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Name _________________ Rating__________________

Year & Section__________ Date____________________

Activity 1

The Cell


At the end of the module, you will be able to:

● differentiate the different types of cells

● distinguish the different organelles in the cell
● recognize various biochemical systems that exist in the cells
● correlate the composition and function of the organelles with the
biochemical system associated with it.

Structurally, plant and animal cells are very similar because they are both
eukaryotic cells.  However, plant cells are usually larger than animal cells.  They
also contain structures that are absent in a typical animal cell, such as chloroplasts,
plastid, cell wall and large vacuoles.  On the other hand, there are organelles found
in an animal cell that are absent in plant cells.  These include centrioles, lysosomes
(rarely seen in plant cells), microvilli, cilia, and filaments. 

Watch the video in this link

Complete the table by listing down ALL the cell organelle found on eukaryotic cell
and give their function

Cell organelle Functions

II. Draw and label the parts of a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell.

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