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Cause and effect structure words

One effect / consequence / result of (X) is …

One of the major causes of (X) is …

(X has happened). Therefore / because of this / for this reason, (Y has happened).

(X has happened); as a result / consequently / thus / hence / therefore, (Y has


(X) often leads to / produces / causes / results in …

(X) results from / stem from …..

(X) has happened because of / as a result of / due to / on account of / owing to …

(X) has happened because / as / since …

Because / As / Since (X) has happened, (Y has happened).

Sentence Clause connectors Others

Coordinators Subordinators

To For Because To result from + N

As Due to + N
a cause
Since The result of + N
or reason
The effect of + N

The consequence of + N

As a result of + N

As a consequence of + N

To As a result, So To result in + N
As a consequence, To cause + N
an effect
Therefore, To have an effect on + N
or result
Thus, To affect + N

Consequently, The cause of + N

The reason for + N

Structure and vocabulary aid

The cause of higher prices

reason for

The effect of an increase in higher prices

demand is
One consequence
to raise prices

The demand has increased. (;) Therefore, the prices are higher

As a result / consequence,



Because of this,



For this reason,

Because demand has increased, the prices are higher



Now that

An increase in demand often causes higher prices

results in

leads to


Higher prices are (often) caused by an increase in demand

due to

because of

The prices are higher because of an increase in demand

as a result of

on account of

owing to

because there is



because the demand has increased

When there is an increase in demand, prices rise


Causes Effects

Drug and unemployment cause crime


bring about

Drug use and inflation occur, producing crime

bringing about


Drunken driving and excessive cause road accidents

are a cause of

result in

lead to

Vehicles are driven by drunken As a result, accidents occur.
drivers and at excessive speed.
As a consequence,



Effects Causes

Crime is caused by drug use

is produced by

results from

is brought about by

Crime occurs mainly as a result of drug use

because of

due to

Road accidents are caused by drunken driving and excessive speed.

are due to

are a result of

are a consequence of

More examples:

 Worsening pollution levels in cities are due to the increased use of cars.
 Because of the increased use of cars, pollution levels in cities are worsening.
 As a result of the increased use of cars, pollution levels in cities are worsening.
 The effect of the increased use of cars is a worsening of pollution levels in cities.
 Cars are used increasingly for urban transport. As a consequence, pollution levels in
cities are worsening.

 Increased use of cars for urban transport adversely affects pollution levels in cities.
 Increased use of cars for urban transport is one of the causes of worsening
pollution levels in cities.

 As a result of smoking, he has health problems.

 Due to heavy rain, there were floods.
 Health problems stem from cigarette smoke.
 Flooding results from heavy rain.

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