Teaching English Through English Movie - Advantages and Disadvantages

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Armilia Sari

Bastian Sugandi

Abstract: Technological advances in globalization era demand all English

teachers to be more creative and innovative in using instructional media.
Movie or film is one of audio-visual media that teachers can use to improve
students¶ English skills. There are some advantages of using English movie in
English teaching. For example, movie can keep students¶ interest in learning
English, movie cDQLPSURYHVWXGHQW¶VOLVWHQLQJand speaking skills, and movie
FDQ LPSURYH VWXGHQW¶V SURQXQFLDWLRQ and vocabulary. However, teaching
English through English movie also has some bad effects or disadvantages.
For example, it takes long time to watch a movie so that students may get
bored, students prefer watching actors or actresses to focusing on the main
instructional goal, fiction movie can cause students think and imagine
something illogically, and movie can cause students imitate bad scenes from
the actors or actresses. To overcome the bad impacts of movie, English
teachers should consider some solutions. For example, teachers should use
short English movie to save time in learning, teachers should always remind
students the main instructional goal before and after watching the movie,
teachers should select a good educational English movie.
Key words: Teaching English through movie, advantages, disadvantages

Since long time ago till now, English natural environment where English is
is considered as one of the most spoken every day like in England and
important languages to learn. United State.
Nowadays English has become more In Indonesia, English is taught
necessary to learn. It is because the as a foreign language (EFL) from
globalization has been growing rapidly kindergarten to university. Just the
and it brings a big challenge for the same as the other countries, the
future generation. Almost every teaching of English in Indonesia aims
country all over the world learns to develop four skills of language,
English, including Indonesia. reading, listening, speaking, and
However, teaching English in a non- writing. Since it is not easy to interest
English-speaking like in Indonesia students in improving the four skills of
must be different from teaching language, English teachers should plan
English in a native country or in the lesson as maximal as possible. The

teaching of English should be active, Alberta (2013, p.14) stated
innovative, creative, educative, and English movies usually subordinate
enjoyable. narrative technique to keep the
In order to deepen teaching audience focused on character and
reform and improve teaching quality, a story. This characteristic opens the
wide variety of teaching methods opportunity for English teachers in
should be used in the EFL classroom. Indonesia to bring movies into EFL
English teachers are not only classroom since the current curriculum
demanded to be creative in applying a (Curriculum 2013) emphasizes on
learning methods or strategies, but genre-based texts as English subject
also in using instructional media. material, and one of them is narrative
Since technology is an excellent genre. Teachers of English can use
method to reinforce and transform dull some kind of narrative English movies
lessons into attention-grabbing and such as action, drama, comedy,
motivating learning experiences, romantic, horror, science fiction,
English teachers should use interesting suspense or thriller, commentary,
technological media in the classroom. nonfiction, etcetera.
There are many technological media
that can be used in EFL classroom ADVANTAGES OF USING
such as websites, songs, games, cards, ENGLISH MOVIES
magazine, et cetera. Movie or film is There are many advantages of
one of instructional media that can be using English movie in EFL
used by English teachers to improve classroom. First, movies can keep
Mirvan (2013, p.62) stated that Using
TEACHING ENGLISH THROUGH English movies in the EFL classroom
ENGLISH MOVIES was new and very pleasant experience
Movies can be an entertaining for the students. The students enjoyed
and motivating tool for students. the assigned activities in the
Using movies has brought classroom. Students were more
authenticity, variety, reality and motivated to see and hear real life
flexibility into EFL classrooms. situation than to follow the activities
Movies provide the learners with real- in the text book. They gave impression
life language input, which may be that movies also provided a relaxed
difficult to receive otherwise in a non- atmosphere.
English-speaking environment. Second, movies can improve
Ruusunen (2011,p.13) explains that VWXGHQW¶VOLVWHQLQJVNLOO,QWKLVFDVHLW
there are several reasons to use is better for English teachers to play
English movies in EFL classroom. English movies with English subtitles.
Some of these reasons are authenticity, Rokni and Azzam (2014, p.721) stated
the quality and amount of input that movies with English subtitles had
provided by movies and the several a significantly positive effect on the
positive effects that movies have on students' listening skill compared to
language learning, for instance the the movies with no subtitles. Students
exposure to foreign language and the can listen to English being used in a
entertaining aspect of films which also very natural way. Some actors and
DIIHFWVVWXGHQWV¶PRWLYDWLRQ actress may speak too fast so that it is
difficult for students to understand

