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University of Technology and Applied Sciences

College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa

Department of Business Administration


Assignment – Year 1, Semester 2

Corona Virus (COVID19) and tourism

industry in Oman.

Course Coordinator: Dr. Mohammed Ali Obaid (Nizwa CAS)
Course Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali Obaid


Table of Contents
Corona virus at global and national levels:..................................................................................................4
positive and negative impacts of COVID19 on tourism industry in Oman:..................................................4
Roles of different stakeholders :..................................................................................................................5
Tourism Businesses:................................................................................................................................6
Local People:...........................................................................................................................................6
Media :....................................................................................................................................................7
Conclusion and recommendation :..............................................................................................................8
Reference :..................................................................................................................................................9

The world is living in an unfamiliar situation today, as most of the world's population has not
witnessed events similar to what happens today as a result of the epidemic known as Corona or
Covid 19, as this situation is exceptional in various aspects and will inevitably constitute a major
turning point in the history of humanity as a whole, not only because of its seriousness but
because of its dire effects on The economic, social and political level as well, as it is known that
the dangers of epidemics and diseases throughout the ages have raised many questions and
problems, and it is the same discussion that the Corona pandemic raises now as a global
epidemic, which directly affected international human, commercial and political transactions,
where The outbreak of the epidemic forced people to take a set of precautionary measures and
measures, isolation, quarantine, social distancing and travel bans, which negatively affected the
economy as it became in a state of severe recession and sudden contraction, and thus the
emergence of an unexpected global economic crisis.

Corona virus at global and national levels:
The sudden economic disruption caused by the new coronavirus is hugely devastating. For
example, the travel industry is an indicator of losses hitting economic sectors. Fears of contagion
on aircraft, and countries closing their borders, caused a major blow to the aviation sector, and in
response, airlines sharply reduced flights as they tried to maintain operational and financial
viability, and laid off employees. The measures taken by countries to combat the outbreak, such
as closing borders, isolation and quarantine, are important to saving people, but they will make
matters worse for the economy, and they will close one economic sector after another.
The world may witness the worst economic crisis, and these possibilities will depend on the
extent of the virus outbreak in terms of time and place, and the depth of the crisis that it will
cause. However, the longer the conflict against the Coronavirus continues, this leads to a decline
in the value of the financial assets of the investments made with the increasing debt crisis and
lack of production, which will inevitably lead to the emergence of economic bankruptcies and a
sudden collapse of the values and assets of many global stock exchanges due to the difficulty of
predicting the movement of markets. This will have great social and economic consequences and
tremendous pressure on governments to enhance economic and social stability through various
social measures and support programs to enhance economic and social stability, and support
growth to avoid entering into a severe economic downturn. These interventions reflect the
concern of governments that the Corona virus will destabilize the economic and social stability
of their countries. There is no doubt that the rescue and support programs for the affected
economic and social sectors will alleviate the suffering of many around the world, but the effect
of financial stimulus remains limited in reviving demand in a paralyzed economy and a world
that is under quarantine until the epidemic is gradually reduced, and there is no doubt that the
post-Corona world will differ from what it preceded.

The Coronavirus pandemic did not leave an economy for the Arab Gulf states but hit it and
caused many local losses, especially as it coincides with the collapse of oil prices, which caused
thousands of losses of their jobs, and affected many companies.
The Sultanate of Oman is among the Gulf countries that have been affected by the Corona
pandemic and the low oil prices, which prompted its leadership to take many rapid measures to
remedy the crisis and reduce the economic damage resulting from it, in order to cross that stage

positive and negative impacts of COVID19 on tourism industry in

The tourism sector is one of the sectors most affected by this pandemic, as many countries rely
on the tourism sector to support income and provide job opportunities for citizens, and the
Sultanate is not an exception, and tourism returns are not only economic, but also go beyond that
as an important tool linking the peoples of the world and their cultures.

Roles of different stakeholders :
The Heath Ministry also managed, in the early days, to discover cases of infection in the
Sultanate, to play its prevention, curative and knowledge role in coping with the Corona virus.
The Supreme Committee will be established, under the leadership of His Excellency Mr.
Hammoud bin Faisal Al Busaidi, to examine the process to deal with developments arising from
the propagation of the coronavirus.

Indeed, in addition to the membership of a number of Excellencies and Excellencies, a Minister

of the Interior has transferred the virus level to the national level in which participate, limit and
provide adequate conditions for citizens and residents and for Sultanate residents in connection
with the management of the virus. Arrange for the return of most of them to the country,
particularly students and bursaries that have taken place in recent days.

Since it was established, the Supreme Committee has been in permanent session and is
coordinating and integrating the various State institutions and agencies to take the steps it
considers necessary to restrict the spread of the virus and to address the infections that are
discovered and address what needs to be dealt with and organized by it. Cases in health at home
and at home who have to be insulated?

It is of profound significance, that His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al-Moudhim - may
God protect him - chaired one of the meetings of the Supreme Committee, and His Majesty
affirmed the support of the efforts of the Committee and the provision of all capabilities for it to
carry out its role and make every possible effort to contain and overcome the virus, stressing His
Majesty May God preserve and protect him - on the cooperation of the people of the homeland
and those residing in its good land.

