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R M S Mitchell, M F Byrne, J Baillie

In the past decade, our understanding of the genetic basis, pathogenesis, and natural history of pancreatitis has grown
strikingly. In severe acute pancreatitis, intensive medical support and non-surgical intervention for complications keeps
patients alive; surgical drainage (necrosectomy) is reserved for patients with infected necrosis for whom supportive
measures have failed. Enteral feeding has largely replaced the parenteral route; controversy remains with respect to use
of prophylactic antibiotics. Although gene therapy for chronic pancreatitis is years away, our understanding of the roles
of gene mutations in hereditary and sporadic pancreatitis offers tantalising clues about the disorder’s pathogenesis. The
division between acute and chronic pancreatitis has always been blurred: now, genetics of the disorder suggest a
continuous range of disease rather than two separate entities. With recognition of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia,
we see that chronic pancreatitis is a premalignant disorder in some patients. Magnetic resonance cholangio-
pancreatography and endoscopic ultrasound are destined to replace endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
for many diagnostic indications in pancreatic disease.

Two entities of pancreatitis exist: acute and chronic. We peptide. In rats, this peptide has been used to localise the
discuss the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of each site of activation of trypsinogen within the pancreatic acinar
type of this disorder. cell to small cytoplasmic vacuoles.10,11 Several different
mechanisms prevent pancreatic autodigestion by activated
Pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis trypsin. These include: production of serine protease
Although risk factors for acute pancreatitis have been inhibitor Kazal type 1 (SPINK1; also known as pancreatic
known for some time, the pathophysiology is only now secretory trypsin inhibitor [PSTI]), which reversibly
being elucidated. Most patients with this disorder have inhibits activated trypsin; trypsin-activated trypsin-like
minimum organ dysfunction, and recovery is uneventful. enzymes—eg, mesotrypsin—that degrade trypsinogen; and
However, 10–15% of patients develop systemic bicarbonate-rich secretions, which are affected by abnormal
inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), leading to a production of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance
fulminant course with pancreatic necrosis and multiorgan receptor (CFTR). SPINK1 inhibits up to 20% of potential
failure. SIRS seems to be caused by activation of an trypsin within the pancreas in the event that trypsinogen
inflammatory cascade mediated by cytokines, becomes prematurely activated. The N34S mutation in
immunocytes, and the complement system. Inflammatory SPINK1, identified by Chen and colleagues,12 has been
cytokines cause macrophages to migrate into tissues distant reported in people with familial pancreatitis and in children
to the pancreas, including the lungs and kidneys. with idiopathic chronic pancreatitis,13,14 and in 2% of
Immunocytes attracted by cytokines released from control populations.13–15 Since SPINK1 mutations are much
macrophages release more cytokines, free radicals, and more common than pancreatitis, this protein probably acts
nitric oxide.1,2 Some of these cytokines are implicated in as a disease modifier, rather than causing pancreatitis by
disease progression—eg, interleukin 1 and tumour necrosis itself.
factor (TNF); interleukins 6 and 8 are useful for monitoring In 1996, Whitcomb and colleagues16 identified the third
course of disease.3 Administration of an antagonist of exon of the cationic trypsinogen gene on chromosome 7q35
interleukin 1 or anti-TNF has reduced severity and as the gene that causes hereditary pancreatitis. This
improved survival in rats with acute pancreatitis.4,5 disorder is autosomal dominant, and 80% of individuals
Although administration of interleukin 10 has been with the susceptibility gene develop recurrent acute
similarly effective in animals,6,7 its use in patients after pancreatitis; all those with penetrance (about 80%) develop
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) chronic pancreatitis, and up to 40% of those with
has produced conflicting results.8 Despite showing early hereditary pancreatitis could go on to develop pancreatic
promise in animals and people, the platelet-activating factor cancer.17,18 The clinical and pathological features of these
antagonist lexipafant probably has a clinically insignificant patients are identical to those of individuals with sporadic
effect on SIRS or mortality in severe acute pancreatitis.9 pancreatitis. The first mutation identified consisted of an
Inappropriate activation of the proteolytic enzyme trypsin arginine to histidine substitution at codon 122 (R122H);
is thought to be the initial step in development of this mutation causes a conformational change in the
pancreatitis. Trypsinogen is activated through hydrolysis of
an N-terminal peptide called trypsinogen-activating Search strategy and selection criteria
We did a Medline search of reports published in English, with
Lancet 2003; 361: 1447–55
the keywords acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis,
hereditary pancreatitis, idiopathic pancreatitis, CFTR, SPINK,
Division of Gastroenterology, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC, USA (R M S Mitchell MBBCh, M F Byrne MD,
cationic trypsinogen, pancreatic cancer. We reviewed the
Prof J Baillie MBChB) Cochrane database with respect to enteral versus parenteral
feeding in acute pancreatitis. To evaluate treatments for acute
Correspondence to: Prof John Baillie, Box 3189 Duke South,
and chronic pancreatitis, we concentrated on data from
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
prospective randomised clinical trials.

