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Understanding and

Treating Various Skin

Types : The Baumann Skin
Type Indicator
Leslie Baumann, MD

 Antioxidants  Aquaporin-3  Natural mosturizing factor
 Protease-activated receptor-2  Telomeres
 Tyrosinase  Inhibitors  Xerosis

In the early 1900s, cosmetics entrepreneur Helena dichotomous parameters to characterize facial
Rubinstein claimed that dry, oily, combination, or skin types: dry or oily; sensitive or resistant; pig-
sensitive were the best words to label what could mented or nonpigmented; and wrinkled or un-
be considered the four fundamental types of wrinkled (tight). Evaluating skin based on all four
skin. For the ensuing century, these categories parameters yields 16 potential skin-type permuta-
have been used to characterize skin types with tions. The BSTI is a 64-item questionnaire that is
only minor, if any, modifications. During the same designed to determine baseline skin type identifi-
time period, the skin care product market has de- cations and assessments after significant life
veloped into a multibillion dollar industry featuring changes.1
numerous innovations and frequent new product All four parameters must be considered for
introductions. The industry has, in recent years, patients to accurately self-assess their skin type
also witnessed the emergence of ‘‘cosmeceuti- or for practitioners to be able to make appropriate
cals,’’ a new product category that refers to cos- skin care recommendations to their patients.
metic products that may impart some biologic For example, a person who has dry, sensitive,
function to the skin. pigmented, wrinkled skin would require markedly
Amidst a market now deluged with a plethora of different skin care products or treatments than
skin care products, the traditional designations for an individual who has oily, resistant, nonpig-
skin types have been seen as incomplete or inad- mented, unwrinkled skin.
equate descriptions of skin, thus providing insuffi- This article describes the four parameters that
cient guidance for practitioners and consumers to make up the BSTI, focusing on basic science
select the most suitable products. A more thor- and defining characteristics and summarizing the
ough depiction of skin type could yield such assis- 16 skin-type variations (Table 1). Variability is
tance to patients/consumers and physicians, a key concept underlying the questionnaire and
particularly because some products are now accurately identifying skin type. Skin types are
marketed based on the skin types for which they not necessarily static. Moving to a different climate
are designed. But does a person have simply dry or experiencing marked stress fluctuations, preg-
or sensitive skin? The skin types identified by nancy, menopause, or other significant exogenous
Rubinstein tell only a fraction of the story. An and endogenous events can engender skin type
innovative approach to classifying skin type, the changes. Significantly, noninvasive, primarily topi-
Baumann Skin Type Indicator (BSTI), treats two cal therapies are the focus of treatments based on
of Rubinstein’s categories as one of four the BSTI system.

University of Miami Cosmetic Center, 4701 North Meridian Avenue Suite 7450, Miami Beach, FL 33140, USA
E-mail address:

Dermatol Clin 26 (2008) 359–373

0733-8635/08/$ – see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
360 Baumann


Oily Versus Dry
Having skin that is sufficiently hydrated, which
would fall in the middle of the oily–dry spectrum,
is most often ideal regarding this parameter. The
dry end of this dichotomy is considered more trou-
blesome than the oily end, however. Dry skin, also
known as xerosis, is the result of a convoluted,
multifactorial cause, but its description is relatively
straightforward. Dry skin is characterized by dull

color (typically gray white), rough texture, and an

elevated number of ridges.2 Levels of stratum
corneum lipids, sebum, natural moisturizing factor,


and aquaporin are considered to be the most

important factors that regulate the degree of, or
contribute to, dry skin.
Of these factors, the role of the stratum corneum

(SC), especially its capacity to maintain skin hydra-

tion, is the most significant factor in the mechanism
of xerosis. In turn, the SC is composed of ceram-
ides, fatty acids, and cholesterol, among other

less active constituents. When present in the

Abbreviations: D, dry; N, nonpigmented; O, oily; P, pigmented; R, resistant; S, sensitive; T, tight; W, wrinkled.

proper amount and balance, these three groups



of primary constituents of the SC contribute to pro-

tecting the skin and keeping it watertight. SC equi-
librium is also believed to be maintained through
stimulation of keratinocyte lipid synthesis and
keratinocyte proliferation by primary cytokines.3
Improper balance in these constituents contrib-
utes to a cascade of interrelated events, including
a diminished capacity to maintain water and

increased vulnerability to external factors, which

increases sensitivity of the SC. Xerosis results
through such impairment in the SC. These flaws


in the skin barrier lead to increases in transepi-

dermal water loss (TEWL). The enzymes necessary
for desmosome metabolism are inhibited by
insufficient hydration, resulting in the abnormal

desquamation of corneocytes.4 Superficial SC

desmoglein I levels simultaneously remain high.
The resultant compromised desquamation yields
The Baumann skin type indicator skin types

a visible collection of keratinocytes manifesting in

skin that is rough and dry in appearance.5 A pertur-

bation in the lipid bilayer of the SC because of in-



creased fatty acid levels and decreased ceramide


levels is also associated with dry skin.6 The lipid

bilayer is also susceptible to being influenced or
inhibited by exogenous factors, such as ultraviolet
radiation, detergents, acetone, chlorine, and pro-
longed water exposure or immersion. Recent
research has indicated that local changes in pH
may explain the initial cohesion and ultimate
desquamation of corneocytes from the surface of


