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Physical Science
Learning Activity Sheets

Quarter 4: Week 1-7

Division of Angeles City

Name: _____________________________________
Section: ___________________________________ Date: ______________

Quarter 4 Week 1
Planetary Motion
Background Information:
Long time ago people have always wandered about the objects they see in the sky.
These celestial objects served as guide for the people’s lives because they thought them as
gods and the stars were used in navigation. The things happening in the sky were
perceived by people as divine messages. As time passed, many scientists and philosophers
became curious and gave explanation to their observations. Theories and models of the
universe have been proposed by Greeks based on their observations that lead to humans
beliefs in astronomy. During this time, there were two conflicting
models of the universe; the
Geocentric theory which stated that the Earth is the center of the
universe and the Heliocentric theory which considered that the sun
is the center of the universe. There were scientists who supported
the geocentric model like Eudoxus, Aristotle, and Ptolemy while
Aristarchus and Copernicus believed in Heliocentic theory. Aside
from them there are different scientists who became curious about
these two conflicting theories about the model of the universe and
began observing the motion of the celestial bodies and give evidences that supported the
theories that they studied.
The ideas about the spherical Earth was also argued at around 6th Century B.C. in
ancient time. One of the Scientists who supported the idea of a spherical Earth was
Aristotle. In order to proved his claim he provided physical and observational arguments
about this. He also observed that every portion of Earth tends toward the center and form a
sphere by convergence or compression. He also explained that the travelers going south
see southern constellations rise higher above the horizon and during the lunar eclipse, the
shadow of Earth on Moon is round. He also observed that the stars seen in Egypt and
Cyprus were not seen in the northerly regions and this could only happen in a curved
surface. Because of this explanation of Aristotle the Ancient Greeks believed that the Earth
is spherical.
Even before the invention of telescope, astronomers and ancient people have already
observed different astronomical phenomena particularly the things happening on the sun,
moon and the planets. The motion of th sun was studied by the ancient Babylonian and
Egyptian using a primitve way of sundial which they called as gnomon. Because of the
gnomon shadow casts they were able to observe the rising of the sun at the eastern part of
the sky and set at the western part of the sky. They also recorded that the points where the
sun rises and set on the horizon differ over year and it happens periodically. They assumed
that these differences are related to weather and seasonal changes in climate. Other
astronomical phenomena that was discovered before the advent of telescope are phases of
moon, lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, daily and annual motion of stars and planets like mercury,
venus, mars, jupiter and saturn.
Tycho Brahe made accurate measurements and observations of the position of stars,
sun, moon and the planets even before the invention of telescope. His innovations and
extensive collection of data in observational astronomy was obtained by his student
Johannes Kepler when he died. Using these observations, Johannes Kepler found that the
orbits of the planets followed three laws. He formulated the three laws of planetary motion
based on the data gathered by Tycho Brahe . Brahe believed in a model that the sun
orbiting the Earth but the other planets orbiting the sun, Kepler eventually used the data
gathered by Brahe to prove heliocentrism and to calculate the orbital laws. He also observed
that the orbits of the planets are ellipse with the sun at one focus thus formulating his first
law of planetary motion, the law of ellipses. Kepler also noticed an imaginary line drawn
from a planet to the sun swept out equal area of space in equal time, regardless of the
position of the planet from its orbit. He explained that the planet move faster when it is near
the sun and slower when it is far from the sun. this obesrvation led him to formulate his
second law of planetary motion which he called Law of equal areas. In his third law the law
of periods, He showed that there is a precise mathematical relationship between a planet’s
distance from the sun and the amouint of time it takes to revolve around the sun.
Competencies with Code:
1. Explain how the Greeks knew that the Earth is spherical S11/12PS -IVa -38
2. Cite examples of astronomical phenomena known to astronomers before the advent
of telescopes S11/12PS -IVa -4
3. Explain how Brahe’s innovations and extensive collection of data in observational
astronomy paved the way for Kepler’s discovery of his law of planetary motion.

Activity 1: CHOOSE ME!

Directions: Read and analyze the questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following statements explained that the earth is spherical?
A. the stars seen in Egypt and Cyprus were not seen in the northerly regions and
this could only happen in a curved surface.
B. the travelers going south see southern constellations rise higher above the
C. during the lunar eclipse, the shadow of Earth on Moon is round.
D. All of the above
2. The following are astronomical phenomenon observed before the advent of telescope
A. Elliptic orbit of planets
B. Lunar eclipse
C. Phases of moon
D. Solar eclipse
3. He proved that the Earth is spherical by providing physical and observational
A. Aristotle
B. Isaac Newton
C. Johannes Kepler
D. Tycho Brahe
4. What did Tycho Brahe believe as the center of our universe?
A. Earth
B. Moon
C. Star
D. Sun
5. What was the suggestion of Tycho Brahe about the model of the universe?
A. The Earth revolves around the sun but all other planets do not revolve around the
B. The sun revolves around the Earth but all other planets revolve around the Earth
B. The sun revolves around the Earth but all other planets revolve around the sun
C. The Earth revolves around the sun but all other planets revolve around the

6. What was the greatest contribution of Tycho Brahe to astronomy?

A. He made instruments to gather accurate data about the stars and planets
B. He suggested an idea about the epicycle and deferent motion of planets
C. He proved that the Earth is sphere
D. He invented the telescope
7. What will be the distance of a planet in its elliptical orbit when it travels fast?
A. at any point along its orbit
B. at the center of its orbit
C. farther from the sun
D. nearer to the sun
8. Which of the following best illustrates Kepler’s contribution to the orbit of the planets?

AB C. D.

9. How did Kepler develop his three laws of planetary motion?

A. He used the raw data collected by Tycho Brahe who made precise
observations of the planets and the sun.
B. He developed the ideas of the ancient Greek about the planets and the sun
C. He improved the celestial observation of Galileo to explain planetary motion
D. He used his observations about the planets and the sun
10. Which among the following is not included in the three laws of planetary motion
formulated by Kepler?
A. Law of Equal Areas
B. Law of Gravitation
C. Law of Ellipses
D. Law of Periods

Activity 2: ELABORATE ME!

Direction: Explain how the given astronomical phenomenon led to the discovery that the
Earth is spherical.
1. Convergence or compression
2. Lunar Eclipse
3. Southern Star Constellation
4. Stars seen in Egypt and Cyprus

Activity 3: DESCRIBE ME!

Directions: Describe in 5 – 7 sentences how Johannes Kepler used Brahe’s innovations

and extensive collection of data in observational astronomy in formulating his three laws of
planetary motion.

Write Your Answer Here

Activity 4: INCLUDE ME!

Directions: Share your understanding about the Three laws of planetary motion formulated
by Johannes Kepler.
1. Law of Ellipses
2. Law of Equal Areas
3. Law of Periods

Quarter 4 Week 2 ARISTOTLE


Motion, in physics, is change with time of the position or orientation of a body. There
are different types of motion, like the motion of a projectile which is the result of the tendency
of any object in motion to remain in motion at constant velocity is called horizontal motion.
While vertical motion is referred as the movement of the object against the gravitational
pull. It can also be a straight upward and downward motion. The projectile motion is a form
of motion experienced by an object or particle that is projected near the Earth’s surface and
moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. These different types of motion
were explained by the different scientists and gave greatest contribution in our
understanding about motion of an object.