THE LANCET • Vol 361 • April 26, 2003 • 1447

For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.

3-dimensional structure of the trypsinogen-SPINK1 either CT or ultrasound of the pancreas and biliary tree
complex and might impair activity of the SPINK1 defence leads to the correct diagnosis in 81–95% of patients.33,34
mechanism against activated trypsin.16,19 Further Amplification of time from onset of pain to measurement,35
mutations—eg, A16V, K23R, N291, N29T, R122C—have alcohol as the primary causal factor,36 and presence of
been identified in close proximity to the cationic trypsinogen hypertriglyceridaemia37 all reduce the sensitivity of serum
gene, which seem to confer susceptibility to hereditary amylase estimation.
pancreatitis. These gene defects could enhance trypsin Serum lipase concentration rises within 4–8 h of an
activity by promotion of autoactivation of trypsinogen or episode of acute pancreatitis, peaks at 24 h, and returns to
reduction of degradation of active trypsin.16,20 Many of these normal after 8–14 days,38 making it a useful diagnostic
mutations have been noted in patients with idiopathic method in patients presenting late (eg, >24 h from onset of
chronic pancreatitis that has no obvious hereditary pain). Lipase estimation is also more sensitive than that of
basis.16,21–25 amylase in alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis. Although
amplification of serum lipase concentration is not specific to
Risk factors and presentation of acute this disorder, a value greater than three times the upper limit
pancreatitis of normal excludes most non-pancreatic causes. Other
Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammatory process of the pancreatic enzymes, such as P-isoamylase, macroamylases,
pancreas, with variable involvement of peripancreatic tissues immunoreactive trypsinogen, and elastase are generally not
and remote organ systems.26 A range of morphological considered useful for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.
findings exists, from interstitial oedema in mild disease to
confluent areas of necrosis and haemorrhage in severe Establishment of severity
disease. In severe acute pancreatitis, multiorgan failure is the Prediction of the severity of an attack at the time of
usual cause of early death. Local complications of severe admission can be difficult. Several prognostic scoring
disease include pseudocyst, abscess, and pseudoaneurysm systems, with clinical, laboratory, and radiological criteria,
formation. Although overall mortality of acute pancreatitis have been proposed.39–41 Failure of pancreatic parenchyma
ranges from 2% to 10%,27 in 80% of patients the disorder is to enhance during the arterial phase of intravenous contrast-
mild and self-limiting, with minimum mortality. In severe enhanced CT indicates necrosis, which predicts a severe
disease, however, the mortality rate can be as high as 25% in attack, especially if more than 50% of the gland is involved.
the presence of infected pancreatic necrosis.28 Sepsis is the The so-called Balthazar Score predicting severity of acute
usual cause of late mortality in severe acute pancreatitis. pancreatitis is based on CT appearances, including presence
Gallstones are the leading cause of acute pancreatitis in or absence of necrosis.42 Development of the Atlanta
developed countries; including microlithiasis, gallstones can Classification for severity has allowed comparison between
account for more than 90% of cases worldwide. Alcohol trials and methodologies, and a more rational approach to
abuse is typically cited as a close second to gallstones; prediction of severity. This classification defines severe acute
however, whether acute alcoholic pancreatitis ever arises in pancreatitis on the basis of standard clinical manifestations,
