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Comparative Genomic Hybridization:

Uses and Limitations

PeterLichter, St&n Joos,Murtim Bentz; und St$an Lmnpel

Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) has contributed significantly to the current knowledge of genomic
alterations in hematologic malignancies. Characteristic patterns of genomic imbalances not only have
confirmed recent classification schemes in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, but they provide a basis for the
successful identification of genes with previously unrecognized pathogenic roles in the development of
different lymphomas. Based on its technical limitations, there is little reason to apply CGH to chromosomes of
metaphase cells in routine diagnostic settings. However, the new approach of CGH to DNA microarrays, a
procedure termed matrix-CGH, overcomes most of the limitations and opens new approaches for diagnostics
and identification of genetically defined leukemia and lymphoma subgroups. Current efforts to develop
leukemia specific matrix-CGH DNA chips, which are designed to meet the clinical needs, are presented and
Semin Hematol37:348357. Copyright 0 2000 by W.B. Saunders Company.

T HE DEVELOPMENT of comparative ge-

nomic hybridization (CGH) wasdriven by the
need for tools that allow genome-widescreeningfor
tained from CGH analysis of these entities. In
accordancewith this view, the large body of data on
chromosome aberrations in cancer revealed by the
chromosomealterations,independentof the availabil- analysisof banded chromosomesis basedmainly on
ity of metaphasecellsin the specimento be investi- hematologic malignancies,48 whiie only one tenth of
gated. For many tumors, dividing cellsare difhcult if the published CGH studies concern leukemiasor
not impossible to obtain. For CGH analysis of lymphomas.22,40,41,75 Second, for many leukemias
tumors, whole genomesof tumor cells and control and lymphomas, highly characteristic chromosome
cells are used as probes for fluorescence in situ translocations and inversions have been observed,
hybridization (FISH) against chromosomesof nor- which appearto play a pivotal role in diseaseetiology.
mal metaphasecells.The method allowsthe detection As most of these aberrations are balanced-not
of gainsand losses of chromosomalregionswithin the accompaniedby lossor gain of material-they arenot
tumor genome by the comparison of hybridization detectedby CGH.
signalintensities.20~33-35The potential for a genome- However, asoutlined below,CGH hascontributed
wide screeningwithout prior knowledge of specific greatly to our current knowledge of genomic alter-
regionsof interest triggeredmultiple CGH studiesof ations in leukemiasand lymphomas. It has not only
tumors.22,40,41,75Initially CGH was considered as provided new evidence for the classificationof non-
tool for the analysis of solid tumors rather than Hodgkin’slymphomasbut alsoallowedelucidation of
hematogic malignancies, mainly for two reasons. diseasemechanismsby defining previously unrecog-
First, cytogenetic analysisof leukemiasand lympho- nized recurrent genomic imbalances,ultimately lead-
masby chromosomebanding and FISH wasalready ing to the identification of a number of genesthat
well advanced.Therefore, many investigatorsdid not play a pathogenic role in the respective type of
anticipate that sufficiently novel data would be ob- neoplasia.

From the Abteilung Organisation komplacer Genome, Deutscbes

Krebsforscbungxzentrum,Heideberrg, Germany; and the Abteilung Technical Aspects
Innere Medizin III, Universit& Ulm, Urn, GernunJ Apart from the optimization of the CGH proto-
Addressreprint requeststo Peter Lichter, PbD, Abt. Ovganisation
col 5~18~19,35,38)45*7
two relevant technical problems
komphwr Genome, Deutxbes Krebsforscbungszentm, Im Neuen-
beimer Feti280, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany. had to be addressed,which areequally important with
Copyright 0 2000 b WB. Saunbs Company respectto the analysisof solid tumors or hematologic
0037-1963/00/3704-0004$10.00/0 neoplasias:application of CGH (1) to small samples
doi:l 0.1053/bem.2000.16594 and (2) to formalin-fixed paraffin-embeddedspeci-

348 Seminars in Hematology, Vo137, No 4 (October), 2000:~~ 348-357

Usesand Limitations of CGH 349

mens. Because CGH relies on the presence of at least Table 2. Genes in Amplicons Originally Identified by CGH