The fall of a heavy object toward the center of
the earth is a natural motion because the object is just
returning to its natural place.
Heavy objects fall faster than lighter ones. He explained
that the increase in the rate of motion is proportional to
the weight of the object.
Objects fall faster in air than in water. He assumed that
the decrease in the rate of motion is in proportion to the
resisting force of the medium.
Objects sometimes move away from their natural forces.
He called this type of motion “violent motion” which he
explained was caused by an outside force.
Reasons why Aristotle’s theory survived for nearly two thousand years:
• The theory was consistent with common sense and observations.
• No other theories about motion were known during that time.
• The quantitative method of observation to prove the validity of the theory was not yet


Experimental findings of Galileo
The two objects (light and heavy), dropped
simultaneously from the tower of Pisa, fell and
struck the earth at the same time (more of a
When a ball was rolled down an inclined plane at
a fixed angle, the ratio of the distance covered to
the square of the corresponding time was always
the same.
When the angle of the inclination is changed the
constant also change. Galileo also extended his
third experimental result to larger angles like a
90o angle. At this angle of inclination, the motion
of the ball is the same as a freely falling object.
Galileo suggested that all objects on Earth in the absence of air resistance regardless
of weight will fall and reach the ground at the same time with the same acceleration. He
also stated that for uniformly accelerated motion, the object must have equal increments of
speed in equal time intervals.
Motion is relative because everything moves even things that appears to be at rest, to
describe motion properly we must check where the object was located with respect to a
given Reference Frame.


In his book “’PRINCIPIA”, wrote his ideas on forces
and motions based on Galileo’s work. His analysis
on the laws of motion was summarized in 3 laws.
Newton's first law, the law of inertia states that
every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion
in a straight line unless compelled to change its state
by the action of an external force.
The second law, law of acceleration states that the
force F is the product of an object's mass and its
acceleration a.
Law of interaction, the third law states that for
every action (force) in nature there is an equal and
opposite reaction
1. Compare and contrast the Aristotelian and
Galilean conceptions of vertical motion, horizontal motion, and projectile motion. S11/12PS
-IVc -46
2. explain how Galileo inferred that objects in vacuum fall with uniform acceleration, and
that force is not necessary to sustain horizontal motion. S11/12PS -IVc -47
3. Explain the subtle distinction between Newton’s 1st Law of Motion (or Law of Inertia)
and Galileo’s assertion that force is not necessary to sustain horizontal motion. S11/12PS-

Activity 1: COMPARE IT!

DIRECTIONS: Compare and contrast Aristotle’s and Galileo’s Concepts on motion using a
Venn Diagram.
Aristotle theory of motion Galileo’s theory of motion


Objects that fall to the ground from different heights move differently than objects that
change location on a surface. The first case of motion is called free fall and is an example of
linear motion with constant acceleration. On a theoretical basis, no real object on Earth
describes this kind of movement, because we consider free fall to happen when gravity is
the only force acting on the object. In this case, it would be independent of shape or mass
and would occur only in a vacuum where there is no friction force. On Earth, air (or any other
gas or fluid) exerts friction force on the object, changing the conditions of the fall. Yet over
short distance free fall activities, this friction force has minimal effect.
To measure the reaction time by catching a
ruler Materials: Calculator and ruler
1. Rest your arm on a table, with your hand beyond the edge. Have your mother/sibling
hold a ruler between your open thumb and forefinger at the 5cm mark.
2. Ask your mother/sibling to drop the stick without warning. Try to catch it by pinching
your fingers together. Make 3 trials.

3. Solve for the reaction time using the equation below:


d – refers to the distance and the unit is cm (centimeter)
t- the reaction time and the unit is s (second)

4. Calculate your fastest reaction time and your average reaction time. Complete the
table below:
Number of Trials Reaction Time
Trial 1 ______________
Trial 2 ______________
Trial 3 ______________
Average _____________

1. Upon doing the activity, is it hard to get your reaction time? What do you think is the
significance of getting your reaction time?

2. Based on the activity and background information, how can you differentiate free fall
motion to horizontal motion and vertical motion?

Activity 3: A SUDDEN FLICK!

Directions: Read, analyze, and do the given tasks. Answer the questions that follows.

1. Prepare a 5-peso coin, a playing card, and a glass.

2. Put the playing card at the mouth of the glass, then put the 5-peso coin at the center
of the playing card.
3. Give a quick flick at one corner of the playing card. Observe what will happen.

1. What happen when you flick the playing card?

2. How is this activity related to Newton’s first law of motion (law of inertia)?

3. Give at least three (3) practical application of the first law of motion and explain how the
1st law is applied.

Activity 4: CHOOSE ONE!

Direction: Choose the correct answer from the choices given. Write the letter of your
choice on the space provided.

_____1. Which Newton’s Laws of Motion states that the resultant force acting on the object
is related to the object’s mass and acceleration?
A. Acceleration B. Inertia C. Interaction D. Motion
______2. What is the term used for the tendency of a moving object to continue in a straight
line or stationary object remain in place?
A. Acceleration B. Inertia C. Force D. Reaction
______3. Which Newton’s Laws of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction?
A. Acceleration B. Inertia C. Interaction D. Motion
______4. It is a change with time of the position or orientation of a body.
A. Acceleration B. Force C. Mass D. Motion
______5. When a teacher stands in front of the class on the podium, the force of gravity
pulls her toward the podium. The podium pushes back with an equal and opposite
force. This is an example of which Newton’s Laws of Motion?
A. Acceleration B. Inertia C. Interaction D. Motion
______6. A moving object experiences 2 forces. One force is 4N downwards and the other
force is 4N upwards. According to Newton’s First Law:
A. The object will be stationary C. The object will not accelerate B. The object
has no mass D. The object will decrease in velocity ______7. Which of the
following is an example of an unbalanced force?

A. A car travelling down a road at constant speed

B. A car breaking at traffic lights
C. A book at rest on a tabletop
D. A ship floating in the sea
______8. Diego is standing on a skateboard and push against a wall. He slides in the
opposite direction (away from the wall) because he pushed on the wall, but the wall
pushed back on him with equal and opposite force. What law of motion is exhibited?
A. Acceleration B. Inertia C. Interaction D. Motion
_____9. It is referred as the movement of the object against the gravitational pull.
A. Horizontal motion C. Rotational motion
B. Projectile motion D. Vertical motion
_____10. It is the result of the tendency of any object in motion to remain in motion at
constant velocity.
A. Horizontal motion C. Rotational motion
B. Projectile motion D. Vertical motion

Quarter 4 Week 3 PROPERTIES

Light has always been known to have two properties, its wave property and particle
property. Light is a form of radiation, meaning it comes from a body source then it could
travel through space or through a medium going to another body. As light travels in space or
different mediums like gas molecules or through objects, it will affect the way it travels hence
could have different effects. The particle property of light is observed with the presence of
“photons” that are also known as bundles of light. For the wave property, light is part of the
electromagnetic spectrum that includes radio frequency in stereos and gamma rays that
are very dangerous to life forms. In the electromagnetic spectrum, the wavelengths for light
are found in the boundary that is called visible light.