the absence of chronic injury to the gland is hotly debated. a score of 3 or more with Ranson criteria, or a score of 8 or
Infrequent—but not rare—causes of the disorder include: more with APACHE II criteria, and evidence of organ
drug reaction (usually idiosyncratic); pancreatic and failure and intrapancreatic pathological findings—ie,
ampullary tumours; hypertriglyceridaemia; hypercalcaemia necrosis or interstitial pancreatitis.43 Other markers, such as
(almost always due to hyperparathyroidism); hypothermia; obesity, concentration of serum C-reactive protein (CRP),
congenital anomalies of pancreatic and biliary anatomy (eg, neutrophil elastase, pancreatitis-associated peptide,
choledochocele); trauma (including iatrogenic damage, interleukins 6, 8, 1, 10, and soluble TNF receptors, could
such as ERCP); and infectious or parasitic organisms. Rare have use in early prediction of severity. CRP concentration
causes include bites of certain spiders, scorpions, and the has independent prognostic value. A peak of more than
Gila Monster lizard. Cases without obvious cause are 210 mg/L on day 2–4, or more than 120 mg/L at the end of
referred to as idiopathic. The roles of sphincter of Oddi the first week, could be as predictive as the multiple factor
dysfunction, pancreas divisum, and bile crystals or sludge scoring systems.44 Urinary trypsinogen activation peptide,
are less clear. Advances in radiology and intensive medical which is released during activation of trypsinogen to trypsin,
management have led to a shift away from early surgery for has been shown to accurately predict severity of acute
pancreatic necrosis to treatment of local complications by pancreatitis 24 h after onset, and might be an appropriate
endoscopic29 or percutaneous30 methods, which is single marker for severity assessment in clinical practice.45
considered by some—including us—to have improved
survival.31 Treatment strategies in acute pancreatitis
Enteral nutrition
Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis Patients with mild acute pancreatitis can usually begin oral
Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis can be difficult, as shown by refeeding within a few days of onset of their pain. In severe
the many cases diagnosed at autopsy.32 The clinical history disease attributable to reduced oral intake and presence of a
of upper-abdominal pain and vomiting are characteristic of catabolic state, poor nutrition is a common and serious
several acute disorders. The signs of Cullen and Grey- problem.43,46–48 Early nutritional support may aid recovery.49
Turner (periumbilical and flank bruising, respectively) are One of the goals of this therapy is to avoid stimulation of the
rare, and can arise in any disease that causes retroperitoneal pancreas.50 Traditionally, this goal has been achieved by
haemorrhage. A rise in concentration of serum amylase is total parenteral nutrition; however, this method is
expected in acute pancreatitis, but this increase is not always expensive, and carries a risk of sepsis and metabolic
seen. Although normoamylasaemia has been said to arise in disturbances.49,51 Enteral feeding has been shown to be safe,
up to 30% of cases, by definition, the denominator cannot as effective as total parenteral nutrition, and well tolerated in
be known. We feel that normoamylasaemic pancreatitis severe acute pancreatitis.52,53 Enteral nutrition is less
probably arises in fewer than 10% of cases, some of which expensive than parenteral feeding, helps to maintain
undoubtedly show the rapid urinary clearance of amylase mucosal function, and limits absorption of endotoxins and
and missed (transient) amplification of serum amylase. cytokines from the gut.54,55 Pancreatic stimulation can be
Combination of the serum amylase value with results of avoided by placement of the enteral feeding tube distal to

