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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

Name: Shane Andrei L. Mene

Strand & Block: STEM 12-B

Activity 1: Knowledge Check!

1. I 6. A

2. J 7. F
3. G 8. B
4. H 9. E
5. C 10. D

Activity 2: Write it!

1. 3
2. 6
3. 1
4. 9
5. 4
6. 8
7. 10
8. 5
9. 2
10. 7

Activity 3: Explore It!

1. Which paragraph let you know where the storytelling session takes place – who is narrating and
who are listening to the story and how the session ends?
The storytelling session takes place in first and second paragraph, the grandfather is narrating and his
grandchildren are listening. The session ends by greeting them good night and assured them to tell
another story the next day.

2. Is the tale a recall of first-hand experience or a shared popular fictional story of long ago? Why?
The tale is a first-hand experience because the narrator is telling about his experience. At the end of his
session he told them how he become Tonyo the brave.

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Module (1 st Semester of A.Y 2021-2022)
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

3. Tales of long ago are usually about superheroes and supernatural beings. Some supernatural
beings are mentioned in this tale. Find out and share what these supernatural beings are and what
they are known for.

a. Kapre - a Philippine mythical creature that could be characterized as a tree demon but with
more human characteristics. It is described as being a tall brown, hairy male with a beard.
Kapres are normally described as smoking a big tobacco pipe whose strong smell would attract
human attention. Kapres are not necessarily considered to be evil. Kapres may make contact
with people to offer friendship or if it is attracted to a woman.
b. Dwende - these creatures are described as goblins, elves or dwarves - short of stature and often
old or shriveled, with beards and hats of varying colors. The name duwende comes from the
Spanish duende for “owner of the house,” but are also sometimes called nuno sa punso. In
more modern times, they are said to reside in homes or mounds in forests or places with many
trees. Whether they use their powers for good or mischief depends on how they are treated by
the humans who dwell near them.
c. Manananggal - One of the most infamous and frightening creatures from the Visayan region of
the Philippines is the manananggal. This female-by-day-turned-flesh-eating-monster-by-night is
the stuff nightmares are made of. The manananggal resides in the mountainous regions and
thick forests of the Philippines, appearing as an attractive woman to scope out prey and biding
her time until the full moon. At that point, she transforms through a ritual into a winged ghoul
with claws, fangs, and large eyes. The name manananggal is derived from the Tagalog word
tanggal, which means “to remove” or “to separate” because the creature detaches her torso
from her lower body and flies off to hunt her prey.

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Module (1 st Semester of A.Y 2021-2022)

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