35% tumor cell~,‘~ many studies require physical Region Gene Hematologic Disease
enrichment by cell sorting or by microdissection of
tissue sections, both methods yielding only small 2p12-p16 REL DLBCL (including stom-
ach, PMBCL)
numbers of cells that can be used for the investigation.
2p23-p24 MYCN MCL, Burkitt’s lymphoma
Hod&i&/Reed-Sternberg cells scattered throughout 3q26-q27 BCL6 MZBCL
a tissue section serve as a particularly demanding 8q24 MYC AML, DLBCL, FL, MCL
example, where due to the genetic heterogeneity the 91324 JAK2 HD, PMBCL
analysis should be performed ideally at the single cell llq23-qter ETSl, FL/l, AML
level.31,55 In order to perform CGH from small SRPR, NFRKB,
samples, genomic DNA needs to be amplified by a KCNJ.5
protocol that maintains sequence representation as 12~13 CCNDZ CLL
12q12-q14 GLI, CDK4, DLBCL
much as possible. The universal polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) protocol, termed degenerate oligo- 12q13-q14 GLI FL
nucleotide-primed PCR (DOP-PCR),70 was opti- 14q31-q32 IGH CLL
mized and has been widely used for this pur- 18q12 BCL2 DLBCL, MZBCL, MC

pose. 43,64,67Nevertheless, careful evaluation uncovered Abbreviations: DLBCL, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma;
the risk of false-positive CGH data when DOP-PCR PMBCL, primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma; MCL, mantle
is applied to only one or a very few cells. A recently zone lymphoma; MZBCL, marginal zone B-cell lymphoma;
published amplification procedure39 promises to over- AML, acute myeloid leukemia; FL, follicular lymphoma; HD,
Hodgkin disease.
come this problem, since single-cell CGH has been
successful using this protocol in carefully controlled aberrationsdetectedby other means.However, several
studies. It is a common problem of CGH studies that studiesuncovered an unexpected frequency of high-
many tissue samples are formalin-fixed and parafhn- level amplifications. For example, the existence of
embedded, yielding genomic DNA of suboptimal double-minute chromosomes,a cytogenetic hallmark
quality, especially from archived specimens are investi- for gene amplification, in a subsetof acute myeloid
gated. Fixation conditions have been tested exten- leukemiashasbeenknown but there wasno evidence
sively in many laboratories,29J46,67resulting in practi- for geneamplification in chronic lymphocytic leuke-
cal recommendations, in particular to use only buffered mia (CLL). This phenomenon is particularly striking
formalin and to restrict the duration of the fixation for non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas: while the catalog of
process to 1 day. chromosome aberrations basedon banding studies
lists only 19 cytogenetic markersfor gene amplifica-
Analysis of Hematologic Neoplasias tion in 3,500 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma c~e.s,~*
comprehensiveanalysesby CGH discoveredamplifi-
Publications of CGH of hematologic malignancies cations in some 10% of the these lymphomas.41~72
are listed in Table 1. At first glance, in most leukemias, Focal high-level amplificationsareidealfor the identi-
the observed losses and low copy number gains are in fication of amplified genes,becausethe number of
agreement with previously reported chromosome possiblecandidatesparticipating in the amplicon is
small,thus allowing a rapid testof the copy number of
Table 1. Publications of CGH in Hematologic Neoplasias candidate genesby Southern blot analysis,quantita-
tive PCR, or FISH. To assess the pathogenicrole of an
Disease References
amplified gene, it is mandatory to perform subse-
Myeloid leukemia, myelodys- 8, 15,21, 23,28,49, quent expressionanalysisat the RNA and protein
plastic syndrome 53, 69, 73 levels, as well as to determine possible effects on
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 24,37, 44, 56, 74 factors downstream or upstream in the biochemical
Chronic B-cell leukemia 9,36,54, 72
Myeloma, plasmacytoma 1,3,14
pathways in which the respectivefactors function.
Non-Hodgkin’s lympoma 2,4,6, 7,10,12, 13, Table2 listsall oncogenesidentified sofar asamplified
16,27,32,50-52, genesin hematologic malignancies,basedon CGH
60-62,65, 71, 72 study and subsequentverification of their participa-
Hodgkin’s disease 31,55
tion in the amplicon by other means.
350 Lichter et aL