1448 THE LANCET • Vol 361 • April 26, 2003 •

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the Treitz ligament. Unfortunately, proximal migration of illness, and 76% of patients in the no antibiotic group
the feeding tube and subsequent pancreatic stimulation can received an antibiotic at some point during their admission,
aggravate acute pancreatitis, and severe ileus preventing factors that could have skewed results. In the smallest of the
enteral feeding is common in the early stages of disease.56 three studies, Delcenserie and colleagues66 randomly
Partial ileus (manifest by reduced but not absent bowel allocated 23 consecutive patients ceftazidime, amikacin,
sounds) should not be deemed a contraindication to enteral and metronidazole, or no antibiotic. The incidence of
feeding; in this setting, patients frequently tolerate sepsis—but not mortality—was reduced in the antibiotic
continuous low-volume nasojejunal infusion. In our group. Results of a meta-analysis of these trials confirmed a
institution, we favour laparoscopic or combined endo- reduction in mortality in patients with severe acute
scopic-radiologic jejunostomy tube placement once patients pancreatitis treated with antibiotics.67
have shown that they can tolerate nasoenteral feedings for Buchler and colleagues68 reported that of ten different
5–7 days. Results of a randomised study of nasogastric antibiotics tested, only imipenem, ofloxacin, and
versus nasojejunal feeding in severe acute pancreatitis ciprofloxacin showed adequate tissue penetration and
suggested that nasogastric feeding may also be safe, since bactericidal properties to be useful in infected pancreatic
little difference in pain, analgesic requirements, serum CRP necrosis. Bassi and co-workers59 later randomly allocated
concentrations, or clinical outcome was reported between 60 patients with necrotising acute pancreatitis either
the two methods.57 Enteral feeding by nasojejunal tube or intravenous pefloxacin 400 mg twice daily or intravenous
percutaneous jejunostomy has largely replaced total imipenem 500 mg three times daily, starting within 120 h of
parenteral nutrition in the management of patients with diagnosis and continuing for 2 weeks. Pancreatic—but not
severely catabolic acute pancreatitis.58 extrapancreatic—sepsis was reduced in the imipenem
group, but mortality did not differ greatly between the two
Antibiotics groups. The importance of early initiation of antibiotics is
Use of antibiotics in severe acute pancreatitis remains unclear, but in a study, early imipenem-cilastatin therapy
contentious: there is concern that their routine use is leading seemed to substantially reduce the need for surgery and the
to a rise in drug-resistant or unusual organisms in overall number of major organ complications. Mortality was
pancreatic sepsis, and possibly even increased mortality also lowered, but did not differ significantly.69 An alternative
when antibiotics are used inappropriately.59 Results of strategy for prevention of translocation of bacteria from the
studies in the 1970s showed no benefit from routine gut into the pancreatic bed is selective decontamination:
antibiotic prophylaxis.60–62 However, the studies were conclusive data are absent, but some preliminary results
probably underpowered, because patients with mild acute have been reported from animals70 and work in human
pancreatitis, who have a low morbidity and mortality, were beings.71 At present, the standard of care dictates that
included. In severe disease, secondary infection of necrotic patients with acute pancreatitis complicated by necrosis
pancreatic parenchyma is the leading cause of late mortality should receive a prophylactic, broad-spectrum antibiotic,
(figure 1).63 typically imipenem.
In the past decade, three randomised studies comparing
antibiotics with no antibiotics in acute necrotising Therapeutic endoscopy in acute pancreatitis and its
pancreatitis have been done. Pederzoli and colleagues64 complications
randomly allocated 74 patients with necrotising pancreatitis Of four prospective randomised trials that have been
from six centres in Italy either imipenem 0·5 g every 8 h for reported, the two most methodologically sound showed
2 weeks or no antibiotic. Oral antibiotics were used after the benefit from early ERCP for bile-duct clearance in acute
2-week period if recovery was prolonged. In the imipenem gallstone (biliary) pancreatitis.72,73 Urgent ERCP is usually
group, a significant reduction in pancreatic and non- reserved for patients with acute cholangitis or progressive
pancreatic sepsis was noted, but not in surgical intervention, jaundice, to keep the yield at a maximum and thereby keep
multiorgan dysfunction, or death. In a Finnish study,65 the number of unnecessary procedures to a minimum.
60 patients with acute necrotising pancreatitis were ran- Pseudocysts complicate acute pancreatitis in fewer than 5%
domly allocated cefuroxime 4·5 g daily or no antibiotic. A of cases. Pseudocysts are peripancreatic fluid collections
significant reduction in septic complications and death was that develop a wall that does not have an epithelial layer;
seen in the antibiotic group. However, two patients in the they take 4–6 weeks to mature. Pseudocyst fluid usually has
no antibiotic group died very early in the course of their high amylase concentrations and low amounts of tumour
markers, such as CA19-9 and carcinoembryonic antigen. If
acute pseudocysts are uncomplicated, asymptomatic, and
not increasing in size on serial imaging, to withhold
intervention is preferable, since many of these pseudocysts
will resolve spontaneously. Otherwise, endoscopic,
percutaneous, or surgical drainage is indicated.
Reported success rates for endoscopic pseudocyst
drainage vary between 70% and 94%.74,75 Predrainage
ERCP to define pancreatic ductal anatomy is advisable.
Endoscopic transpapillary stent placement is a treatment
option when communication is shown between the
pseudocyst and the pancreatic duct.76 Contraindications to
endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts include
presence of an abscess or necrotic tissue within the cyst (a
necroma), gastric or duodenal varices, coagulopathy, and
excessive thickness (>1 cm) of the cyst wall. Use of endo-
scopic ultrasound to define safe access for endotherapy
Figure 1: Contrast-enhanced helical abdominal CT scan reduces the risk of life-threatening complications. Newer
showing severe necrotising pancreatitis echoendoscopes allow direct pseudocyst drainage without
Courtesy of Erik Paulson, Duke University Medical Center. the need for a separate endoscopic procedure.77