the SC. It is believed that these changes selec-

Table 1



tively activate several extracellular proteases in

a pH-dependent fashion.7
The Baumann Skin Type Indicator 361

Natural moisturizing factor (NMF), an intracellu- transepidermal water permeability to shield the
lar, hygroscopic compound found only in the SC SC from water evaporating from the skin surface
that is released by lamellar bodies and synthesized or to disperse water gradients throughout the epi-
by way of the breakdown of the protein filaggrin, dermal keratinocyte layer.12 In a study assessing
plays an important role in maintaining water within the functional expression of AQP3 in human skin,
skin cells. Filaggrin, which consists of lactic acid, investigators found that, consistent with AQP3 in-
urea, citrate, and sugars, is broken down by a cyto- volvement, the water permeability of human epi-
solic protease into free amino acids, such as argi- dermal keratinocytes was hindered by mercurials
nine, glutamine (glutamic acid), and histidine, in and low pH.12 In a different study, some of the
the stratum compactum, an outer layer of the same researchers investigated skin phenotype in
SC.8 These water-soluble compounds stay in the transgenic mice lacking AQP3 and found signifi-
keratinocytes and bind strongly to water mole- cantly lower water and glycerol permeability in
cules. The pace of filaggrin decomposition and the AQP3 null mice, buttressing previous evidence
the level of NMF present are attributed to aspar- that AQP3 acts as a plasma membrane water/
tate protease (cathepsin).9 Changes in external hu- glycerol transporter in the epidermis.17 Conduc-
midity can influence cathepsin, potentially yielding tance measurements showed substantially lower
fluctuations in NMF production. NMF production SC water content in most cutaneous areas of the
typically increases over the course of several null mice. Epidermal cell water permeability is not
days after an individual enters a low-humidity envi- a significant determinant of SC hydration, how-
ronment.10 Low levels of NMF are associated with ever, because water transport across AQP3 is
xerosis and ichthyosis vulgaris. NMF development slower in skin compared with other tissues.18 The
can be inhibited by ultraviolet radiation and surfac- activity of AQP3 has only been shown to be
tants. There are no products or procedures yet enhanced through the use of extracts of the herb
available to artificially regulate NMF production. Ajuga turkestanica.19 A high-end line of skin care
Aquaporin-3 (AQP3) is an important member in products includes A turkestanica as an active in-
the family of homologous integral membrane gredient. In the future, skin conditions caused by
proteins that selectively facilitate the transport of excess or diminished hydration may be treated
water and small neutral solutes, such as glycerol through pharmacologically manipulating AQP3.
and urea, across biologic membranes.11 AQP3 is Sebum, the oily secretion of the sebaceous
present in the kidney collecting ducts and epider- glands that contains wax esters, sterol esters,
mis, and in the urinary, respiratory, and digestive cholesterol, di- and triglycerides, and squalene,20
tracts. This water channel protein that ultimately confers an oily quality to the skin and contributes
influences skin hydration is a member of a subclass significantly to the development of acne. In addi-
of aquaporins known as aquaglyceroporins, which tion, sebum, which is an important source of vita-
transport water, glycerol, urea, and other small min E, is believed to provide cutaneous protection
solutes. In 2002 AQP3 was demonstrated to be from environmental factors, whereas low levels of
expressed abundantly in the plasma membrane sebum have been cited as a potential contributing
of human epidermal keratinocytes.12 It is believed factor to dry skin development.21 This theory has
that the water conduction function in the skin oc- not found support, though, because low seba-
curs along an osmotic gradient beneath the SC, ceous gland activity has not been demonstrated
where high AQP3-mediated water permeability is to promote the development of xerosis. Sebum
displayed. AQP3 water clamps viable epidermal production has actually been found to play
layers to facilitate the hydration of skin layers a more convoluted role in the cause of this condi-
below the SC. tion. Previously, it has been speculated that se-
A high concentration of solutes (Na1, K1, and bum has no impact on epidermal permeability
Cl ) and a low concentration of water (13%– barrier function primarily because skin with few
35%)13 are present in the superficial SC and sebaceous glands (eg, as in prepubertal children)
produce the steady-state gradients of solutes displays normal basal barrier function.22 Pre-
and water from the skin surface to the viable epi- pubertal children between 2 and 9 years old
dermal keratinocytes.14–16 Although transepithelial frequently present with eczematous patches (pity-
fluid transport has been studied extensively in kid- riasis alba) on the face and trunk that do not
neys and lungs, the molecular mechanisms of fluid emerge with the onset of sebaceous gland activity.
transport across epidermal keratinocyte layers The pharmacologic involution of sebaceous
have not been clearly elucidated. Likewise, the glands with supraphysiologic isotretinoin doses
relationship between keratinocyte fluid transport does not affect barrier function or SC lamellar
and SC hydration is not well understood. It is membranes.23–25 Similarly, using ether to denude
believed, however, that AQP3 improves the skin does not interrupt SC function.
362 Baumann

