BRAIN - Nutrition, Inflammation, and Cognitive Function - Warnberg 2009

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Nutrition, Inflammation,
and Cognitive Function
Julia Wärnberg,a,b Sonia Gomez-Martinez,a Javier Romeo,a
Ligia-Esperanza Dı́az,a and Ascensión Marcosa
Immunonutrition Research Group, Department of Nutrition and Metabolism,
Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN), Instituto del Frı́o,
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
Unit for Preventive Nutrition, Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Inflammation, particularly low-grade chronic inflammation, appears to affect several

brain functions, from early brain development to the development of neurodegenerative
disorders and perhaps some psychiatric diseases. On the other hand, nutrition and
dietary components and patterns have a plethora of anti- and pro-inflammatory effects
that could be linked to cognitive function. Even a modest effect of nutrition on cognitive
decline could have significant implications for public health. This paper summarizes the
available evidence regarding inflammation as a key mechanism in cognitive function and
nutritional pro- or anti-inflammatory effects with the purpose of linking the apparent
disparate disciplines of nutrition, immunity, and neurology.
Key words: low-grade chronic inflammation; C-reactive protein; cytokines; neurode-
generative disorders; dementia; anti-inflammatory diet; polyunsaturated fatty acids;
antioxidants; phytochemicals; Mediterranean diet

Introduction that chronic low-grade inflammation may con-

tribute to the pathogenesis of diseases, such as
Inflammation is a key function in the pro- atherosclerosis,1–3 type I and type II diabetes,4
cess by which the body responds to an injury autoimmune diseases,5 cancer,6 and those that
or an infection. It limits the survival and prolif- will be the focus of this review—several types
eration of invading pathogens; promotes tissue of neurodegenerative disorders.7–12
survival, repair, and recovery; and is generally C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations are
beneficial to the organism. Pro-inflammatory easily, accurately, and fairly inexpensively mea-
pathways are highly regulated by an extensive sured in blood. CRP is an acute-phase reac-
array of anti-inflammatory processes, and the tant and a very sensitive marker of inflam-
acute phase of inflammation normally results in mation. High CRP levels have no specificity
recovery from infection and to healing and a re- in differentiating disease entities from one an-
turn to normal values within a few days. How- other, but despite its lack of specificity, CRP
ever, if the response is not properly controlled, has now emerged as one of the most pow-
the process can persist and lead to a state of erful predictors of cardiovascular risk.1,3,13 In
chronic low-grade inflammation. This is detri- a direct comparison of a panel of inflamma-
mental and may trigger the development of tory and lipid markers in their ability to pre-
several diseases. Prospective studies have shown dict cardiovascular events in adults, CRP sur-
passed other classical risk markers, including
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.14,15 The
Address for correspondence: Julia Wärnberg, Grupo Inmunonutri- American Heart Association and the Center for
cion, Dpto. Metabolismo y Nutricion, ICTAN, Instituto del Frı́o, CSIC,
Calle José Antonio Novais, 10. 28040 Madrid, Spain. julia.warnberg@
Disease Control and Prevention in the United States issued a joint statement confirming
Neuroimmunomodulation: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1153: 164–175 (2009).
doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2008.03985.x 
C 2009 New York Academy of Sciences.