THE LANCET • Vol 361 • April 26, 2003 • 1449

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of cases are mild. In a large multicentre study, Freeman and

colleagues83 reported that 5·7% of outpatients needed
admission for complications of ERCP (mostly pancreatitis):
of these, 79% developed pain within 6 h of the procedure.
Post-ERCP pancreatitis has a similar clinical picture to
acute pancreatitis from other causes. How can post-ERCP
pancreatitis be recognised before the patient is sent home?
Narcotic analgesia used for endoscopy sedation frequently
masks early signs and symptoms of the disease. Serum
markers, such as 4-h amylase,84 interleukins 6
and 10,85 and serum and urinary trypsinogen 2 and
trypsinogen 2 ␣1 antitrypsin complex,86 have all proved
helpful in identification of post-ERCP pancreatitis in
clinical studies. However, at present, none of these markers
is in widespread use for prediction of disease.
Figure 2: Peroperative photograph showing the abdominal Trials assessing use of pharmacological agents in
incision for necrosectomy prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis have been largely
Courtesy of Douglas Tyler, Duke University Medical Center. disappointing. So far, only somatostatin,87 gabexate,88
octreotide,89 interleukin 10,90 and nafamostat have shown
Percutaneous drainage is done under ultrasound or CT any benefit, although most of the studies remain to be
guidance, and is useful to drain symptomatic peripancreatic validated elsewhere.
fluid collections, non-communicating pseudocysts, and
abscesses. Although endoscopic therapy is an option, Cause and presentation of chronic pancreatitis
especially for patients unfit for surgery, data from our Chronic pancreatitis is characterised by permanent damage
institution suggest that an operative approach is preferable of structure, function, or both because of progressive
for pseudocysts that communicate with the pancreatic inflammation.91 The early stage of the disease is
duct.78 Surgery is also preferred when diagnosis of a distinguished by recurrent bouts of acute pancreatitis,
pseudocyst is in doubt (eg, possible cystic neoplasm), when followed—generally many years later—by progressive
the pseudocyst is complex, and to manage fistulae. We are pancreatic exocrine and endocrine insufficiency and
not aware of any randomised trial comparing endoscopic sometimes calcification. In most patients, pain is the
treatment with percutaneous or surgical decompression for dominant symptom.92 Complications include pseudocyst
pancreatic pseudocysts. formation, pancreatic stones and strictures, biliary
strictures, duodenal stenosis, portal hypertension with
Timing of surgery after acute pancreatitis varices, and an amplified risk of pancreatic cancer.93,94 In
In patients with mild gallstone pancreatitis, many surgeons countries in Europe, around 70% of cases of chronic
choose to do cholecystectomy during the same admission to pancreatitis are thought to be caused by alcohol abuse. Less
avoid risk of recurrence. In severe acute pancreatitis, common causes include autoimmune disease, hypertriglyc-
cholecystectomy is typically delayed to allow resolution of eridaemia, hyperparathyroidism, tropical pancreatitis,
the inflammatory process and await improvement in the pancreas divisum, obstruction of the pancreatic duct by
patient’s nutritional state. Increasingly, only those with a tumour, and genetic abnormalities.95 The remaining patients
high likelihood of choledocholithiasis undergo precho- (10–30%) are classified as idiopathic.96,97 Chronic
lecystectomy ERCP. If an intraoperative cholangiogram pancreatitis usually presents in the 5–7th decades of life, but
shows a possible stone in the common bile duct, this stone some patients present before the age of 30 years.92
is dealt with by next-day ERCP. Laparoscopic bile-duct Historically, the progressive pancreatic failure of cystic
exploration for stones avoids the need for subsequent
ERCP, but is time-consuming and has not gained 7p22.3
widespread acceptance. Opinion on timing of surgery to
debride non-viable pancreas (necrosectomy) after acute
pancreatitis is clearly changing, at least in the USA. In our p
institution, for example, necrosectomy is usually reserved
for persistently febrile patients who fail to respond to broad-
spectrum antibiotics with or without percutaneous drainage 7p11.2
of fluid collections over 72 h or more (figure 2). 7q11.22

