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Of Speech
Grammar 1
Kampung Inggris E-PLC Bandung
01 (Kata Ganti)
I, you, we, they, she, --------

02 (Kata Sifat)
Good, fussy, curious, -------

03 (Kata Benda)
Car, book, prn, horse, -------
1. Pronouns (kata ganti)

Subject Object Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun Reflexive

I Me My (boyfriend) Mine boyfriend Myself
You You Your (boyfriend) Yours Yourself/yourselves
We Us Our (boyfriend) Ours Ourselves
They Them Their (boyfriend) Theirs Themselves
He Him His (boyfriend) His Himself
She Her Her (boyfriend) Hers Herself
It It 2015
Its (color) 2017
Its 2019

Subject – diletakan sebelum verb.

Object – diletakan setelah verb. Possessive Adjective –
- selalu diikuti kata benda. Possessive Pronoun – tidak
 He loves her. - boleh diikuti kata benda.
 She loves him.  He is my boyfriend. -
 She forgets us.  It is her car.  He is mine.
 We forget her.  This is my computer.  It is his.
 That is our house.  This computer is theirs.
 That house is ours.
Reflexive pronoun – kata ganti yang menunjukan
perbuatan mengenai kepada diri sendiri. Myself (saya sendiri)
Yourself (kamu sendiri)
Ourselves (kita sendiri)
Reflexive pronoun memiliki Themselves (mereka sendiri)
beberapa fungsi: Himself (dia (lk) sendiri)
Herself (dia (prp) sendiri)
Itself (itu sendiri)
Sebagai objek biasa (di
letakkan setelah Verb) : Untuk menekankan
subjek: 3.
 You know yourself.
 I hate myself.  I myself saw you Jika didahului ‘by’ mempunyai
Reflexive  She can help herself. yesterday. arti sendiri (alone):
 We love ourselves.  You yourself know it.
 He himself went out.  I do it by myself.
 We ourselves hate it.  She drew it by herself.
 They come by themselves.
 We saw it by ourselves.
Contoh kata sifat biasa:
2. Adjective (kata sifat)  Beautiful
 Small
 Long
 White
Apabila kata benda (noun) disifati dengan lebih dari satu kata sifat (adjectives), maka adjectives tersebut
harus disusun berdasarkan urutan dibawah ini:

Determiner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Poss. Adj General Specific Size Shape Age Color Nationality Material
Dem. Adj opinion opinion

 A nice handsome young man

 A big black American car
 That horrible big fierce dog
Kata bendanya
selalu diletakkan
paling belakang
Some adjectives give a general opinion. We can use these adjectives to describe
almost any noun:
good nice awful
bad beautiful important
lovely brilliant wonderful
strange excellent nasty

Some adjectives give a specific opinion. We only use these adjectives to describe
particular kinds of noun, for example:

Food People, animals

delicious comfortable
tasty uncomfortable
Noun dibedakan berdasarkan
3. Noun (kata benda) wujudnya dan jumlahnya.

Noun berdasarkan wujudnya:

1. Concrete Nouns Noun berdasarkan jumlahnya:

a. Common nouns : book, pen, ruler, bag, ---
b. Proper nouns : Jacky, London, Jakarta, --- 1. Countable Nouns (dapat dihitung – table, eraser, book, ----)
c. Collective nouns : a team, a bundle, a pair, -- a. Singular (satu) : car, boy, lady, potato, memo, calf, fish, ---
- b. Plural (lebih dari satu) : cars, boys, ladies, potatoes,
memos, calves], fish, ---
d. Material nouns : gold, stone, silver, ------
2. Uncountable Nouns (tidak dapat dihitung)
2. Abstract Nouns Agree – agreement
a. Dari verbs: Attend – attendance Food/Drink Feeling/Thinking Things Another Thing
Deliver – delivery
Fruit Love Time Baggage
Complain – complaint
Water Fun Trash/rubbish Travel
Fly - flight
Milk Knowledge Equipment Accommodation
Rice Information Education Nature
Brave – bravery
b. Dari adjectives: Bored – boredom Cheese Help Work Art
Pasta Advice Attention Poetry
Free – freedom
Bread Beauty Furniture Jewelry
Happy – happiness
Poor – poverty
Translate the sentences below into English !!!
1. She has a new boyfriend. ________ name is Don.

2. He ________ did ________ work.

3. Annisa has a rabbit. ________ rabbit is white.

4. Those shoes are ________. (milikku)

5. Tala saw many people at home. _________ are my relatives.

6. My sister has just arrived. _________ is coming to see me.

7. I lost my purse yesterday. A pickpocket stole ________ from ________.

8. I went home by _______ last night. (sendiri)

9. I hate ________. (dia laki-laki)

10. I ___________ believe that the proposal is good.

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