Although barrier function is not influenced by have been demonstrated to reduce sebum
sebum levels, sebum may still contribute to the production.
etiologic pathway of xerosis in individuals who
have dry, resistant skin (the DR type in the
Skin Care for the Oily–Dry Parameter
BSTI). Lipids from meibomian glands, which are
modified sebaceous glands located in the eyes, Skin that falls in the middle of the oily–dry contin-
are known to stave off dryness by preventing uum can be best characterized as manifesting an
the evaporation of tears.26,27 Similarly, perhaps, intact SC and barrier, normal levels of NMF and
sebum-derived fats may produce a lipid film hyaluronic acid (HA), normal AQP3 expression,
over the skin surface, thereby preventing TEWL. and balanced sebum secretion. Whether or not
A recent study evaluating permeability barrier ho- acne develops from it, elevated sebum secretion
meostasis and SC hydration in asebia J1 mice is usually responsible for placing skin on the oily
with sebaceous gland hypoplasia supports this side of the oily–dry spectrum. The BSTI profile
theory.28 The normal barrier function in these se- for oily skin accompanied by acne is OS, because
bum-deficient mice was attributed to consistent acne-infiltrated skin is distinguished by heightened
levels of the three most important barrier lipids sensitivity (see later discussion). For individuals
(ceramides, free sterols, and free fatty acids) who have OS skin, treatment should focus on
and the persistence of normal SC extracellular reducing sebum levels with retinoids, eliminating
membranes. The investigators observed, how- or decreasing skin bacteria with antibiotics, ben-
ever, that the asebia J1 mice exhibited dimin- zoyl peroxide, or other antimicrobials, and using
ished SC hydration, suggesting that although an anti-inflammatory ingredients. Treatment of oily
intact intercellular membrane bilayer system suf- skin without acne—an oily, resistant (OR) type in
fices for permeability barrier homeostasis, it does the BSTI—should be tailored to reduce sebum
not necessarily contribute to normal SC hydra- production, unless other parameters, such as
tion. The researchers found that topically apply- dyspigmentation and wrinkling, are factors (see
ing glycerol restored normal SC hydration. In following sections). Sebum secretion has been
normal skin, sebaceous gland–derived triglycer- effectively decreased with the use of oral ketoco-
ides are hydrolyzed to glycerol before transport nazole and oral retinoids,32,33 but such results
to the skin surface. In individuals who are sebum have not yet been seen with topical products.
deficient, xerosis may be allayed by replacing The sebum in OR skin can also be camouflaged
this glycerol. The acceleration of SC recovery using sebum-absorbing polymers and talcs.
has also been shown to be successful with the Dry skin chronically exposed to the sun is likely
use of glycerol.29 characterized by an impaired skin barrier and re-
Reduced sebum production is rarely the source duced NMF. Therapy for such skin should focus
of patients’ complaints, but elevated sebum pro- on skin barrier repair and reducing sun exposure,
duction, rendering oily skin that can lead to acne, avoiding the sun if possible or at least providing
is a common complaint. The age-related trajectory adequate sun protection.
of sebum production is well known. Sebum levels All patients who have xerosis should abstain
are typically low during childhood, increase in the from using harsh foaming detergents (found in
middle to late teens, and remain relatively stable laundry and dish cleansers along with body and fa-
for decades until decreasing in the seventh and cial cleansers), which remove hydrating lipids and
eighth decades as endogenous androgen produc- NMF from the skin. Protracted bathing, particularly
tion declines.30 Other factors also have an impact in hot or chlorinated water, should also be avoided
on the level of sebum production. One’s genetic by all patients who have dry skin (Box 1). For those
background, diet, stress levels, and hormone who have very dry skin, humidifiers should be used
levels affect sebum production. A fascinating in low-humidity environments and moisturizers
study of 20 pairs each of identical and nonidentical should be applied two to three times daily and
like-sex twins revealed nearly equivalent sebum after bathing.
excretion rates with significantly divergent acne In addition to pharmacologic products beneficial
severity in the identical twins, but significant differ- in the treatment of xerosis and practical recom-
ences in both parameters among the nonidentical mendations regarding what patients who have
twins, suggesting that both genetic factors and dry skin should avoid, there are several over-
environmental factors had an impact on acne the-counter (OTC) moisturizers (eg, occlusives,
development.31 The use of oral retinoids to shrink humectants, and emollients) available that are ef-
sebaceous glands is well established, but topical fective in hydrating the skin (Table 2). Moisturizers
retinoids have not yet been shown to have this are the third most often recommended type of
capacity. In addition, no other topical formulations OTC topical skin care product.34 Awareness of
The Baumann Skin Type Indicator 363

Box 1 stearyl stearate, and beeswax.37,38 Derived from

Treatment suggestions for dry skin the sebaceous secretions of sheep, lanolin con-
tains the important SC lipid cholesterol and can
How to treat dry skin coexist with SC lipids as solids and liquids at phys-
Preserve and replace skin lipids iologic temperatures. Lanolin has been deemed
a sensitizer by some, although it has been
Replace them in the proper ratio
demonstrated to be a weak allergen.39 Lanolin
Prevent loss of NMF may also be eschewed because it contains animal
products. Although numerous moisturizers are
Increase function of AQP3
now labeled ‘‘lanolin-free,’’ lanolin is still widely
Glucosamine supplementation used. No occlusive ingredients provide long-last-
Preserve and replace skin by ing benefits. TEWL returns to its previous level
once the occlusive agent is removed from the
skin. Occlusives are typically used in combination
Detergents with humectants because decreasing TEWL by
Prolonged water immersion, especially in more than 40% risks maceration, with elevated
chlorine and hard water bacteria levels.40
Vigorously foaming cleansers Propylene glycol An odorless liquid with antimicro-
Surfactants (which may deposit fatty acids bial and keratolytic properties, propylene glycol
on the skin) (PG) acts as an occlusive and a humectant. PG
has been shown to facilitate the cellular penetra-
Using tion of some drugs, including steroids and mi-
Moisturizers containing fatty acids, ceram- noxidil. PG is believed to be a weak sensitizer,
ides, and cholesterol but it may contribute to contact dermatitis by fa-
For dry, resistant (DR) skin: Look for moistur- cilitating the penetration of allergens into the
izers containing Ajuga turkestanica epidermis.41