Post-ERCP pancreatitis
Pancreatitis complicates ERCP in 3% to more than 40% of
cases:79,80 risk is dependent on patients’ factors, such as age,
female sex, diameter of the common bile duct, previous q
post-ERCP pancreatitis, and technical factors, such as 7q31.2
performance of biliary or pancreatic sphincterotomy or
manometry, balloon dilation of the biliary sphincter,
difficult (traumatic) cannulation, repeated injections into
the pancreatic duct, and skill of the operator.79–81 A widely 7q36.3
used classification of post-ERCP complications was
proposed by Cotton.82 According to this classification, mild Figure 3: Artist’s impression of the cystic fibrosis
post-ERCP pancreatitis results in a hospital stay of transmembrane conductance regulator gene on human
1–3 nights, moderate disease needs 4–10 nights, and severe chromosome 7q31
disease leads to admission for more than 10 nights, or any Reprinted with permission of the US Department of Energy Human
surgical or radiological intervention, or death. About 90% Genome Program from

1450 THE LANCET • Vol 361 • April 26, 2003 •

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Patients with a compound heterozygote (severe/mild-

variable) genotype for CFTR seem to be at greatest risk for
pancreatitis, whereas their lung function is protected by
residual CFTR function from the mild-variable
mutation.102,103 In young patients with idiopathic chronic
pancreatitis, the combination of two CFTR mutations and
one SPINK1 mutation has been described.104 Because
SPINK1 is present in acinar cells and CFTR in ductal
epithelium, these genes could affect susceptibility to chronic
pancreatitis independently.105 However, intrapancreatic
protease activation attributable to the SPINK1 mutation
could contribute to pathogenesis of CFTR-related
Rights were not granted to include this
image in electronic media. Please refer Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis
to the printed journal. Imaging
Because of the difficulty of obtaining pancreatic tissue for
histological analysis in vivo, chronic pancreatitis is usually
diagnosed by pancreatic imaging with or without dynamic
tests of exocrine function. ERCP remains the gold standard
for diagnosis and staging of the disease. With sensitivity in
various series of 75–95%, and a specificity of 90% or more,
ERCP has been the most sensitive imaging tool for
diagnosing chronic pancreatitis during the past
30 years. However, it is invasive and carries significant
morbidity (3% to ⭓40%) and mortality (0·1–1·0%).
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP),
with or without secretin stimulation,106 is proving a useful
alternative to ERCP in many circumstances (figure 5). With
magnetic resonance technology, the pancreatic ductal
Figure 4: Artist’s impression of the cystic fibrosis anatomy and peripancreatic fluid collections are seen with
transmembrane conductance regulator protein heavily T2-weighted images; with different settings, with or
Reprinted with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Taken from without MRI contrast medium, the parenchyma can be
Lewis R. Human genetics: concepts and applications. Dubuque: assessed.107
Wm C Brown, 1994.
Quality, sensitivity, and specificity of MRCP varies
greatly between centres, and depends not only on the type
fibrosis has been judged a separate entity from chronic of scanner but also on the interest and skill of the operator.
pancreatitis, but in terms of genetic predisposition, some At present, most clinicians use MRCP as an alternative to
cases of the disease might represent a forme fruste of cystic ERCP, helical CT scanning, or both in selected cases. We
fibrosis (see below). predict that in the near future, MRCP will be used in place
of ERCP for most diagnostic reasons.
Pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis Endoscopic ultrasound has emerged as a sensitive
Mutations in the CFTR gene, identified in 1989, have been imaging technique in chronic pancreatitis. Wiersema and
associated with chronic pancreatitis (figure 3).98,99 CFTR colleagues prospectively assessed several pancreatic ductal
mutations cause impairment of cyclic AMP (cAMP)- and parenchymal abnormalities seen at ultrasound
regulated chloride channels of various organs, leading to compared with clinical, laboratory, and ERCP findings.108
inspissated secretions and blockage of ductal systems (figure Eight features on ultrasound were indicative of chronic
4). As well as the F508del mutation, more than 1000 other pancreatitis: if three or more were present, sensitivity,
mutations of CFTR of varying severity are described specificity, and accuracy of endoscopic ultrasound was
( Some of the so-
called mild mutations, such as R117H, cause pulmonary
disease of reduced severity: patients with this mutation are
generally pancreatic sufficient and have greatly improved
survival compared with the typical cystic fibrosis
phenotype.100 In the same issue of the New England Journal
of Medicine in 1998, two independent groups reported
an increased incidence of CFTR mutations in patients
with chronic pancreatitis compared with controls.98,99 In
134 patients with disease of mixed cause, Sharer and
colleagues99 noted 13·4% of patients with chronic
pancreatitis carried one common CFTR mutation
compared with 5·3% of controls. A 5T allele in intron 8,
which reduces amounts of functional CFTR by decreasing
mRNA levels, was seen twice as commonly as expected.
Cohn and co-workers98 studied 27 patients with idiopathic
pancreatitis and recorded common CFTR mutations in ten
(37%), including one patient with two mutant alleles. None Figure 5: Normal magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatogram
of the patients in either study fulfilled present criteria for The gallbladder, biliary tree and main pancreatic duct are clearly visible.
diagnosis of phenotypic cystic fibrosis.101 Courtesy of Erik Paulson, Duke University Medical Center.