what they are talking about, but it will stress patterns. Besides, they had
be a perfect way for students to listen better understanding in producing
to native speakers. Students can also unfamiliar sounds like /æ/ after
listen to informal English and slag watching English movies. Thus,
words and phrases that they often do 6WXGHQW¶V SURQXQFLDWLRQ GLIILFXOWLHV LQ
not find in books or dictionaries. mastering vowels, diphthongs, stress
Third, movie can improve and intonation could be decreased by
native speakers in English movies can Fifth, movie can improve
speaking skill, especially their fluency. with English subtitles can help
Students can watch English movies students to see how the words are
with their friends and speak about written. By watching English movies,
them afterwards. They can also find students listen to many new words and
movie scripts online and imitate what phrases, especially idioms and
the actors said in the movie. Then they colloquial expressions. Students can
can replay the movie to check whether keep a note book with them and
their pronunciation was correct or not. writing down any new words or
According to Kalean (2013, p.155) phrases they listen. They can look up
teaching English by using English the meaning later or ask their English
movie as media in the EFL classroom teachers. Putra (2012, p.2) states that
is a good way to teach the students when students are watching English
how to speak well by imitating the movies with English subtitles, they
actors and actress in the movie. can learn some new words and phrases
Students can listen how to link their used in the movies, and also help them
words together. to acquire new vocabulary and idioms.
Fourth, movies can improve
that English pronunciation is ENGLISH MOVIES
extremely difficult and when students As it is well known, everything
read words, it is very difficult for has its drawbacks. Aside from so
students to say the words. Listening to many advantages, the use of English
native English speakers talk to each movies in EFL classroom still has the
other can help students to hear how disadvantages or problems. First, it
words are pronounced. Students can takes long time to watch the movies so
know where to put intonation on that students may get bored. Using
certain words and sentences. Students English movies in the EFL classroom
can also distinguish and compare will reduce student¶s time to do
British and American style when the classroom activities such as writing or
actors are talking in the movies. having discussion. According to
Through her research, Pratiwi (2010, Mirvan (2013, p.65) a movie generally
p.140) reported that English movies reduced active time into more than an
really affected students to comprehend hour so that it would be a boring time
pronunciation. Before students for students to finish the movie till the
watched English movies, the students end. In line with that, Champoux and
had some difficulties in English stress Robert (2007, p.247) stated that some
patterns. After they watched English students might resist viewing English
movies they were so good in English film with English subtitle since it is

take more time and effort to follow SOME SOLUTIONS TO
because they should read the subtitles OVERCOME THE
and watch the scenes at the same time. DISADVANTAGES OF USING
Second, students prefer watching ENGLISH MOVIES
actors or actresses to focusing on the To overcome the bad impacts
main instructional goal. Every student of movie, English teachers should
has their own favorite actors and consider the following solutions.
actress. When they watch a movie that First, teachers should use short
was starred by their favorite actors, English movie to save time in
they will focus on the actors, not on learning. There are some short
the main instructional goal. Students English movies that can be used by
will forget what the teacher asked English teachers in order that it does
before they watched the movie. Ying not take very long time from
and Zhang (2012, p.1011) states that classroom activities such as Endgame
the students may be attracted by the (with length time 8 minutes), The
actors and actress of the movie and Most Beautiful Things (with length
forgot the purpose and aim of time 11 minutes), Frozen Fever (with
watching the movie. While they are length time 8 minutes), Validation
watching the movie, they cannot pay (with length time 16 minutes), Alive
attention to their tasks.Third, fiction in Joburg (with length time 6
movies can make students think and minutes). Second, teachers should
imagine something illogically. As we always remind students the main
know, many English movies such as instructional goal before and after
Harry Potter, Narnia, Alice in Wonder watching the movie. English teachers
Land, and Peter Pan are not based on can always keep students
true story and illogical. Of course, It is concentration on their tasks by giving
RXW RI WHDFKHU¶V DELOLW\ WR FRQWURO WKH them answer sheet. English teachers
movie directors in producing movies. can also pause the movies when the
Bottomley and Richard (2013, p.5) students start not to focus and remind
states that after watching English them about their exercise. Third,
movies students sometimes imagine if WHDFKHUV VKRXOG FRQWURO VWXGHQW¶V
they were in a fairy tale world. They thinking, imagination, and emotional.
build their own fantasy and act like a English teachers should always
prince, a princess, a witch, or an angel. remind students that the movies they
Fourth, movies can make students watch are not real so that they do not
imitate bad scenes from the actors or be allowed to try the scenes at home.
actresses. As it is reported in some Fourth, teachers should select a good
news, many students become victims educational English movie. In
of bad effect of movies in every year. addition to selecting short English
There are some bad scenes of English movies, teachers also need to consider
movies that usually students imitate the value of movies. Since a good
such as fighting scenes, adult scenes, movie is a movie that contains good
smoking scenes, et cetera. Sargent moral value, teachers need to preview
(2005, p.350) reported that most of the movies first before playing the
Hollywood movies had a scene that movies in front of students the
showed the actor and actress were students. Beside short movies,
consuming cigarette. Endgame, The Most Beautiful Things,
Frozen Fever, Validation, Alive in