Fig. 1 Electromagnetic spectrum and visible light

Propagation of Light
As light passes through space and different media, its travel could be
affected. Light could be slowed, dispersed, or blocked depending on the matter that it
will hit as it travels.

Refraction of Light
Refraction is when light, both wave and particle slow down as it passes through

matter. Waves move slower as it passes

through “transparent” objects like water. That is
why when you look objects through water they
are like “bent” or not in actual place where they
are seen like a pencil placed in a glass of water.
When photons pass through these objects like
prisms or a water droplet, they break out into
different colors. Because the different colors of
the visible light spectrum have different speeds
and wavelength, matter may slow
Fig. 2 Refraction of light them down hence breaking
them apart. This explains the “rainbow” phenomena when light passes through crystals or
when light hits the water vapor in the air creating a rainbow.
Reflection of Light
Reflection of light is the bouncing of light when it hits a smooth or “lustrous” surface
like a mirror. All light bounces and doesn’t affect the travel of light much. That is why your
reflection on the mirror is exactly how it is when you see it because light, as it is bounces
back to your eyes.

Light on objects
Objects could either be transparent, translucent, or opaque depending on the
material of the object. It is transparent if light is not changed as it passes through a material
like glass. An object is translucent if the color of the light changes as it passes through the
object, like stained glass in churches. Light could still pass but it will have a different shade
of color. An object is opaque if it blocks the light completely and casts a shadow.

Seeing Light
Our eyes see the light that is reflected towards it. If all colors of the light are reflected
on our eye, we see a bright, white light that may blind us. We see the colors of the light
based on what objects do with light. Objects have the capability to absorb or reflect light.
Just like in photosynthesis, the leaves absorb the red and blue light wavelengths and reflect
the green and yellow wavelengths. These reflected wavelengths are the colors that we see.
Not all wavelengths are could be seen by our eyes only those within the boundaries of the
visible light. Infrared which is below the wavelength of red could not be seen that is why we
cannot see a light when we use the remote control. Same is true for ultraviolet, which is
usually could not be see and this has higher energy that violet and violet is the last color in
the visible light spectrum.
The primary colors of the light are red, blue, and green. Combining two of the primary
lights would produce the secondary lights which are magenta, yellow, and cyan. Combining
all primary colors of light will produce the white light. This is because you merge all the
colors of the light which is originally, the white light. This could be observed in modern LED
lights and spotlights. When all light colors are switched on, white light will be produced. This
is different for pigment paints.
Paint pigments absorb other wavelengths and reflect the color that we see. If all
colors are mixed, we end up having a black color because all colors are absorbed. As you
mix pigment colors, the more pigments that absorb colors that is why mixing paints gives you
a darker color. Black absorbs all color, while white material reflects all colors reflecting white
light. When you see a red shirt, it means the color red is reflected and the other colors are
being absorbed.

Learning Competency
Describe how the propagation of light, reflection, and refraction are explained by the
wave model and the particle model of light. (S11/12PS-IVf-59)
Explain how the photon concept and the fact that the energy of a photon is directly
proportional to its frequency can be used to explain why red light is used in photographic
dark room, why we get easily sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in visible light, and how
we see colors. (S11/12PS-IVf-61)

Activity 1 – Light them UP!

Directions: Select 4 (Four) objects in your home or community. Use a flash light and let light
shine on those selected objects and answer the same way given in the example. (For Effect
select: Reflected, Refracted, Blocked, Transparent, Translucent, Opaque)

Ex. Glass of Water

Materials: Glass material (Silicon oxide) and water, glass is clear with no color
Observation: Light was able to pass but was bent. Rainbow appeared.
Effect: Transparent, Refracted
1. ________________________________ 3. ______________________________
________________________________ ______________________________
________________________________ ______________________________
________________________________ ______________________________

2. ________________________________ 4. ______________________________
________________________________ _____________________________
________________________________ ______________________________
________________________________ _____________________________

Activity 2 – Let’s DO THIS!

Direction: Write your answer on the space provided before the number. Select your answer
in the answer pool below.

________________1. This is an object that allows the passage of light but tends change the
light that exits through it.

________________2. A spectrum that includes the weak radio waves up to the strong
gamma waves. *

________________3. This is the transfer of energy from one body to another. *

________________4. These are also known as “bundles of light” *

________________5. This is what happens to light when it bounces on a smooth/lustrous

surface. *

________________6. This is what actually happens to the color that we DO NOT see on
objects. *

________________7. This happens when light passes through a transparent object making
travel of light slower hence making the viewed object displaced or bent.

________________8. What is produced when you combine all primary colors of light? *

________________9. This is a transparent object that slows the travel of light, in effect,
separates colors of the light and produces a rainbow. *

________________10. What is the wave that is weaker than the wavelength of red and is
commonly used in remote controlled devices? *
________________11. Objects that completely absorbs the light energy or blocks that path
of light. *

________________12. This is produced when light hits an opaque object. *

________________13. The light that we see is included in the electromagnetic spectrum as

what? *

________________14. Rainbows in the skies or produced by what? *

________________15. This color absorbs all colors of the light. *


Water Reflected Translucent Refraction

Prism Opaque Radiation White
Absorbed vapor Photon Black
Shado Infrared Visible light Electromagnetic Spectrum

Activity 3 – Mixing Colors

Directions: Using crayons, or coloring materials that could be blended and color the circles
based on what is indicated. Answer the following questions after coloring the circles. The
colors are the primary colors.

Red Yellow Blue Red

Red, Blue, Yellow
1. What are the identifiable colors that were produced while coloring these circles, what
kind of colors could be these?

2. What is the basic effect of light as you color the circles? Why is such thing happening
when you colored the circles?

3. Does this have the same effect with the colors of the light? Why? Explain your

Quarter 4 Week 4
Many scientists have been curious with what is the true property of the electron. Bohr,
Schrodinger, Rutherford have recognized the existence of the sub-atomic particle but were
only able to observe the energy it produces. But there were so many speculations on the
true nature and property of the electron. One speculation is that it behaves as a wave and is
also capable of producing waves. It is well known that because it can produce electricity and
magnetism, it can also produce waves. But an experiment also proves that electrons also
move as waves.
In Richard Feynman’s experiment double-slit thought-experiment, a specific material is
randomly directed at a wall which has two small slits that can be opened and closed at will,
some of the material gets blocked and some passes through the slits depending on which
ones are open.

