Mirakle Couriers
Founder: DesiCrew
Barriers to
Common Barriers to Entrepreneurship
Internal (Personality related) External (Environment Related)

Lack of Appropriate Education Finance

Lack of Competence Societal acceptance
Poor Risk taking Family commitment
Low Self-confidence Competition & Market-related
Poor Leadership abilities Legal & Regulatory Constraints
Low Energy Levels Government Bureaucracy
Poor Management skills Corruption
Lack of Experience Political Environment
Lack of Networks Cultural Barriers
Lack of Appropriate Guidance

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