Wärnberg et al.: Nutrition, Inflammation, Cognition 165

that CRP is the best and most clinically The beneficial effects of polyunsaturated
useful of the markers of inflammation cur- omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3 PUFAs) intake
rently available, with the following cutoff points on human health, especially on cardiovascular
for assessing cardiovascular disease risk: low disease, are well established.17,18 At sufficiently
risk (CRP < 1.0 mg/L), average risk (1.0– high intakes, long-chain omega-3 PUFAs
3.0 mg/L), and high risk (>3.0 mg/L).13 There decrease the production of inflammatory
is now great interest in elucidating how di- eicosanoids, cytokines, reactive oxygen species,
etary and lifestyle factors can modulate inflam- and the expression of adhesion molecules.19
mation. A wide range of anti-inflammatory Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5) and docosa-
dietary and lifestyle remedies are being sug- hexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6) are found in oily
gested, while scientific publications are quickly fish and fish oils, and alpha-linolenic acid, the
responding to the demand for evidence to sup- precursor of EPA and DHA of plant origin, is
port these recommendations. principally found in walnuts. EPA and DHA
Much evidence also supports the concept act both directly [e.g., by replacing arachidonic
that lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, acid (AA; 20:4, omega-6) as an eicosanoid
can improve learning and memory, delay age- substrate and inhibiting AA metabolism] and
related cognitive decline, reduce the risk of neu- indirectly (e.g., by altering the expression of in-
rodegeneration, and play a part in alleviating flammatory genes through effects on transcrip-
psychiatric diseases, such as depression. Cor- tion factor activation). They also give rise to a
roborative evidence on the association between family of anti-inflammatory mediators termed
low-grade inflammation and cognitive decline resolvins. Thus, omega-3 PUFAs are potentially
has also accumulated from a series of epidemio- potent anti-inflammatory agents. As such, they
logical studies, supporting the assumption that may be of therapeutic use in a variety of acute
higher CRP levels either directly or indirectly and chronic inflammatory settings.
promote cognitive attrition.7–12,16 While inflammatory cells produce reactive
Our hypothesis is that healthy diets have a oxygen species, oxidative stress per se may
dual effect on both reducing inflammation and have pro-inflammatory effects.20 Specific an-
meliorating neurodegenerative disorders. This tioxidant nutrients, which act mechanistically
paper reviews the evidence for inflammation as to decrease levels of hydrogen peroxide and
the key mechanism in cognitive function and lipid peroxides, may play an important role in
dietary approaches that are anti-inflammatory, suppressing inflammation.21 Many potent di-
with the purpose of unifying the disciplines of etary antioxidants occur in plant fruiting bod-
nutrition, immunity, and neurology. ies, seeds, or roots and contain one or more
phenol groups that contribute to potent antiox-
Diet and Inflammation idant activities presumably selected to protect
the plant germ line. Grapes, apples, many types
It is evident that macronutrients and mi- of berries, pomegranates, green tea, and many
cronutrients in the diet are essential for main- other plant sources are rich in these antioxidant
taining the function of immune cells. Nutrient compounds that often have potent antioxidant
deficiencies adversely affect the immune sys- and anti-inflammatory properties and related
tem. Conversely, one could speculate that a di- health benefits.22 Although studies are limited
etary pattern rich in nutrients with favorable in number, the available evidence strongly in-
anti-inflammatory properties and poor in pro- dicates that a high consumption of vegetables
inflammatory nutrients may protect against and fruits or a diet rich in antioxidants, serum
inflammatory chronic diseases and, of spe- carotenoids, vitamins, fiber, and magnesium
cial interest for this review, neurodegenerative are beneficial in terms of reducing inflamma-
disorders. tion and in particular CRP levels.21,23–25
166 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Dietary Patterns and Lifestyle tioxidants and fiber from fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains. This Western dietary pattern has
More important than single nutrients or been found to be positively associated with pro-
any specific phytochemicals are the foods that inflammatory markers of oxidative stress.31,32
are eaten and the dietary and lifestyle pat- Furthermore, the modern eating patterns of
tern as a whole. Obesity is undoubtedly re- Western societies generate an almost continu-
lated to low-grade chronic inflammation,4 even ous postprandial phase that could be accom-
at early ages.26,27 Adipocytes and monocyte- panied by a possible chronic activation of the
derived macrophages in adipose tissue se- innate immune system throughout most of the
crete pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as in- day.33
terleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha A prudent dietary pattern would be one that
(TNF-α), and these in turn induce hepatic syn- satisfies several if not all strategies for reduc-
thesis of acute-phase proteins, such as CRP.4 ing inflammation and oxidative stress, that is a
Smoking is also related to increased levels of lifestyle characterized by no tobacco use, mod-
inflammation28 ; this positive association may erate physical activity, and a higher intake of
be a reflection of underlying atherosclerotic le- fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, olive
sions or from systemic or nonvascular local in- oil, and fish. One such healthy dietary pat-
flammation. Low-grade inflammation is also tern is the Mediterranean diet, which has been
noted in the presence of the metabolic syn- associated with a lower risk of several forms
drome, which is a constellation of metabolic of cancer, obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension,
abnormalities, such as glucose intolerance, hy- diabetes, coronary heart disease, and overall
pertriglyceridemia, and hypertension, that in- mortality.34–39 As expected, observational stud-
crease the risk of cardiovascular disease as well ies have shown reduced levels of inflammatory
as type II diabetes, with central obesity as a markers in adults adhering to the Mediter-
core component.4 It is alarming to note that in- ranean diet in comparison to those following
flammation and features of the metabolic syn- a Western dietary pattern.40–42 The effects of
drome are already present in childhood, sug- the Mediterranean diet may be the compos-
gesting that the development of inflammation- ite effect of the dietary antioxidants, such as
related chronic diseases is occurring faster than complex phenols, and many other substances
ever.29 Although further studies are needed to with important antioxidant properties, such as
determine the relationship of physical activity olive oil, wine, fruits and vegetables, vitamins C
to low-grade inflammation, it is hypothesized and E, and carotenoids, that are found in high
that some of the benefits of regular physical ac- concentrations in this dietary pattern.43
tivity are from its anti-inflammatory effects.30
It is obviously necessary to take all these fac- Nutrition and Brain Function
tors into consideration when investigating the
relation to disease risk as well as dietary deter- As with any other organ, the brain needs nu-
minants of low-grade inflammation. The im- trients to build and maintain its structure, both
balance that results from obesity and other to function harmoniously and to be protected
features of the metabolic syndrome, smoking, from diseases or premature aging. However, for
and physical inactivity together with an un- many years it was not fully accepted that food
healthy dietary pattern may favor the creation can have an influence on brain structure and
of a pro-inflammatory milieu, which could pro- thus on its functions, including cognitive, intel-
mote disease development or progression. lectual, and mental. Most micronutrients (vita-
Western dietary patterns are characterized mins, minerals, essential amino acids, and es-
as high in refined starches, sugar, and saturated sential fatty acids, including omega-3 PUFAs)
and trans-fatty acids and poor in natural an- have been directly evaluated with regard to
Wärnberg et al.: Nutrition, Inflammation, Cognition 167

