Open Letter To Japan: The Legend of Hachiko - "The Most Faithful Dog"

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We are a group of people concerned about the fate of the animals inside the

Fukushima Exclusion Zone.

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Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan

Ryu Matsumoto, Minister of the Environment
Godochosha No. 5, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8975, Japan
tel: +81-(0)3-3581-3351

Dear Japanese Policy Makers:

We are writing you regarding the triple catastrophe the Japanese people have
recently suffered: the earthquake, the tsunami, and now the radiation.
As widely reported in the newspapers and television, the radioactive exclusion
zone was sealed April 21st, 2011, preventing the ongoing evacuation of
Japanese pets (companion animals) and livestock from the area within the
exclusion zone. The official announcement from CHIEF CABINET SECRETARY
EDANO is here:

This decision leaves many animals to simply starve or revert to the wild -- and
many animal owners even more distraught since they will never know the
ultimate fate of their pets and livestock. We must reduce both the human and
animal suffering and allow the rescues to continue. These search and rescue
teams are risking their own welfare, time, and money to evacuate these pets. Let
them continue and call for wider assistance from the international community.
The world can see the damage Japan sustained and is ready to help.

The Legend of Hachiko

Let us not forget the story of the most famous Japanese dog: Hachiko -- "the
faithful dog."

Hachiko (November 10, 1923–March 8, 1935), known in Japanese as "faithful

dog Hachiko" was an Akita dog born on a farm near the city of Odate, Akita
Prefecture, remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, even many
years after his owner's death.

Hachiko was given away after his master's death, but he routinely escaped,
returning again and again to his old home. Eventually, Hachiko apparently
realized that Professor Ueno no longer lived at the house. So he went to look for
his master at the train station where he had accompanied him so many times
before. Each day, Hachiko waited for the return of his owner.

The permanent fixture at the train station that was Hachiko attracted the
attention of other commuters. Many of the people who frequented the Shibuya
train station had seen Hachiko and Professor Ueno together each day. They
brought Hachiko treats and food to nourish him during his wait.

Just as the Shibuya people did for Hachiko years ago, we too must also
bring nourishment and safety to the animals abandoned inside the
exclusion zone.
Cultural Memories
The Japanese culture is also well known for its humility and humbleness, its lack
of crime, and safety of the citizens. However, committing these animals to an
unknown fate and preventing the safe and organized rescue of them is viewed as
cruelty by those monitoring the news reports.

Personally, we are surprised by this -- what other culture would make the most
effort to save these animals if not the Japanese? We are also surprised a
"positive injunction" against this government action has not been filed within
your legal system to retain access to the exclusion zone. Surely it must be illegal
to abandon these animals and prevent any assistance to them?

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its
animals are treated” -- Mahatma Gandhi. While no society is perfect in this
respect, we must all work toward improved animal husbandry to become both
better humans and guardians of the earth and the animals.


* Remember the story of Hachiko the most faithful Japanese dog!

* Let the legend of Hachiko teach us about loyalty and guide our future

* Be faithful to the loyal decedents of Hachiko, and to the abandoned

Fukushima animals.

Please immediately reconsider your decision to seal the pets

(companion animals) and livestock inside the exclusion zone.
Allow the continuation of ongoing work conducted by private Animal Search And
Rescue (SAR) teams to bring these animals safely out of the exclusion zone.
Work with groups like The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) -- who
are bringing together representatives to find a solution from: Japanese Ministry
of Environment, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA): APHIS Animal
Care and Wildlife Services, United States Army Veterinary Corps, veterinary and
toxicology experts, academics, and IFAW [1].

Show the WORLD that despite all the catastrophe and chaos of this triple event,
the Japanese spirit still stands for humanity, and the reduction of suffering -- be
it animal or human:

* Set the standard against which other cultures are measured during future
catastrophic events.

* Use your vast pools of academic knowledge and technical know-how to solve
this problem.

* Rescind your decision to seal these animals inside the zone and resurrect
them from this fate.

We know you can do it, you must simply choose the right path -- the
power is within your hands.

Signed, your friends and supporters in this critical time,

The Hachiko Coalition
Watch the Hachiko movie trailer:

Hachi: A Dog's Tale


Short list of Non-Profits and NGOs on the ground in Japan that are taking action
and need your support:

This open letter is not affiliated with any organization, simply a group of
concerned citizens.




Noriyuki Shikata
Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Public Relations/Director of Global Communications,
Prime Minister's Office!/norishikata
Twitter: @norishikata

Prime Minister's Office of Japan

Twitter: @JPN_PMO

John V. Roos

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