When particles are fired at the wall with both slits open, they are more likely to hit the
backstop in one particular area, whereas waves interfere with each other and hit the
backstop at a number of different points with differing strength, creating what is known as an
interference pattern.
An interference patterns are
forms when waves collide when they
travel thus changing their direction,
strength, or movement. Unlike straight
lines, these disturbances scatter the
direction of these waves. Just like the ripples of water hits one another, the movement of
these waves are disturbed.
Defining Waves
Waves are disturbances, and
are formed and carried when an object
is disturbed and sends vibrations that disturb objects from one end to another. Waves carry
energy from one point to another without moving matter from one point to another. Some
things to remember about waves are the following: amplitude is the height and the depth of
the wave from the center or the resting point. Crest is the top wave of the formation and the
trough is the bottom wave of the formation. A wavelength is the distance between two crest
and two troughs. Frequency is the number of complete waves made per second and period
is the amount of time to complete one wave.
Light Wave Movement
When light passes through a triangular prism and produces a rainbow of colors, this is
known to be the dispersion of light. Dispersion of light takes place when white light passes
through such mediums and causes colors to separate. This happened because the travel of
light is further slowed down thus affecting the frequency of the colors, further separating
Light scattering is caused by ice crystals, dusts, and even blood cells. Light travels
on a straight path but when it hits a dust particulate or a droplet it changes the direction of
the light and also affects the light that could also change the color or effect of light. This is
the reason we have blue skies, halo around the sun or moon, and when we let the light pass
through our fingers.
We think of light as always
traveling in straight lines, but when light
waves pass near a barrier they tend to
bend around that barrier and become
spread out. Diffraction of light occurs
when a light wave passes by a corner
or through an opening or slit. A good
example of this is the diffraction of
sunlight by clouds that we often refer to
as a silver lining, with a beautiful sunset
over the ocean.

Learning Competency
Cite experimental evidence showing that electrons can behave like waves.
Differentiate dispersion, scattering, interference, and diffraction. (S11/12PS-IVh-65)

Activity 1: Waves of Questions

______1. His slit through experiment proved the wave property of the electron.
(a. Bohr b. Feynman c. Rutherford)
______2. What were observed to prove the wave pattern of the electrons? (a.
diffraction b. dispersion c. interference)
______3. What happens to the direction of movement when waves collide with one another?
(a. becomes straight b. changes c. destroyed)
______4. What happens to matter when waves travel? (a. consumed b.
destroyed c. not moved)
______5. Waves are generally what?
(a. disturbances b. lights c. radiation)
______6. This is the amount of time to complete one wave. (a. amplitude b.
frequency c. period)
______7. This is the number of waves completed in a given time. (a. amplitude
b. frequency c. period)
______8. An example of this is the colorful light when light hits a chandelier.
(a. diffraction b. dispersion c. scattering)
______9. This is the reason why the salty water lake in Australia is pink.
(a. diffraction b. dispersion c. scattering)
______10. This is the example of an aura that is seen in a silhouette of a person when bright
light is shone on that person.
(a. diffraction b. dispersion c. scattering)

Activity 1: See me WAVE!

Based on the background information, label the parts of the wave based on the picture





Activity 3: Do the WAVE!

Select 3 objects in your household and use a pen light or flashlight to shine a light
either through or on it. Select what phenomenon is observe, either diffraction, dispersion, or
scattering, then explain.
Example: 1. Thumb and pin light on phone
Effect: The thumb shines red orange when it covers the light from the phone.
Phenomenon: Scattering, the blood cells scatters the light through the thumb giving
it a reddish color all throughout.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
Quarter 4, Week 5

Background Information
Various natural phenomena can be explained by different properties of light. These
light phenomena are the following:

Reflection on a Spoon
The two surfaces of a metal spoon are examples
of a curved mirror. The front of the spoon that curves
inward represents a concave mirror while the back part
which bulges outward is the convex mirror. When light
rays hit the surface of a concave mirror, the rays tend to
meet or converge at the focal point of the mirror creating a
real and inverted image. When light rays strike a convex
mirror, the rays tend to scatter or diverge from the focal
point. This means the real rays will not meet and create
the image, but the imaginary ones will converge and
create the virtual and upright image.
Have you ever experienced seeing a
puddle of water where the sky is reflected on an
asphalt road a few meters in front of you while
walking on a hot sunny day? And then when you
pass over that part where the water is supposed to
be, there was none? This is referred to as heat
haze or a highway mirage.
A mirage is an interesting optical
phenomenon which creates a displaced image of
an object due to refraction of light. This happens
because the air just above the asphalt road has a higher temperature than the layer of air
above it. The differences in temperature cause differences in optical densities or refractive
indices of the different layers of air which bends or refracts light.
A filter can either be a colored glass or cellophane that absorbs certain frequencies
of visible light and transmits a particular color frequency that matches the filter's natural
frequency. Light transmission occurs when a transparent object allows light to pass
through it.
When white light hits a blue glass, the glass will absorb all the color frequencies
except for blue. On the other hand, when a red laser hits a green cellophane, the cellophane
will absorb the red light instead of transmitting it because their frequencies do not match.

Objects Under Sunlight and Artificial Light

The color of an object that we see depends on the reflected color frequency of visible
light that reaches our eyes. Different objects absorb and reflect different color frequencies.
For example, the petals of a yellow bell appear yellow because the petals absorb all the
color frequencies of white light except for yellow which is reflected. This means that a red
shirt will appear redder under an incandescent light than in a fluorescent light. In the same
way, a blue shirt will appear bluer under a fluorescent light. We see the objects' "true" colors
when they are illuminated by sunlight or daylight.
Dark Rain Clouds
Rain clouds appear dark because they are too thick that sunlight needs to pass
through a lot of water droplets and be absorbed before it can reach the observer’s eye.
Blue Sky and Red Sunset
The blue appearance of the sky is a
scattering phenomenon. As light moves
through the atmosphere, most of the longer
wavelengths pass through. However, most
of the shorter wavelengths, like blue,
interact, with the gas molecules and become
scattered in the atmosphere.
In a similar way, sunsets appear red
because sunlight travels a greater distance
as it reaches the horizon and encounters
more atmospheric particles, scattering
higher frequencies/ longer wavelengths of light until only the red light is

Haloes & Sundogs

Solar halo, which is also called gloriole,
icebow or nimbus, is a light phenomenon that
happens when light shines through clouds that
are composed of ice crystals. Light refracts upon
passing through the ice crystals and reflects
upon hitting the crystal’s faces; these events
cause the formation of the bright ring around the
Sun or Moon.
Sundogs, or parhelion (with the sun),
happen due to the refraction of light upon hitting the small crystals that make up cirrus or
cirrostratus clouds. These crystals are hexagonal in shape and with faces almost horizontal
upon drifting; these cause the formation of spots of light (sundog) on either side of the Sun,
or the Moon, when light strikes them at a minimum angle of 22 degrees as shown in the
image below. Since red light is the least refracted compared to blue this makes the inner
edge of a sundog to be red hued.

A rainbow is a light phenomenon formed from the combination of several light
properties like refraction, reflection, and dispersion. Rainbows are usually seen after rainfall
because they are formed when light strikes the scattered raindrops in the atmosphere.

• Primary rainbow – has red on the outside and violet on the inside.
• Secondary rainbow – sometimes visible, has the color reversed, violet in the
outside and red on the inside.
• Supernumery bows – narrow arcs inside the primary bows formed when raindrops
are very small and of uniform size.