the differences among moisturizer types is an Humectants are water-soluble and hygroscopic
important part of a practitioner’s knowledge base substances. Humectants applied to the skin have
from which to suggest the most suitable products the capacity to attract water from the external
for a given patient’s skin type. Moisturizers are environment (in conditions with at least 80%
usually packaged as water-in-oil emulsions (eg, humidity) and from the underlying skin layers. In
hand creams) and oil-in-water emulsions (eg, low-humidity conditions, however, humectants
creams and lotions). may absorb water from the deeper epidermis
and dermis, thus contributing to TEWL and aggra-
Occlusives vating skin dryness.42 Consequently, humectants
When used in skin care products, occlusives, are more effective when combined with occlusive
which are oily substances that can dissolve fats, products. Several humectant products have also
coat the SC to inhibit TEWL. In addition to imped- been identified as exhibiting emollient characteris-
ing TEWL, occlusives confer an emollient effect, tics.43 Humectants are incorporated into cosmetic
and are therefore suitable products for treating moisturizers because they prevent product
xerosis. The most effective occlusive ingredients evaporation and thickening, which prolongs the
are petrolatum and mineral oil. Petrolatum, used product’s shelf-life. These products do not impart
as a skin care product since 1872, is considered long-lasting antiwrinkle effects on the skin,
one of the best moisturizers and a gold standard however. Humectants, by drawing water into the
by which other occlusives are measured.35 A re- skin, provoke a minor swelling of the SC, rendering
sistance to water vapor loss that is 170 times a perception, which lasts for about 24 hours, of
that of olive oil is ascribed to petrolatum.36 Unfor- smoother skin with fewer wrinkles. Some humec-
tunately, petrolatum has such a greasy texture that tants confer other benefits, such as bacteriostatic
some consumers find such products cosmetically activity.44 The most effective humectant ingredi-
unacceptable. Besides petrolatum and mineral ents in skin care products are glycerin and glyc-
oil, other frequently used occlusive ingredients erol. Several other compounds function as active
include paraffin, squalene, silicone derivatives humectant ingredients, including alpha hydroxy
(dimethicone, cyclomethicone), soybean oil, acids, panthenol, carboxylic acid, sorbitol, sodium
grapeseed oil, propylene glycol, lanolin, lecithin, hyaluronate, sodium and ammonium lactate,
364 Baumann

Table 2
Over-the-counter moisturizer types

Type Function Examples

Occlusives Coat the SC and reduce TEWL Lanolina
Mineral oila
Propylene glycol
Soybean oil
Grapeseed oil
Stearyl stearate
Humectants Attract H2O from outer the Glycerin
atmosphere and underlying Glycerol
epidermis, hydrating the skin Propylene glycol
AHAs (glycolic acid, lactic acid)
Sodium hyaluronate
Sodium and ammonium lactate
Sodium pyrrolidine
Carboxylic acid

Abbreviation: AHAs, alpha hydroxy acids.

These products also act as emollients.

sodium pyrrolidine, urea, propylene glycol, gelatin, Urea Since the 1940s, urea has been included in
honey, and other sugars.38 Effective moisturi- many hand creams.47 This dynamic compound
zers usually include occlusive and humectant is an end product of protein metabolism in mam-
ingredients. mals, the primary nitrogen-containing ingredient
of urine, and an NMF constituent, and it displays
Glycerin A strong humectant, glycerin exhibits humectant and mild antipruritic properties.48
hygroscopic activity comparable to that of NMF.2 Combining urea with hydrocortisone, retinoic
Investigators reported after a 5-year study com- acid,49,50 and other ingredients has been shown
paring two high-glycerin moisturizers to 16 other to promote the cutaneous penetration by these
popular moisturizers used by 394 patients who agents. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert
had severe xerosis that the high-glycerin products Panel recently declared that urea does have
were the most effective, quickly restoring dry skin the capacity to enhance the percutaneous ab-
to normal hydration with longer-lasting results than sorption of other chemicals, and that urea is
the other moisturizers, which included petrolatum safe for use in cosmetic products.51 There had
preparations.45 In addition, glycerin has been been some earlier disagreement as to whether
shown, by way of ultrastructural analyses of skin urea had exhibited such activity. A double-blind
treated with high-glycerin preparations, to expand clinical study comparing 3% and 10% urea
the SC by enhancing corneocyte thickness and cream found that the study formulations were
producing greater distance between layers of more effective in dry skin than the vehicle con-
corneocytes.46 Glycerin has also been demon- trol. The 10% cream reduced TEWL but the
strated to stabilize and hydrate cell membranes 3% cream had no impact on TEWL, although
and the enzymes required for desmosome the creams were reported to be equally
degradation.45 effective.52
The Baumann Skin Type Indicator 365