THE LANCET • Vol 361 • April 26, 2003 • 1451

For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.

80%, 86%, and 86%, respectively. Results of subsequent pseudoaneurysm; an associated motility disorder; or
studies have confirmed these criteria in idiopathic recurrent development of malignancy. Amman and colleagues114
pancreatitis109 and in high-risk groups, in which presence of identified two different patterns of pain in a cohort of
pancreatic calcifications, number of criteria present, and patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis: short episodes
history of alcohol abuse were also independently predictive (<10 days) with long pain-free periods in between; and
of chronic pancreatitis.110 However, detection of subtle chronic persistent pain. Patients with chronic persistent
changes by endoscopic ultrasound might lead to pain had complications of chronic pancreatitis—eg,
overdiagnosis of the disease. pseudocyst formation or biliary obstruction—and all
The overall sensitivity of CT in diagnosis of chronic underwent surgery. None of the patients with short episodes
pancreatitis is 75–90%. It is especially useful for detection of of pain needed surgery. Many patients with chronic
focal pancreatic enlargement, parenchymal atrophy, pancreatitis and pain come to surgery for resection, ductal
calcification, pancreatic ductal dilatation, and pseudocysts. drainage procedures, or management of complications such
CT can also detect complications of chronic pancreatitis, as pseudocysts. Unfortunately, surgery is no guarantee of
including portal and splenic vein thrombosis, gastric varices, pain relief, especially in those patients who have become
splenic enlargement, fluid collections, and biliary narcotic-dependent.
obstruction. Although transabdominal ultrasound is Use of pancreatic enzymes for pain relief remains
inexpensive and easily available, it is insensitive for detec- controversial; trials of non-enteric-coated enzyme
tion of early disease. However, it is an excellent method for preparations have generally produced better results than
imaging fluid collections, such as pseudocysts, which are have those of enteric-coated preparations,115,116 particularly
generally aspirated or drained under ultrasound guidance. in patients with predominantly small duct disease.
Pancreatic enzyme supplements with snacks and meals and
Pancreatic function tests avoidance of dietary fat and alcohol are still the main
Aspiration and assay of duodenal contents after pancreatic lifestyle modifications we recommend to patients with
stimulation by secretin-cholecystokinin or a Lundh test chronic pancreatitis. Coeliac plexus neurolysis (chemical
meal is judged by some the gold standard for diagnosis of destruction of the nerve plexus) has proved disappointing,
pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Critics of dynamic testing especially in young adults and in patients who have
say that it rarely alters management: by the time a patient previously undergone surgery.117 Endoscopic ultrasound-
has grossly abnormal dynamic testing, their chronic guided coeliac plexus neurolysis, with steroids
pancreatitis is usually obvious clinically and radiologically. (triamcinolone) and local anaesthetic (bupivacaine) rather
A niche role for dynamic testing could be investigation of than absolute alcohol, seems safer and more effective than
patients with suspected minimum-change pancreatitis, for the CT-guided alternative.118 In skilled hands, thoracoscopic
which subtle loss of exocrine function might suggest sympathectomy can be very effective for intractable pain.
pancreatic injury not yet apparent on conventional imaging. Many patients with chronic pancreatitis become addicted to
Since standardisation of pancreatic function tests is difficult, narcotic analgesics; such patients benefit from management
these tests are rarely used outside major centres. Non- in a dedicated pain clinic. Non-narcotic modulators of