Radio Pulses

Visible light is one of the seven electromagnetic (EM) waves. Another kind of EM
wave is the radio wave which is generally utilized for communication and transmission of
data regardless of the distance of the sender and recipient. Radio waves are normally made
by cosmic bodies or lightning yet can likewise be made misleadingly to fill its need.
In 1865, James Clerk Maxwell distributed his hypothesis about EM waves. As
indicated by Maxwell's hypothesis, EM waves move at the speed of light, c=3x108m/s, and
is made by oscillating electric and attractive fields moving opposite to one another, where a
changing electric field yields magnetic field and the other way around.

The primary individual to succeed was Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. In 1886, Hertz was able to
make the first man-made radio wave by utilizing induction coil, Leyden jar as a condenser
and a spark gap.
Hertz' First Transmission of Radio Waves
The poles of the spark gap are made up of two 2-cm
radius spheres. The picture on the left depicts the
image of Hertz’ set-up.
Inducing high voltage to the induction coil caused a
spark discharge between the spark gaps. Relating
this to Maxwell’s theory, , where changing electric
fields or attractive fields will deliver EM waves, Hertz
thought that at whatever point a flash is created, EM
waves will be sent. To check if this was true, he
created a receiver made of looped copper wire
whose ends were made of little handles with little
holes in the middle. He ran the analysis again and
saw that a spark was produced at the receiver loop,
which implies that EM waves were sent. His test was
the principal transmission and gathering of radio
The Speed of Electromagnetic Waves

To compute the speed of the EM waves, Hertz performed another investigation that
pointed the radiation into a wide metal sheet. A standing wave was formed from which he
was able to measure the distance between nodes which served as the wavelength (λ) of the
EM wave while the frequency (f) was determined from the frequency of the oscillator. From
these two amounts, Hertz was able to compute the speed of the EM wave (v=λf).

The speed of the EM wave was equal to the speed of light which filled in as a proof of
Maxwell's hypothesis. The recurrence of a wave, which is the quantity of cycles made in a
unit of time, was named hertz, out of appreciation for his name.

Learning Competency with Code:

1. Explain various light phenomena such as: (S11/12PS-IVh-66)
1.1. Your reflection on the concave and convex sides of a spoon looks different
1.2. Mirages
1.3. Light from a red laser passes more easily though red cellophane than green
1.4. Clothing of certain colors appear different in artificial light and in sunlight
1.5. Haloes, sundogs, primary rainbows, secondary rainbows, and supernumerary bows
1.6. Why clouds are usually white and rainclouds dark
1.7. Why the sky is blue, and sunsets are reddish
2. Describe how Hertz produced radio pulse (S11/12PS-IVi-68)

Activity 1: Experiment Time!

Direction: Perform the activity below. Provide your answers in 2-3 sentences for each item.
Write your answer in your answer sheets.
Material: Metal / Stainless Spoon

1. Look at yourself on the concave part of the spoon. (It is the part we use for scooping
food.). What is the position of your reflection? Explain your observation.
2. Look at yourself on the convex side of the spoon. (It is the back part of the spoon). What
is the position of your reflection? Explain your observation.
3. What caused the difference in the projection of your reflection on the concave and
convex side of the spoon? Explain

Activity 2: Let’s Check Your Understanding

Direction: In 2-3 sentences explain the following occurrence of light.

1. Mirage


2. Rainbow
3. Blue Sky and Red Sunsets


4. Halos and Sundogs


Activity 3: Brain Pulse!

Direction: Based on the lesson, explain how Heinrich Rudolf Hertz discovered/produced
radio pulses in his experiment.


Quarter 4, Week 6
Background Information
Newtonian mechanics also known as classical mechanics has concepts that do not
entirely agree with all known theories in Physics like Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory but
when Einstein presented his theory of special relativity, the conflict between these two great
ideas was resolved.

Newtonian or traditional mechanics examine the regular movement of the objects of

typical size around us including the force that causes these movements. The ideas under
Newtonian mechanics are mostly founded on ideas of Newton about movement which
accurately portrays the condition of movement of an item whether very still or moving in a
straight way and the powers that keep up and can cause changes in the body's conditions of

Maxwell's electromagnetic hypothesis comprises of four formulas assembled from

the various works of Faraday and different physicists that joins all the ideas of electricity and
magnetism and had the discoveries that electric and magnetic fields spread as waves. In
1886, Hertz demonstrated that these waves truly exist, and the spread speed of these waves
can be determined utilizing the formula:

c is the speed of light

ε_0 is the electric field constant

μ_0 is the magnetic field constant

Maxwell observed that the value of the above expression is equivalent to the speed
of light c (3.0 x 108 m/s) which implies that speed of light c must also be constant. This is
where the conflict between Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell’s theory starts.

If we consider a moving object of speed 100 m/s and placed a switched on flashlight
in it, according to Newtonian mechanics the speed of the light coming from the flashlight in
this scenario would be 100 m/s + c and this contradicts what Maxwell’s theory tells that
speed of light is a constant value. Which is true between these two concepts?

The hypothesis of special relativity proposed by Einstein in 1905 clarifies the issues
that involve motion of frames of reference at constant direct speed regarding each other and
depends on two hypotheses: (1) the laws of Physics are the equivalent in all inertial edges of
reference moving with consistent speed comparative with each other and (2) the speed of
light is the equivalent in all inertial edges of reference. The second postulate clearly tells that
Maxwell’s idea is correct but does mean Newtonian mechanics is wrong? Not absolutely,
however the postulates of Einstein revealed to us that Newtonian mechanics has limitations
to its application. In the event that we consider moving objects with speed exceptionally little
compared with the speed of light, Newtonian mechanics applies like the rates of a flying ball
and running vehicle however in the event that we consider speeds that is close to the speed
of light a new concept must be included in order to supply the limit of Newtonian mechanics
and that is the Lorentz transformation the counterpart of the Galilean transformation of the
Newtonian mechanics.

Learning Competency with Code:

1. Explain how special relativity resolved the conflict between Newtonian mechanics and
Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory (S11/12PS-IVi-69) Activity 1: Find Me!
Direction: Encircle the words related to the Theory of Special Relativity from the grid
provided below. A list of words has been provided after the grid.

Activity 2: Brain Pop!

Direction: In 2-3 sentences, answer the following items.

1. Explain Newtonian mechanics and electromagnetic theory.

2. Differentiate Newtonian Mechanics from Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory.
3. Explain how Theory of Special Relativity resolve the conflict between Newtonian
mechanics and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory.

Activity 3: Draw It!