Many of these genes were previously not known to recently this lesion has also been found in a CGH
play a role in the respective tumor type. For example, study of Hodgkin disease (HD) . Despite the genomic
there had been no indication of the involvement of imbalances detected by CGH in PMBL and HD, the
the MYCN oncogene in any lymphoma, although it genetic make-up of both neoplasmas seems- to be
is well known to be highly amplified in advanced sirr~ilar.~~An emerging picture from the summaries of
neuroblastoma and a few other tumors. Furthermore, CGH studies is that not only individual imbalances
interesting details of the mechanisms involved in the but patterns of commonly occurring changes are
development of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas were re- characteristic for a particular tumor type. Several
vealed. For example, it is well known that the studies have addressed the question whether such
translocation t(14;18) in folk&r lymphoma results patterns might even be associated with the localization
in the juxtaposition of the BCL2 gene on chromo- of the lymphoma in the body. For example, the
some band 18q2 1 and the enhancer of the immuno- heterogeneous group of DLBCL is believed to con-
globulin heavy chain gene locus, by which BCL2 tain, in addition to the already recognized PBML,25
becomes aberrantly overexpressed or constitutively more distinct subgroups. Characteristic imbalances
expressed. In difI&e large B-cell lymphoma, BCL2 is identified in primary central nervous system lympho-
overexpressed by an alternative mechanism, increase mas might point to such a subgroup within the
of the gene copy number through amplification.50 DLBCL.“*a71 It will be interesting to see to what
Interestingly, in a recent CGH study of diflke large extent patterns detected by CGH allow further differ-
B-cell lymphoma at different locations in the body, entiation of subentities within the current non-
high level amplifications of distal 18q were identified, Hodgkin’s lymphoma classification and whether the
particularly in the central nervous system, but BCL2 anatomical site can be correlated with the genetic
does not participate in the amplicons.71 The great make-up of the respective tumor cells.
potential of CGH studies to identify genes with Many human leukemias and lymphomas exhibit
oncogenic capacity is not restricted to amplified characteristic chromosome rearrangements (transloca-
regions. Our own studies in mantle cell lymphoma tions or inversions), which can serve as critical param-
might serve as an example: genome-wide screening by eter for their classification. The known chromosome
CGH revealed a set of unbalanced chromosome aberrations in hematologic neoplasias have been com-
regions, which were the basis for subsequent compre- piled: chromosome translocations and inversions,
hensive interphase FISH analyses.lO Fine mapping of such as balanced rearrangements which are character-
a recurrent deletion on chromosome 1 lq identified istic for a lymphoma entity, are primary, while
the ATM gene as a possible candidate,6* which was evidence of genomic imbalances are additional alter-
subsequently verified by detailed mutation analyses.63 ations.3o Many of the secondary changes are associ-
Classification of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas has ated with clinical tumor progression. In agreement
been an area of clinical importance. The most recently with this observation is the finding that several of the
revised European American lymphoma (REAL) clas- translocations do not lead to increased tumor inci-
sification25 integrates molecular genetic data with dence in transgenic mouse models; additional genetic
morphologic and immunologic criteria for the first changes must occur for the development of a fully
time. In this classification, a number of non- malignant phenotype. In the light of this concept,
Hodgkin’s lymphoma types are listed with the indica- with increasing amount of CGH data on non-
tion that they are likely composed of several subenti- Hodgkin’s lymphomas, it will be interesting to see
ties. Wtth regard to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma whether genomic imbalances ultimately correlate with
(DLBCL), the primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma clinical parameters and have prognostic relevance.
(PMBL) was already recognized as a subentity in this
classification scheme. CGH analysis of a series of
PMBL provided striking evidence for the distinction
of this lymphoma entity; for example, the gain of Because CGH can measure only differences in copy
chromosome 9p is present in about 50% of the cases number, rearrangements not associated with loss or
while this alteration is extremely rare in any other gain of material are not detectable. To uncover such
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma type,31 (Bentz M, Barth alterations, it is mandatory to apply alternative meth-
TFE, Brtiderlein S, et al, submitted). However, more ods (described in this issue). In this regard, application
Usesand Limitaticms of CGH 351

of chromosome banding and multicolor chromo- To circumvent both problems,it wasimperative to