Hydroxy acids Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are vitamin E, and Kathon CG have been associated
a class of naturally occurring organic acids that with contact dermatitis.63,64
have been found to function as humectants and
exfoliants. The most frequently used AHAs in Collagen and Polypeptide Ingredients
moisturizing formulations are glycolic and lactic
Most of the collagen ‘‘extracts’’ contained in many
acids (derived, respectively, from sugar cane and
expensive moisturizers touted for replacing colla-
sour milk). Other AHAs include malic acid, citric
gen lost with aging have a molecular weight of
acid, and tartaric acid. Glycolic and lactic acids
15,000 to 50,000 daltons, but only compounds
were the first AHAs to become commercially
with a molecular weight of 5000 daltons or less
available. It was shown more than 30 years ago
can actually penetrate the SC.40 Nevertheless,
that topical formulations containing AHAs exert
the collagen and other hydrolyzed proteins and
significant effects on epidermal keratinization.53
polypeptides produce a temporary film on the epi-
A decade ago, glycolic acid was demonstrated
dermis that, once the product dries, fills in surface
to exhibit photoprotective activity.54 The only
irregularities. A subtle stretching out of fine skin
beta hydroxy acid (BHA), salicylic acid, which is
wrinkles is provided by the film created by these
derived from willow bark, wintergreen leaves,
products. This fuller or slightly plumper appear-
and sweet birch, acts as a chemical exfoliant and
ance can be further enhanced with the addition
is included in synthetic form in various topical
of a humectant. Formulations with collagen and
preparations.55 AHAs and BHA erode corneocyte
polypeptide ingredients confer little or no effect
cohesiveness at the lowest levels of the SC, also
on TEWL, but are typically labeled as moisturizers
influencing pH in the process, and break down
and firming creams.
desmosomes, thus facilitating desquamation.56,57
Lactic acid This prominent AHA is unusual in that it SKIN SENSITIVITY
is also a component of NMF. Lactic acid was first Sensitive Versus Resistant
used in dermatologic therapy in 1943 to treat ich-
Resistant skin is characterized by a robust SC that
thyosis.58 In vitro and in vivo experiments have
strongly protects the skin from allergens and other
since shown that lactic acid can enhance ceram-
exogenous environmental irritants. Erythema and
ide production by keratinocytes.59,60 In addition,
acne are rare in people who have resistant skin.
a double-blind vehicle-controlled study using an
Erythema may arise if an individual is overexposed
8% L-lactic acid formula revealed that the AHA
to the sun; acne may emerge because of stress or
was a superior treatment than the vehicle for
hormonal fluctuations. Individuals who have resis-
photoaged skin, rendering statistically significant
tant skin can use most skin care products without
improvements in sallowness, skin coarseness,
fear of adverse reactions (eg, acne, rashes, or
and blotchiness.61
a stinging response). The same qualities that allow
for such an advantage, however, also render
Emollients several products ineffective in such individuals,
Included in cosmetics to hydrate, soften, and who have an exceedingly high threshold for prod-
smooth the skin, emollients are composed mainly uct ingredient penetration and bioefficacy. Conse-
of lipids and oils. A smooth skin surface is ren- quently, people who have resistant skin may be
dered by these substances that act by filling in unable to detect differences among cosmetic
the gaps between desquamating corneocytes.62 skin care formulations because most products
Emollient formulations enhance cohesion, yielding are too weak to cross the potent SC to impart
a flattening of the curled edges of individual cor- benefits.
neocytes.2 As a result, a smoother skin surface de- Sensitive skin is a more complex phenomenon
creases friction while improving light refraction. and more difficult to characterize. It is also becom-
There are several classes of emollients, including ing increasingly common.65 Most patients who
astringent, dry, fatting, and protective, along with present to a dermatologist complaining of sensi-
protein rejuvenators.38 There are also primarily oc- tive skin are healthy women of childbearing age.
clusive ingredients that confer an emollient effect, Fortunately, with age, the incidence of sensitive
such as lanolin, mineral oil, and petrolatum. skin seems to decrease. As the prevalence of sen-
Moisturizers are generally regarded as safe, sitive skin has increased, so too has the number of
with reports of adverse effects exceedingly rare. products marketed as suitable for the treatment of
Products containing preservatives, perfumes, sensitive skin. There are variations in the qualities
solubilizers, sunscreens, and some other classes of sensitive skin. There are four discrete subtypes:
of compounds have been linked to reports of aller- acne type (propensity to develop acne, black-
gic contact dermatitis. Lanolin, propylene glycol, heads, or whiteheads), rosacea type (tendency
366 Baumann