Direction: Make a poster/illustration explaining the theory of special relativity that resolved
the conflict between Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory.
Special relativity applies to only special cases where frames of reference are in
constant and unchanging motion moving at relativistic speeds. Because of this, there is an
effect in the mass, the length and the time of objects that move at a very high speed close to
the speed of light.
Time Dilation
This refers to time that does not pass at the same rate for everyone. A fast-moving
observer measures time passing more slowly than a relatively stationary observer would
Consider a thought experiment involving a stationary light clock which consists of two
parallel mirrors and a beam of light reflecting back and forth between two mirrors. One “tick”
equals the time it would take for light to travel from one mirror to the other and back again.
This is the proper time and is denoted by “T0”.
Suppose an astronaut takes this light clock aboard a spaceship and travels horizontally with
a velocity denoted by “𝒗”. To the astronaut aboard the spaceship, the light pulse simply
goes up and down but for a stationary observer on the ground, he sees the light pulse to
travel a longer distance within a given time. The time measured by the astronaut aboard the
moving spaceship is the proper time interval denoted by “T0”, while the time interval
measured by a stationary observer on the ground is called dilated time interval denoted by


Where: T = dilated time interval
T0= proper time interval
V = speed of relative motion in m/s
C = speed of light in vacuum = 3 x 108 m/s

Sample Problem 1: The Twin Paradox

A 37 year-old astronaut boarded a spaceship to embarked on a space travel.
According to his twin brother on Earth, the voyage took ten years. If the velocity of
the spaceship was 0.75c (75% the speed of light), how many years have elapsed for
the astronaut on board the spaceship? While the twin brother is now 47 years old,
how old was the astronaut when he returns? 𝑇

𝑇 𝑇0

𝑇0 = (10 years
𝑇0 = 6.614 years

Although 10 years passed on Earth, only 6.614 years passed on the spaceship. The
astronaut is 43 years old when he returns from space travel while his twin brother is now 47
years old.
This refers to events that are simultaneous in one inertial reference frames but not
simultaneous in other inertial reference frames because time measured is no longer
absolute. Going back to the thought experiment, if a flash of light is emitted by the astronaut
standing at the middle of the moving spaceship, he would observe the emitted light to strike
the front wall and the back wall at the same time. However, this would not be the same for
an observer on the ground because the spaceship is moving relative to the stationary
observer. If the spaceship is moving to the right at a relativistic speed, the stationary
observer would observe the light to strike the back wall first since the back wall is moving
towards the light. Both observers measure the same speed of light.
Length Contraction
Another consequence of Einstein’s theory of special relativity is that the length of
objects moving at relativistic speeds undergoes a contraction along the dimension of motion
as measured by an observer in a reference frame that is moving with the object. An observer
at rest (relative to the moving object) would observe the moving object to be shorter in
length. The length contraction occurs only in the dimension along the direction of motion.
The contracted length (L) is calculated as:

Where 𝐿0 is the proper length
The cosmic speed limit is the speed of light. When we speed up, time relatively slows
down and space relatively contracts. At the speed of light, time completely stops, and space
completely flattens in the direction of motion. We cannot stop time or flatten space. This
explains why we cannot reach or go faster than this cosmic speed limit.
Mass – energy equivalence
A significant outcome of special relativity is the mass – energy equivalence given by the
following famous equation:
𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐2
General Relativity
Imagine yourself in a stationary elevator cabin, pick up an object and let it drop. You
will observe the object falls at an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2. Is it because you are situated in
the Earth’s gravitational field? Not necessarily so, you could be in deep space, far away from
external gravitational fields and that your elevator cabin aboard a rocket that travels at a rate
of 9.8 m/s2. This means that the effects of acceleration are equivalent to that of gravity.
The second fundamental principle of General Relativity is that the presence of curve
matter in space. Imagine setting a large body in the center of a trampoline. The large body
would naturally press down into the fabric causing it to curve. A marble rolled around the
fabric of trampoline would spiral inward towards the large body, the same way as gravity
does. With this, gravity is not classified as force, as being described by Newton, but a
curvature in the fabric of space, and objects respond to gravity by following the curvature of
space in the vicinity of a large object.
Consequences of General Relativity
Perihelion Shift of Mercury’s Orbit
Since Mercury orbits closest to the Sun, it is most affected by the distortion in the
fabric of space produced by the Sun’s mass. As Mercury orbits the Sun, it follows
approximately an elliptical path. It was found that the perihelion of Mercury changes as it
slowly moves around the Sun as shown in Figure 1. This rotation of the orbit is a precession.
The precession of the orbit does not happen to Mercury only but to all the planetary orbits.,
The effect of being produced by the pull of the
planets on one another was predicted in
Newton’s theory.

Figure 1. Artist’s version of the precession of

Mercury’s orbit. Most of the effect is due to the pull from the other planets but there is a
measurable effect due to the corrections to Newton’s theory predicted by the General Theory
of Relativity

Photo source: content/uploads/2016/01/WudkaGR-7.pdf

Gravitational Bending of Light
Bending of light due to gravity is another consequence of general relativity. The Solar
Eclipse of 1919 was the first opportunity for Einstein to test his calculations. British
Astrophysicist Sir Arthur Eddington observed the shift in the position of the Hyades cluster of
stars behind the occulted sun by mounting a pair of expeditions to West Africa and to Brazil.
Though not perfectly precise, Eddington's measurements clearly showed a deflection and
favored the larger value. This result made Einstein world-famous. This refers to the bending
of light due to the change of the speed of light as it passes through a refractive medium.
Massive objects can act as lenses because gravity can bend light.
Black Holes
Light is pulled by gravity just like rocks. Rocks can be put in orbits, but how about light?
Indeed, light can be put in orbits, but we need a very heavy object whose radius is very
small yet heavy, for example we need something as heavy as the sun but concentrated to a
radius of less than about 3 km. Going farther and imagine an object so massive and
compact that if we turn on a laser beam on its surface, gravity’s pull will bend it back towards
the surface. This means that since no light can leave this object it will appear perfectly black.
This is a black hole. An object which comes sufficiently close to a black hole will also
disappear into it since nothing moves faster than light if an object traps light it will also trap
everything else. A Black Hole is a large body of matter that is so dense that nothing can
escape its gravitational attraction. The effect of a black hole, like all gravitational effects,
decreases with distance. This means that there will be a boundary surrounding the black
hole that anything crossing it will not be able to leave the region near the black hole; this
boundary is called the black-hole horizon.
Speeds and Distances of Far-Off Objects
The astronomical unit AU is a convenient unit of expressing distances in the solar
system and is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun. One AU is 1.5 x 108 km
(9.3 x 107 mi). Using astronomical units, one can get a relative idea of planet distances from
the Sun. The distance coordinate is usually measured in astronomical unit, light-years, or
parsecs. It is calculated by multiplying the speed of light (3.00 x 105 km/s) by the number of
seconds in a year (3.16 x 107 s/y). One parsec, (pc) is defined as the distance to a star when
the star exhibits a parallax of 1 second of arc, where 1 second of arc is defined to be 1/3600
of 10. A parsec is related to a light-year by the following; (1 pc = 3.26 ly). To measure
distances to the nearest solar system objects, scientists have developed powerful radar to
bounce signals of Venus, Mars, Mercury, and even the sun. For more distant objects,
astronomers use an aged-old technique called geometric parallax that was first devised by
the Greeks in 300 BCE. Parallax is the apparent change in the position of an object due to
change in the way it is perceived. It is used in measuring distance of stars that are
approximately 300 light years away. In measuring parallax, astronomers compare the
change in position of a particular star after six months so that the Earth has moved two AU.
The slight shift of the image of the star after six months serves as the angles of an isosceles
triangle with the base as two AU and the length of the sides to the distance of the Earth to
the star.
The inverse square law describes the intensity of light at different distances from a
light source. The intensity of light changes in the same way in every different light source.
There is an inverse proportion between the intensity of light to the square of the distance.
This implies that as the distance from a light source increases, the intensity of light is a value
multiplied by 1/d2. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the inverse
square law is true for any other waves or rays on that spectrum, such as, radio waves,
microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet light, x rays, and gamma rays. The intensity of visible light is
expressed in candela units, while the intensity of other waves is expressed in Watts per
meter squared (W/m2).
When astronomers use this principle to measure distances, they refer to the method
as standard candles. Because the brightness of the candle decreases as the square of the
distance increases, the distance to the candle is determined. The figure below shows the
simple idea for this technique.
The cosmic distance ladder or the extragalactic distance scale is the succession of
methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects. A real direct
distance measurement of an astronomical object is possible only for those objects that are
"close enough" (within about a thousand parsecs) to Earth. The techniques for determining
distances to more distant objects are all based on various measured correlations between
methods that work at close distances and methods that work at larger distances. Several
methods rely on a standard candle, which is an astronomical object that has a known
The ladder (See
Figure 2) analogy arises
because no single technique
can measure distances at all
ranges encountered in
astronomy. Instead, one
method can be used to
measure nearby distances, a
second can be used to
measure nearby to
intermediate distances, and
so on. Each rung of the ladder provides information that can be used to determine the
distances at the next higher
Figure 2: The Cosmic Distance Ladder rung.
Photo Source:

Light green boxes: Technique applicable to star-forming galaxies.
Light blue boxes: Technique applicable to Population II galaxies.
Light Purple boxes: Geometric distance technique.
Light Red box: The planetary nebula luminosity function technique is
applicable to all populations of the Virgo Supercluster.
Solid black lines: Well calibrated ladder step.
Dashed black lines: Uncertain calibration ladder step.

The fundamental distance measurements are at the base of the ladder, in which
distances are determined directly, with no physical assumptions about the nature of the
object in question. As part of the discipline of astrometry, stellar positions are done with

Astronomers use Doppler Effect to estimate the speeds of far-off objects. It is the
shift in the wavelength of the emitted light of an object which is proportional to the speed with
which the object moves. Doppler Effect occurs when the star emitting light is moving with
respect to an observer.
𝜆 = 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ

𝜆 − 𝜆ₒ 𝑣 𝜆ₒ = 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ

𝜆ₒ 𝑐 V = speed of the object
V = speed of light

In 1931, Edwin Hubble observed that every galaxy he looked at, with the exception of
a few, are redshifted. This explains that these galaxies are moving away from us. According
to the Doppler Effect, a source of light moving away from us would have its frequency
decreased and the wavelength will therefore increase towards the red end of the visible
spectrum. The red shift of a distant galaxy is easily measured by comparing its spectrum
with a reference laboratory spectrum. The red shift of galaxies is a clear indication that the
universe is expanding. If the universe is expanding, then it must have been once very close
together. This was the first evidence suggesting that our universe was born from a single
point at about 14 billion years ago. Learning Competency and Code

1. Explain the consequences of the postulates of Special Relativity (e.g., relativity

of simultaneity, time dilation, length contraction, mass-energy equivalence, and
cosmic speed limit) Week 6-7 S11/12PS-IVi-j 70

2. Explain the consequences of the postulates of General Relativity (e.g., correct

predictions of shifts in the orbit of Mercury, gravitational bending of light, and black
holes) Week 7 S11/12PS-IVi-j-71

3. Explain how the speeds and distances of far-off objects are estimated (e.g.,
doppler effect and cosmic distance ladder) Week 8 S11/12PS-IVj-72
4. Explain how we know that we live in an expanding universe, which used to be
hot and is approximately 14billion years old.

Activity 1 -The Twin Paradox

Directions: Solve the problem to answer the question. Show all the Solutions.

Consider a pair of brothers, identical twins Jessie and James. James gets a job as an
astronaut and leaves Earth for a space voyage while Jessie decides to stay home. James
rockets to the stars at a high speed of 90% the speed of light. According to Jessie’s time, his
twin brother’s voyage took 40 years. Using the principle of Einstein's theory of relativity, the
traveling twin should return younger than his brother. How old would James be upon his return
to Earth?

Activity 2 - How Far? How Powerful?

Directions: Prove the inverse square relationship between distance and light intensity by
following the procedures of the experiment at home.
1. Gather the following materials at home.
•tape measure
•single-hole hole punch
•dark orange or dark red paper (at least 7 by 7cm)
•graphing calculator or computer to perform a power regression
2. Find a blank, flat wall to shine a light onto and a table or chair that can stabilize the
flashlight for this lab. If you have a blank wall near the end of a lab table, then put the
light on top of the table. You will need to be able to move the light (whether along the
table or by moving the chair) at least 1 meter closer to or away from the wall.
3. Use the hole punch to punch a hole in the center of the dark orange or red paper.
4. Tape the paper to the light end of the flashlight, making sure the hole is roughly
centered over the light.
5. Place the flashlight on the chair or table at least 10 cm from the wall. You can adjust it
with papers or books so that it is level (i.e., the light beam shines perpendicular on the
wall). Measure the distance from the wall to the hole on the front of the flashlight.
Record this distance in your data table.
6. Turn the flashlight on. You should see a distinct white circle projected on the wall. The
rest of the light emitted outside of this light should be a shade of the colored paper
taped to the flashlight.
Illustration of the lab set-up. (Credit: NASA/Imagine the Universe )

7. Take 3 different measurements of the diameter of the circle of white light on the wall.
HINT: Remember, the diameter of a circle is the longest measured chord from one
edge of the circle to the other. Therefore, you know you've got the diameter when you
hold one end of the tape measure on one side (edge) of the circle and get the largest
measured value by moving the other end of the tape measure along the other side.
8. Record these values in the data chart. Calculate the mean and record it as well.
9. Move the chair with the flashlight (or move along the table) about 20 cm further away
from the wall. Measure the distance from the wall to the hole on the front of the
flashlight. Record this distance on your data table.
10. Repeat steps 6-8 at least two more times.
11. Calculate the radius from each mean diameter. Record each calculation in the data
12. Calculate the area of the circle formed from each calculated radius. Record each
calculation in the data table. HINT: Area of a circle equals π r2.
13. In your graphics calculator, enter the distance from the hole to the wall as one list and
the area of each calculated circle as another list.
14. Plot the data in the lists as a scatter plot. What kind of relationship do you see?
15. Calculate a Power Regression equation on the two lists. What is the equation?

Activity 3 – Test Your Analysis

Directions: In the table below, write a summary on how to solve speeds and distances of
far-off objects (First column) and give your brief explanation in the second column.

Method/Technique in solving far-off Explanation/Equation

objects’ distances

Method/Technique in solving speed of Explanation/Equation

faroff objects


1.What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on the different
activities provided in the learning activity sheets for the whole second quarter?
2. What were some of my most challenging questions I encountered and what made them
3. What other Essential lessons did I learned, and how will I use them in my daily life?
Chaisson, Eric and Steve McMillan.1995. Astronomy: A Beginner’s Guide to the Universe. New
Jersey: Prentice –Hall Inc.
Fraknoi, Andrew, David Morrison, and Sydney Wolff. 2004. Voyages through the Universe, 3 rd ed.
Canada: Brooks/Cole.