somepainting by FISH is limited to thosecasesfrom replace metaphasechromosomesas targets for the
which adequatemetaphasecell preparations can be comparative in situ hybridization. Thus, a chip-based
obtained. While this problem can be overcome by CGH approach termed “matrix-CGH” has been
interphasecytogeneticsor molecularanalysisof break- developedG6producing not only a higher resolution
points, such approachesdepend on prior knowledge but alsoproviding a basisfor automated analysesof
of the potential rearrangementsto be investigated. genomic imbalances.In this method, the chromo-
It is important to stressthat CGH data provide an some targets are substituted by well-defined DNA
averageof imbalances:they are representativeof a fragments cloned in various vectors, which are then
major proportion of the cell population under investi- immobilized on a glasssurfacein order to generatea
gation. The advantage is that the risk of analyzing microarray with each clone at a well-defined posi-
only a small cell clone which may not be representa- tion.57J9a66 To obtain reproduciblepositioning of the
tive of the tumor is minimized, but there is no respective DNA clone, a robotic device is used.
measureof the degree of heterogeneity within the Currently, a variety of arraying robots areavailablefor
tumor, and a subclone-ne with additional genomic the generationof microarraysfrom ink jets to pin and
alterations giving rise to metastasis-may escape capillary-basedprinting systems.The robot delivers
analysis. dropletsof DNA solutionwith a volume of lessthan 1
While a fay laboratoriesconfirm their chromo- nL. Although ink-jetting systemsare accurate, they
some analysisin acute lymphoblastic leukemia by aregenerallyslowerand might therefore be lesssuited
CGH, the method has not entered the domain of for large-scalemicroarrays. Furthermore, the fine
routine diagnostics. The procedure is technically needles of such systems may clog when high-
demandingand providesonly limited resolution;with molecularweight DNA, suchasP1 artificial chromo-
standardprotocols, low copy number gainsand losses some(PAC) or bacterialartificial chromosome(BAC)
suchastrisomiesand deletionsaredetectedonly when DNA, is usedfor arraying. More recently, a number
the unbalancedregion is at least 10 Mb.1’z35A more of robust arraying robots have becomecommercially
labor-intensive alternative protocol reportedly results available,which rely on the commonly usedsplit pin
in resolution of up to 3 Mb.38 For the detection of systemsof printing. While the market situation is
high-level amplifications, 2 Mb (product of oopy constantly changing, useful systemscan be found via
number and amplicon size) are required.33J8Thus, compilations on internet pages (see, for example,
even the smallestpossibleunbalancedregion detected http://www. mpiz-koeh. weissbaa/Adis/
by chromosomalCGH consistsof a DNA segmentof DNA-arrdy--links. htm I).
considerablesize harboring many genespotentially Evaporation of the dropletsshould be allowed at a
playing a pathogenic role in the diseaseunder investi- humidity that facilitatesdelayed drying. This proce-
gation. dure results in spots typically 100 to 300 E;Lmin
diameter, although with specializedpins smallerspots
may be obtained. Following the arraying procedure,
Matrix-CGH the DNA is fixed and denatured. The chips are
The restrictionsof CGH are due mainly to the useof hybridized simultaneouslywith differentially labeled
metaphase chromosomes as hybridization targets. test and control DNAs (Fig 1) followed by stringent
Individual chromosomesneed to be identified before washing.Evaluation of the fluorescencesignalson the
measurement of fluorescence intensity ratios. Al- chips is performed by image analyses.For this pur-
though there are computerized algorithms for the pose,imagesfrom the entire DNA-chip areacquired,
identification of chromosomes,electronically gener- using either confocal laser scannerdevices or high
ated karyotypes still need to be carefully reassessed
by apertureopticswith a chargedcoupled device (CCD)
well-trained personnel. This necessity restricts the camera. While at first custom-built, a few good
potential for automation of CGH and prohibits its systemshave recently becomecommercially available
application in high-throughput analyses.As outlined (seeweb addressabove).The important criteria for the
above, the limited resolutionisalsoinherent to the use suitability of read-out devicesinclude (1) the quality
of metaphasechromosomesas the read-out due to of the separationof the fluorescencesignalsof differ-
their degreeof DNA condensation. ent wavelengths (separation of the two channels
352 Lid&r et al

measuredsignalsand, thus, affecting the ratios of

fluorescencesignals;and (3) repetitive DNA present
in the probe solution still contributes to a small
“background” despite the nearly complete suppres-
sion of their hybridization in standardprotocols. To
facilitate an accurate classificationof the representa-
tion of a certain DNA sequence,we usea statistical
procedure in which independent measurementsfor
each target are analyzed. Following an automated
statistical procedure for the assessmentof control
Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the principles of chromo- signals,normalization, ratio calculation and classifica-
somal CGH and of matrix-CGH. For matrix-CGH, the meta- tion have been automated resulting in the label
phase chromosomes as targets are replaced by a matrix of
“underrepresented, ” “overrepresented,”or “balanced”
microarrayed DNA fragments. A simultaneous hybridization
of test and control DNA results in fluorescence intensity for each target-DNA on the final print-out (Lampel
ratios, indicating gains and losses of the respective genomic S, Gottel D, Lichter P,et al, in preparation).
material within the test genome.