toward recurrent flushing, facial redness, and ex- Rosacea Type

periencing hot sensations), stinging type (proclivity
According to the National Rosacea Society, 14 mil-
to experiencing stinging or burning sensations),
lion Americans,66 usually adults between 25 and
and allergic type (prone to manifesting erythema,
60 years of age, are affected by rosacea. This
pruritus, and skin flaking). Each of these subtypes
acneiform condition, the pathophysiology of which
presents distinct treatment challenges to the prac-
has yet to be completely elucidated, shares some
titioner because products designed and marketed
symptoms with acne, specifically facial redness,
for sensitive skin are not necessarily appropriate
flushing, and papules; however, rosacea is also
for all sensitive skin subtypes. Despite such differ-
characterized by the formation of prominent telan-
ences, the four subtypes of sensitive skin share
giectases, the primary manifestation of the condi-
one significant feature: inflammation. One consis-
tion. Topical rosacea treatments target the use of
tent focus in any sensitive skin treatment program
anti-inflammatory ingredients to decrease the
therefore is decreasing and eliminating inflamma-
dilation of the blood vessels and the avoidance
tion. For patients who present with more than
of exposure to factors that trigger or aggravate
one type of sensitive skin, the treatment is under-
symptoms. The goal of rosacea therapy is to
standably more complex and challenging.
reduce vascular reactivity, attack free radicals or
reactive oxygen species (ROS), inhibit immune
Acne Type function, and interfere with eosinophilic activity,
degranulation of mast cells (which often colocalize
Although incidence and prevalence rates vary,
to areas of eosinophil-mediated disease), and
acne is by far the most common skin disease, typ-
the arachidonic acid pathway. Eosinophils are
ically affecting adolescents and young adults,
pleiotropic multifunctional leukocytes involved in
equally by gender, between the ages of 11 and
initiating and promoting numerous inflammatory
25 years. The second-largest demographic group
responses.67,68 The most effective anti-inflamma-
that suffers from acne in appreciable numbers is
tory ingredients (many of which are derived from
adult women, who exhibit a hormonal component
botanical origins) in the myriad topical rosacea
to their acne. The pathogenesis of this conspicu-
therapies include aloe vera, arnica, chamomile,
ous and, therefore, stressful condition originates
colloidal oatmeal, cucumber extract, feverfew,
from the intersection of four main factors:
licochalcone, niacinamide, Quadrinone, salicylic
increased sebum production; clogged pores due
acid, sulfacetamide, sulfur, witch hazel, and
to dead keratinocytes inside the hair follicles
zinc.69 Various prescription anti-inflammatory
adhering more strongly than in those without
products, including antibiotics, immune modula-
acne (higher sebum production may also promote
tors, and steroids, are also available to treat
such cellular clinging), the presence of the bacteria
Propionibacterium acnes, and inflammation.
Although acne can occur in various idiopathic
presentations, the quintessential feature is the ad-
Stinging Type
herence of dead keratinocytes in the hair follicles
as a result of increased sebum production, yield- The stinging response is a nonallergic neural
ing clogged follicles and the emergence of a pap- sensitivity that some people experience in reaction
ule or pustule. Subsequently, P acnes migrates to various triggers. Several tests are available to
into the hair follicle, intersecting with the collected identify ‘‘stingers’’ or the stinging tendency. The
sebum and dead keratinocytes. This interaction lactic acid stinging test is a particularly well-
spurs the release of cytokines and other inflam- regarded method of evaluating individuals who
matory factors that engender the inflammatory report invisible and subjective cutaneous irritation.
response leading to the formation of the character- The stinging sensation is not necessarily linked to
istic redness and pus. High levels of primary erythema, because many patients feel stinging
cytokines, chemokines, and other inflammatory without manifesting redness.70 Rosacea patients
markers are usually present in chronic inflamma- exhibiting facial flushing are more susceptible to
tory skin conditions such as acne.3 experiencing stinging caused by exposure to lactic
The treatment of acne targets the four primary acid.71 Patients who are confirmed to have the
etiologic factors: reducing sebum production stinging subtype of sensitive skin should avoid
(with retinoids, oral contraceptives, or stress topical products containing the following ingredi-
reduction), unclogging pores (with retinoids, ents: alpha hydroxy acids (particularly glycolic
AHAs, or BHA), eradicating bacteria (with benzoyl acid), benzoic acid, bronopol, cinnamic acid com-
peroxide, sulfur, antibiotics, or azelaic acid), and pounds, Dowicil 200, formaldehyde, lactic acid,
decreasing inflammation. propylene glycol, quaternary ammonium
The Baumann Skin Type Indicator 367

compounds, sodium lauryl sulfate, sorbic acid, dihydroxyphenylalanine and then dopaquinone,
urea, or vitamin C. ultimately yielding the two melanin types, eumela-
nin and pheomelanin.75 The more prevalent type,
Allergic Type eumelanin, regularly correlates with the visual
A recent epidemiologic survey in the United King- phenotype.76 More melanin is produced in dark-
dom found that over 1 year 23% of women and er-skinned individuals than lighter-skinned ones.
13.8% of men exhibited an adverse reaction to The larger melanosomes in darker-skinned people
a personal care product (eg, deodorants and per- accommodate more melanin and therefore
fumes, skin care products, hair care products, and decompose more slowly than in lighter-skinned
nail cosmetics).72 Further, numerous studies have people.77 Melanin is synthesized by melanocytes
shown that approximately 10% of dermatologic and then transferred by way of melanosomes to
patients who are patch tested for anywhere from keratinocytes. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation can also
20 to 100 ingredients manifest allergic sensitivity induce melanogenesis, however, which under
to at least one ingredient common in cosmetic these circumstances represents the skin’s
products.70 The most common allergens are fra- defense to the insult of UV exposure. In this reac-
grances and preservatives and the preponderance tion to UV irradiation, melanocytes accelerate the
of people who experience such reactions are production of melanin and its transfer to keratinoc-
women aged 20 to 60 years.73 Greater susceptibil- tyes,78 resulting in the darkening of the skin in
ity to allergic reactions is seen among those who affected areas.
are overexposed to skin care products and pa- One melanocyte is usually linked to approxi-
tients who have an impaired SC, as manifested mately 30 keratinocytes. In the process of transfer-
by xerosis.74 ring through melanosomes, the melanocyte loads
Based on the principles of the BSTI, people who the melanosome with melanin and then attaches
have oily, sensitive skin require oil control. Such an to the keratinocytes. The keratinocytes surround
individual would also likely require an acne or rosa- the melanosome and absorb the melanin after
cea treatment regimen. Those who have dry, sen- the protease-activated receptor (PAR)-2 is
sitive skin require treatment to achieve skin barrier activated.79 PAR-2, which is expressed in kerati-
repair. People who have sensitive, wrinkled skin nocytes but not melanocytes, is a seven trans-
would benefit from treatments intended to reduce membrane G-protein-coupled trypsin/tryptase
present wrinkles and prevent the formation of new receptor activated by a serine protease cleavage.
ones. Those who have sensitive, pigmented skin It is believed that PAR-2 regulates pigmentation
typically seek the removal of the pigmentary lesion by way of exchanges between keratinocytes and
and treatment to prevent additional pigmentation. melanocytes.80
The development of skin pigmentation can be
inhibited by way of two main pathways: inhibiting
tyrosinase, thereby preventing melanin formation,
Pigmented Versus Nonpigmented
and impeding the transfer of melanin into kera-
This skin parameter does not pertain to skin tinocytes. Effective tyrosinase inhibitors include
color, but to the propensity to develop undesired hydroquinone, vitamin C, kojic acid, arbutin,
hyperpigmentations on the face, chest, or arms. mulberry extract, and licorice extract. Two pro-
Skin conditions or lesions that require excision teins found in soy—soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI)
or treatment beyond skin care (eg, congenital and Bowman-Birk inhibitor (BBI)—have been iden-
nevi, seborrheic keratoses) are not considered tified as agents that have the capacity to impede
within the realm of typical pigmented skin in the development of skin pigmentation. In addition
the BSTI framework. Pigmentary conditions or to their depigmenting activity, STI and BBI have
changes that can be ameliorated with skin care also been demonstrated to prevent UV-induced
products and minor dermatologic procedures, pigmentation in vitro and in vivo.81 STI and BBI
such as melasma, solar lentigos, ephelides, and impart such effects by inhibiting the cleavage
postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, do fall of PAR-2, and are therefore believed to affect
within this rubric, however. Some patients pay melanosome transfer into keratinocytes. This piv-
significant sums in the pursuit of satisfactory otal transfer of melanosomes from melanocytes
treatment of these anxiety-producing pigmentary to keratinocytes has also been shown to be
problems; for practitioners to know how best to inhibited with the introduction of niacinamide,
treat them, the origin of pigmentation should be a derivative of vitamin B3.82 As the most effective
clearly understood. PAR-2 blockers, soy and niacinamide are the
The skin pigment melanin is derived from the en- primary agents for impeding melanin transfer to
zymatic breakdown of tyrosine by tyrosinase into keratinocytes.
368 Baumann