Garlick, Mark A. 2008. Astronomy: A Visual Guide. China: Firefly Books Ltd.

Hetherington, Norriss S. 2006. Planetary Motion: A Historical Perspective. USA: Greenwood

Publishing Group.

Kirkpatrick, Larry D., and Gregory E. Francis. 2010. Physics A Conceptual World View, 7 th ed. USA:
Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

Nicholas, Giordano. 2013. College Physics: Reasoning and Relationships, 2 nd ed. USA: Brooks/Cole
Cengage Learning.

Ronan, Colin A. 1981. The Practical Astronomer. New York: MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Tippens, Paul E. 2007. Physics, 7th ed. New York: McGraw Hill.

Young, Hugh D. and Roger A. Freedman. 2012. University Physics with Modern Physics, 13 th ed.
California: Addison Wesley., accessed October 19, 2020,
accessed October 18, 2020,
accessed October 17, 2020, October 18,
Hsu, Thomas C. Foundations of Physical Science. Florida ed. Nashua, NH: CPO Science, 2011.

Institute of Physics. "Electrons behaving like a particle and a wave: Feynman's double-slit experiment
brought to life." ScienceDaily. (accessed
November 27, 2020)

Abramowitz, Mortimer, and Michael W. Davidson. "Diffraction of Light." The Physics of Light and Color
- Diffraction of Light | Olympus Life Science. Accessed November 27, 2020.

Alumaga, Marie Jessica B., Crisostomo, Ricardo M., Padolina, Ma. Crisanta D., and Padua, Alicia L.
2016. Physical Science. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Group Inc. 165-169.

Alumaga, Marie Jessica B., Crisostomo, Ricardo M., Padolina, Ma. Crisanta D., and Padua, Alicia L.
2-016. Physical Science. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Group Inc. 176-180.

Alumaga, Marie Jessica B., Crisostomo, Ricardo M., Padolina, Ma. Crisanta D., and Padua, Alicia L.
2016. Physical Science. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Group Inc. 183-185.

Dangel, Mercygel, Gorre, Dyna F, Udarbe, Leneth. DepEd Shared Options Learning Activities. Egdall,
Ira Mark, “Teaching Special Relativity to Lay Students”, accessed last June 15, 2020, The Physics
Teacher 52, 406 (201);

“Postulates of Special Relativity (high school) Physics – Draft”, accessed last June 15, 2020,
“Postulates of Special Relativity’, accessed last May 22, 2020,

Relativity”, accessed last June 16, 2020,

“Special Relativity Thought Experiment”, accessed last June 12, 2020,

Schaltegger, Joris, “How does special relativity resolve the conflict between Newtonian mechanics
and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory?”, accessed last June 9, 2020,

Hsu, Thomas C. Foundations of Physical Science. Florida ed. Nashua, NH: CPO Science, 2011.

1. D 3. A 5. B 7. C 9. A
2. A 4. A 6. A 8. D 10. B
ACTIVITY NUMBER 2: Elaborate Me!

1. Every portion of Earth tends toward the center and form a sphere by convergence or compression.
2. During lunar eclipse the shadow of Earth on moon is round.
3. The travelers going south see southern constellation rise higher above the horizon.
4. The stars seen in Egypt and Cyprus were not seen in the northerly region and this could not happen in a curved surface.
ACTIVITY NUMBER 3: Describe Me! Answer may Vary Sample Answer:


1.Law of Ellipses - the orbits of the planets are ellipse with the sun at one focus. The planets are not moving in perfect circles but
in elliptical orbits.
2. Law of Equal Areas- Kepler also noticed an imaginary line drawn from a planet to the sun swept out equal area of
space in equal time, regardless of the position of the planet from its orbit. He explained that the planet move faster when it is
near the sun and slower when it is far from the sun.

3. Law of periods, He showed that there is a precise mathematical relationship between a planet’s distance from the sun
and the amouint of time it takes to revolve around the sun.




Answers may vary.

Sample answer in #4

Number of Trials Reaction Time

Trial 1 0.45 s
Trial 2 0.32 s
Trial 3 0.28 s
Average 0.35 s
Question #1 Answers may vary.

Question #2: The projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by an object or particle that is projected near the Earth’s
surface and moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. While the motion of a projectile which is a result of the
tendency of any object in motion to remain in motion at constant velocity is called horizontal motion. Lastly, vertical motion is
referred as the movement of the object against the gravitational pull. It can also be a straight upward and downward motion.


Question 1: When the playing card was flicked the 5-peso coin fell inside the glass.
Question 2: The activity is related to Law of inertia because the coin on top of the playing card is at rest but when an
unbalanced force (flicking) is applied to the playing card it changes it state of motion (fell inside the glass). Question
3: Answers may vary
1. A 3. C 5. C 7. B 9. B
2. B 4. D 6. C 8. C 10. A

Activity 1
Answers may vary
Activity 2

1. Translucent 6. Absorbed 11. Opaque

2. Electromagnetic Spectrum 7. Refracted 12. Shadow
3. Radiation 8. White 13. Visible Light
4. Photon 9. Prism 14. Water Vapor
5. Reflected 10. Infrared 15. Black

Activity 3
Answers may vary

Activity 1
1. A 6. B 2.
B 7. C 3.
B 8. B
4. A 9. C
5. A 10. A
Activity 1

1. Crest
2. Amplitude
3. Trough
4. Wavelength

Resting point
Activity 3
Answers may vary

1. Inverted / Upside down
2. Distorted / Standing
3. Answers may vary. ( refer to the rubric for grading)


Answers may vary.

Rubric for answers in Activity 3 and 4.
5 points 4 points 3 point

Stays on topic 90-100% Answered Stays on topic 75-89% Hard to tell what the topic was
the question with complete Answered the question with some Answered the question with a
accuracy of details. Provided accuracy of details. few accuracies of details.
information in an organize and Provided information in somewhat Provided few organize and logical
clear logical presentation of ideas organize and clear logical presentations of ideas related to the
related to the topic. presentation of ideas related to the topic.
Answers may vary.
Rubric for answers in Activity 2 and 3.
5 points 4 points 3 point

Stays on topic 90-100% Stays on topic 75-89% Hard to tell what the topic was
Answered the question with complete Answered the question with some Answered the question with a few
accuracy of details. accuracy of details. accuracies of details.
Provided information in an organize Provided information in somewhat Provided few organize and logical
and clear logical presentation of organize and clear logical presentations of ideas related to the
ideas related to the topic. presentation of ideas related to the topic.


Activity 1 -The Twin Paradox James
would be 42 years old.
Activity 2 - How Far? How Powerful?
Answers may vary
Activity 3 – Test Your Analysis
Answers may vary
Prepared by:


Writer Writer


Writer Writer


Head Teacher – II Education Program Supervisor – I
Layout – Editor Evaluator

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