cerebral functioning.44,45 In fact, the full ge- cardiovascular events, heart disease and stroke
netic potential of the child for physical growth events during adulthood and up to the age of
and mental development may be compromised 65.51
in the presence of dietary deficiencies (even sub-
clinical). Children and adolescents with poor
nutritional status are prone to alterations of Inflammation and Brain Function
mental and behavioral functions that can, to
a certain extent, be corrected by dietary mea- For many years the brain was regarded as
sures. Indeed, nutrient composition and meal an “immune-privileged” organ, which was not
pattern can exert either immediate or long- susceptible to inflammation or immune acti-
term effects, beneficial or adverse.44–46 vation and was thought to be largely unaf-
Long-chain omega-3 PUFAs, in particular, fected by systemic inflammatory and immune
have been associated with the integrity of the responses. This view has now been revised sig-
central nervous system (CNS) and are essen- nificantly. The rapidly expanding area of re-
tial for neurocognitive development and nor- search known as neuroimmunomodulation ex-
mal brain functioning. Because of the cellular plores the way in which the nervous system
composition of the brain, the lipid content is interacts with the immune system via neural,
high (60%), and long-chain PUFAs are espe- hormonal, and paracrine actions.
cially essential in the formation of new tissue, It has long been known that multiple sclerosis
including neurons and glial cells. Long-chain is an inflammatory disease of the brain, but it is
PUFAs are also involved in axonal myelination only in recent years that it has been suggested
and are key components in synaptic function that inflammation may significantly contribute
where they serve as secondary messengers.47 to diseases, such as stroke, traumatic brain in-
DHA is hypothesized to be particularly im- jury, HIV-related dementia, Alzheimer’s dis-
portant for brain function because it maintains ease (AD), and prion disease.52 Inflammation
an optimal state of neural membranes, ensur- in the brain and its contribution to CNS in-
ing membrane fluidity and thickness that in jury is a relatively new area of research and
turn affects cell signaling.47 Omega-3 PUFAs clinical interest but is now the focus of exten-
also affect neurotransmitter actions, particu- sive investigation, and several excellent reviews
larly the dopaminergic systems of the frontal have been published in recent years.9,52 It is
lobes.48 Thus appropriate prenatal and post- now clear that the brain does respond to pe-
natal supplies of these long-chain PUFAs seem ripheral inflammatory stimuli (through neural
to be essential for normal fetal and neonatal and humoral afferent signals), it integrates and
growth, neurological development, and func- regulates many aspects of the acute-phase re-
tional maturation, including learning and be- sponse, and it exhibits many local inflammatory
havior.46,49 Several studies have shown a pos- responses. However, this does not necessarily
itive correlation between breast feeding and indicate a causal role, and it is important to
cognitive development and several functional investigate the functional consequences of in-
neurological outcomes, including improved at- creased systemic inflammatory markers in the
tention spans and mental processing in chil- CNS.
dren. One explanation for these results is that Inflammation is present in diverse acute
breast milk provides nutrients required for de- and chronic disorders of the CNS. Acute neu-
velopment of the brain, particularly DHA.50 rodegenerative conditions, such as cerebral is-
As long-chain omega-3 PUFAs are also protec- chemia (e.g., stroke) and traumatic brain injury,
tive against vascular disease, one of the major are characterized by rapid and (usually) severe
causes of age-related dementia, it is interesting insults to the brain that lead to a substantial loss
to note that childhood IQ seems to be related to of nerve cells with associated functional deficits.
168 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