Within the two approaches to hindering melanin tissues to express telomerase.84 Currently, no
formation, there are three types of topical agents treatment options target telomerase because
useful in exerting such influence. Besides the ty- current data are insufficient regarding the safety
rosinase inhibitors and PAR-2 blockers, exfoliating of extending telomere length.
agents, such as AHAs, BHA, and retinoids, can Extrinsic aging, as implied in the definition, is
accelerate cell turnover to such an extent that it preventable and is thus subject to human control.
outpaces melanin production. Procedures, such Individuals can make a concerted effort to limit ex-
as microdermabrasion, and instruments, such as posure to the primary causes of exogenous aging.
facial scrubs, can also be used for these purposes. These etiologic factors include smoking, other
Any skin care regimen focused on reducing or pollution, poor nutrition, excessive alcohol
eliminating the development of unwanted pig- consumption, and especially solar exposure.
mentation should also include the use of broad- Cutaneous damage results from exposure to UV
spectrum sunscreens. Sun avoidance remains irradiation through various mechanisms, including
the most effective way to prevent pigmentary the formation of sunburn cells by way of pyrimidine
changes to the skin, among other deleterious and thymine dimers, collagenase synthesis, and
effects. In the BSTI, an individual who has a ten- the promotion of an inflammatory response. Sig-
dency to form unwanted dyschromias would be nificantly, signaling through the p53 pathway after
considered to have type ‘‘P’’ skin and, otherwise, telomere disruption induced by UV irradiation
type ‘‘N’’ skin. (UVB in particular) has been linked to aging and
photodamage.85,86 Photoaging, photocarcino-
genesis, and photo-immunosuppression are well
known adverse effects of UV (particularly UVA),
Wrinkled Versus Tight
although much more remains to be learned about
Cutaneous aging is a dynamic, multifactorial the mechanisms through which UV irradiation
process under endogenous and exogenous influ- fosters harmful effects.87 Because UV irradiation
ences. The etiologic factors have traditionally inhibits DNA and accelerates telomere shortening,
been considered so distinct that two discrete this primary source of extrinsic aging can be
processes have been described: natural intrinsic considered to influence the course of intrinsic
aging is genetically driven, or cellularly pro- aging.
grammed, inevitable, and eventually results in Rhytid formation, which begins in the lower der-
visible skin alterations; extrinsic aging, which mal layers of the skin, is the quintessential
also manifests in cutaneous changes, results manifestation of aging skin. Few skin care product
from the chronic exposure to various environmen- formulations can actually penetrate far enough into
tal insults and is therefore avoidable. Recent the dermis to alter or reverse deep wrinkles, de-
insights suggest that the primary factor implicated spite the wealth of products advertising otherwise
in extrinsic aging—UV radiation—may actually and the significant outlay of consumers’ money for
alter the normal course of natural aging. If this is such products. Antiaging skin care consequently
the case, intrinsic and extrinsic aging are less focuses on the prevention of wrinkle formation.88
distinct than previously believed. Because it is well known that the three main struc-
This brief discussion considers these processes tural components of the skin—collagen, elastin,
separately. In recent years, the function of telo- and HA—decline with age, the primary goal in
meres, the specialized structures that protect the product formulation is to prevent the degradation
ends of chromosomes, has come to be identified of one or more of these key constituents. Although
as one of the keys to intrinsic aging. Telomere there are no topical products that can deliver these
length is known to diminish with age, and this ero- substances deeply into the epidermis, despite
sion is seen as tantamount to a gauge by which to what the marketing might indicate, some products
measure chronologic aging. This veritable internal do promote the natural production of these impor-
aging clock mechanism is the basis for one of the tant compounds. Topically, retinoids, vitamin C,
currently favored theories on aging.83 The enzyme and copper peptide have been demonstrated to
telomerase, which stabilizes or lengthens telo- stimulate collagen production,89,90 and oral vita-
meres, is expressed in about 90% of all tumors min C is also believed to have the same capacity.91
but does not appear in many somatic tissues.83 In addition, retinoids have been demonstrated in
This phenomenon implies that most cancer cells, animal models to promote the synthesis of HA
unlike healthy cells, are not programmed for apo- and elastin,92,93 whereas glucosamine supple-
ptosis, or cell death, essentially placing aging mentation is also believed to augment HA levels.94
and cancer on opposite sides of the same coin. As of yet, no products have been shown or
The epidermis is one of the few regenerative approved for the stimulation of elastin production.
The Baumann Skin Type Indicator 369