required to be read-out); and (2) sensitivity and Current Status

linearity of the detection systemsto allow accurate The resolution of matrix-CGH is defined by the
quantitative measurements of the fluorescencein both complexity of the selectedtarget DNAs. In an initial
channels. The latter criterion applies especially to setof experiments,we analyzedtumors that contained
matrix-CGH, sinceit is more demanding than other deletionsthat were presentby interphasecytogenetics
chip techniquesassubtlefluorescenceratio differences but were too small to be detected by chromosomal
need to be reliably scored.In theory, the maximum CGH.G6 Applying matrix-CGH with a contig of
ratio differencesfor low copy number changesis 0.5 DNAs from the region of interest (13q14) cloned
(0.5 for a deletion and 1.5 for a trisomy comparedto into PAC vectors, the genomic imbalancescould be
1.0 for a balanced state). In practice, these ratio found reliably (Fig 2). Thus, by matrix-CGH, a
differencesare considerably smaller because(1) the resolution is achievedwhich is at leasttwo orders of
test specimen rarely consistsof a cell population magnitude better than routine chromosomalCGH.
which is homogeneousregarding genomic imbal- Low copy number gainsand lossesare reliably scored
ances; (2) the hybridization procedure inherently with genomic DNA fragments in the size range of
resultsin backgroundfluorescencecontributing to the fragmentscloned in Pl , PAC, or BAC vectors (about

13q14 -
II I 413525 ----
PAc273P3 - PACs

Figure 2. Example of a fine mapping analysis of a deletion using matrix-CGH. Individual DNA fragments of a PAC-contig were
arrayed as target for a CGH experiment. Signal ratios obtained in 2 tumor cases (indicated by light and dark shades) are
displayed. Ratios of ~1.0 indicate a balanced situation in the tumor DNA, as expected for the disomic side of the breakpoint.
Across the deleted region the fluorescence intensity ratios measured are ~0.6 indicating loss of genomic sequences. The
resolution of deletion detection in this particular experiment is defined by the smallest PAC clone, which is 75 kb.
Usesand Limitations of CGH 353