There are substantial data demonstrating the “Normal” aging accompanies chronic low-
active involvement of inflammatory processes grade inflammation as well as many behavioral
in these diseases. Chronic CNS diseases have a changes do, including both motor and cogni-
more complex etiology than acute injuries and tive declines. This could support the hypothesis
are generally multifactorial, with environmen- that higher inflammatory markers are associ-
tal factors and genetic background contribut- ated with greater atrophy than expected for
ing to the development and progression of the age.66,67 There is a growing body of litera-
disease.9,52–54 All these factors also contribute ture assessing the associations between CRP
to CNS inflammation, which is further exacer- and cognitive performance. The occurrence
bated by aging. of elevated systemic inflammatory markers in
CRP has been shown to be directly neuro- patients in comparison to healthy peers sug-
toxic.55 Neurons can generate CRP and other gests that inflammation at least participates in
pentraxins, which will promote induction of the amplification of the disease state. A meta-
neuronal pro-apoptotic pathways and play a analysis of six studies examining CRP and cog-
role in neurodegenerative disorders.56–58 In ad- nition concluded that higher levels of CRP were
dition to the pro-inflammatory response that predictive of cognitive decline and dementia.9
may cause direct neuronal damage, raised CRP Growing evidence also implicates oxida-
concentrations indirectly, by acting as a cardio- tive damage in the pathogenesis of AD, with
vascular risk factor causing cerebral atheroscle- neurons at risk for AD degeneration having in-
rosis, may result in cerebral macro-angiopathy creased lipid peroxidation, nitration, free car-
(i.e., large observable stroke) or cerebral micro- bonyls, and nucleic acid oxidation.68 Both ox-
angiopathy (i.e., leukoaraiosis). Both types of le- idative damage and inflammation begin early
sions disrupt the integrity of frontal-subcortical in AD, accompanying amyloid accumulation
circuits and are responsible for the develop- and neurodegeneration, and it has been sug-
ment of cognitive impairment, dementia, and gested that increased plasma levels of inflam-
probably also depressive disorders.59–61 Among matory proteins are present before the clinical
other markers of chronic inflammation, spe- onset of dementia, AD, and vascular demen-
cific cytokines (most notably IL-1β but also IL- tia.63,69
6 and TNF-α), α1 antichymotrypsin, or white If increases in sensitivity to oxidative stress
blood cell counts have been implicated in acute and inflammation in the aged brain lead to
neurodegeneration, such as head injury and motor and cognitive deficits and under cer-
stroke,52,62 and have been associated with de- tain circumstances can lead to alterations in
mentia and depression.63,64 brain morphology and cognitive diseases, such
as AD, the problem becomes one of reduc-
Cognitive Decline and Dementia ing the vulnerability of the brain to these
processes. One approach to preventing or
Inflammation has been found to play a key reversing these would be through improved
role in different types of dementia, especially of nutrition.
the AD type. AD is characterized by the pro-
gressive inability to form new memories and Dietary Prevention
access existing ones as a result of neuronal of Cognitive Decline
cell death in the hippocampus and frontal cor-
tex. CNS inflammation in AD and similarly Of interest when proposing the possi-
in vascular dementia is characterized by reac- ble role of anti-inflammatory components in
tive microglia and elevated IL-1β and com- the diet for the prevention of AD is the
plement factors as well as CRP, IL-6, and fact that the risk of developing AD is re-
TNF-α.8,16,53,56,65 duced by antioxidants70,71 and by nonsteroidal
Wärnberg et al.: Nutrition, Inflammation, Cognition 169

