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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Philippine Politics and Governance
Quarter : 1 Week : 4 Day : 1 Activity No. : 1
Competen : Analyze the nature, dimension/types, and consequences of power
cy: (no code indicated)
Objective : Explain the nature of power.
Topic : The Nature of Power
Materials :
Reference :,
R. A. Pawilen et al 2017. Philippine Politics and Governance. Rex Bookstore
Copyright : For classroom use only

Concept Notes:
Power is an inescapable feature of human social life and structure. The Standard theory is that power is the capacity for
influence and that influence is based on the control of resources valued or desired by others.
“Power is the ability to implement one’s will.” The expanded definition of power according to Rees (1999) is: “The ability
to influence various outcomes by mobilizing resources (human and material) to get things done within a web of relations.”
It is an ability to achieve intended results, usually in terms of getting some other person to do what he would not
otherwise do... For power is a capacity to produce both intended and un-intended effects.
Assertive power refers to “the capacity to make requests, actively disagree, express positive or negative personal
rights and feelings, initiate, maintain, or disengage from conversations, and stand up for one’s self without attacking
another” (Sigler et al., 2008).
Physical power is the capacity to effect intentionally another's body (e.g., surgery). Power directed towards
another self is oriented towards the other’s psychological Field, perceptions, motivations, behavioral, dispositions,
interests or intentions. So Directed are advertising, propaganda, commands, threats, inducement, deception, promises
and so on. There are many kinds of physical power, Prostitutes, masseurs, gymnasts, beauticians and so on are known
for their manifestation of particular physical powers..
Three Kinds of Power according to the scholars
➢ "Power over" is the ability to dominate another person or group--as in "I have power over him. This means,
"I have the ability to make him do what I want him to do." Power-over usually comes from force and threat.
If the subordinate fails to do what he or she is asked to do, the dominant person will use force to make the
subordinate person comply.
➢ "Power to" is the ability to do something on one’s own--it refers to one’s abilities. Sources of this kind of
power are intellect, resources, knowledge, stamina, etc. These resources give some people the power
to accomplish things that others cannot.
➢ "Power with" is similar to "power to" in that it reflects ability, but "power with" is the ability to work
with others to get something done by cooperation. This is the power of consensus--the power of people
working together to solve a common problem

Exercises: Answer the following questions.

1. Explain the nature of power based on your understanding on the given concept.
2. Give at least 3 situations where the nature of power can be applied.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Philippine Politics and Governance

Quarter : 1 Week : 4 Day : 2 Activity No. : 2
Competency: : Analyze the nature, dimension/types, and consequences of power
(no code indicated)
Objective : Identify the dimension/types of power.
Topic : The Dimensions/types of Power
Materials :
Reference :
Copyrights : For classroom use only

Concept Notes:
Dimensions is a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.
Dimensions of power
➢ First dimension of power: It is also referred to as direct power. It is where one uses money or force to
achieve a purpose. The consequence of this type of power is that only the powerful have a say.
➢ The Second dimension of power: The second dimension of power does not necessary favor the powerful.
The consequence of this type of power is that it is able to see the cause and effect of each decision to get
the best solution. Using this type of power, makes one make favorable decisions.
➢ The third dimension of Power: This type does avoid conflict but on the other hand causes the needy and
less fortunate to feel they are powerless to reject. The consequence of this type of power is that it uses
manipulation to make the unfortunate to feel helpless even when they can raise a voice in the matters.
➢ The Fourth dimension of power. This is one of the latest observable sources of power. It is a combination
of all the three types of power in a limited way. This type of power was analyzed in the 1980s and 1990s.
It describes how social conventions arise and make their establishments

Different Types of Power

➢ Coercive power: It takes place when someone in higher authority threatens a subordinate with different
punishments if certain tasks or duties is not performed or completed in time and correctly. This power is
conveyed through fear of being demoted, losing one’s job, or receiving a poor review of performance. It
is gotten through threatening others.
➢ Legitimate power: It comes from having a position of power in an organization; example is being a boss
in the organization or a key member of a leadership team. It exists when subordinates of someone in
authority obeys orders given to them because they believe that the person is in a position of power to be
able to give them such orders.
➢ Reward power: The subordinates are rewarded and given incentives for carrying out tasks and orders
given by a superior. Rewards include promotions, bonuses, increase in salaries, extra-time off from work,
public praise, and so on. The main aim of reward power is spurring up subordinates for effectiveness and
➢ Referent power: This power comes from being respected and trusted. Leaders in the business industry
have gained referent power by entrusting their employees with so much tasks and responsibilities in
performing their jobs.
➢ Expert power: This is a type of power that comes from one’s skills, knowledge and experience. People
naturally respect and follow those who are experts in a certain field.

Exercises: Answer the following questions.

1. Write down the three dimensions of power and give a brief description.
2. Enumerate the types of powers and give one example each.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Quarter : 1 Week : 4 Day : 3 Activity No. : 3

Competency: : Analyze the nature, dimension/types, and consequences of power
(no code indicated)
Objective : Discuss the consequences of power.
Topic : The Consequences of Power
Materials :
Reference :
Copyrights : For classroom use only

Concept Notes:
There is also consequence for the person wielding the power. Sometimes, power leads to gaining more
power as the dominated person becomes cowed (to make something too afraid to do something) and hence
easier to persuade in future. Sometimes the use of power has no effect on the balance of power in the future.
Power and consequence are often closely related. The basic principle is that a person with power has the ability
to create consequences for the target person, who takes these consequences into account when they are deciding
whether to comply with a request or refuse it.
Some Positive Consequences of Power
• Power creates harmonious and enduring inter-organizational exchange relationships.
• Power can take the relationship out of the realm of chance and give it purpose, order, and direction
(Dwyer et al. 1987; Kumar 2005).
• Power can have a positive role in the achievement of integration, adaptation, and goal attainment within
the channel system - Stern and Heskett (1969)
• Power can help to promote common interests and collective goals within the relationship, as well as
enhance a friendly and constructive atmosphere (Gagalyuk et al. 2013).
• Power helps to increase financial and social benefits, through, for example, the offering of financial
rewards, provision of assistance, and access to specialized information (Wilkinson 1979).
• Power can be regarded as a mechanism for coordinating social interactions efficiently and allows
relatively stable relationships to develop between cooperating social actors - Bachmann (2001)
• Power can be used by the focal actor as an effective tool in coordinating and promoting harmonious
relationships, solving conflicts, and, therefore, enhancing the performance of the whole network as well
as its individual members.
Some Negative Consequences of Power
• Power negates cooperation (Bretherton and Carswell 2002;
• More powerful actors attempt to control the resources of the less powerful actors and limit their ability
to take advantage of new opportunities,
• When one party is threatened by the imbalance of power, that weaker party will be more likely to seek
alternative alliances (Ireland and Webb 2007)
• Power will exploit the other party by frequently using relatively coercive influence strategies
(Bannister 1969; Robicheaux and El-Ansary 1975;
• Power asymmetries are associated with less stability and more conflict and are considered to be
detrimental to sustaining a business relationship (Ganesan 1994; Rokkan and Haugland 2002).
• Power as the antithesis of trust. Many authors state that over time, the firm with the power advantage
consistently abuses the other firm (Stern and Reve 1980) or that the manufacturer exploits the weaker
suppliers to obtain superior economic returns
Activity: Answer the following questions.
1. From the data given, choose three best positive consequences of power and give your reasons.
2. In your own analysis, how can the negative consequences of power can become positive one?

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