Another important target of wrinkle prevention gene therapy will yield breakthroughs in the thera-
that occurs beneath the skin is reducing inflamma- peutic uses of growth factors, cytokines, and
tion, because inflammation is known to contribute telomerase.98 It is equally probable that some
to collagen, elastin, and HA degradation. Antioxi- such applications will be included in the dermato-
dants play a significant role in this approach logic armamentarium. In the interim, several prac-
because they protect the skin by way of several tical steps can be taken to mitigate or even prevent
mechanisms that are becoming better understood extrinsic skin aging, including: avoiding/limiting
and elucidated. For example, ROS acting directly exposure to the sun (particularly from 10 AM to
on growth factor and cytokine receptors in kerati- 4 PM), using broad-spectrum sunscreen when
nocytes and dermal cells can engender skin avoiding the sun is impossible, avoiding cigarette
inflammation. Nevertheless, much remains to be smoke and pollution, taking oral antioxidant
learned about the direct roles of growth factors supplements or topical antioxidant formulations,
and cytokines in cutaneous aging. Currently, regularly using prescription retinoids, and eating
growth factors and cytokines are known to func- a diet high in fruits and vegetables. Protecting
tion synergistically in a complex mechanism in- the skin is a key step in fundamental skin care
volving various types of growth factors and (Box 2).
cytokines.95 It is believed that UV irradiation trig-
gers a cascade of events, acting on growth factor SKIN TYPE COMBINATIONS AND CHANGES
and cytokine receptors in keratinocytes and der-
mal cells, leading to downstream signal transduc- Because the skin parameters together describe
tion by activating mitogen-activated protein (MAP) the simultaneous state or tendencies of the skin
kinase pathways (extracellular signal-regulated along four different spectra, the permutations of
kinase, c-jun N-terminal protein kinase, and p38). the four skin parameters yield 16 different skin
These then collect in cell nuclei, forming cFos/ types. The BSTI skin typing system can assist indi-
cJun complexes of transcription factor activator viduals, once they have identified their skin type, in
protein 1, and inducing the matrix metallo- gaining insight into treating their particular skin
proteinases collagenase, 92 kDa gelatinase, and problem areas and provide guidance as to the
stromelysin to break down collagen and other most suitable OTC products for their skin. For
cutaneous connective tissue.96,97 example, an individual who has oily, sensitive,
The direct effects of ROS on the aging process nonpigmented, wrinkled skin (the OSNW skin
and skin aging are more clearly understood. type) would be best served by using products
Kang and colleagues have shown that free radical with retinoids and antioxidants. A person who
activation of the MAP kinase pathways induces has dry, sensitive, nonpigmented, tight skin (the
collagenase synthesis, which leads to the break- DSNT skin type), would be advised to use prod-
down of collagen.97 Inhibiting these pathways by ucts with ingredients intended for skin barrier
the use of antioxidants is believed to deter photo- repair. Although the BSTI can provide significant
aging by preventing collagenase synthesis and its guidance for one’s skin care choices, an individ-
ensuing harmful effects on collagen. In experi- ual’s skin type can change, especially because
ments using human skin, Kang and colleagues of stress and exposure to variable environments
found that the pretreatment of skin with the antiox- (eg, when traveling to a region with a different cli-
idants genistein and N-acetyl cysteine inhibited mate). This phenomenon should be considered
the UV induction of the cJun-driven enzyme
collagenase. Box 2
A plethora of antioxidants are used as ingredi- Four elements of fundamental skin care
ents in topical skin care products, including vita-
mins C and E, coenzyme Q10, and those derived 1. Mild cleansing
from botanical sources, such as caffeine, coffee 2. Hydrating
berry, ferulic acid, feverfew, grape seed extract,
Effective moisturization (with humectants
green tea, idebenone, mushrooms, polypodium and emollients)
leucotomos, pomegranate, Pycnogenol, resevera-
trol, rosemary, and silymarin. Although copious 3. Replenishing
evidence is presented in the literature identifying With lipids, ceramides and fatty acids
the antioxidant potency of these ingredients, their
4. Protecting
efficacy in topical formulations intended to combat
the cutaneous signs of aging has not yet been es- UV protection
tablished. It likely that in the not-too-distant future Increased humidity
technological innovation in tissue engineering and
370 Baumann

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