Although the government is keen to deliver all medical supplies in order to cope with viruses and
treat diseases that need care and to enhance and enhance prevention steps, the medical supplies
required for this were imported via a number of Oman Air flights to China and food and
consumption in different provinces and states

Tourism Businesses:
The tourism sector in the world in general, and in the Sultanate of Oman in particular, is
currently experiencing a state of complete paralysis. Despite the efforts of policymakers around
the world to mitigate the economic impact of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,
the tourism sector will not be able to start a recovery until after the medical emergency is
brought under control and the travel bans are lifted safely. The longer this health crisis continues,
the more difficult it will be for companies to survive and their ability to survive, especially small
and medium-sized companies that make up a large proportion of the tourism sector, and the
number of affected workers increases accordingly.

Previously, many unaffected destinations invested in promotional campaigns to attract those who
still wanted to travel. But now it is clearly evident that marketing for any type of travel - even
locally - is irresponsible under the current circumstances. According to WHO directives, all of us
have a responsibility to carry out our duties to contribute to "controlling the curve of the spread
of this disease" and curbing its spread. This means reducing travel and all forms of contact,
including travel. Looking to the future prospects and realizing the gravity of the situation, the
sector and the international tourism destinations show an understanding of the sensitivity of this
situation and are working to build confidence.

Everyone, whether it be a cruise or a hotel stay, will have to change how they monitor and clean
the surroundings that guests interact with, and officials will need to inform guests of these
changes in order to increase their comfort level.

Local People:
It is imperative for the individual in this context to instill a spirit of responsibility within his
family, who are the first people to protect them and take care of their safety, especially the
elderly among them, so he urges all of them to adhere to the safety and prevention measures, and
he abides by this with them in all family events that arise, so he shares with them the joy And
happiness, as well as relieving them of worries and sorrows through safe means that protect his
family and relatives, and does not expose any of them to the danger of this epidemic.

This also includes the role of the individual in promoting prevention behavior within the scope of
his work and his job in the entity in which he works, by adhering to prevention measures, the

most important of which are wearing masks and physical distancing, and keenness on job
excellence through positive coexistence with this circumstance, so that indicators of achievement
rise, with giving, creativity and innovation, with prevention Safety is enhanced.

Media :
Media platforms in human hands presented the opinions of all specialists, scientists, politicians,
thinkers and analysts from different countries of the world, and the media did not exclude, as part
of their role, the issue of highlighting the political rivalries between some countries against the
background of the emergence of the epidemic.

Its open coverage was accompanied by awareness programs and direct advice that contributed to
a very high rate in avoiding disasters that could have occurred in other than society.
Could the masses of people have been aware of the danger of the virus on their lives and public
entities had it not been for the media, their soldiers and those in charge of them? Who knew that
home quarantine, for example, is one of the most important means of preventing HIV infection?
This has been proven by the experiences of countries and societies that committed themselves to

Conclusion and recommendation :
Finally, as long as there is a sense of culture, dedication and discipline that goes hand-in-hand
with mindfulness, Corona will not become a connection to understanding the spirit of tourism, so
that its relationship will create a stage of tourism co-existence with Corona, and lead to the
opening up of tourism without excluding activities in order to spend a fun trip. The domestic
tourism industry has gained certain lexicons and cultural milestones as a result of alienation, and
today it has overcome fair doubt as it shows that it is the nearest to and most committed to their
values and draws them. Or that the increasing propagation of this disease relies on the rules and
ethics of people and inhabitants, as well as on their influence over all decisions, processes and
decision . Procedures and decisions. The promise of preventive control, these decisions opened
the door for him to travel and roam in Oman.

-Develop transparent and systematic guidelines to ensure that hygiene and sanitation policies are
implemented successfully.

• Reuse models enable stakeholders to directly enforce sound hygiene and sanitation and have
more control over those systems.

• Ensure employees use single-use gloves/masks only as appropriate from a health point of view

• Sound maintenance implementing practices chemicals to prevent impacts Healthy people

(employees and guests) climate environmental protection.

Reference :

1- Kang-Xing Jin (December 18, 2020) Keeping People Safe and Informed About the Coronavirus ,accessed
13/4/2021(Soft copy) Website link

2- Heena Sahni, Hunny Sharma,( 2020) , Role of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic: Beneficial,
destructive, or reconstructive? , accessed 13/4/2021(Soft copy) Website link : https://www.ijam-;year=2020;volume=6;issue=2;spage=70;epage=75;aulast=Sahni

3- Tim Paydos, (April 3, 2020) The essential role of government during COVID-19 . accessed 13/4/2021(Soft
copy) Website link :

4- Ayesha Anwar, Meryem Malik, corresponding author , Vaneeza Raees, and Anjum Anwar (2020 Sep ) Role of
Mass Media and Public Health Communications in the COVID-19 Pandemic . accessed 13/4/2021(Soft copy)
Website link :

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