anti-inflammatory drugs.16,72 In epidemiolog- tality in AD.87,88 The Mediterranean diet is

ical studies of human populations and experi- a composite of dietary antioxidant and di-
ments in animal models of neurodegenerative etary anti-inflammatory compounds, and this
disorders, the plethora of natural antioxidants could, at least partially, explain the associa-
found in plant food matrices possess neuropro- tion with these outcomes. Another possible
tective as well as cardioprotective and chemo- mechanism is that the Mediterranean diet may
protective properties.73–78 Many articles have be exerting its protective effect against AD
been published reporting the neuroprotective through cardiovascular–cerebrovascular mech-
effects of fruits (especially berry fruits), veg- anisms and hence lower disease risk.89
etables, and grains, which are rich sources of It is important to note that it is not only di-
antioxidant compounds and phytochemicals, etary changes that may be important in reduc-
including α-tocopherol, vitamin E, selenium, ing risk and consequences of disease. Avoid-
lycopene, resveratrol, bilobalide, and ginseno- ing chronic stress situations and increasing
sides.75,76,79 physical activity and exercise (including men-
The neuroprotective effects of various phyto- tal exercise) are also important and can mod-
chemicals are most probably from their ability ify the course of cognitive decline and delay
to reduce oxidative stress levels. Notable among mortality.90–93
these are resveratrol from red wine, the green
tea catechins, and the turmeric extract cur-
cumin, which have been intensively studied for The Metabolic Syndrome,
their potential to prevent or treat disease and Diabetes, and Obesity
are worthy of consideration in relation to AD.80
Neurons and synapses are highly enriched in Of the various aspects of the metabolic syn-
long-chain PUFAs, the most vulnerable of these drome (including abdominal obesity, hyperten-
being DHA. Because DHA is heavily concen- sion, hyperglycemia, insulin insensitivity, and
trated in neurons, its oxidation products are dyslipidemia), those most likely to adversely af-
a good index of neuronal oxidative damage. fect cognitive function seem to be hypertension
Based on the observation that low serum lev- and glucose intolerance.94 A common feature
els of DHA could be a risk factor for AD and of many of these conditions is systemic inflam-
that PUFAs protect neurons directly by pre- mation, which contributes to most, if not all,
venting neuronal apoptosis and suppressing the of the conditions of the metabolic syndrome.
production of neurotoxic TNF, a large number Several lines of mechanistic evidence implicate
of studies have demonstrated that these fatty insulin and glucose metabolism in the risk of
acids might be beneficial in AD and other de- developing dementia, including AD. One of
mentias.81–85 It is also known that long-chain the mechanisms might be that inflammation
PUFAs are protective against vascular disease, promotes atherothrombosis and attenuates ni-
one of the other major causes of age-related tric oxide production, thereby inhibiting an-
dementia, which suggests that supplementation giogenesis.3 This has important implications
of these fatty acids is a potential primary pre- given that the frontal lobes have less collateral
vention measure. Of special interest is a study circulation than the rest of the brain and there-
suggesting that AA and DHA supplementation fore would be more susceptible to microvascu-
can improve the cognitive dysfunction that is lar disease. Vascular dementia and hyperten-
caused by organic brain damage or aging (not sion are two conditions associated with frontal
AD).86 lobe dysfunction.95–97 Data examining the as-
Greater adherence to the Mediterranean sociation between CRP and stroke, although
diet has been associated with a lower risk available, are relatively sparse in compari-
of developing AD and with reducing mor- son with coronary heart disease or combined
170 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