100 kb or greater),57~66 while high-level amplification ing telomeric bands in families with unexplained
is detectablewith targetsonly severalkilobasesin size. mental retardation or dysmorphic featuresare associ-
The use of severalsmaller fragments from one ge- atedwith gain and lossof genomicmaterial, it may be
nomic region astargetsalsoallowsa reliablescoringof of interest to usematrix CGH asa screeningtool and
low copy number differencesby applying statistical asan alternative to FISH approachesunder develop-
means.Recently, an impressiveresolution has been ment. Additionally, matrix-CGH might be a suitable
reported by the successfulapplication of cDNA arrays technique to study the extent of genomicduplications
for the assessment of DNA copy numbers.59 and deletions that have occurred during evolution
DNA chipswith arrayedfragmentsapproximately and that seem to exist as polymorphisms within
100 kb in size, derived from a set of contiguously populations.
mapped DNAs, can be usedto study microdeletions In the near future, we will likely seethe develop-
or overrepresentations.Such arrayed contigs are an ment of genomic chips “a la carte,” designedto meet
ideal tool to facilitate gene hunting efforts in tumor specific diagnostic needsfocusing on selectedsubre-
genetics;hybridization of a seriesof tumors contain- gions of the human genome. Arrayed DNA frag-
ing a recurrent deletion or amplification allowsidenti- ments of contiguousgenomic DNA will allow identi-
fication the smallestcommon region of gain or loss fication of critical unbalancedregionsto support gene
rapidly. The feasibility of this approach has recently hunting efforts; they may alsobe targeted to analyze
beendemonstratedusingthe variablehigh-levelampli- suspectedmicrodeletion syndromes.Alternatively, tar-
fications on 20q13.2 in breastcancer,for example.57 get DNA sequencescould be selected which are
Thus, matrix-CGH might become the method of known to be associatedwith the development or
choice for bridging the gap between chromosome progressionof certain tumor types. If they are of
regionsmore than 10 Mbp in size, identified by loss prognostic relevance,they could become important
of heterozygosity or cytogenetics to be crucial in tools in the designof treatment strategies.
tumor pathogenesis,and positional cloning strategies,
which are feasiblewhen the region of interest is Matrix-CGH Chips Specific for Hematologic
confined to a segmentof approximately 1 Mbp or Diseases
smaller. As outlined above, the analysisof genomic alterations
in hematologic neoplasia has revealed numerous
Prospective Chip Designs specific changesin copy number of chromosome
With the expectedcompletion of the physicalmap of bands, arms, or of entire chromosomes.These find-
the human genomeon the level of fragmentscloned ings support identification of subgroupswithin cer-
in cosmid, Pl, PAC, and BAC vectors, it seems tain types of tumors or, if the changesareof predictive
reasonableto predict the development of a whole value, have the potential to contribute to the individu-
human genomematrix-CGH chip. A first generation alization of therapy. For example, in B-cell chronic
of such a chip likely will consist of more than 500 lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL), the recurrent aberra-
target fragments to achievea resolution that is about tions are losseswithin bands 6q21, 1lq22-q23,
the standard of Giemsa banded chromosomes.The 13q14, and 17~13, aswell asgains of bands 3q26,
analysisof a cell population containing a homoge- 8q24, and 12q13-q21, some of which are closely
neously stained region (HSR) or double-minute associatedwith the clinical course, particularly re-
chromosomes,both cytogenetic hallmarks for gene sponse to therapy and survival.‘7 Comprehensive
amplification, would immediately revealthe genomic clinical studieswill be required to assess the value of
sequences participating in the amplicon. Conversely, thesegenetic markersfor the stratification of patient
deletionswould be detectedwith high resolution by a groupssubjectedto di&rent treatment protocols. It is
singlehybridization. Thus, matrix-CGH with awhole therefore mandatory to develop a rapid and reliable
genome chip would be an ideal tool to screenfor diagnostic test to analyze all relevant genomic alter-
regions of microdeletions or small gains previously ations of B-CLL. We have focused on the develop-
unidentified, particularly useful for the analysisof ment of matrix-CGH DNA chipsfor the diagnosisof
caseswith suspectedchromosomalaberrationsbut a the most recurrent genomic imbalancesin hemato-
normal karyotype. Sincethe cryptic aberrationsinvolv- logic malignanciessuch as B-CLL. Genomic DNA
Licbter et al

Figure 3. (A) Architecture of a matrix-CGH chip for the detection of genetic imbalances in B-CLL. Test and control targets are
flanked by control clusters (indicated) monitoring specificity of hybridization and suppression and determining signal noise.
(B) Detection of a high copy number amplification within a tumor sample. Target #85, containingthe human MYCgene, is part
of the amplicon, whereas the adjacent target #83 participates only in part to the amplicon. Note that the MYC amplification is
easily scored by visual inspection, whereas low copy number gains and losses are evaluated by dedicated image analysis
procedures only. The fluorescence images of test (green) and control (red) probe DNA were pseudocolored and overlayed for
illustration purposes.

sequences derived from the respective regions were Automated high-resolution genome-wide screen-
selected, isolated, and arrayed on a dedicated B-CLL ing for chromosomal imbalances can be envisioned as
matrix-CGH chip. While the first generation of this a diagnostic standard supplementing or even partly
chip yielded a specificity and sensitivity of approxi- substituting for current diagnostic procedures relying
mately 95%, a second-generation chip has now been on examination of chromosome preparations. Re-
developed to improve its robustness and reliability To cently, the successful application of cDNA arrays for
this aim, additional targets from the relevant genomic the assessment of DNA copy numbers has been
regions were included to further increase the redun- reported. s9 In principal, this provides the possibility of
dancy of information further. This chip contains using the same chip design for the identification of
more than 80 diierent targets routinely spotted in 10 genomic as well as transcript imbalances. Thus, it
replicas each (Fig 3); its reliability is currently being becomes feasible to gain information of the copy
assessed. number and the activity of the same genes within a
A more precise level of analysis could be reached by given cell population.
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