invasive tests, such as the bentiromide (PABA) test, faecal chronic pain, such as gabapentin, and selective serotonin
fat determination, and measurement of faecal pancreatic reuptake inhibitors (eg, paroxetine), should be considered
enzymes such as elastase and chymotrypsin, are limited by in difficult-to-manage pain syndromes associated with
difficulties in collection, insensitivity for early chronic chronic pancreatitis.
pancreatitis, and the occurrence of false-positive results.
Pancreatic endocrine dysfunction is a late event in this Exocrine and endocrine insufficiency
disease; investigation beyond fasting blood glucose A reduction in pancreatic enzyme output to less than 10%
estimation and a glucose tolerance test has not proved of normal is usually needed for maldigestion to occur.119 To
clinically relevant. ensure that an adequate dose of pancreatic enzymes reaches
the duodenum, gastric acid must be suppressed by an H2-
Treatment of chronic pancreatitis receptor antagonist or proton-pump inhibitor. Enzyme
The natural history of chronic pancreatitis is of episodic or supplements which have high lipase concentrations are
intractable abdominal pain, and progressive exocrine and effective, but have been associated with fibrosing small-
endocrine insufficiency. Pain is the main complaint of most bowel disease (diaphragm disease) and fibrosing
patients with the disease,111 although a few with late-onset colonopathy, especially in children with cystic fibrosis.120,121
idiopathic chronic pancreatitis are fortunate enough never Diabetes, usually insulin-dependent, eventually develops in
to have pain.97,112 Some patients with alcohol-induced 30–50% of patients with chronic pancreatitis,112 and can be
disease gain pain relief as their pancreas progressively difficult to manage, particularly in the presence of
atrophies. Development or worsening of pain in chronic continuing alcohol use and maldigestion.
pancreatitis could signal the presence of complications, such
as pseudocysts or biliary, duodenal, or colonic strictures.113 Non-surgical versus surgical approaches to complications
Chronic pancreatitis has been suggested to diminish over of chronic pancreatitis
time, with relief of symptoms. To most clinicians managing Symptomatic pseudocysts complicating chronic pancreatitis
the disease, the reality is that it is continuous but patients rarely resolve spontaneously.122 Management of pseudocysts
get used to their pain episodes and more adept at managing should be multidisciplinary. If the pseudocyst
them without emergency room visits or admissions. communicates with the pancreatic ductal system, surgery
could be the best option. If endoscopy if preferred,
Pain management transpapillary drainage might be effective,76 although in
Although the pathogenesis of pain in chronic pancreatitis is practice results are variable and less predictable than
incompletely understood, it has been attributed in varying the transgastric or transduodenal approach. If no
amounts to: increased intraductal pressure (so-called communication is present between the pseudocyst and the
pancreatic hypertension); perineural inflammation (so- pancreatic duct, endoscopic or percutaneous drainage
called pancreatic neuropathy); increased visceral frequently leads to resolution. Endoscopic clearance of
nocioception; space occupying lesions, eg, a pseudocyst or main pancreatic duct stones and dilation of ductal strictures

1452 THE LANCET • Vol 361 • April 26, 2003 •

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Jennifer Parsons Brumbaugh, MA

Normal PanIN-1A PanIN-1B PanIN-2 PanIN-3

tall columnar mucinous cells nuclear changes mitoses, luminal nuclei

flat papillary growth papillae lack stromal core

Figure 6: PanIN progression series

PanIN 3 lesions are papillary and show budding and necrosis of clusters of epithelial cells. Reprinted from Clinical Cancer Research 2000; 6: 2969–72,
with permission.

might have beneficial long-term results in some patients.123 References

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