Joburg are also educational English Bootomley, J.&Richard Haill. (2013).
movies with good moral value. Using films to teach language
and culture. International
CONCLUSION Journal of Language and
Movie or film is one of audio- Culture,4(1), 1-6
visual media that can be used by
Champoux, J.E. & Robert, O.A.
English teachers WR LPSURYH VWXGHQW¶V
(2007). Film as a teaching
English skills. There are some
resource. Journal of
advantages of using English movies in
Management Inquiry, 8(2), 240-
English teaching, such as movies can
keep student¶s interest in learning
(QJOLVKPRYLHVFDQLPSURYHVWXGHQW¶V Kalean, I. (2013). Speaking skill
listening skill, movie can improve improvement by using movie as
student¶s speaking skill, movies can media. Educational Journal of
LPSURYH VWXGHQW¶V SURQXQFLDWLRQ, and Islamic University of Malang,
movie can improve student¶s 13(1), 155-160
vocabulary. However, teaching Mirvan. X. (2013). The advantages of
English through English movies also XVLQJILOPVWR HQKDQFHVWXGHQW¶V
has some bad effects or disadvantages, reading skills in the EFL
such as it takes long time to watch the classroom. Journal of Education
movies so that students may get bored, and Practice, 13(4), 62-67.
students prefer watching actors or
actresses to focusing on the main Pratiwi, M.R. (2010). Improving
instructional goal, fiction movies can pronunciation ability using
make students think and imagine English cartoon films.
something illogically, and movies can (Undergraduate thesis of Sebelas
make students imitate bad scenes from Maret University). Retrieved on
the actors or actresses. To overcome September 3rd, 2015
the bad impacts of movies, English Putra, I.P.B. (2012). Learning
teachers should consider some vocabulary using English
solutions such as teachers should use movies with subtitles in SMAK
short English movie to save time in Santo Yoseph. English
learning, teachers should always Educational Journal of Udayana
remind students the main instructional University, p.1-8.
goal before and after watching the
movies, teachers should control Rokni, S.J.A. & Azzam, J.A. (2014).
VWXGHQW¶V WKLQNLQg, imagination, and Movies in EFL clasrooms: With
emotional, and teachers should select a or without subtitles. The Dawn
good educational English movies. Journal, 3(1), 715-726.
Ruusunen, V. (2011). Using movies in
EFL teaching: the point of view
of teachers. (Undergraduate
REFERENCES thesis, English Department of
Alberta, L. (2013).Film as media to Jvaskyla University).Retrieved
learn English.English Language on August 20th, 2015 from
and Literature Education Study https://jyx.jyu.fi/dspace/bitstrem
Program Journal, 2(2), 11-17 Sargent, J. D. (2005). Smoking in
movies: Impact on adolescent

smoking. Adolescent Medical About the Authors:
Clinic Journal,16(3), 345-370. Armilia Sari is the student of the
Ying, W. & Zhang, H.F. (2012). The Graduate Program of Language
application of English movies in Education, Sriwijaya University.
higher vocational English Bastian Sugandi is the graduate of the
teaching. Sino-US English Graduate Program of Language
Teaching Jounal, 9(3), 1010- Education, Sriwijaya University. He is
1014. an English teacher at the MTS Negeri
2 Bandar Lampung.


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