How To Solve A 2x2 Rubiks Cube

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How to Solve a 2x2 Rubiks Cube

By TheCubiks in LivingToys & Games



By TheCubiks
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About: I am a cuber and a gamer who likes the Fisher Cube, PS4 and XBOX 360 More About
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Step 1: Solving the White Side, Plus a Continuous Line

Around the Top
Start the white side on any side that has. a white piece. From there, you want to look at all the
white pieces on the cube. Match up the white pieces on the top by using the algorithm: Ri, Di,
R, D. You have to get all the white pieces on the top face, as well as having a continuous line
of green, red, blue, and purple (or black depending on your cube) right underneath the white
layer. Accomplishing this can be done with common sense, and figuring out where the
corners have to go in order to match up correctly.

Step 2: Solving the Yellow Layer

Now with the white side and colored layer completed, turn your cube over. If you have one
yellow piece, position that in the bottom left corner and do the following algorithm: R, U, Ri,
U, R, U2, Ri. (U2 is up 2 times. After the algorithm put the yellow piece(s) in the bottom left
again and do the algorithm again and keep doing this until the yellow side is complete.

Step 3: Orienting the Last Corners

Turn the cube until a pair of colors (like red or blue, that are together) matches up with a pair
of the same colors from under the white layer,creating a complete side. By now, you should
have 3 sides solved. LAST STEP: Turn that solved side (whatever color it is) to the back side
and do this algorithm: Ri, F, Ri, B2, R, Fi, Ri, B2, R2
Step 4: You're Done!!
Congratulations! You've completed the 2x2. You make now wave your hands in the air like
you just don't care. :) Your welcome.

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rubdoev made it!

Cuberfordays made it!

MackO2 made it!

micah6-8 made it!

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100 Discussions


2 years ago

Bad, bad bad tutorial.

Procedure not explained correctly, no pitfalls
are described and it also doesn't explain what its letter is leaving
the job for the people in the comments.

2 replies

8th Hokage

3 years ago

What do the letters for the algorithim R, U, Ri, U, R, U2, Ri mean?

1 reply

3 years ago

idont get it at all

1 reply


3 years ago

No idea what to do

2 replies


3 years ago

what does "F" and "B" mean?

also im confused about what it means by the "i" part of say as an example "Ri". Can
somebody tell me how to do the the parts where it says the "i"?

6 replies


1 year ago

I already knew how to solve it before this tutorial. Very bad explaination. the way to do the
yellow face requires a lot more knowledge than that.


2 years ago

I liked this one


2 years ago

This solution is terrible. The instructions are vague and misleading.

How to Solve a 2x2 Rubiks Cube by TheCubiks









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