vascular events. A systematic review assessing which may begin to explain the behavioral re-
the association between CRP and stroke, cogni- sponses to disease, such as fatigue and depres-
tive disorders, and depression9 concluded that sion, and how psychological states can influ-
high concentrations of CRP are associated with ence susceptibility to disease and subsequent
increased risk of stroke and cognitive impair- recovery.52 It has even been proposed that pro-
ment. In this context, the ability of specific inflammatory cytokines might cause depres-
CRP-lowering aspects of lifestyle changes, such sive illness.82,116 Nevertheless, we should bear
as diet and exercise, to synergistically modulate in mind that the relationships are not consis-
cardiovascular disease risk and cognitive im- tent across all existing population-based cross-
pairment is becoming increasingly recognized. sectional studies and a causal process cannot be
The cognitive problems associated with dia- concluded.9 Interestingly, antipsychotic drugs
betes have been traditionally assumed to be a have long been known to be immunomodula-
result of atherosclerosis. There are, however, tory, targeting cytokine networks, and raising
many mechanisms through which diabetes the possibility of an alternative mechanistic ex-
could increase the risk of dementia, including planation for the actions of these agents.52,108
glycemia, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, ad- Dietary supplementation with DHA and
vanced glycation end products, inflammatory EPA has long been used for the treatment
cytokines, and microvascular and macrovascu- or amelioration of several psychiatric disor-
lar disease.98,99 Given the high vulnerability of ders.82,117,118 The potential mechanism behind
the hippocampus, low-grade metabolic insults this is the restoration of plasma concentra-
may, in the long run, lead to damage and vol- tions of PUFAs in postpartum-depressed pa-
ume loss, especially in the presence of elevated tients to the levels of healthy controls.119,120
cortisol levels. The fact that juvenile diabetics Nevertheless, only a few large studies have re-
have cognitive deficits, even after accounting ported an inverse relationship between dietary
for hypoglycemic episodes and years of dia- omega-3 PUFAs or fish intake and depres-
betes prior to any evidence of cardiovascular sion or personality traits, such as anxiety or
disease,100 suggests that diabetes itself may have hostility121–124 (with stronger associations seen
a direct role in contributing to memory impair- among women), while other studies have not
ments. Furthermore, prospective studies of di- shown any significant differences.125,126 There
abetics have demonstrated that improvements is a need for further large longitudinal studies
in glucose tolerance were associated with cog- that include both men and women to assess the
nitive improvements.101 Interestingly, there is potential protective role of fish and omega-3
now an expanding body of literature linking consumption against depression.
cognitive deficits with obesity, independent of
the other metabolic dysregulations previously
mentioned,102–106 although not all studies con- Summary
firm these results.107
Epidemiological evidence indicates that in-
Psychiatric Disorders and Personal Traits creased inflammation, and in particular CRP
concentrations, are associated with neurode-
More recently some psychiatric disorders, generative disorders and perhaps also some
such as depression and anxiety, have been psychiatric diseases as well as indices of
added to the list of diseases that have inflam- metabolic and cardiovascular health. Never-
mation as a possible factor in disease develop- theless, proof of causality can only be estab-
ment, progression, and/or prevention.108–115 It lished by showing that lowering inflamma-
is accepted that the brain coordinates and regu- tory markers can prevent these problems. Al-
lates many aspects of the host defense response, though a healthy dietary pattern significantly
Wärnberg et al.: Nutrition, Inflammation, Cognition 171

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